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Breaking news: suspect arrested — 39 Comments

  1. Homeland security is denying any arrest. Maybe just confusion. Or maybe they called the bowling alley to notify J-Nap, but she wants to finish up the pitcher of Bud and bag of Doritos before taking any calls.

  2. Salon bas an argicle shere ghey are hoping ita a whjte guy…
    Makescif easidr to construct ovens

    Ds are calling for ab end to pressure cookers
    No ricecooking in colorado
    And an snd to ballbearings

    Good thjng the women will save us!!!!!
    If not…. oh well

  3. Reuters images shows Zhongzheng FT2 wire … not that that means anything in particular.

    “FT2 on an electrical cord refers to the CSA (Canadian Standards Associations) test designation for wires and cables. FT2 is the minimum mandatory horizontal flame test for Flexible Cord. A burner flame is applied to a horizontal sample for five 15 second applications and must not exceed 100mm from end to end. There should also be no type of flame particles falling from the sample.”

  4. DTW — good observation. I wonder if it’s also EEx rated, or even Class I Div I? One mustn’t take chances with safety.

  5. outhpaw Says:
    April 17th, 2013 at 3:17 pm

    DTW – good observation. I wonder if it’s also EEx rated, or even Class I Div I? One mustn’t take chances with safety….”

    Yeah, no one would want a premature detonation, as happened with Bill Ayer’s buddies, now would we.

  6. One more comment. Looks like Tenergy has long been contacted by the authorities, as we would suspect.

    But that they figure there may be some potential for public blow-back once the leaked images receive general circulation.

    I doubt that anyone will call for the banning of multi-cell battery packs or hold them in any way responsible. Yet we can see the anticipatory sensitivity …


    “The News
    Everyone at Tenergy is deeply saddened by the recent events at the Boston Marathon. Our hearts and thoughts are with the victims, their families and the Boston community.”

  7. Most left outcits are putting caps that its a WHITE ME
    Toomany to list w my phone

    But uk press has been better
    Boston bomber is caught on camera: FBI reveals store footage shows ‘dark-skinned man in backwards hat’ planting second explosive moments before blasts tore through marathon crowds Officials say no one is in custody as yet Much of key video footage came from Lord and Taylor department store Shows the ‘dark-skinned’ suspect walking towards the mail box, dropping a package and walking away New crime scene photographs from the first blast confirms that a pressure cooker was used in the device Lid of pressure cooker found on rooftop of building 35 yards away Other photographs submitted to the FBI reveal the…

    We have touched up photos
    Leftsts blMjng gun cjlture
    The sequestratikn
    And secular odaying for a social juztice victim
    And reporting really badly

  8. Though CNN’s John King said sources told him it was a ‘dark-skinned man’, CBS reported that it was a white man who was wearing a black jacket, a gray hooded sweatshirt and a white or off-white baseball cap backwards. He is said to be six feet or 6-feet-2-inches tall with a medium build.


    So you can see its internally like germany bfore the war started as rhe scApegoTs are to always be blamed first

  9. Dustie…

    It’s video evident that this is no lone wolf atrocity.

    The video implication is that the perps are not of northern European ancestry, nor of African American ancestry, either.

    Other than being quickly spotted after the deed, their every move seems quasi-professional.

    Almost as if they were trained by the al Qods division of the IRGC as a rebuff to the West inre atomic weapons developments.

    Officialdom is certainly sitting on this investigation in every attempt to find the bottom of this particular rabbit hole. It may plumb very, very, very, deep.

    Iran loves to use cut-outs, stacked on cut-outs, stacked on cut-outs.

    We discovered this the hard way in Iraq. Many of the purported AQ ops turned out (many, many) months later to be al Qods gambits using Sunnis as cannon fodder for Shia aims.

    Such intelligence discoveries have not been broadcast to the world.

    Though Libya was deeply involved in the Pan Am bombing — the weight of the evidence was that Iran commissioned the attack as retaliation for the loss of its own jumbo jet (Iran Air flight 655 – 290 souls) over the Persian Gulf to USN missile fire. Essentially, it was a ‘contract hit’ between sovereign states.



    Iran went this route because anything more direct would prompt regime change by way of the USMC.

  10. Lib Investigates Rise Of Right-Wing Militias In Wake Of Boston Bombing, Rails Against 1st Amendment


    Mark Potok, a fellow with the Southern Poverty Law Center, appeared on MSNBC to discuss the rise of right-wing militias over the course of the Obama presidency in connection with the bombing of the Boston Marathon on Monday. He said that foreign nations view Americans as being “insane” for allowing hate speech to continue to be protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.


    “But the mere fact that both are being treated with the same amount of suspicion is a testament to the rapid rise in the number of home-grown extremist groups in the past ten years,” Wagner said

    She cited an SPLC graph which showed a spike in what she termed “conspiracy-minded, anti-government, quote unquote patriot groups” over the last four years.

    “The culture of extremism is on the rise,” Wagner observed in her interview with Potok. “What do you ascribe to that?”


    “The jump begins right in early 2009, and it’s dramatic — as you said, 813 percent,” Potok began. “So, that, I think obviously, is tied to the election of Barack Obama.”

    “I think the main driver of this growth is the election of our first black president and, more importantly, what that election represents,” Potok continued. He said that the projection that white Americans will become a minority by 2043 has contributed to the rise of extremist “patriot groups.” Potok added that the gun control debate “has raised the temperature even more.”

    Potok later said that the First Amendment contributes to this condition, because anyone can stand up and say “what would turn our country into a Garden of Eden is to kill all the Jews, for instance.” He said that Europeans and Canadians view American protections on speech as “quite insane.”

  11. I have theory–all crackpots are entitled to their theories. So, perhaps they do have someone. The DOJ was eager to get him into court and get some video of the perp walk, with statements by officials, and some political face time. So, they advertised the good news. Then someone overruled them, and pointed out that when they do that, and the scum lawyers up, the source of info about other contacts, future plans, etc. will dry up. So, they had to back off, and now the perp will disappear for awhile, maybe forever.

    The obvious weak point in my theory is that Obama, Holder, Big Sis and the others would have to take the hard road, the road less traveled by this crowd–and pass up a political advantage as well. How likely is that?

  12. Consider the MSM as clearly not equipped to report on anything except emanations of racism, sexism, and (pick-a)phobias. Consider CNN has made more false reports than not. Consider a year of Columbia School of Journalism training costs about $84,000.00 Consider the obscene amounts of money spent on and by the DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force), NSID (National Security Investigation Unit). Consider that in the annals of humanity, never has so much been spent to have so many left without a clue.

  13. “…in the annals of humanity, never has so much been spent to have so many left without a clue.”

    OK, George P. so wins this thread!

  14. The longer this goes on, the less I’ll be able to trust the “official” story, whatever it turns out to be.

  15. “The culture of extremism is on the rise,” Wagner observed in her interview with Potok. “What do you ascribe to that?”

    Gee, I dunno. Maybe the rise of an extremist government?

  16. To “Kustie the Klown” at 3:08 pm :

    Impressive. I saw a few of those photos today, but not most of them. And none of those ‘annotated’ shots. Can you tell us where they come from?

    I may just be “behind the curve” here ( I was pretty busy at work today), but some of these photos and particularly those “visual aids” — looked truly “special”. Where’d you get ’em?

    Neo, and all– have you looked through these? Maybe BS but if it is, it’s damned good BS.

    Art: your link to the Daily Mail site in the UK is good as well, but Kustie’s link seems to show things in a new light. To me, at least.

  17. carl (et al) — I can’t claim any credit, i found that somewhere in the haystack that is the Ace of Spades comment section earlier today.

    Rumor is that the collage is the handiwork of “Anonymous”, who have been scouring various crowdsourcing sites like reddit, and compiling a composite of the information found.

    They are so far ahead of the FBI it’s not even funny. Unless the FBI knows too. Who knows?

    I like to think of these people as “We the people” or perhaps better yet the Army of Davids.

    To me it is incontrovertible evidence of who are perps are. Now you know too. And we can all watch the “revelations” unfold in the low information world. We are now not only ad hoc government watchdogs, we are also on the cutting edge of real time observation of media incompetence / malpractice / (malice) for future generations of engaged americans.

  18. As far as the “stars” of that montage, why these obvious “persons of interest” don’t have their mugs currently gracing every TV in the nation is beyond me.

    Since we don’t guard our borders, it’s a fair bet at this point that they are no longer in the country. It was decided, extralegally, not to enforce the many laws we the people have enacted to ensure that our government performs this task.

    And then going beyond that, it gives one pause to wonder about the curious situation we face vis a vis the Department of Homeland Security. If Homeland cannot properly analyze and disseminate information easily ascertainable from public sources; and furthermore with the many implements of surveillance onhand at the bombing site, that it apparently cannot in real time analyze clues that are literally screaming out from the tapes, then what exactly is its purpose?

  19. Kustie that is an interesting collection.
    General comment on the reporting and talking heads who are allegedly speaking on behalf of the FBI and law enforcement — looks like a 3 ring circus and makes no sense at all.
    For inexplicable reasons, the media keeps reporting that law enforcement has pictures of 2 suspects, probably from that collection of photos or a similar one, but don’t want to show them for fear it will spook them, Does the FBI believe the bombers are out and about, unaware that anyone is upset about the bombs? Wouldn’t a reasonably intelligent criminal already be in a state of hyper paranoia? Why wouldn’t they want us to know who to look for? On one hand, they want tips, photos, information, anything they can get, but now they claim to have a couple of suspects in their sights, and they don’t need or want any help. Seems to me if they REALLY believed they had suspects they wanted to round up, they’d post the pictures everywhere. This sounds more like a fishing expedition – using the media to possibly flush somebody out.
    Anyway, I thought the FBI was a pretty smart bunch, but I have to wonder when I see an FBI professional spokesman deliver this brilliant and insightful nugget, with a gravely serious demeanor:
    “someone knows who did this”. Taken in any context, that is a magnificent grasp of the obvious. I cannot believe these are serious comments coming from the FBI, and they MUST know more than this drivel they’re feeding the media.

  20. Southpaw, on what basis would you make that assumption re the FBI?

    BTW, my photo montage just hit drudge a few minutes ago.

  21. As Rush stated today, the fate of the regime hangs on the skin color of the bomber.

    Fire for effect.

  22. Judging from Kusties photos, I’d go full-on “profiling” and “stereotyping” and say that the bombers were Iranian special forces types who were sent by the mullahs to blackmail the U.S. government.

    The mullahs note was worded something like this: “See, we blow up people anytime, anywhere, using operators with any physical characteristics that we choose.” Hence the military Iranians, the scruffy white and the harmless looking Malasian types.

    Am I reading too much Vince Flynn, Brad Thor, and Stephen Hunter?

  23. Sorry for the typos. I blame my keyboard. 😉

    Please add apostrophes where needed and the word “can” into the mullahs’ note.

  24. I’m with Rickl on this:

    “The longer this goes on, the less I’ll be able to trust the “official” story, whatever it turns out to be.”

    Wolf has been cried so often, on so many things, that maybe Hillary was right – what difference does it make?

    BTW, does anyone else feel that Obama is angrier about “his” gun control bill being defeated than he was about the Boston bombs? (or is my anti-Obama bias clouding my judgement?)

  25. Kustie…

    Even before the big boom…

    I’m thinking he’s w a a a y too close.

    BTW, such industries need to stay far away from just about everything.

    Further, fire protection ought to be by way of sprinklers — to the point that firemen are unnecessary, only EMTs being first responders.

    There was no visible evidence that the Waco plant had any sprinklers operational at all.

    If nothing else, such cascades of water prevent flash-over.

  26. Blert, my understanding is that the plant was there first, and then everything else cropped up near it. Hard to blame the plant for that.

    Having these industries in heavily populated areas is not the slightest bit unusual. See, for instance, exits 10 – 15 along the new jersey turnpike.

    The dad in that film REALLY badly wanted to win a Darwin award for his daughter and they are very lucky they weren’t vaporized. A ryder truck full of ammonium nitrate took down the Murrah building. This was a factory / warehouse full of the stuff. We’re talking an atomic bomb level blast potential.

  27. For instance, some of the big chemical plants along the NJ turnpike are in the direct flight path of Newark airport.

    If there were a large explosion at one of those plants, its force could literally “suck” airplanes out of the sky. That happened in the Texas City explosion of 1947 — several small planes crashed that were hit by the explosion shockwave.

  28. Kustie,
    Mostly from statements on the news channels who refer to “FBI investigators”. Anyway I’m questioning their logic – once you’ve let the cat out of the bag that you have pictures of suspects, it seems obvious you’ve already alerted the suspects you’re on to them and following up with statements they aren’t being released in order to keep from spooking them doesn’t add up. Either say nothing and keep your element of surprise, or publish the pictures and get 100 million eyes on your side. But that’s history now …
    Rush might have been on to something though — one explanation for warning the bad guys ahead of releasing the pictures, would be because somebody dosen’t want them caught. It would be terribly embarrassing and indefensible for Obama and J-Nap if these were students or “undocumented immigrants” who had overstayed their visas.

  29. Southpaw, EXACTLY.

    Once the “news” is out there, it doesn’t matter what channel that information became news through, then the cat is already out of the bag and it’s “news” that should be made available to the general public.

    “If you see something, say something”, as a general concept, is a two way street.

    Instead, law enforcement and the MSM are pretending that all this information we KNOW exists, doesn’t actually exist.

    It is very obvious from looking at those pictures that the mugs of those “stars” on the montage should be plastered on every TV screen in the country by law enforcement seeking information as to their identities, etc.

    Unless they ALREADY know this information, or don’t want to find out this information.

    Either way the FBI and the media are being deceptive / dishonest.

    They have ALL seen these pics. I guarantee that. But they pretend like they have not.

  30. I’m starting to wonder: Could these photos be “red herrings” being trolled out there by the cops/FBI in order to lull the real perps into a sense of complacency?

    Is the FBI that smart? What good purpose could be served by “leaking” these mystery photos??

  31. Carl, no. The FBI is basically the DMV, with guns and security clearance.

    Have they EVER successfully wrapped up one of these investigations?

    Random people on a reddit thread are better at the FBI’s job, than the FBI.

  32. Neo — I don’t really know many specifics about that case. At the wikipedia link, however, there seems to be discrepancy / disagreement between the FBI and the informant over dates and extent of his prior warnings.

  33. It’s now out on the Web: a double amputee has identified the reversed white cap fellow as being the perp who planted the backpack that blew off his two legs.

    They stared at each other — less than three feet apart — minutes before the blast.

    This little detail has been in the hands of the FBI virtually from the get-go.

    So rather than have the public help nab him — officialdom has given the country the run-around.

    It doesn’t help that they look Arab/ Persian — ex- sun tans.

    (They didn’t just get off the boat.)

    This all brings back memories of Munich and 1972.

    Jihadis just hate athletics.

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