Home » Black voters forgive Obama…


Black voters forgive Obama… — 22 Comments

  1. ”I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”

    Thus explaining the Folie é  Deux epidemic of twenty and ought eight.

  2. Also underlining that it’s not Obama that’s the real problem, but the voters who *want* the left’s agenda.

  3. When a black public figure espouses conservative views (think Condoleeza, Allen West, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, and others), the left does not address their reasoning, but instead attacks them as “house negro” or “Uncle Tom”. The left side attacks have always been horse manure; have always been designed to shift attention away from the left’s lack of reasonable rebuttal to the conservative reasoning.

    The linked AP article, above, is further evidence that “house negro” and “Uncle Tom” are horse manure, meaningless, unserious accusations. A quote from a featured interview subject, a barber and Obama supporter: If Obama needs to endorse same-sex marriage to be re-elected, said Jackson, so be it: “Look, man – by any means necessary.””by any means necessary” is a Malcolm X quote. So, we have Obama acting as classic house negro, i.e. we have Mr. Jackson implicitly asserting that Obama is acting as someone whom he, in actuality, is not. Does Mr. Jackson excoriate Pres. Obama? He does not. Instead, Mr. Jackson celebrates house negro-dom as an act of radical defiance. Mr. Jackson, with no sense of irony, defines being an Uncle Tom as an act of radical defiance.

    House Negro, and Uncle Tom, are horse manure accusations, and have been for a very long time.

  4. They will eat anything he feeds them and have. Who cares how degraded some people are?

  5. I’d be slow to accept the premise of the article. There remain a substantial number of black ministers who are organizing opposition from the pulpit. Gay marriage remains deeply unpopular among church going black women. Further the flagrant political nature of this move, adds to the discomfort of those whose support has been weakened.

    While blacks who vote, will support Obama by at least 90+%, some will not show up and some won’t vote in the presidential at all. The Obama campaign is already concerned with black turnout, this will suppress it at least a bit.

  6. Germans forgave their leader even more until they woke up to him… and we still forgive and don’t care about the others like him who killed more…

    black voters are IDIOTS… any votors who thinks the party that tried to exterminate them en masse is their friend, are idiots.

    last century, it was the knights of the white camelia, and siding against minorities as there were more whites

    now, its siding with minorities against the group that has been exterminated and doesn’t know it… or rather, the group that regardless of what it does, will be the minority in a couple of decades… ie. they are bribing the minorities now, for when they are not minorities later. (Switching sides to whatever side they think will win for a while)

    now if he can just tell his people to stop seeking collective justice many times over by killing people of race…

    a whole lot of peoples sympathies on both sides are going out the window, and if i remember, such hate and behavior preceeded and led up to crystal nacht… which is the same as a flash mob attacking people and businesses, but not one at a time over years, just all at once in an area..

    we now have more than one person dead…

    do you really think that when drive by murders at random and mass attacks and such keep going we will even have an election?

    i am still trying to figure out how 280 million plus can have fewer children than 83 million and do that for decades using the same techniques described in the article by the man who invented the term genocide, is not genocide.

    i will wait for an answer how 280 million had so few… and how they are going to survive or even exist when the reality of that hits..

    here is another question:
    how can blacks live in the US and have their population remain almost static if eugenics isnt in play using state policy copied from what they pretend is the most heinious thing

    if its so bad, then why are they copying it?

    if the people are so smart, why dont they even know THAT basic bit?

    i suggest you all read
    Genocide – A Modern Crime
    By Raphael Lemkin , April 1945

    More often it refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The end may be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and social institutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their national feelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basis of personal security, liberty, health and dignity. When these means fail the machine gun can always be utilized as a last resort. Genocide is directed against a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is only secondary to the annihilation of the national group to which they belong.

    so it started with the genocide of blacks with sanger, and now is expanded to the genocide of the middle class whites who prevented the genocide of blacks, stopped the lynchings of the south, unseated feudal lords and kings, prevented world take over, saved the jews from extermination, and so on and so on

    after the group they target withers on the vine, do you think the people who are shooting and attacking people of a certain race in mass groups (sometimes over 30 people) will fight to prevent the end?

    think of each move that comes after completion of the prior move.

    first move.. exterminate blacks, indigents, gypsies, jews, and so on.

    that failed.. .why did it fail? target that reason, eliminate it, then do what? give up, or then proceed?

    so, now the target is that which prevents the original target. removal of the original target would be elimination of the army needed to remove those preventing things.

    if the unit is so strong and dominant

    like a diamond

    divide it and crush the diamond with its other half which is also diamond.

    when this western civilization population is gone, what is left? a return to the old order of feudalism, and there will be no pesky race that stopped slasvery, ended feudalism, created modernity, and invented freedom of the people, and so on

    but this wont happen
    in hegelian fashion, the people who make up the 283 million who are not having babies, think that they ARE The future.. even though 80 million others are outproducing them with their own money

    ie. the oppressed are who the state takes from, not who the state gives to telling the recipients are the oppressed.

    oppressed people do not get free room, free board, free tv, free phone, free childcare, have 15 babies paid for by others, free health care, etc.

    do they?

    oppressed people slave to pay for others tv, houses, cars, telephones, and children. sacrificing their own safety, children, and futures for them…


    aint Hegel a pip?

    The crime of genocide includes the following elements:

    – The intent of the offenders is to destroy or degrade an entire national, religious or racial group by attacking the individual members of that group. (over the long term)

    – This attack is a serious threat either to life, liberty, health, economic existence or to all of them. (over the long term)

    – The offenders may be representatives of the state or of organized political or social groups.

    so its the STATE Against the people, not whites against black… its statists against everyone else… including their own!

    Our whole cultural heritage is a product of the contributions of all peoples. We can best understand this if we realize how impoverished our culture would be if the so-called inferior peoples doomed by Germany, such as the Jews, had not been permitted to create the Bible or to give birth to an Einstein, a Spinosa; if the Poles had not had the opportunity to give to the world a Copernicus, a Chopin, a Curie, the Czechs a Huss, and a Dvorak; the Greeks a Plato and a Socrates; the Russians, a Tolstoy and a Shostakovich.


    read the article, it will show that affirmative action is just a rebranding of the nazi laws that gave more to the VOLK and less to the targets
    [edited for length by n-n]

  7. Just some ideas:

    1) The article, I believe, is by the news company, AP. AP’s leader is NOT a person who wants an unbiased press, the leader of the AP wants Obama to win the election in 2012. So the leader is biased for Obama.

    2) That being said, If I was a reporter, who wants to help Obama, with a Pro-Obama news story, I can talk to 50 people, and dishonestly choose about 7 people, for my story, who help my “help Obama” news piece.

    3) Of the 7 people in the story, only two people are of national acclaim, or of some acclaim in an individual state, meaning: the famous religious pastor and the famous professor. The other 5 people in the article, are just average men/people on the street. These 5 might not have a well-informed view of Obama’s job as president.

    I might give some weight to the opinions of the 2 famous people who were interviewed in the article.

    The other five people might be totally knowledgeable about how well Obama is running the government. Or, these people could be totally clueless about Obama’s JOB performance, and are just saying what sounds good, to the reporter.

    I will read the opinions of the two famous people in the article, and then decide if I agree with these two people.

    I will, however, not give much weight to the opinions of the five “people on the street” however, since they may be biased and be for Obama.
    I can go into any department store, and find 10 average people for Obama, and 10 average people who are against him.

    But just because I put five random people into a news story, that does NOT mean that [these five people] represent the majority of most Black people, or the majority of most White people, or the majority of the most of [any kind of people], in the United States.

  8. As he of course knew they would.

    Of course they would. You didn’t expect them to vote for the white guy did you?

    There isn’t a sub-population in the US that is more racist than the black community. To think that they would not vote for the black guy (no matter who he is and what he stands for) over the white guy (no matter who he is and who he stands for) is to kid yourself.

  9. Southern whites figured it out a long time ago. If 90% of blacks are voting for candidate A (usually a Democrat), and you are not black, then vote for candidate B. Candidate A will do you no good.

    To quote the legendary Edwin Edwards, the only way Obama doesn’t get 90% of the the black vote is if he is found in bed with a dead woman or a live boy. Even then he would get most of it.

  10. IMO, any person can serve as a blank screen so long as they stand for nothing and they speak in broad and palliative terms. That, along with his race, is what got Obama elected in the first place, and even then he was only elected with a 53% to 47% majority.

    Now, Obama has proven that he is not up to the task. He has not followed through on the promises he made. As much as he tries, he can no longer hide behind that curtain; he has a record. It is a record of the far left. The only thing that serves him now is his status as a minority.

    He’s lost white males, he’s lost bitter clinger’s in PA, WV and OH. He even seems to be losing the women’s vote (although that’s not certain yet) and he’s lost the vote of every small businessman/businesswoman in this country. In blatant political pandering he now supports same-sex marriage (while 32 states have voted to disallow it) and his administration has jeopardized the life of a covert operative and most likely the covert operation itself.

    I ask you, if 47% of the electorate already saw through the charade of 2008 has he given an additional 4% of the electorate a reason to vote against him in 2012?

  11. >>> A sort of human TAT or Rorschach test.

    I always think of him more like the paper at the bottom of a bird cage.

    He seems to strongly resemble it most of the time.

  12. There’s a more interesting observation regarding this event: If the polls show a majority of people support gay marriage, why the concern that it was costly for Obama to support it?

    Observation 1. The polls regarding gay marriage are not neutral both in substance and procedure.

    Observation 2. Do gays want someone like Romney who has treated gays with equality and honesty from his earliest days of responsibility, or do they want someone like Obama who treats them as political fodder? If Obama is a true Christian who accepts the basic biblical prohibitions, then he would have already taken Romney’s position. But he is not and like most gays are more concerned with revenge than acceptance, so is Obama and unfortunately most black people.

  13. ain’t Hegel a pip.

    Yep, like a throw stone

    skipping a skip

    upon the water.

    He may, however,

    be more than just

    a casual kink.

  14. Hegel, who secularized Thomas (who had Marianized Aristotle), laid the foundation for state authority. Without him, Nietzsche, aka, group insanity, lacks foundation.

    The battle is not reason against non-reason, although it often looks that way. The battle is the Jews (Torah) against Cain (Haters).

  15. The funny thing is, Barry O’s not black in any meaningful sense of the word. He just looks black. And that’s enough.

  16. It used to be that the “sistah’s” resented a black man with a white woman. Were all his relationships prior to Michelle with composite white women?
    Apart from that, I wouldn’t infer that most black voters are clueless since that seems to be true of most white voters also.
    I meet so many people who have no idea about what’s going on. They admit it it.
    Then they say “It’s all politics, They’re all liars” to cover their ignorance.
    Some I’ve found to be curious and wanting someone to catch them up on the story since they’ve come in late.
    These we need to handle with care, and not turn off with diatribes.

  17. Obama’s supporters always assume he’s lying to someone else, never to them.

  18. T:

    I ask you, if 47% of the electorate already saw through the charade of 2008 has he given an additional 4% of the electorate a reason to vote against him in 2012?

    Good point. Most voters will not change their votes from 2008. It takes only a small portion to change the election, a change which was evident in the Republicans gaining ~60 House seats in 2010.

    I doubt that many blacks will vote against Obama for his stance on gay marriage. I predict that a more significant minority of blacks will abstain because of his stance on gay marriage.

    Blacks have been disproportionately hurt by the bad economy. After 3+ years in office, Obama can no longer blame Bush. Unfortunately, most Blacks will vote against their economic interests and vote for Obama. Sounds like the What’s the Matter with Kansas? thesis, but applied to Democrat voters.

    It appears that Obama is doing all he can to fire up his base voters. Given his lackluster performance as POTUS, his base voters are less likely to go to the polls in November. While Obama’s attempts to fire up his base may induce some to vote who would otherwise abstain, he will not be able to induce all of his unenthusiastic base voters to go to the polls. The more that Obama fires up his base, the more he will antagonize others. Sounds like Obama is between a rock and a hard place. Obama must figure he has no alternative.

  19. Gringo,

    ” Most voters will not change their votes from 2008.”

    Actually, I do not agree with that. It’s my contention that many people voted for Obama based on the perception that he, himself fostered (post-racial, post-partisan, etc.).

    I believe that many of these people are sorely disappointed (Glenn Reynolds’, Instapundit, favorite phrase for this is “And another rube self-identifies!”). When people like John Lovitz, admittedly a Dem, comes out and publicly chastizes Obama and notes there are many people in Hollywood who agree with him but won’t say so publicly, something is seriously afoot. Likewise, in Southwestern PA I have heard union member Democrats decrying Obama administration policies. I repeat, something is seriously afoot here.

    Certainly the hard-core Obama supporters will vote for him again, but remember that only ~21% of voters identify themselves as liberal and of course one must add the black vote to that total, too. Romney is ahead by 10% with Independents and his share of the women’s vote is growing. I think votes WILL change this cycle. My curiosity is will they change in a way that affects the Electoral College vote? I think they will more dramatically than most people think.

  20. Do people here honestly think that black voters would support, say, Herman Cain against a white Democratic candidate?

  21. Over on Drudge there’s a link with a Baltimore newspaper report of 2-separate black gangs attacking & beating one white youth in that city. BUT, in the age of PC-Insanity & The Rule of The Boy King, it’s a No-No to tell the accurate truth in reporting such an incident. So, the young man was attacked and beaten by “two separate gangs.”

    I have yet to hear blacks in the ‘hood refer to themselves as “African Americans”. They use the word,”Black”. Period. A young man named Jarvielle whom I’ve been seeing every Friday afternoon for 3-yrs, 4-months in a tough little section of Clermont-Minneola(Age 14, next month), used the expression in referring to the rubber band holding his glasses together today as having,”Nigger rigged it”. Can you imagine the keening, wailing, rending that ANY Lib-Lefty of White Skin would GASP over such a thing? When I used the term,”Ghetto rigged”, Jarv corrected me with,”Naw, it’s Nigger rigged, Mister Neo.” LOVE it.

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