Home » Most definitely not…


Most definitely not… — 12 Comments

  1. Whether she is correct or her co-workers are correct, it that pesky LOVE of money that’s the root of all evil. ‘Splainin indeed.

  2. I foresee no good will come to her from this.

    Indeed, if you read the various suggestions on how to handle winning such wealth, and the stories about all those who won and then self-destructed, and the elaborate steps recommended to retain your anonymity–if possible, to put a wall of advisers, legal protections, and security between yourself and your new found wealth and the veritable horde of parasites, schemers and scammers who will descend upon you, it makes it almost seem like this wealth is a catastrophe, and just not worth it.

    But, I guess if it happened to me I could try to bear the burden manfully.

  3. Tomorrow’s Headline:

    “Mutilated Body Identified as Mega-Lottery Winner”

  4. P.S.–I see I forgot to mention the couple of “winners” who people tried to kill or did actually kill, to get control of their winnings.

  5. Here is why things like this story, “American Idol,” Celebrity X’s new face-lift, divorce, rehab, etc. and “Treyvon” will preoccupy the MSM for the foreseeable future until the election, just as, a few weeks ago Rush’s “slut” remark did. i.e. as the chart shows, it would take a net of 15 million new jobs to bring the ratio of workers to the population back to the ratio that prevailed in 2007 before Obama & Co. took over (see http://blog.american.com/2012/04/the-obama-jobs-gap-is-up-to-15-million-missing-jobs/) .

  6. >>> I foresee no good will come to her from this.

    There’s more than a few people for whom a lotto win produces this, even without such a greed-based start.

    Even if she’s fully correct, that these tickets were “her own”, that’s the kind of thing you need to have the brains to spell out ahead of time — such and so tickets are to be purchased, any other tickets the provenance of the individual, with numbers cited ahead of time or set for agreement on a reliable basis so there’s no question which, if any, tickets won. NOT having done so shows the kind of economic foolishness that leads to economic woes later on for the “winner”, even if she isn’t just being a greedy bitch from Hell.

    The real problem lies in the fact that wealth is not merely power, but a burden, despite all the beliefs to the contrary, and it’s generally not that healthy for most people to have it just dropped upon them… wealth does, really, need to be earned.

  7. it’s generally not that healthy for most people to have it just dropped upon them… wealth does, really, need to be earned.

    That’s the key, I think. The same phenomenon can be seen with people who use their own money to buy a house or rent an apartment vs. those who use Section 8 vouchers. The latter are much more likely to trash the place.

  8. Having spent a few weeks in Haiti, a couple of things do not surprise me. One, that she would try to claim all of the money. Two, that she will possibly get death threats from her fellow workers. Haitians frequently threaten to kill each other and often do. There are many wonderful and sweet people in Haiti, but don’t trust anyone for even one minute.

  9. Sudden riches are not a blessing for most people.
    It seems very much so for Mirlande. Sigh.

  10. If I were the judge, which is where this is probably going to end up, I’d ask her to show me the winning ticket.

    Once I had it in hand, I’d then ask her to show me the tickets that she purchased for the group.

    I doubt that there would be a need to go any further after that.

  11. No further proof of the basic malevolence of the universe is needed than this: that people like this win big lotteries and proceed to ruin their lives whereas I, who could handle it, do not.

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