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Romney’s… — 18 Comments

  1. Romney… …on a roll.

    …That anything like a pig in a blanket?

  2. Santorum is rapidly approaching his sell by date. If he has any plans for the future that include the Republican party, he had better back off.

  3. I don’t think he is smart enough to back off Mr. Frank, I agree that he should also.

  4. so on to the genenal election.

    I know lots of ppl who voted for BO but will not vote or will not vote for him again.
    I know no one who did not vote for him who now likes him.

    Do you?

  5. I had dinner tonight in Greenwich Village with some lefties, one a really psycho, spring-loaded type (6’3″ and twitchy). He was bitching that “people in the heartland don’t like Obama,” and referred to some people he knows. He made some pretty extreme statements, which even his companion Democrat blinked at.

    Now if this nutjob, who is as insulated from any contrarian notions as it’s physically possible to be, has heard muttering against Obama — well, people, let’s put our blue caps on and start prying up the cobblestones!

  6. This “person from the heartland who doesn’t like Obama” suggests that:

    1. All of us who are Republicans/ conservatives/ libertarians vote for ABO (probably Romney) and encourage others of like mind to vote.

    2. Contribute to his campaign AND to the campaigns of Republican congresspersons …especially those in “not safe for Republicans swing states”.

    3. WORK for Republican candidates.

    4. Consider spending some time in social networks like Twitter making comments in favor of Republican candidates. Use moderate language filled with facts and reason. Try to convince independents to vote for Republicans.

    5. Try to find independent or reasonable liberal blogs (but continue to to come HERE of course) and comment moderately in favor of the Republican cause. Remember, we won’t be preaching to the choir like we do here…don’t start flame wars…use facts and reason, moderately expressed.

    We MUST expand our influence and capture the votes of independents to get a Republican House, Senate, and President.

  7. It was over when he won Florida. Period. The rest has just been noise generated by the media. I have no idea why anyone would continue to donate significant dollars to Gingrich and Santorum. Just donate it to a charity if you want to throw it away. Paul is a novelty candidate so whatever..

    While he is a compromise, I was at the Jacksonville debate and IMHO Romney was clearly the top candidate. He needs to go ahead and strut just a wee bit and ignore the primary opponents at this point and start his campaign against Obama.

  8. As a PA resident, our primary is up and coming. Although I’ve backed Gingrich publicly on this site, it seemss clear that he’s faded into obscurity and that there will be no third resurrection. As a committed ABO voter, it’s time for me to cast my vote for Romney to bring Santorum’s campaign to an end in his own home state. Sometimes ya gotta read the handwriting on the wall.

  9. Don Carlos,

    There’s no point in getting worked up about what is really a sideshow. In the meantime, mistaken for a sideshow but actually the real theater of war, the media outlets and education centers remain firmly in Marxist hands, ensuring the flow of “correct information” to the public and a steady stream of next-gen “progressive thinkers” guaranteeing the continuation of hard Leftist policies even should a new Reagan rise to power.

    Ronald wasn’t good enough. He was good, but his goodness wasn’t where it mattered, and still matters. It’s not a new Ronald conservatives should be clamoring for, but a new Joe. Joe, as in the one that got derailed in 1957 before he could finish the job, and how heavy the price America is paying for it!

  10. Pennsylvania’s Republican Primary is starting to become a “Anyone But Santorum” state.

    Remember this guy LOST his last state-wide election by a landslide. Another election loss is on his horizon.

    The train is about to leave the station (to garble a figure of speech) and the professionals want to be on board with their ticket punched.

    The only point of interest is which “candidate” is going to endorse and switch his delegate to put Mitt over the top. And what his quid-pro-quo will be.

    I guess Gingrich will and look forward to running the Department of Education. My generous nickel wager awaits you, ladies and gentlemen.

  11. Neo, the spammers hit you. Even down to your “strong majority” blog. Probably more.

  12. I live in PA and I’m a Santorum supporter. I will admit I’m torn. I could live with Romney, but I also realize my “enthusiasm” for him is based on a good deal of wishful thinking. My best hope for him is something Jonah Goldberg said, that with a conservative Congress Romney could be a very effective conservative leader. My fear is that Americans will hedge their bets; even if they do vote for Romney they’ll re-seat their Democratic bagmen. Pennsylvanians esp. like to do this (think John Murtha). Santorum, on the other hand, thinks like I do and I’ve always admired him. I thought he was an idiot going out to Iowa, but he’s already garnered far, far more support than I ever thought possible. I’d have to overcome a lot of loyalty to vote against him April 24. And what’s the rush, anyway? I thought Hillary threw in the towel too early.

    So make your case for Romney. I will read and ponder. Gratuitous insults of Rick not acceptable. Not particularly susceptible to fantasies of libertarian utopias.

  13. The case for Romney is he is going to get the nomination– full stop. Anything that weakens him at this point helps Obama. Santorum is working for Obama at this point.

  14. I think the really interesting result is the turnout in Wisconsin.


    It’s almost double the 2008 Republican turnout. The MSM isn’t reporting this. It says to me that the Tea Party is still out there in heavy numbers, just being quiet and going to work at the moment.

  15. ZionTruth-
    I’m not getting distracted by the ‘sideshow’. But we gotta start somewhere. I cannot do one single thing about the entrenched snakes, and suspect you cannot, either. If you can, please divulge!

    I agree with you about Joe, completely. Demonized while alive, still a demon 50yrs later because of our dumbing down. Not mere indoctrination, but the general loss of the public merely to question. Oh, how long did it take for the ‘innocence’ of the Rosenbergs to be disspelled?

  16. Personally, I am slowly seeing Romney in a different and more positive light. I’m a fiscal conservative. I’m a strict supporter of the rule of law (the Constitution). Otherwise, except for abortion, I’m definitely libertarian. The 9th & 10th rule, we the people in our local communities and in the states decide by what code of ethics we choose to live.

    I don’t expect Romney to do much more than slow down what I think is the looming, inevitable fiscal train wreck. From my POV that is enough, as it may be the only baby step the public is willing to take at this time. My only fear is there may not be much more time before the train rushes past the caution: bridge out, signpost.

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