Home » I should know better…


I should know better… — 12 Comments

  1. Seems to me I vaguely recall a rather bad movie (I don’t think I watched it to the end) where Gwyneth had a role which required her to be made up to appear to be grossly obese.

    Perhaps that left a mark, as it were.

    Jamie Irons

  2. that pepto bismol pink dress she wore one time,
    it looked like it was being suspended on a clothes hanger

  3. Well, her idea to get attention worked, and got you suckered…

    billy joel sang about it in “the entertainer”
    “if i go cold i wont get sold”

    she just go herself in the fore of your mind and pushed the others out… and your trying to make rational sense of it, which is why it works…

    it also reminds me of one of the nastiest ways real sadists play with people. they put them in a situation in which they try to rationalize it to get out, and the secret is, there is no way out, so the rationalizations are the entertainment.

    well, in this case its not so sinister, but the discordant thing gets you to try to rationalize as it has grabbed your attention BECAUSE it don’t make sense. the intent wasn’t to make sense, the intent was to get you to think about her more than you would normally.

    not only that, but you woudl then go out and spread the infection…

    think of it as a very abstract version of the joke
    how do you keep an idiot in suspense? (wait silently)

    it works a lot, you only have to see how often its used, and who its used on, and the size of the market it creates.

  4. My wife 30+ years later weighs less than when we got married, yet still complains about her weight. Her friends are probably jealous and don’t appreciate talk about weight. Me, I smile,

  5. The book will offer 185 “restorative” dishes, offering dishes that are sugar-free, vegetarian, non-alcoholic and wheat-free…

    Well that takes everything worthwhile out of eating.

  6. I really like your blog. You write about very interesting things. Thanks for all your tips and information.

  7. Whales may be the biggest mammals in the world… but they don’t have to be!

    The Diet of Procrustes slims all.

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