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Burger King tells Mayor Bloomberg… — 22 Comments

  1. Bacon, it’s what for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At least it creates a Muslim-free zone. And gives Bloomie something else to worry about.

  2. I’m sure Nanny Bloomberg will be distressed to find such Muslim-free zones in his cities. That could be construed to be a provocation and incite the faithful to violence.

    For that reason alone, this bacon-flavored sundae must be banned!!!!

  3. The way they’re going in New York City, it won’t be long before fast food restaurants are just banned, themselves. The city is already considering banning all manner of other drinks and popcorn sizes and such.

    The “well-meaning” leftist only needs his nose under the tent before he reveals his true self.

    I, for one, just won’t step foot in New York City again. I find the city and its attitude to be an affront to America and the concept of individual liberty. New Yorkers deserve what they voted for.

  4. Ah, the funny thing is that he is not going to get people to drink less, he is going to give them the economic food equivalent of batteries, and hot dog buns.

    Hot dogs come 10 to a pack, buns 8 to a pack

    so now, to have 16 oz of soda, you have to buy 30 oz (2×16) (presuming a 15oz replacement)

    OR one can buy two 8 oz sodas.

    however, either way, it drives UP profits
    while doing nothing for health

    and it does so the same way as getting rid of a penny forces you to price everything below a nickle at a nickle, or offer more than one.

    a smaller soda size is a higher per unit cost for soda.. it incurs the extra costs of not being able to transport as much in the same volume, how much the container volume per unit costs, and so on.

    so maybe to those that understand this… the real reason is a game among those that don’t, and those that do…

    he didnt become a billionaire by not having a superior sense of this…

  5. cmon, better names than that

    Pig Skin parfait…

    Sus Sundae or Suidae Sundae

    Wyld Boar Berry

    Babirusa berry blast

  6. Oh..
    and bloomberg has yet to figure out that such wacky things tend to cause tourists to pick other places that dont give a damn..

    come to NY, here is your 300 page pamplet as to what to do or not to do thats different here.

    if your Swedish, don’t leave your kids outside the store, or restaurant while your eating as you do back home (Even in winter)

    if your from another culture, you dont have to respect us, we bend over backwards like a contortionist hooker at a limbo contest (yes i just made that up) to accommodate you and your self inflating hatred

    Do bring some plastic fold away cup holder, as everyone will be required to buy several drinks at once (at a higher per unit cost) for you to take back to your seat…

    by the way..
    if you want to know the model for the bike lanes, and the sodas and all that.

    take a look at indonesia. 🙂
    go ahead, ask walt..
    how big are the sodas in indonesia?

    see? its not subsistence levels of food availability and a poor economy thanks to socialist games and despotism

    its the tiny sodas.

  7. oh… and what about these people? do they get a special law that says they are not to have their food rationed?



    nope… you see.. thats the next crisis..

    of course, big people like me need a tax break and some socialism as our caloric needs are much more than small people.

    do midgets have to pay more to be equal with larger people who need more calories?

  8. Artfldgr:

    A tax increase hidden beneath purportedly good intentions? Smart. Very smart. Until the smart people reconcile their accounts. This reminds me of Obama’s “new” debt-based economic model. It’s a promise of instant gratification without consequence. Meanwhile, they sponsor the progression of the very issues they claim to be resolving, including a need to further subsidize individuals whose character development they have sabotaged.

  9. Well played, BK!

    Can’t wait until NYC attempts to downsize fancy coffee drinks, like the Starbucks Frappachino. What next? Maybe those fruity or milk-based cocktails have excessive calorie counts, too. Or they’ll want to limit the number of beers one can consume at a Yankees game or reduce the size of the big pretzels (too many carbs!).

  10. “I, for one, just won’t step foot in New York City again. I find the city and its attitude to be an affront to America and the concept of individual liberty.” — progressoverpeace

    That’s exactly what I decided about San Francisco, following the 2004 election. I had seen a young in a photo, obviously disappointed that not enough fradulent votes had been cast to elect Kerry, holding a sign that said F*CK MIDDLE AMERICA.

    As 2004 marked the 40th anniversary of NBC anchorman comparing us Goldwater kids to Hitler Youth, it seemed the right time to decide never to drop another dime in certain places and on certain people.

  11. Elizabeth L. Crain,

    Yep. And I say it sadly, as I lived in Manhattan for years and loved the place. I saw it come back from the disaster of the 70s (when you could pick up an apartment on West End Ave for nothing, literally, because people didn’t want to be burdened with the maintenance costs) to the 90s when it was a great and fun place to be. But, that cycle is over. New York City isn’t happy just rolling with the periodicity of life, they need to stick their fingers in America’s eye. It is truly sad that such a vibrant city would willingly turn itself over to a bunch of disgusting Occupoopers (who evidently didn’t need any permits to do anything) and a midget Stalin who can’t mind the City’s actual business but has to hold control over everyone’s life who is unlucky enough to come within arm’s reach of hm (and worse, as he sent NY cops out to entrap gun dealers in other states, for which Bloomie should have been arrested).

    Oh well. New York had its run. I had my fun there. All good things must come to an end – usually not so pathetic an end, but that was New Yorkers’ decision.

  12. It’s nice to see that New York CIty has solved all its problems to the point where sodas and milkshakes are their biggest concerns. It must be a veritable utopia.

    Elizabeth L. Crain:
    Yes, I also remember that photo. Here is Zombie’s photo essay.

  13. What about obesity in GOVERNMENT? Can we get municipal payrolls on a treadmill?

  14. When you hate God (burning for you) and embrace nihilism (giving the Devil his due) then you make songs like this:


    with lyrics like this:

    Time ain’t on my side
    Time I’ll never know

    but, we’ll see you on the other side and you’ll have changed your mind by then. Isn’t it “cool” that the power of creation, breathed into your soul by a loving God, worked through your hate and despair; and what you created had good in it?

  15. Seems to me there’s an opportunity there for some smart operator to sell cheap mass-produced containers into which two 8oz sodas will fit… and Y-shaped straws suitable for drinking from two 8oz sodas simultaneously. Voila! A regulatory-compliant 16oz soda serving.

  16. hiraethin,
    I was thinking something similar when I read art’s comment about a drink carrier. Actually, you could come up with a whole line of products, which I would call Drink Nannies, that are embellished with a picture of the man who made Mary Poppins look like a slacker.

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