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“Where’s it written… — 30 Comments

  1. The way I see it, if you’re going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? 😉

  2. Iowa Hawk tweeted:

    “Ever get the feeling that they’re sending Biden out to say stuff that will give them an excuse to fire him?”

    I think Obama is given to panic and would do anything to keep from losing, including dumping Biden.

    Did you see Palin has called for Obama to replace Biden with Hillary? Someone suggested that by saying that, she has made it harder for Obama to do, because it might look like he’s taking her advice. Ha.

  3. Biden is BHO’s court jester. Palin destroyed him in the 2008 debate. Ryan will leave him foaming at the mouth and trembling.

  4. “…will Obama dump Biden? My answer is: absolutely not.”

    Yes but what will Obama do when he sees women are taken with the smart and good looking Paul Ryan? Old Joe just does not compare well.

  5. Like somebody out of “Guys and Dolls” or perhaps “The Last Hurrah; a moth-eaten old wise guy with senile dementia.

    P.S. Could his hair plugs be growing inward, and interfering with brain function?

  6. But see, you send Biden out there, and suddenly everyone forgets we’re mired in debt with the worst economic recovery of all time.

  7. I think that Obama dumping Biden–who could plead a sudden, very convenient “health emergency,” or have a sudden urge to “spend more time with his family” and substituting Hillary, is unlikely.

    Malignant narcissist Obama is pretty dim himself, doesn’t like competition and to be outshone, and, then, of course there are also Moochelle and, above all, Valerie Jarret, our very own homegrown, female Rasputin in the mix; I also don’t think that a lot of Obama’s little games would work with Hillary, another of the same breed.

    It could be an “ill wind” situation though, and might just bring back the old profession of professional taster.

  8. “Valerie Jarret, our very own homegrown, female Rasputin in the mix..”

    A very apt characterization!

  9. Good insurance policy huh? You impeach me and you’ll get this idiot in the Oval Office.

  10. That’s a good one, Holmes, about Biden being an extended Fred Willard joke. I’ll have to remember it.

    When it comes to Joe Biden, conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham has selected a theme song which she plays before introducing the most recent Biden gaffe: Jo Stafford’s “Whatcha Know Joe” –take it a listen and you’ll realize how appropriate it is.

  11. Biden was always impeachment insurance. The clock is running out on Obama/Biden and making a switch now would make them look even weaker. Hillary has a faint hope in 2016, assuming Romney/Ryan are even bigger screw-ups than Obama/Biden, which is extremely implausible, but it beats being Obama’s last minute VP switch.

  12. Careful, N-Neocon. We’ll put y’all back in chains,’Yo.

    Krauthammer’s right: Joe Bite-Me is our Crazy Uncle. Lucky, blessed us.

  13. Agree that Valerie Jarrett is very unlikely to let Hillary into the inner circle.

    The cliche “hold your enemies close” has its limits; and I think Jarrett and crew are satisfied to have Hillary about where they want her. She is hamstrung by being part of the Administration but dirty dancing in South Africa, and not in DC.

    Biden is a national embarrassment; but he fits very well in this Administration. The American electorate should be reminded on a daily basis that it elected this two stooge package. That reminder should be coupled with the adage; “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…”.

  14. holmes is right; Biden has served Obama well as the perfect distraction. In fact, I expect to hear much more inanity from Biden as the election date draws near.

  15. You are a hero, Random Thoughts. Good guy and all around hero. Great is your reward in the world to come.

  16. The VP debate, if it happens, and if Biden shows up, is going to be–courtesy of the leftist MSM moderators–a piece of Kabuki theater rigged, as best they can, to shield increasingly senile, loose cannon Joe from any real questions or opportunities to go off the reservation, and to present Ryan with a series of “gotcha” and trick questions designed to cut down, sandbag, to prevent Ryan from giving any substantive answers to the real questions of the day, to channel the whole substance and ultimate impression of the “debate” in ways favorable to Obama and the the Democrat campaign, and to put Ryan in the worst possible light.

  17. Who could he pick? Hillary? What does she add? Oh, she’s a woman. Big deal. Identity politics got Obama elected in ’08, but it’s not enough this time around.

    Besides which, I think Hillary can tell it would be political suicide for her to shackle herself to the sinking Obama ship. She’ll sit this out and then come back to Save The Party in 2016.

  18. Can you believe Biden? It seems that he can’t go for long without comments like the “Y’all going to be in chains” comment. Compared to that, this is tame stuff.

    As for Hillary, that wouldn’t be an improvement. Her politics are just as bad as Biden’s (and the President’s). And all we would need to do is to remember the excesses of the Bill Clinton administration and Hillary’s role in some of it. Her role after that is too well-known and has its own baggage.

    As for 2016, forget it. Many candidates had their best shot the first time they ran, and unfortunately they may have run up against better candidates. Hillary has had her time in the sun and it’s time to move on.

    Unfortunately Obama doesn’t have a record he can defend, so he seems to want to do anything to get re-elected.

    Whatever works to get the incumbent out of the White House will be all right with me. Unfortunately, the Democrats haven’t fielded anyone in recent years that was worth it (since Bill Clinton, and interestingly enough there were many things about his administration in retrospect that were much better than the administration we have now).

    Until the Democrats stop being so much the party of leftists (as opposed to liberals), I’ll continue to be the independent (as I would if the roles were reversed) and make up my own mind.

  19. You want to know how bad it is now, and how much worse it will get?

    Take a look at the chart, Table 8.3 on p. 153 of the Historical Tables volume of the 2012 Budget (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/budget/fy2012/assets/hist.pdf) and note that it is estimated that by 2015 the U.S. will devote an ever shrinking percentage of our Federal Budget, just 29.1% in this year, to “discretionary” expenditures–i.e. National Defense and everything else, running Congress and the entire Federal government, R&D, etc. while we will devote an ever increasing percentage of our Budget, in 2015 an estimated 70.7% of it, to “mandatory” expenditures–Medicare and Medicaid, various Welfare benefits and other social programs, and interest on our massively increased public debt. An almost exact reversal of those percentages as they were in the early 1960s.

    And these ominous, indeed, constraining, ruinous and bankrupting trends–an ever shrinking percentage of our Budget available for discretionary expenditures–think of this as less and less ability to defend ourselves, less in the way of capabilities and “room for maneuver,” and less ability to deal with unexpected “emergencies,” and an ever increasing percentage of our Federal Budget devoted to “income transfers,” i.e. forced “redistribution of wealth” from the makers to the takers–mandatory payments for “Entitlements” i.e. money sucked out of our pockets and the economy to be “redistributed” as the government sees fit to its clients, to whoever it determines is more “worthy” of receiving and having our assets than we dirty, greedy, unwilling to share capitalists are.

  20. P.S.–Things have the potential to actually get much, much worse than the already dire situation portrayed in the chart I referenced above, because the percentage of our mandatory expenditures devoted to paying interest on the public debt is going to rapidly increase and head skyward when our current artificially suppressed interest rates return to normal levels, forcing a additional reciprocal shrinkage in the percentage of our Federal Budget available for “discretionary ” expenditures.

    As I understand it, the Fed and Treasury have been doing all sorts of money printing to vastly increase our money supply four or five-fold, “monetizing our debt,” juggling, and monkeying around with our government finances and obligations for sale done, among other things, to keep interest rates on government debt artificially low and therefor general interest rates that follow the rates on government paper, interest that the Fed pays to banks who have hundreds of billions of dollars parked with them and drawing a percent or so interest, and, ultimately, general consumer interest rates low.

    In fact, it was reported that, briefly, at one point a few months ago, buyers of government paper were buying paper with what was, effectively, a small negative interest rate, which meant they were taking an immediate loss in their capital in exchange for the supposed “safety” of government bonds.

    Thus, when interest rates come back up to normal ranges–much less if they spike–the government is going to have to pay increasingly higher interest rates on our enormously increased debt–not to mention on any new debt they might incur from more projected deficit spending–as it redeems artificially low interest rate paper and issues new paper at the higher prevailing rate, and offers new debt for sale at that higher rate as well.

  21. Ryan will leave him foaming at the mouth and trembling.

    Joe does that anyway, even without Ryan’s help.

  22. Financial illiterates, boobs, Ponzi artists, and con men have been “monkeying around” with our federal budget, money supply, and finances for four years. In fact, a troop of Baboons, left alone in the control room, could probably have done a better job. And the Obama economic team has potentially set us up in the future for, among other possible delights, “deflation” or “hyperinflation,” or perhaps one after the other, or a combination of both in one sector of our economy or the other.

    Bottom line, if Romney/Ryan win, they will face a precarious house of financial cards, and a heavily mined and booby-trapped Federal financial structure, and it will take real economic/monetary/financial experts with steady hands, patience, and rock-hard determination and nerves of steel to navigate the Ship of State away from foundering on the rocks.

    A process that is absolutely necessary but, one that may be pretty painful, unless the economy comes roaring back, expenditures are drastically slashed, entitlements reined in and reformed, and priorities radically changed.

  23. We’ve been in the 21st Century for over 12 years now. It’s not like forgetting to put the new year on a check written in January. Sorry, no excuses.

  24. >>> …we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?” asks Joe Biden.

    Umm, aside from yet another F-i-M gaffe by Chokin’ Joe, has anyone actually crunched the numbers?

    Are we certain the USA does NOT lead the world in the 21st Century in the manufacture of autos…?

    I mean, considering the numbers actually made HERE by “foreign” companies like Toyota and Honda, it’s quite possible we DO lead the world in said industry.

    P.S., you cap the c, btw, whereever that error came from

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