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Clinton at the convention — 12 Comments

  1. Here’s a rather more humorous take on it, via twitters (yeah, link is same that Andy posted this morning at AOSHQ …mostly safe for work, oddly enough).

    It’s too funny to miss. And capsulizes the Dem’ and media lovefest sooo very much more effectively than most of what I’ve been reading this morning.

  2. Yeah, I voted for him twice too and all I could think about last night was “I did not have sex with that woman.” When the Lewinsky scandal broke, I was in Toronto, Canada, the only woman in an all male training class. I felt so humiliated. I’ve never quite forgiven him for making all Americans look bad for supporting him.

    I listened to the speech last night, because he is a master politician. Too bad he squandered his gifts.

  3. Teri, he did not make all Americans look bad for supporting him; any more than Obama does. If I recall correctly, Clinton did not even get 50% of the votes cast. Thank you Ross Perot.

    True, Obama makes the American news media look like chumps; and they helped him run a con in ’08. However, a lot of smart people get conned every day; no disgrace when a Con man fools you–once. On the other hand, if he fools you again with the same con, then…

    Neo, no one ever questioned that Clinton was smooth when he wanted to be. A few women claim that he is not so smooth when the cameras are not on, however.

    I understand that Romney already had an ad out this morning that put the lie to Clinton’s support for Obama. There is a rich mine of soundbites there waiting to be exploited.

  4. Clinton. He’s the guy that is most responsible for the financial crash that helped Obama get elected. He should demand that Obama thank him for it.

  5. Teri, me too.

    Who wouldn’t be thinking Monica Lewinsky last night when ‘ole Bill looked right into the camera and said “because I believe it with all my heart”, (that Obama’s policies have saved the economy from collapse).

    There is no way he really believes that. And there is no love there between Bill and Barry. Clinton is just the consummate party hack.

  6. Clinton is quite the charmer. I have been working for new car dealers for nearly 40 years now and some of the best salesmen (and women) were real charmers also. They were fun to be around, hang out with, have a beer, etc, but I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them. They have a natural ability to have virtual strangers like and then quickly trust them. It is almost scary to see the control a good salesman can exert. Bill Clinton is a world class salesman.

  7. Despite his many obvious gifts Clinton remains a perpetual 15 year old boy. His major motivation will always be what he need do to score with that cute girl he just met.

    Off Topic but I thought humorous: I am a licensed HAM radio operator. I often carry a radio that permits me to monitor public service frequencies. This afternoon there was a call for police presence at the local Democrat Headquarters. Apparently a disagreement had escalated to the point that one of the involved parties felt the need to call for the police.

    My imagination led me to believe they were attempting to reach consensus on whether God should be mentioned in the national party platform.

  8. Not that we know of Ray. Not that we know of. On the other hand Buuba has a much easier time of it now I suspect. Both the media and public attention goes to Obama and as SoS, HC is always on the road.

    What more can an aging playboy ask for?

  9. WJC spent a great deal of his speech reminding everyone about his presidency which I thought was a reminder of how chaotic 3.75 years of Obama has been. Clinton came to the convention to remind everyone he was the only democrat since FDR to win reelection and regain prominence as the real rockstar of the party.

    Clinton has the human touch. Obama is cool and aloof. Clinton is the master politician with the instincts to shift to towards the center to gain reelection. Obama doubles down on class envy. Clinton contrasted his success and subtly left alert listeners doubting Obama’s ability to succeed.

  10. from davisbr’s link:

    “A shot rang out. The maid screamed. The undifferentiated protoplasm of the DNC extended one tentative pseudopod out to the world . . .”

    As far as Slick Willy is concerned (I voted for him the first go-around; the second time, for NadIr), he didn’t tack to the center — the newly Republican Congress dragged him there, spitting and cussing.

    Then he got to his feet and made like it was His Brilliant Idea all along. He is a swine.

    I’m also remembering his recent comment that Mitt Romney had a “sterling business record at Bain Capital.” Romney, Romney, Romney — USE IT.

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