Home » Outrageous: the 1972 Munich massacre


Outrageous: the 1972 Munich massacre — 11 Comments

  1. http://neoneocon.com/2012/07/25/time-and-the-olympics-marches-on-comaneci-is-50/#comment-389125


    The Arafat I Knew
    He hasn’t changed since his days as a KGB-backed terrorist.

    On the poisoning of Arafat…

    The Institute de Radiophysique in Lausanne found elevated levels of the element on Arafat’s personal effects. A urine stain in his underwear registered a level of 180 millibecquerels of Polonium-210, more than 20 times the dose to kill an average human being.

    “I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported Polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids,” Dr Francois Bochod


    The dose allegedly ingested by Arafat was much smaller than the amount that killed Litvinenko, making it even harder to detect.

    British police dealing with the Litvinenko case have alleged that only a sophisticated, state-backed intelligence agency could source Polonium-210 in a form that could be used to poison someone

    Egyptian magazine confirms Arafat was behind Munich Olympic and other murders

    Yasser Arafat personally directed the Black September terrorist organization that claimed responsibility for the 1971 murder of Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi at-Tal, the 1972 massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, and other atrocities. The Cairo newspaper quotes a new book by PLO leader Marwan Kanafani, “Years of Hope,” to be published soon.

    the sympathies your commenting on are directed from moscow… if moscow is assisting, helping, directing, or in play, then their western counterparts work towards the same goal…

    While pursuing a post-graduate degree at Berkeley, Friedan dated David Bohm,
    a Communist working under Oppenheimer on the atomic bomb project. Her
    social world included many Party members and her writings reflected a line
    directed from Moscow.

    one cant discuss the issue if one doesnt know as much of the facts as possible, or if their facts are wrong. if so, then what they are discussing has no real bearing or connection with the actuality in the real world

    it also helps to see what information has been created so that people can shop for the message they want, and so be divided by fantasy rather than united in reality

    just go to world news…

    Neo-Nazis ‘helped to carry out Munich Olympics massacre’

    which leads to
    [edited for length by n-n]

  2. I have had it with moments of silence, pastel ribbons, and monuments to the murdered. If you would honor the dead then do so by identifying the culprits — Islam and the OIC.

    Most every Islamic country — and Islam itself — is, every second of every day, manifestly in violation of a host of the UN’s Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Articles.

    Article 5 (inhuman punishment — beheadings, stoning, et al)

    Article 7 (equality under the law — muslim women, infidels)

    Article 16 (men and women equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.)

    Article 18 (Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    Article 19 (Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.)

    And the kicker
    Article 30 (Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    Until such time as the OIC Islamic countries and Islam comply with the UN Articles, within their own borders and religion, de facto and de jure, they should be expelled from the UN. But then, every Western nation is as fundamentally corrupt, and frightened, as Islam is unconscionable.
    Our continued association with the UN does not speak well of us but says volumes about our willingness, along with the rest of the West, to invoke righteousness and simultaneously, in confronting Islam, timorously disregard it. We have not dishonored the murdered by not giving them a minute of silence; we have dishonored the murdered by countenancing Islam generally and the OIC specifically.

  3. Ten Arab nations objected to their flags being lowered to honor murdered Israelis; their flags were restored to the tops of their flagpoles almost immediately…

    This is exactly why I can never be an elected leader of any country.

    I would have cut those flags down, and incinerated them in the Olympic flame myself, and then told those countries they can recall their representatives and proceed to pound sand.

  4. There are groups which gain coveted AVG (accredited victim group) status through being perpetually picked on. There are groups which achieve the category by being threatening. NBPP, for example.
    Muslims have both. They are perpetually picked on and they’ll kill you if they dislike something about you.
    So you can’t say anything about not wanting to be killed without being accused of picking on the picked-on. A first, as far as I know.

  5. The OIC is an especially in-bred and closed-minded group, and they wear blinders.

  6. George Pal: “Until such time as the OIC Islamic countries and Islam comply with the UN Articles, within their own borders and religion, de facto and de jure, they should be expelled from the UN. But then, every Western nation is as fundamentally corrupt, and frightened, as Islam is unconscionable.”

    Correct. But you have to wonder why the West has kow-towed to the Islamic countries all these years. They are no real military threat. It has primarily been our need for oil throughout the developed world and the fact that Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq are awash in the stuff. That’s one reason why it is so unconscionable that the enviros have worked so hard to lock our resources away. Reasonably priced, secure energy is the life blood of a modern economy. Our national security and future well being depends on going after our oil reserves so that at last, at long blody last, we no longer need take so much note of the Islamic OPEC mafia.

  7. J.J. formerly Jimmy J. Says:
    “That’s one reason why it is so unconscionable that the enviros have worked so hard to lock our resources away.”

    You’re right. Even absent the issue of energy dependence on MidEast oil that turns to petrodollars that finance the worldwide expansion of Islam and its fantasies of a caliphate, a nation that will not use its natural resources is a defunct nation. This is one of the great issues I have with the GOP, that they allowed, even participated (out of fear, not concern) in this. Romney and the GOP plank in the platform should state it is their intention to drill or frack anything that even looks like it contains oil or gas — including Roseanne Barr and Michael Moore.

  8. We have not dishonored the murdered by not giving them a minute of silence; we have dishonored the murdered by countenancing Islam generally and the OIC specifically.

    Ah, but we can’t dishonor the dead — we only soil our own honor by such actions.

    Anyone else notice the creeping Leftist culture of malignant envy in the new gymnastics rules? Only 2 competitors from any one nation, regardless of the individual scores, may compete in the all-around final. So America’s Jordan Wieber, who came in fourth out of all the girls in the competition in the prelims, has been barred from competing for the gold medal because two of her teammates also qualified.

    Jordan is the current world champion. 20 other girls with lower scores WILL be allowed to compete.

    She was in tears, crushed: the work of her life destroyed. Why? well, for Envy’s sake. The Envy that the Left hones to a keen edge, for any excellence they can’t attain on their own merits.

  9. Also, check this out re the opening ceremony. A review from the Rant Political guy:

    “At one point, my astonishment at the sheer magnitude of the train wreck had the effect of having my eyes taped open at the horror of horrors, making me feel like the serial rapist from Clockwork Orange. I wouldn’t have been shocked if a monstrous statue of Joseph Stalin was unveiled at the end whose head birthed a hydra and ate the audience….”


  10. Let the 46 arab nations boycot. By my count that may be less than what 100 total and 95% of that 100 would be soccer players.

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