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Alan Dershowitz continues… — 10 Comments

  1. Corey has appeased the mob, ostensibly (but, not actually) quieting their murderous frenzy. Unfortunately, “Justice for Trayvon” continues to be carried out in an exclusively ignorant and prejudiced manner.

    As for Dershowitz, I wonder how much longer he will be welcomed by the Left. He opposes their selective perception and treatment of Israel and now delegitimizes their principal tactic used to consolidate wealth and power.

  2. n.n, you have to wonder how much longer Dershowitz will feel at home on the Left.

  3. The prosecutor is a disgrace to the profession. I still can’t believe that she put the vague, loaded, non-legal term into the affidavit of probable cause, that Zimmerman “profiled” Martin. WTH? I have never seen the like in a charging document—and I’ve seen thousands of them.

  4. When are the white folks going to finally realize that blacks are always innocent.

  5. Finally, I have seen an allegation, by an “expert”, which allegation, if true, would represent legitimate evidence against George Zimmerman.

    An audio analyst says Trayvon yelled for help, and begged for his life, before the shot rang out. The analyst’ opinion is included in the prosecution’s evidence.

    The analyst opinion is leading to speculation that Trayvon was initially punching Zimmerman, but Zimmerman then gained the upper hand in the fight, then Zimmerman executed a Trayvon who was pleading for his life. Viola: Murder 2.

    I know of reasons to consider the scenario unlikely, yet, at this time, do not know of a reason to completely dismiss the scenario. It is the first evidence, of which I am aware, which has a possibility of legitimately justifying Murder 2.


  6. You got to admit that the MSM has done its best to demonize “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman, and to make Trayvon Martin of the “Skittles and sweet tea” into a small, little, innocent, angelic choirboy. Starting with Zimmerman almost always referred to by just his last name, Martin almost always referred to by his first name.

    Zimmerman, supposedly weighing 240 in initial news reports (they both actually weighed about the same 170 at the time of the shooting), bearded and glowering in the picture the MSM always shows, Martin a slightly built high school kid, shyly smiling at the camera in the picture the MSM always uses of him, rather that the large, 6 foot, two inch, threatening kid in a “wife-beater” t-shirt, found in a later picture on the Web, with some gold in his grille, and looking at the camera in a challenging way, and with a lot of attitude.

    Zimerman’s brushes with the law highlighted, Martin’s multiple suspensions from school for possession of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver in his backpack he couldn’t explain, for vandalism, and for having a baggie with marijuana residue in his backpack a well-kept secret, one hardly mentioned in the MSM.

    Zimmerman’s injuries–cuts on the back of his head, a broken nose, two black eyes, and a back injury–initially unreported, and supposedly nonexistent, then only finally, grudgingly admitted.

    Last week we found at that Martin had bruises on his knuckles and marijuana in his system.

    Now. today. comes the news that angelic little Treyvon had a “fight club“ type video up on his Gangsta style Facebook page, with him as referee and sometimes participant, a video that, for some strange reason , was scrubbed soon after his killing ,and only just found by some intrepid Web researchers.

    As I said before, if they can do such a railroad job on Zimmerman, they can do it on anybody.

  7. Corrrection: the fight club video used to be up on Treyvon’s Youtube channel.

  8. According to reports the supposedly “gated”* townhouse development, where George Zimmerman was part of the neighborhood watch and Trevon Martin was shot, had suffered a number or robberies and vandalism in the last few years. Given the information about Treyvon Martin above, what do you think Martin’s most likely motive would have been for walking around the area, full of wet grass, behind the townhouses, looking around on a dark, cold, rainy night, rather than walking the straight line–supposedly something like a thousand feet–from the 7-11 to his home outside the other border of the development?

    * Although it was apparently not “gated” or secure enough to prevent people from reportedly cutting through it on a routine basis to get to the 7-11 or other destinations on its other side.

    This has been quite an elaborate “frame” that the Left and the MSM have been constructing.

    Everything about the Trevon Martin-George–Zimmerman “narrative” has been very carefully crafted by the MSM–facts omitted, facts included, language parsed, emphases added, images and pictures presented–to tell the story that the Left and its captive MSM wanted to be told, and hitting the themes it needed to be hit.

    So, I’m thinking that the “gated” designation, always repeated by the MSM in describing this townhouse development, was highlighted to give the audience the impression that the residents are “rich,” standoffish types, and probably racists who did not like blacks.

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