Home » Who loves politics? Not George Bush


Who loves politics? Not George Bush — 15 Comments

  1. @neoneocon: As for the lying and the dirty tricks, I think that’s his forte. Another strength (in the political sense) is his remarkable ability to do those things while hiding, disguising, or distracting from them, and simultaneously continuing to seem likable to an awful lot of people.

    A propos de quoi, this is a remarkably apt description for the only slightly less elevated and somewhat more prosaic occupation of con artist, don’t you think?

  2. There is a story that DC was built on a swamp. It is right on the Potomac so I am sure there were at least some wetlands. It does feel like a swamp there during the summer (hot and humid).

  3. Obama functions as the high priest of a new-old religion, pee cee statism/collectivism. Like so many of the adherents, he detests actual ^people^ (“clingers”).

    Even when he had the adoring crowds four years ago, I wonder if he actually ^liked^ his sycophantic followers: to what extent ^could^ he actually like/respect them when he knew it was all a big show, a mere step towards reigning as emperor/messiah?

  4. “I crawled out of the swamp, and I’m not crawling back in.”

    It is worth remembering that Bush beat alcoholism. Probably used AA to come to this kind of awareness as well.

  5. People person! If O had to kiss as many babies as your average machine pol back in the heyday of retail politics he’d probably gack up a furball every time.

  6. IMHO the preeminent example of a politician/con artist is Bill Clinton, not Obama. To be a great con artist you have to be a real “people person” and of course, completely amoral.

    Reportedly, Clinton is especially skilled at making people feel that they are the most interesting person Clinton has ever met, the hallmark of a great con artist.

    Obama tolerates people, he’s a loner and a conniver.

    Obama craves power but not in and of itself. He craves power so as to use it to fundamentally transform society, his outer world, so that it can then properly appreciate him…the ultimate goal of the narcissist.

    The greater the narcissist, the greater the inner doubts and thus the more the need for outward confirmation of their worth, in order to assuage the profound self-doubt that they cannot face. Hidden deep down under his mask, Obama is a fundamentally insecure person.

    That’s why Ryan makes Obama so uncomfortable, Ryan’s fact based challenges and complete lack of intimidation, strike the fear of exposure within Obama’s heart.

    Above all else, Obama fears undeniable exposure and the resultant derisive laughter it would bring.

  7. “continuing to seem likeable to an awful lot of people”

    Or, alternatively, to a lot of awful people.

  8. Good observations on Obama Geoffrey.
    One suspects the answer to Obama’s supposed popularity can at least in part, certainly a major part, be attributed to a naive public. Here’s a thought experiment: if an Obama had run in 1950, with a population hardened by depression and war would he had been taken him seriously or laughed him off the stage? Israel may provide an answer in that the unlikeable Rabin always won in contests against the pleasant Peres. It was a case of a population who appreciated Rabin’s qualities of leadership because he was the country’s most successful general and almost all Israeli’s have military experience in war time. In short the Israelis appreciate what is important in a leader, as contemporary Americans cannot.

    There is another aspect we always seem pass by without touching. People’s wisdom seems lopsided. I am meeting people who should know better who plan to vote for Obama. Within their fields they seem bright but they simply seem to have a blind spot when it comes to recognizing knavery and incompetence outside their profession. Considering the CBO is predicting a downturn in the economy next year an Obama victory followed by an Obama accelerated full fledged depression may be just he thing to help them reach maturity.

  9. Considering the CBO is predicting a downturn in the economy next year an Obama victory followed by an Obama accelerated full fledged depression may be just he thing to help them reach maturity.

    Why should the rest of us suffer to help these superannuated adolescence finally enter the wide wonderful world of adulthood?

  10. “There is a story that DC was built on a swamp.”

    Since we lived in the DC area, my husband and I can tell you that whatever it was, DC replaced malaria with politics. I would have preferred a shipment full of quinine before the total corruption of that place.

  11. but he’d rather stand on a podium and address a crowd from on high.


    He’d rather be out on a putting green knowing his mindless slaves er, sorry, lackeys are doing the work of undermining America from within the system by pushing for insane demands on it which ignore rational possibilities.

    In short, he’s the offsite CEO of a Coward-Piven job.

  12. >>> Obama accelerated full fledged depression may be just he thing to help them reach maturity.

    Bob, they are LIBERALS.

    They CANNOT learn from experience. CAN. NOT.


    It’s why you never see people do the opposite of Neo, really, and switch in maturity from conservative to liberal.

    It almost never happens, because postmodern liberalism really only works if you’re in Peter Pan mode and never, ever grow up. You have to deny and/or ignore — and continue to ignore — too many obvious facts around you. You have to categorically reject a huge mass of learning that you get from experience.

    Moreover, most of those who “have” done so, on closer examination, were liberal all along — “RINOs”.

  13. P.S., bob — sorry, meant this to be in the previous one:”

    If you thought otherwise, then explain how many times Communism has to fail, and fail utterly, before they’ll Git It that Marxism just doesn’t work?

    How many? A heck of a lot more screwups than it’ll take to destroy the US economy, that’s for sure.

  14. I note your inclusion of Richard Nixon. In my opinion Obama includes the worst aspects of Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter. What a combination!

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