Home » It’s that time again—last time for now


It’s that time again—last time for now — 2 Comments

  1. http://www.youtube.com/user/AcidPoPArtist:

    LASTLY, MY FIRST “MESSAGE TO ALL” – BUT MAINLY TO THE UN – via Fox News and from Tehran, year 2003.
    ([y brand new one started here, one year ago @

    “About the following document I called: “TESTIMONY AND MANIFESTO”, I ask you to please print it and read it and for sure send it to the President of the United States and to all the members of his Administration. With the President’s help, I hope that very soon – once I will be out of Tehran, with my paintings- all the members of the U.N. will have acces to my Manifest, i.e. all the leaders and all the governments around the world, present and future; and finally, to testify my words, I wish that the Dalai-Lama -the Dalai-Lama, not the Pope!- will also read me and hopefully share these universal points of view which could be Jesus’ words or the Buddha’s, if they were still alive.

    The divided (and so uninspiring for the East) West has caused or maintained the ‘loss’ of the East and now, as a result, it has also caused the loss of the West -since 9-11.
    Leadership is a vocation and it’s sacred, in the same way it’s a vocation to become soldier —for a country and in an Army who only fights for Freedom, not to enslave countries. In the Sufi language only Spiritually rich and high souls deserve the rank of Kings. There are too many politicians who make noise and fight for their own ego, instead of the Unity of the World.

    The Marxist approach (still so appreciated amongst Intellectuals and teachers and critics) is out-of-date. Instead of unifying people, nations, individuals, it separates them -with hatred and jealousy-, blacks from whites, rich from poor, Jews from Arabs, West from the East. It’s an honor to be “invaded” by the U.S.A. Without her help, there will be no chance to educate properly the East and the South and even the Europeans (who should listen to Fox News instead of CNN or Hollywood dramas; and realize that Journalism is not about gossiping or interpretating but reporting and revealing in order to transcend all worldwide clichés and distortions that unfortunately make the law but belong to people’s own Illusions.)

    It’s not a crime to be rich, it’s not a crime to be American, and it’s not a crime to be pro-America. But these are the silent Consensus that are spread all across the globe (including Europe). It’s a leftwing notion. And unfortunately, it is at the source of the regression of the Muslim and Arab world -as one example- and the African continent anyway.

    The Neoconservatives and Republicans in the US are the political and artistical avant-garde of our time. Artists because their hearts and their minds are fair, balanced and free from any Ideology but freedom, happiness, Joy and diversity. Instead of nursing (=enslaving) their populations —what Socialists, Muslims and Mafiosi do naturally-, they ask them to grow, spiritually first, then materially, for their own benefit and then for the benefit of the Whole…
    (Tehran, the 26th of june 2003)

    “A MESSAGE TO ALL” (including David Asman, Eric Shawn, Geraldo Rivera…and all the brave soldiers who were in the middle of Hell far away from Home) — Tehran, the 6th of May 2003

    I am writing you from Tehran where I temporarily live: I left Brussels, Belgium -in 1992- where I was born and where I grew up and worked, as architect. I lived few years in Milano (Italy) to gain more knowledge and more experience + taste more Sun and more Beauty; came back to Brussels and finally, at 32, abandoned my free and apparent secure but ‘boring’ office life in a culturally ‘gray country’ (gray to me), and decided to fly to Iran where I had never lived until then, just visited when I was young (Shah time).

    Office life for me was my jail and I couldn’t enjoy life. To become one day a ‘universally free and famous Artist’ and be able to fly one day to N.Y.C (an unaffordable dream for me at the time), I had one choice only: go to Iran where life is cheaper if you count on your own dollars (my father’s) and give yourself the time to learn (through intense reading) what you couldn’t learn before because schools don’t focus on all the more essential issues of life: the meaning of Life, the mission of man, the confrontation with our own self, our freedom; and the discovery of our real interest and capability -something that if found out would bring everybody on earth prosperity and autonomy.

    Life in Iran, under the Islamic government, is harder for a woman than for a man. Not that a woman can not work but she is always watched as inferior, inferior to the man, his future ‘wife and slave’, and when she tries to act like him, be free and for example show her hair, she would be called a ‘whore’, whatever this word may mean to them (godless for sure). It’s a silent consensus. And no woman here is ready to fight for that basic right and hear in return an insult (best case!). This is the only concern of the moralists and the ignorants: (Mis)Judge, condemn and accuse, using God’s name, morality and holy books —which after all were written by previous ignorant theocrats inspired by Devil (Dark Side of God and the God of the Ignorants), poor imitation of God, but not God.

    The good part is that I met here other Persian souls
    (I could never meet before since they lived in the US) who had decided to make the same move I did: come back in Iran since the Iran/Irak war had ended and more important or as much, after the news of Khomeiny’s death. Like me, they belonged to the “privileged classes” -educated abroad and open-minded- from the old era. So, despite the ugliness of an ‘Iranian Islamic’ environment and look, I could enjoy in my own privacy, conversations and friendship with people of my generation, artists like me and universal like myself.

    In 1998, I finally switched to my forever dream: Painting. After 5 years, I found my own style, can give it a name: Acid Pop Art, where ‘acid’= a more humble word and still meaningful way to translate ‘pop abstract’ and ‘abstract pop’ — ‘abstract’ meaning divine and free, ‘pop’ meaning: Spirit and Expression of the American Way of Life when Industry, (Show-)Business and Art have proved their compatibility and, as result, humbly and generously, generates Joy (GOD). I miraculously found out that because of my deep and profound beliefs in American Values, I was able to paint like a true American pop artist if that artist would choose to express abstract and pop together. I can now find my place in New York as family of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat; as soul-sister of the same Jean-Michel Basquiat and of Lou Reed, another true Living Legend in American Culture, being admitted that Souls don’t die and Eternity is (a) Reality —both being my two American heroes who have been able to touch my heart and inspire me in such way that I began to paint hoping that I would be able to express on canevas my true devotion to them and my real recognition of who they are; and I did. I am now in the silence of my apartment waiting for an opportunity to export myself, meaning be able to touch the heart of some vessel or messenger who would help me meet Lou and then hopefully, one day, the president of the United States – Lou, at my side, because my courage is full of shyness: In year 2000, I painted two prophetic paintings I called “American Flag” and “Persian Flag” inspired by a Lou Reed tune called “I Wanna Be Black”. The day they will be exhibited in New York City, I will be revealed to the whole world, including Islamists and French, hoping that with the presence of a true King and a real Superior Man (Lou Reed) at my side, we will both contribute to spread the right words all around the world, the voices of two Truth-seekers (actually three with Jean-Michel Basquiat) who know what Freedom and Life in their highest definition truly mean, who also know that there is no true Knowledge and true Awareness without struggle, that the ultimate and legitimate fight is the fight for the Light and Lightness againstIgnorance and oppression and that the role of the Creators and the true Leaders is to bring Clarity and Freedom to all the “slaves” of the world so that nobody will be able to fool anybody no more in the future because all the answers to all the questions and mysteries of life can be found and revealed by accomplished Visionaries and Truth seekers who have always been able to pay with their own ”blood” the price of their lifetime struggle for Beauty, Truth and Life i.e. for human rights, peace, Clarity and Justice, for Love, Beauty and Freedom, for Light and Harmony; so, for the ultimate Knowledge which brings to the ultimate Awareness and the real Humbleness of the Superior Man (humbleness before God, not submission to the Devils, the Monkeys and the Businessmen).

    With the 9-11 profane terrorist act, my current situation of struggle and confrontation with Islamic despotism became also and suddenly USA’s share, and more unbelievable, New York city, its most sacred place, the most beautiful and successful example of the nation’s dream when that vision could create the Highest and more Universal, Generous, Mythical, Magical, Modern/Ancient, Heart Beating City, New York.

    Not everybody around the world think this way, i.e. accept that the USA are truly ways above all other nations on earth, Spiritually (intellectually, culturally, ethically,…), not just Materially. It’s unfortunate that the entire world is anti-American. What do you expect from Muslims when France (through this government and through the voice of its journalists), civilized but nationalist and jealous, accuses the USA of Imperialism and likes to spread the word on TV without measuring the impact of these killing and untrue words on all the already brainwashed minds around the world? They must beblind or deaf. Are they stupid or very vicious?They also build their pseudo-analysis putting the blame on the “current cowboy President and his so-called falcons”, at a time America has become one again with her own values and is ready to put action for it, has already proved it with the destruction of the Taliban and hopefully with the complete elimination of all Islamic dictatorships and macho systems of ignorant gangsters and killers.

    The biggest damage begins inside America in the battle between Democrats and Republicans. Why can’t they become one and fight for the same true values together? During this conflict, I had the fortune to be linked to the satellite and discover FOX NEWS CHANNEL (a true miracle!), Truth-seeker Journalists and Superior Men! I thank God every day that such miracle did happen. French news is truly disgusting and in general practice unprofessional journalism, clearly anti-American and pro-Arab (as if Americans were anti-Arabs), they talk like gossipers not like clear-free-minded critics. CNN and BBC world spread a phallic (imperialist) image I can’t relate to even if they pretend they are moderate and liberal. The problem with the moderates and the liberals is that they are hypocrites and demagogues, politically correct which means not smart and not sincere, one day ‘up’, one day ‘down’. I looked for Artists and I found FOX. I always thought I would vote ‘democrat’ if I was American, I finally could distinguish that the true Democrats in America are the Republicans -who know that the price for Paradise on Earth can have a high price sometimes (when diplomacy has failed and friends became betrayers) : Death; Death for Democracy, not for Communism or Islam.

    In my own visions for Humanity I also hope and dream that the domestic policy of G.W.Bush will make miracles as well and that these Tax cuts…will be one more true answer to these endless questions of economy and that finally and once forever this solution will bring lightness and work and creativity and more growing businesses and new self sufficient free citizens: The miracle will be complete and the economical and political program and success of this government will be such that it may be exported to the world and Democracy will prevail and everybody will finally live free, free from their State, and aware that they, each citizen, have the responsibility to grow, for their own sake, become Men and Women, not complainers and “victims” of some abstraction they call Capitalism, ready to fight for their own dreams, read the right books (Jack London should be first on that list with Martin Eden and The Valley of the Moon), connect with the true God, not the Popes, free themselves from all the slave-traders of their lives and manipulators: fathers, mothers, brothers, churches or mosques, their Justice and their Government, newspapers and T.V. when they preach Dogmatism and maintain their submission to wrong causes and to wrong Gods …in other words, free themselves from their own ignorance and darkness; and recognize that the only valid and revolutionary leadership and political system is the Capitalism “made in USA,” where true individual freedom and liberty is offered to all its people, without abolishing the challenge of life who can last a life time and is called the Spiritual war of all spiritual warriors or ‘Samourais’, ready to confront their own mind and their own darkness to reach the light and the true knowledge which will help them distinguish God’s words from Evil’s words, a true friend from a betrayer, art from its imitation, freedom from slavery, true Kings from courtiers, Jesus from his so-called disciples/friends (read the miraculous book written by Francoise Gange, “Jesus et les femmes”), Manners from Morality…

    As long as the International community through the UN will not decide to legally —and practically- put an end to all Dictatorships across the globe, war seems to be the only answer for freeing these oppressed people. Today Jacques Chirac wants to create a strong European Army to “balance” America. Does he want to replace the old USSR? What’s his point? He is very clearly separating politics from economy, principles from business.
    Where is his intelligence?

    It’s sad to believe that everybody has lost his mind and fights for the wrong causes everywhere. So much confusion is tragi-comical. But the oppressed world can only count on the United States of America, always did. The difference today is that the USA is no longer ready to let any other nations rule its moves, fearing their threats (black-mail, terror, misinformation campaigns…). And because if God has let the tragedy of 9-11 happen, it was not because America deserved the attack, but because the free East, who has been shut down since few decades by the domination of an Islamic authority and its current uneducated leaders, needed its only true superior friend, America, to take action against that domination and rescue and free and bring light, life, knowledge, beauty, colors, respect, Freedom and Truth in the Heart and the Mind of all these nations.

    One more thing, if America has so many enemies inside the (Muslim) world, it’s also because of America’s friendship with Israel and her faithfulness. If France is playing such vicious game in this global battle for Freedom, is only because when Courtiers, not Kings, lead the show, nothing good can appear. As Edgar Allan Poe wrote: “Never Bet the Devil your Head”. I don’t care for Jacques Chirac’s head but because of his wrong choice, America has heavily paid the price of that bad choice since decades amongst the Arab world. To balance his sleeping with Evil (Saddam…), France had to offer the Arabs a speech where an external predator and enemy was to be found and showed with the finger: “le capitalisme sauvage” and America, “pro-Israel and anti-Muslims”. It feeds perfectly well the nationalist feeling of the masses and their hatred for Israel. To the point that even their so-called open-minded intellectuals think America has long teeth and “no mercy for its own economic interests”. But this is the description of France, not America. What blocks the chance for French enlightenment and awareness is her arrogance and her true belief that Americans are intellectually and culturally inferior to them. The same illness affects the Iranians, the Turks, the Arabs,… Instead of seeing in America the master it is, detached but generous, humble but aware of her own Superiority (higher than the UN), they prefer to call it uncivilized , because in their laziness, it’s easier to put the blame of their own incapacity on an external force, especially if it is as successful as America is. They would be right if the USA was arrogant, selfish, and untrue; it is wrong since the principles and the values of America are vital for her own growth; where healthy economy, True Democracy, human rights and individual Freedom are the interdependent conditions to insure the success of each separately and as whole.

    Now, if you are interested in me and want to help me get out of here with my paintings and my good words, you will have to go to Lou Reed, ask him what he knows about me and how together we want to play a role in that fight. Also, he will be able to show you the pictures of my work, including the symbolism of the two flags.
    Right now he began his summer tour, but FOX is surely able to contact him everywhere across the globe. Ask any of your New York reporters to find him, like Geraldo Rivera or Eric Shawn if they liked the idea.

    I am a true aware fan of Fox News and since we have the same initials, I may sign with that name on my paintings. If Lou agrees. A statement, full of meanings and a short cut to clarity :

    Fox News (c)
    (acid pop artists)

    Here is Lou’s address in Manhattan:…

    Don’t contact me or publically name me before you could contact and hear Lou himself please. My power and my Truth can not be exposed without him and without your own acceptance and understanding of this link.

    I have been mentioned last year in a book, by
    Terence Ward, ”Searching for Hassan”. I met Terry Ward in Iran during his trip. In few lines, he symbolically described our encounter in Tehran, at a mutual friend’s house + my American Flag painting + my source of inspiration : Lou and Jean-Michel Basquiat. But of course, he hasn’t developed the question of the meanings of the flag. They would “cut my head” if they could hear what I have to say. He just gave my name, Fariba. Beside that publicity, nobody really knows me, fortunately. And as long as I am not safe with my paintings in New York, nobody will know about me, my work and my words.

    I hope that my integrity, my clarity and my high goals in life have also touched your hearts. I am ready to pack but I have unlimited patience and will wait until the door to Paradise will be opened to me; and finally be able to become, at my turn, a Voice for Freedom and Justice. And be the only eastern soul who has the guts to openly condemn Islam, male ignorance and male chauvinism and Mafia mentality of these same men, as the true only causes of the regression of the third world countries; the true battle between Knowledge (lightness) and Ignorance (Barbarism/Terror/Hell).
    With Love,
    Tehran, may 6, 2003
    PS. Forgive me for all my errors of English”

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