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Jews leaving Obama — 13 Comments

  1. But they tend to be a vocal one, and also a disproportionate number of Obama donors come from their ranks.

    So the 1% support the Dems’ demonization of … the 1%. My head hurts.

  2. First, don’t believe the polls, with the possible exception of the Rasmussen polls, they’re heavily rigged to favor the democrats. Secondly, the dissatisfaction with Obama is much deeper than polls are showing. Thirdly, turnout for Obama is going to be much lower, a lot of people who can’t bring themselves to vote for Romney are just not going to vote.

    Romney’s performance in the debate may decide the election.

    Based on the polls we can’t trust, 35% of Jews do not have a death wish. As anyone who thinks that the growth of antisemitism would stop with the destruction of Israel (a real possibility if Obama’s reelected) is living in denial.

  3. This just in on Drudge: Obama is refusing to meet with Netanyahu when the Prime Minister comes to address the UN. Obama claims scheduling conflict. Pity this won’t get much play in the MSM. They mustn’t upset the believers in Obama’s love for Israel.

  4. My mother was almost the definition of a classic southern pioneer woman. Deeply religious; a stay-at-home mother devoted to her family; and eternally espousing the virtues of thrift and hard work. She was chaste, sober, and fiercely independent. The Democratic Party mocked virtually everything that she believed in for the last thirty years of her life. And yet she almost certainly never voted for a Republican. She was deeply offended when all of my siblings and I became Republicans.

    We had some rather spirited debates. I attempted several times to make the point that the party of FDR and Truman no longer existed.

  5. Wow, West is something. Can you imagine West and Rubio on a ticket? I would vote for them in a minute.

  6. the party of FDR and Truman no longer existed.

    I’ve been reconsidering my views on both FDR and Truman. FDR was the architect of our present problems with entitlement, and Truman blocked all efforts (mostly by McCarthy) to investigate Communist penetration of the government – which we now know to have been extensive indeed, and one of the reasons for the catastrophic events of the late 40s and early 50s (most notably regarding China and Korea).

    And yes, Truman desegregated the armed forces, but OTOH that merely undid the segregation imposed by Wilson, another Dem, so no points. He does get kudos for the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, however.

  7. DESPICABLE=His Infantile Majesty Obama.

    Bibi requested a meeting with The Anointed One for today and was snubbed with a curt “Full schedule..” reply. The Boy King, after all, is appearing on Letterman tonight. Romney-Ryan need to come out swinging with Bare Knuckles on this bulls*** Wednesday. Jewish(Lib-Dem)Voters: How much of this punk’s garbage are you willing to swallow??

    Israel’s need for America’s stated Back Up vs. The Empty Chair’s need for Moral Midgetry. ***K, I’m disgusted. Loathsome behavior from our soon to be X-prezzie.

  8. **Correction: Bibi’s request was for late September while here for the UN Meeting. The response was as stated.**

  9. Occam’s Beard
    Truman blocked all efforts (mostly by McCarthy) to investigate Communist penetration of the government — which we now know to have been extensive indeed, and one of the reasons for the catastrophic events of the late 40s and early 50s (most notably regarding China and Korea).

    I suggest you read David McCullough’s biography of Truman.

  10. Neo,

    Have you seen the news about Independents? The polls are undersampling them and they have a higher percentage for Romney.

    I think that the polling organizations will start shifting towards a Romney win (after their effort to create news fails) because they are in business to be accurate.

    So the shift will begin in October.

    Each day there is news.
    Each day there is Chicago and statements by Obama and non-statements by Obama.

    Each day is an empty chair.
    Each day is a blessing for this country as people start to pay attention before the election.

    Each day is not Obama’s friend.

  11. It’s disappointing to me that a much larger percentage of my fellow Jews are not abandoning Obama. However it should be noted that even a 10% or so drop in Jewish support could swing a critical state, esp. Florida.

  12. “..US Ambassador to Libya murdered by Islamist mob along with several embassy co-workers…US Embassy in Cairo attacked by Islamists encouraged by Muslim Brotherhood Regime. Obama Regime fiddles and weeps tears for mob while embassy burns…Meanwhile, the president issued a stern rebuke to the Israeli PM’s request for a meeting in late September…”

    Oh, and let’s not forget the White House condemnation of Mitt Romney for expressing outrage over their panty-waist response to these events… Mr.Romney, DON’T BE SHY!! Give these flabby twits unreserved HELL!! Please!

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