Home » Romney’s going to Israel


Romney’s going to Israel — 8 Comments

  1. correction:
    You should HAVE punched and head stomped him.

    Writing is hard when you are ADD.

  2. I guess Romney figures that if he can peel away just a few people from each Democrat interest group, that will be enough to win. Makes sense to me.

  3. As for Israel, I wonder if they are holding off on Iran til after Romney gets elected.
    If you think about it, Iran stood up to Carter (Obama) but folded immediately to Reagan (Romney).

  4. I can’t fathom why anyone who is Jewish would vote for Obama, unless they consider being a Democrat far more important than being a Jew. And if that’s the case, perhaps they deserve a president who disdains Israel. Israel, however, deserves far more than an America led by the likes of Obama.

  5. RandomThoughts, most Jews do in fact consider being a Democrat more important than being a Jew. Or, to put a finer point on it, their Jewishness is so watered-down that it is practically synonymous with the “social justice” agenda, so being not just a Democrat, but a Leftist Democrat, is to them the fulfillment of their Judaism. None of this superstitious ritual crap.

  6. You might find the following Seraphic Secret piece to be of interest — it’s old, from before the 2008 election, but shows that not all Jews are suicidal (the blogger, Robert J. Avrech, is clearly not, but this one shows that even some of the Jews he knows aren’t, either).

    My (Phone) Schlep to Florida

    I’ve not read him regularly, but most of what I’ve read has been petty good — here’s another great older piece of his, about being somewhat conservative in Hollywood:

    How to Get So Dead in This Town

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