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Getting ready… — 48 Comments

  1. Biden is a buffoon, Ryan is a thoughtful fact master. MSM can declare victory until the cows come home, but the magic is gone and a majority of voters will clearly see the difference between Ryan & Biden.

  2. O’Reilly had Palin on this evening to talk about the debate with “good old Joe” as she calls him.

    It would have really been interesting if O’Reilly had shut up and let her talk a bit more.

    She said the McCain geniuses gave her a stack of cards about six inches thick to memorize with facts on foreign policy. She said she finally gave up on that and decided to sort of be herself.

  3. Neo,

    You are on the same page as Ace of Spades (ace.mu.nu):

    If Biden wins, then Biden wins.

    If Biden ties, then Biden wins.

    If Biden loses, then Biden wins.

    Only if Biden commits the sort of embarrassing gaffe that becomes a viral sensation can Ryan possibly win– and then in that case, he “edges” Biden, only because of this one little problem, which by the way is no big deal

  4. Ryan should memorize this line, “Do you think what you just said is brilliant?”

    Then he should immediately say, “This is why it isn’t….”

  5. Paulmentum

    Stephen Hayes says:

    My guess is Joe will be incensed, show a level of indignation, act like he cares and Paul Ryan doesn’t care.

    When DWS (Debbie Wasserman Shulz) debated Ryan on Fox News awhile back ago that is what she did and I know it took him aback a little bit.

    This time Ryan needs to paint the picture of what happens to the people we are supposed to care about when those who are able aren’t putting forward personal responsibility and getting out of the wagon to help pull the wagon.

  6. Jean, You should be the debate moderator.

    Maybe I can put an apple in front of Martha Raddatz

  7. Wow. This will be the FIRST TIME some voters here it wasn’t about a video in Libya.

    They might be in shock hearing Martha’s question about Libya.

  8. I’m like you, neo, about debates. Just can hardly bear to watch them. I managed the first presidential one and I’m not sure I can make myself sit through this one. It’s about 30 seconds in and I already hit ‘record’, followed by ‘mute.’ I predict Biden will try to win with emotionalism.

  9. Dear Martha, Your second question about appropriate for Romney to speak is blatant bias. I am glad you are showing your bias.

    Bias is Martha Raddatz’s middle name.

  10. And charm. I forgot to mention that. Buffoonish as he may seem, Biden didn’t get where he is by being a complete fool, and I’m sure charm is part of his equipment.

  11. I’m afraid T is right.

    Baklava is right and it is getting annoying!
    Biden interrupts Ryan with bluster and soapbox garbage — “a bunch of stuff,” to use his own words.

    Wish Ryan were a bit more strident. we know he’s capable as he does it on the stump. Understand wanting to show deference to V.P. — and his elder — but he’s being outshouted and out-politicked unfortunately.
    His use of empty talking points and little facts — or made up ones as he did with no one calling him on it afterward in debate with Palin.c
    And it’s with the tacit blessing of Martha Radditz. The Debate commission was 1000% wrong in approving Radditz.

    As we all know, it’s the APPEARANCE of impropriety that counts. And if there’s no appearance of impropriety when the moderator is a close personal friend of the President’s (not too many invite distant acquaintances to their wedding), there’s a problem. Especially when there is a huge pool of “newspeople” to choose from.

  12. What is happeing is a criminal act on national TV. Between Raddatz and Biden they are stealing the debate.

    Sadly, Ryan is sitting there and letting it happen. He has got to at least stand up for his rights. I have never seen anyone stand, or sit, still and let themselves be mugged repeatedly.

    A word count at the end of this will be revealing. But, it will be too late.

    So sad. Can’t watch any longer.

  13. Good old Joe is being good old Joe. I’m afraid his louder voice and continuous interrruptions will be assessed as a positive by those calling the winner of the debate.

    Now Ryan is trying — but he is (really) being too polite. (President Obama’s newest excuse for HIS performance last week).

  14. I wonder how all this giggling and laughing by Biden is playing with people who aren’t already in the bag for Obama/Biden. It seems very odd behavior for a VP, doesn’t it?

  15. Agree, neo. but I wouldn’t call it just giggling and laughing. It’s derisive and contemptuous laughter and smirking constantly. And then he interrupts — and Martha Radditz allows it and then cuts off Ryan, when she says she is going to move on.

    Sure the Obama base loves it. But wonder if this whole thing will change the momentum. After all, this IS for the Vice-Presidential candidates. It’s annoying the heck out of me, but how much will it help?
    The answer unfortunately may lie in the MSM and their post-mortems.

    Ryan has the facts. Biden has the bluster.

  16. I am gobsmacked in the opposite this time. It looks like a chuckling mugging going on and it isn’t funny.

    Ryan can’t finish a sentence and Martha is part of the problem.

    Martha Bias Raddatz kept asking for specifics and Ryan was TELLING her that we would work together to fill in the details.

    These people are idiots!

  17. Why won’t Ryan state the key to the Romney taxcuts: stimulating the GROWTH OF OUR ECONOMY which will bring in more taxes!
    (instead of the continual shrinkage of U.S. economic under Obama/Biden.)

    Radditz is repeatedly challenging Ryan (and Ryan/Romney agenda) but has not asked a “how does your plan do this, that, and that” to Biden.

    Ryan is on the defensive.

  18. I watched for a few minutes and then just could not take anymore of the grinning smirking buffoonery of Joe Biden. What a clown.

  19. i am wondering if the news will catch the reference to the Saudi assassination attempt by bomb in dc.. how many of you heard that one on the news?

  20. Well i have the sound off and havebeen reading the CC. The view from my perspective is one guy is laughing like a hyenia at the front row of the comrdy club. The other guy looks like a serious professional who came to discuss issues.
    Biden looks like everything being discussed is a big joke to him, and appears rude and condescending.
    If I were not paying attention to them and going on visuals, i would say either o e is a jerk, or the other is taking this business of president seriously.
    It IS odd for a guy who wants to be taken seriously to be having such a good time. I dont think it will impress the independents who are said to be looking for politicians who want to solve problems and work together. Biden LOOKS to be a DICK.

  21. i didnt phrase that right… sorry
    the attempted assassination of a Saudi ambassador in a dc restaurant..

  22. Radditz questions were good. Her bias-driven moderation was shameful.

    And the MSM will probably rave.

  23. At least Ryan had a good substantive last couple of statements with genuine concern and understanding.

    Biden had little substance but a big loud mouth (Typical Democrat).

  24. Biden is rude, rude, rude – constantly interrupting Ryan. And the moderator? what moderator – she is doing nothing but interrupting Ryan herself!

    Now, I am biased as I support the Republicans, not the Dems. But, I hope that others are seeing the borish behaviour for what it is.

  25. Biden was somebody who I would never want to do business with or employ as an employer.

    He was rude and would definitely impact business.

  26. predictably, FOX guys agree with southpaw. Biden was sneering and rude and it diminished his arguments. What will independents think? I’m betting they focused on his demeanor and equated it with the “problem in Washington”. The media may tell them otherwise, (Biden clearly won), but they ARE independents. right?

  27. I was glad that Biden b rought up SUpreme Court appointments. I know he thought he was ginning up the base to get out and vote, but I’m thinking that there are many independents who were thinking “Oh! I forgot about that. Can’t vote for Obama now.”

  28. My wife thought that Biden was very persuasive, and he really seemed to know what he was talking about. Personally, I thought he was full of it, but I’ve listened to him over the years. I do not think this debate will matter. Oh, Cutter reminds me of a character from VP.

  29. I think what Biden’s condescending attitude shows is what a sense of his own superiority he has acquired after all his years in the senate and as VP. I’m sure he actually thought his smirking was going to play well, as in – look at how silly Paul Ryan is and how informed and smart I am. Fortunately, after bouncing around the internet and reading a sampling of opinions, it looks like just about everyone found him obnoxious and classless.

  30. Biden’s affect was surpassingly strange. I’ve never seen such a bizarre performance by a major political figure before, at least in this country.

  31. Ok. Frank Lundz or whatever his name is with the independents who i previously had expected to revert to their normal trivial and mostly silly observations, have reverted to even sillier and more trivial observations I had not anticipated, in noting Joe’s visible disrespect was “passion” and that it was good.

    How did we get to the point where we are ruled by a small group of nitwits who can’t find their rear ends with both hands?

  32. Seems to me (I was listening on the radio) that Mr. Biden might lose points for having been rude? I think the “I’m smarter than you” Joe Biden showed up. I hope it is a problem, but am worried that in These Days, rude might be a winning tactic.

  33. P.S. : in radio, Ryan came across as deferential, but firm, and — just occasionally — edging over into abrasiveness, when provoked. Biden kept promising details, but sometimes didn’t follow through. Some of his points were intelligent, but overall, I think, Ryan came across as more presidential, and more compassionate, and more understanding. And definitely more “cool under fire.”

    His vocal tick, Neo, have you noticed? When he is biting his tongue, or holding back, he has a little throat-cough “hmmph.” I heard it a couple of times tonight. ;./

  34. I can see how Obama supporters may think Biden held his own and vice versa for Ryan. Maybe the Romney campaign can use Biden’s lies and distortions in their campaign ads. The moderator lived up (down) to expectations. It is a mystery why the Romney campaign or any Republican campaign would agree to a debate moderated by a member of the MSM. Why don’t they just hire a registered dem lobbyist to be the moderator?

  35. Well, I watched the last 25 minutes or so. Biden could work his way up to (Bill) Clinton level on my detest-o-meter. Best remark I’ve heard yet, from one of the people posting at NRO: ‘Biden was a used-car salesmen, who at times looked straight at the camera and asked, e.g., seniors and the middle class, “What am I going to have to do to put you in a certified, pre-owned Acura tonight?”’

  36. CNBC “snap poll” Ryan 56% Bozo 39%. Fingers crossed.
    Meanwhile… Lundz’s dunzes still have heard the details they need to make up their minds.
    Forever in search of more details and information, you just can’t fool this crowd.
    They’re way too saavy to settle on anything but the actual equations behind the economics. They want the spreadsheets. They want to know how many kg of plutionium the Iranians have, and just how many grams they are from critical mass. They need to know the yield of the weapon. Anything less is just a bunch of hooey.
    But seriously, there needs to be a deadline on stupidity. If you haven’t decided who you’re voting for by now, you should be ridiculed and forbidden to cast a vote.
    Some of these people could spend all afternoon at Walmart trying to decide between boxers or briefs.

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