Home » Obama’s second term: fill in the blanks


Obama’s second term: fill in the blanks — 50 Comments

  1. I would predict that a second term would usher in a financial collapse that would prompt Obama essentially to seize control of another big chunk of the economy through either nationalization of industries and/or wholesale regulation. Perhaps the gov’t would take complete control of the banks and then use that power to force them “lend” money (never to be repaid) to various Dem constituencies, force them to NOT lend to businesses who do things the left doesn’t like, and/or to forgive all kinds of debt.

  2. On one hand, I have no doubts Obama will “cut loose” given there’s no re-election campaign to plan for. On the other hand, I’m not sure that would be all that far from what he’s doing now. It’s well within the realm of possibility that he thinks the kinds of things he would prefer to do, if left unchecked, are the kinds of things that would make him more popular.

    The most frightening thing I ever read about Obama was a comment from a (former) Facebook friend of mine, someone who is generally very intelligent (in fact a former high school teacher of mine, and easily one of my favorites), but who was very liberal. The comment was something I’d read elsewhere, to the effect that she wished Obama wasn’t restricted by the great momentum forced by our governments laws and checks and balances and could essentially be a dictator so he could just fix everything.

    Now given that we are talking about Obama, that idea is horrifying. But I wouldn’t want that from anyone, no matter how smart. I wouldn’t want, say Alan Keyes, who I think may be the smartest politician in the last couple decades to have that kind of power. I wouldn’t want Ronald Reagan to have that power. I wouldn’t want anyone short of King Saint Louis IX, and maybe not even him.

    Sure, assuming Obama wasn’t intending to take a wrecking ball to every good influence of Western civilization in our society, it would be good if he faced fewer impediments to implementing his ideas, but to have so naive a grasp of human nature (especially one so flawed as our current President’s), and to frankly, have such a poor grasp of history and apparently no understanding of, or respect for, why our Republic was set up the way it was, or worse, to be ignorant of the very common and blatant examples of how democracies can fail catastrophically when those checks are not in place is, in my opinion, to be utterly unworthy of American citizenship.

  3. I get scared when I think about what Obama might do in a second term. The possibilities range from almost nothing (because of his laziness…after all Obamacare was designed and implemented by a Democrat Congress…not him) to him becoming a virtual dictator.

    It is IMPERATIVE that we all against fight this possibility as much as we can in terms of time and treasure.

    Equally important is to do everything possible to elect Republican congresspersons to at least have some kind of stop against his excesses if he does get elected.

  4. If President Obama gets a second term he will attempt to create a legacy. All second term Presidents attempt this, and one way he will try to accomplish this is through the Supreme Court. If Obama gets a second term it is quite likely that a conservative justice will retire, and given Obama’s nominations so far, he will select a very liberal, and young justice as a replacement, reversing the 5-4 conservative advantage for many years to come.

    This alone is a good reason to vote for anyone nominated by the Republican Party. The GOP candidate might not be a conservatives conservative, but Obama would become a liberals liberal in the second term.

  5. There was a commenter who said tyranny (Obama martial law or something like it) could not happen in the United States because there is lacking a compliant populace. Something like that and I apologize if that is too simplistic.

    It’s not Obama’s policies that will change; it is the methods of enforcement. Obama tried to set up a brownshirt army but that didn’t work. He has set up an “executive congress” but some Republicans with cajones can change that. This has frustrated Obama who has telegraphed his inner desire for total rule and control. Obama, if he has a second term, will accelerate, greatly, his use of fear and power to demand obedience.

  6. Left Coast Conservative,

    I absolutely agree, and Obama’s influence, through SCOTUS would be a 30 year legacy; this was exactly my point in an earlier topic. That’s precisely why the overriding theme of this election must be Anyone But Obama. I do take heart in the old saying attributed Otto von Bismarck, that God protects fools drunkards and the United States of America. We can only hope!

    Neonecocon wrote “That blank slate thing seems to work for [Obama].” Yes, that blank slate thing HAS worked for Obama, but he now has a track record. We’ll see in November whether his blank slate remains viable or not.

  7. More important, I think, is the blank slate of voters. Too many simply don’t care enough to go beyond the soundbites or their own short term interests. The MSM propaganda machine works really well to keep those voters in the D party.

  8. I believe it was Jack Kemp who said that to live in the American welfare system was essentially to live under Socialism, and that is true. It is a system of unending nosey social workers, and various other do-gooders trampling all over your life. But that was the late Eighties and early Nineties, Well if you wanted the dole, then that’s what you got. If you don’t like it then you worked two jobs, no cable TV, and rode a bike or bus so you could tell them to kiss your arse. That’s changing now. They are growing to the point where there is no getting away from them. That’s the real danger of Obama continuing his agenda. His “brownshirt army” is the ever growing bureaucracy.

  9. Tesh,

    IMO you’re correct about the propaganda machine, but I think it oftentimes goes even deeper than that.

    I live in a predominantly blue-collar neighborhood that is overwhelmingly Democrat, while simultaneously mostly live like conservatives (traditional values, not overly indebted, sense of personal responsibility, etc.). I think that this is in many many cases because they still see the Dem party as the representative of the “poor man” rather than the country club wealthy; the party of Truman and JFK rather than the party of Saul Alinsky and Frances Fox Piven.

    It’s true that the MSM propaganda machine perpetuates this, but I think that the MSM is only playing the instruments that are already present in the orchestra. That they don’t go beyond these soundbites may sometimes have to do with the fact that they don’t know HOW to do that, rather than not caring to do so.

  10. Tesh,

    On further thought, to carry my orchestral analogy one step further, I think that this is why Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul (and Andrew Breitbart) are seen as outside of the mainstream. Each in his own way, criticizes the makeup of the orchestra and notes that it can be composed of different instruments than it currently is. Rick Santorum mostly criticizes the tune that the orchestra is currently playing, and Mitt Romney, not unlike Obama with his blank slate, stands somewhat mute.

  11. BTW in my 12:44 pm post above, a clarification:

    “That they [the voters, not the media] don’t go beyond these soundbites may sometimes have to do with the fact that they don’t know HOW to do that, rather than not caring to do so.

  12. Dreams of physical, material, and ego instant gratification, principally through redistributive and retributive change, but also through fraudulent and opportunistic exploitation. Unfortunately, the dreamers (and voters) don’t seem to understand (or would prefer to ignore) precisely how their dreams will be realistically fulfilled or the necessary consequences of that fulfillment.

  13. I doubt Obama will be able to pass legislation. Few presidents do so in their second term.

    The problem is that Obama would kill any needed reforms of entitlements. But it isn’t clear that any GOP candidates left standing would seriously fight for such reform.

  14. n.n. wrote (@3:18 above) ” . . .the dreamers (and voters) don’t seem to understand (or would prefer to ignore) precisely how their dreams will be realistically fulfilled . . . .”

    I submit, however, that much of this ignorance stems from the fact that wage-earning is like a subsidy. Not an UNearned subsidy, but a subsidy none-the-less. You show up for work, you do your job and every two Fridays you get a paycheck. It’s almost like the money materializes because the innerworkings of the business (i.e., the need to borrow cash to make payroll, or the need to increase sales to do the same) is largely hidden from the wage-earners in the business.

    Only those who have been in business for themselves, or who have had the bad fortune of working for a business that eventually couldn’t/didn’t pay their wage-earners truly understand the relationship of cash-in, benefit-out whether that benefit is payroll, healthcare benefits or vacation/sick leave.

  15. Do I have to follow momo? 🙂

    Obama has made himself an irrelevant nuisance. The economy and therefore families will struggle because of his pigheaded stubbornness to insert more hurdles for businesses of all types.

    Irrelevant because he is somewhat hampered with a R Congress. we need a conservative senate.

  16. Republicans need to keep the House and take the Senate. Then if Obama wins; the House needs to impeach the jerk and the Senate needs to kick his skinny @ss and her fat @ss out the door. And Biden (for the life of me I can’t stop referring to him as O’Biden) right along with him.

  17. Just look where the model their actions is based on.

    Given no real (knowing) opposition in the general public, or same people even getting whats already happened and where they already stand… whether he wins or not….

    things are going to go the way i said before he was elected they would go. EVERY major point that i said would occur, has come about… AND to the time schedule i said it would

    I said that if the one country line in the sand that sought to shut down arms and games didnt get completed by the next president, the response would be to that and orchestration towards that.

    the bigger question is not necessarily what Obama will do… as his options may not be what he wants or think they will be, given that the bigger picture is now looming on them

    Ie. upon winning, the forces i said that helped him win, and were positioning to take advantage of a person whose moves and ideas are from early last centuries play book, and whose responses are known.

    WAY back then i said that putin moved out of the presidency, and would move back in. not only did he move back in, but his term is increased by 50%… he has maneuvered to be in position when the games start…

    Putin says he won a six-year term as Kremlin chief in a fair and open contest, but vote monitors from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe echoed the opposition’s complaints that the election had been slanted to help him.

    “The point of elections is that the outcome should be uncertain. This was not the case in Russia,” Tonino Picula, one of the vote monitors, said on Monday. “According to our assessment, these elections were unfair.”

    Given OTHERS, what would you do to win if you were them? help it collapse? give him such a headache he breaks? how about help him win?

    the best thing OTHERS can do is to cause some incident that is serious enough that they think that engaging the total power that comes from such a situation, would be a great way to make wholesale changes under the guise of conflict, and would cause what inside the US?

    there ARE other players here….
    Even if there was no plan by Obama and them to actually seize power, outsiders playing games can create that situation.

    Israel has decided what they will do…
    but regardless, there is no way to avoid the situation that is being created as the buck was passed and avoiding it went with the rejiggering of “one country line in the sand”

    TOO many nations would love to see him re-elected for THEIR advantage…

    but note what is gearing up for full heat in 2013, the year end of 2012…

    all the leaders who would be needed will have been consolidated or switched out.. from Kim Jong Il, to his younger son… to the Chinese, and Russia… but ALSO, Syria, Jordan, Egypt.. even Castro inst in power.

    and note… Russia has spent the past 8 or so years charging various countries defenses with their bombers. (and that the condition of what you SEE or they let you see, may not be an actual condition)

    The US can’t borrow to defend itself..

    can it?

    The US people cant rally given that only 25% are acceptable for service compared to over 75% during Vietnam

    we cant manufacture or even get such going as we have had this situation so long, the support infrastructure is not here..

    (forget the main factory, which isn’t as big a deal IF the society has the support in metal work, foundries, machining experience, motor repair, mechanics, etc)

    all ya have to do is orchestrate it as a fait accompli in which no one is to blame… but some disposable country… like Iran… and just let circumstances carry one on as one notes how long this has transpired.

    here is a kicker…
    what would happen if something happened, and Obama just GAVE UP and explained how we cant defend ourselves etc? wouldn’t that be a freaky scenario.. no?

    Oh, and the list of issues that are not good towards this is long and huge, and even down to fundamentals…

    this will, pretty much finish up the plan of the too small birth rate for the target races and their now making sure they can send young women on demand when they want/need to.

    you have race games going on now no one is reporting, which means that by the time everyone knows about it, there will be no way to remember when it started, as the start is being ignored to foment it…

    from a kid having gasoline poured on him and set afire… to others being killed… mass attacks, and so on… that will make a difference later… no?

    we are now in a situation where we should never be… where the outcomes are not necessarily what the idiots who weaken their own in a world of predators, have planned…

  18. All of the above, and more if he can get away with it via executive orders. But I think the House and hopefully the Senate will rein him in and as someone mentioned, he’s lazy. The economy is the important issue. He and his cohorts have done much to damage the economy and we can not take 4 more years of 1+ trillion deficits. He has to go or he has to be held in checkmate.

  19. I forgot to point out that unlike experienced immigrants and their children… no one in the US has experienced what is unbelievable till you experience it… attacks and happenings on your home land, and this time, there is no reason not to have them given open borders and tunnels for nearly 30 years…

    Americans have a default mental position that they are never the ones to have things happen to them like others. so they tend not to consider outside actions and things controlling inside events in such a way as to manipulate it. and one of the ways the US has been played is by disfavoring actions directly at the US…

    not because they cant be done, but becuase doing so would make the selfish self esteem based weak out of shape morally corrupted unable to organize helpless MORE hypersensitive when reality hits home…

    This leads to the princess and the pea type sensibilities, where what others would weather through, our left liberal groups will beg to have end fast by giving up and accepting their fate.. not the least of which many of them would think that such would praise them for all their help in creating such a moment and be ok.

    A lot of people may find the economy will flip.. where abstract business cant be supported as that can only exist in stable times, while less abstract ones will find they are needed…

    oh… when the illegal immigrants flee to be back home, suddenly we will find out the demographic truth that’s been hiding..

    right now gas is up 27 days in a row, and the dems blame republicans, and republicans are pointing other fingers, and no one has the common sense to say.. when dollars are devalued, you have to use more of them to pay for something… and this administration has printed more dollars than all prior administrations..

  20. There is something to be said for an Obama re-election. Given he will be an awful President. hopefully he will be so awful the young morons who voted for this America hating jerk will finally be able to understand he is a jerk. The older generation who understands this is passing. The younger generation who believes the government can guarantee prosperity and wars are just something for poor people to fight, does not. So let Obama win, let the economy go into a spiral, let the Moslem Brotherhood teach a 100 million Moslems that salvation comes from killing (or better yet robbing) Americans. Let the country become so unnecessarily awful that the Obami become to suspect his immaculate conception. Obama’s great and important legacy could be as a teacher to the naive.

    Of course, it would be nice if he were merely thrown out of office but we must never underestimate the taste of the American public.

  21. Protest is a few buildings from me in sacramento. What does the protesters want? Higher taxes to pay for higher education.

    We are in a fight people. The pervasive attitude given by Jerry Brown and Obama is that everything can be paid for with higher taxes.

  22. NJcon says, in part (5:36 pm ):

    ” . . . if Obama wins; the House needs to impeach the jerk and the Senate needs to kick his skinny @ss and her fat @ss out the door.”

    Dunno ’bout you, but for me, the relative sizes of their respective posteriors is/are irrelevant. In accord with Occam’s Razor [no “Beard” here], I’d go with what’s relevant. Like you, I really, deeply want the dude OUT (and his wife with him).

  23. Do you know what cracks me up?

    Helicopters have been flying for hours!

    What do they think they’ll catch…another pepper spraying incident?

    The helicopters weren’t in the air when the teaparty people protested.

  24. Bob from Virginia says, in part (7:02 pm):

    “There is something to be said for an Obama re-election. Given he will be an awful President.”

    Can that outweigh (1) the Supreme Court appointments he makes; (2) his continuing foreign policy outrages; (3) his routine trampling of basic constitutional limitations on the power of the presidency?

  25. “Can that outweigh 1,2 & 3”

    The issue isn’t whether Obama’s reelection will be really bad, of course it will. The issue is what positive but unintended consequences might it have if he is reelected.

    Does anyone really think that Romney can easily win over Obama? That the country’s majority is ready to decisively reject democrat socialistic ‘solutions’?

    Especially when Obama is going to blame Republican ‘obstructionism’ for the failure of Obama’s economic policies to work. While the MSM blithely and incessantly supports his talking points, strengthening Obama’s rhetoric by claiming ‘objective’ evaluation in their reportage. Which all the consumers of MSM outlets clearly accept as true.

    The democrats along with their propaganda organ the MSM have rigged the game, the supposedly neutral and objective mass media working overtime and dishonestly reporting to further their shared objective. It’s a very powerful advantage and they will play it for all its worth. Both to keep Obama in power or to return democrats to power.

    Everyone here knows that Obama and the MSM are going to claim exactly that and, for the many millions of sheep who voted for him in 2008, its an easy out from confronting their bad judgement.

    But should Obama lose, barring a realignment of the Senate and handing a Republican President a strong majority, there will be precious little that a republican president can do, while the republicans will get all the blame.

    Yes, Obama losing will temporarily keep socialism from encroaching further but it won’t discredit it because its full effects haven’t been experienced by the public.

    After 4 years of the MSM ‘Palinizing’ Romney and the republicans in Congress… it will be conservatives who will be discredited in the minds of the critical middle.

    Which could easily lead voters to reinstall another democrat into the oval office and even creating another democrat majority in Congress in 2016.

    How much worse would it be in 2016, with another democrat in power and the past 4 years of republican policies demonized?

    The left has to be broken and until they expose themselves sufficiently enough, that’s not going to happen.

  26. Off-topic, but I don’t know where else to put this. It’s an account of a brand-new “changer”, Hollywood screenwriter Daniel Knauf.

    Chasing Andrew

    He “came out” via Twitter on Saturday night, and Ace had the link yesterday, which I read. (It doesn’t seem to be there now.) The above link is a blog post which fleshes out his story. I found it at Transterrestrial Musings.

  27. Reply to Geoffrey Britain (8:07 pm):

    That Romney may be our last, best hope is very depressing, at least for me. I guess a question is whether the country can ^ever^ recover from an Obama reelection.

    Maybe another way to cast it is whether the populace ^has^ to experience full-blown fascistic crony socialism before it’s shocked out of its complascence [spelling? — okay, make it “stupor”].

    I ain’t agreeing or disagreeing, I can only ^hope^ not. As a professional pessimist, it don’t look real good from where I sit.

  28. MJR,

    I don’t believe that Romney is our last, best hope. I also believe that the country can recover from another Obama term. Though the damage may well be severe.

    For some people, “[The] right and wrong [of an issue] can sometimes only be learned through hindsight.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein

    That appears to be the case with so many Americans open to the seduction of socialism. It doesn’t look good from here either.

  29. The problem isn’t an Obama re-election (although that wouldn’t be good)
    The problem is he is the first of 2-3 generations that have been taught in school and by TV that hating America is cool and that America means nothing but slavery and racism.
    Obama may be the first of The Presidents that hate America, but he won’t be the last.

  30. “The problem is he is the first of 2-3 generations that have been taught in school and by TV that hating America is cool and that America means nothing but slavery and racism.”

    Take heart golo, the academic lies of the left cannot withstand deep examination nor intellectual confrontation.

    Not every young person is sympathetic to Occupy Wall Street. Hating America is hating ourselves for America is far more than just its elite.

    As for the lies, telling part of the truth and characterizing it in a way that denies the other parts of the truth cannot withstand examination.

    150 years before the arrival of the white man, the Sioux swept down out of Canada and wiped out the tribes currently occupying the Black Hills. The norm amoung native American tribes was brutal warfare which respected no natural boundaries, they practiced the law of the jungle. The Mexicans took California (and all of Aztlan) away from the Native Americans. Then they whine that whites took it from them. Racism is a multicultural disease.

    America fought a civil war in which almost 500,000 people died to end slavery (which still exists in the M.E.) and America has done more to confront and face up to racism than any other country.

    We are the only country to ever attempt to form a multicultural society. No other country measures up to the US in either category and America has provided more charitable aid than all of the countries of the entire world combined. America has sacrificed in wars against aggression more of its sons than any other country. Those are facts and fatally undermine the teachings of the left.

    “A lie cannot stand on its own. It must, by its very nature, be propped up by another lie. They, in turn, must be supported by additional lies. Such a practice very quickly develops into a jumbled mass of deceit and chicanery, which ultimately cannot stand against the truth.”

  31. 1) If Obama is re-elected, the Dems will try to rescind the 22nd Amendment so that he can run again. And again. They will not–I repeat–not give up what they have fought for for the last 60 years. They have the presidency, and they intend to keep it.

    The 2008 election was our last election. Actually, it was a coup: the first thing he did was rob the Fed and hand it out to his political cronies; Then he nationalized the auto industry; Then he nationalized the financial industry; Then he created a shadow government—Hey, who needs Congress, anyway? In case you hadn’t noticed, we are presently living in a fascist state that is rapidly becoming a police state. Next stop: banana republic. From here on out, you get varieties of Marxist to vote for: Fabian Socialist, Marxist-Leninist, Maoist, etc. Your choice as long as they’re Left. Conservatives and Classical Liberals are history.

    2) If Obama is re-elected, that’s the end of religious freedom and, in fact, organized religion. First, religious freedom will be downgraded to “freedom of worship”, then gay couples will be systematically sent to churches to force them to marry them. When the priest, rabbi or pastor refuses, they will be held in violation of some bright new “universal” civil rights law that is, undoubtedly being drafted even as we sit here. Then, the observance of religion will effectively be illegal. It doesn’t jibe with the new Liberal Secularism that the state is establishing, anyway.

    3) If Obama is re-elected–tangential to the above–there is going to be a lot of civil unrest and violence. People who have been controlling themselves against the chance that they can peacefully vote him out of office are going to finally flip in anger and despair. Civil discourse will hit new lows.

    4) If Obama is re-elected, expect a lot of generally illegal behavior and lack of respect for the law. An organization models itself on the values of its leaders. When the leaders break the law, so does the rest of the organization: they level the playing field, so to speak. As a small example, I’ve already noticed that drivers in Chicago no longer stop at stop signs on the side streets with any regularity. Also, the superimposition of laws regulating almost every goddamn little thing we do is going to make criminals out of otherwise honorable citizens. It will also demoralize law enforcement.

    5) If Obama is re-elected, Israel will be wiped off the map. His perfidy has created a single fabric of radical Islam from North Africa to Turkey. They’ll never have a better shot at Israel, and they’ll take it. Then, they’re coming for us.

    6) If Obama is re-elected, the terrible Depression his dated and malevolent policies initiated will arrive that much sooner, especially in those areas of the country where the Dems don’t get any votes. Wall Street will shut down or be severly curtailed. It will no longer be fashionable for anyone to make any money. Poverty will be in fashion once more. Expect a rise in backyard gardens and black market activities.

    7) If Obama is re-elected, talk radio and any communication outlet that opposes the Left will be shut down. People will be encouraged to turn each other in for expressing counterrevolutionary opinions—even moreso than they are now. (By the way, report thoughtcriminals to flag@whitehouse.gov)

    8) If Obama is re-elected, the rest of the “Living” Constitution will die. He’s taken a hatchet to so much of it already that it’s dying of exsanguination right now. A few more whacks oughta do it.

    9) If Obama is re-elected, the monetary reparations that are being paid to Blacks under the table right now in the form of phony Dept. of Agriculture programs will come right out into the open. Maybe as an item on your tax bill.

    Did I say tax?

    10) If Obama is re-elected, the middle class–bourgeois to you yokels–is going to be bled white. That’s why the regime has not come up with a budget: were they to do so, they would have to let potential voters in on the fact that the only way to keep the country from going belly-up–as it is shortly to do in Europe–is to go where the money is–the middle class. All this talk of murdering the kulaks is mere political theatre. Bank robbers rob banks because “that’s where the money is.” The middle class has all the money, and they’re coming for you.

    11) If Obama is re-elected, expect a sizable exodus out of the country, as people flee for freedom.

    12) If Obama is re-elected, expect to see a lot more Muslims moving into your neighborhood. He’s letting 90,000 a month move in from the poorest Islamic nations right now. Sharia, baby. I hope you like the sound of the muezzin.

    13) Whether or not Obama is re-elected, a big war is on the horizon. He’s stacked up the kindling and doused the pile with kerosine. All it needs is a match. In that respect, his job is done.

    There’s lots more, but it’s getting late.

  32. Lots of gloom & doom expressed tonight. Cheer up people, 2010 was not a fluke. BHO is in for a real fight and he’s never been in a real political fight before. There will be no economic miracle between now and November, in fact there could easily be an economic crisis. Its the economy stupid time again.

    Stay positive. Fights are not won by negative attitudes. The blank slate is blank no more. I will not bore you neo-neocon folks by listing what has been written on that slate during the last 3+ years. A slim majority of the ‘unwashed masses’ are not as ignorant as many of you seem to believe. Its going to close, but I believe BHO is going to return to sweet home Chicago.


  33. Dear ahem, it’s getting late:

    All you say is true, but what is your plan of action (POA).

    Like we don’t know nothing and haven’t a POA.

    Well, clean up that mess at the back of the line.

  34. ahem,

    As a political prognosticator you get a ‘D’. Don’t quit your day job. Almost none of what you predict will Obama be able to accomplish in a second term. The dems are not going to be able to rescind the 22 amendment, no way, no how. Even if Obama wins reelection, the dems are not going to sweep into a new majority in Congress.

    Nor is he going to be able to force churches to perform gay marriages. Which is not the same thing as gay marriages being given legality by a ruling by the SCOTUS that banning gay marriage is a violation of the 14th amendment.

    The only way Obama would be able to even try to do what you predict would be with the declaring of nationwide martial law. But even then, the military is not going to allow Obama to rescind the Constitution.

    Obama can do plenty of damage without any of the hyperbole you spouted.

  35. I’m one of about five people in the United States who recognized him as a Marxist in 2006. You don’t get to grade me.

  36. Ah, your expertise places your assertions above criticism or disagreement, I see.

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    It’s your over the top hyperbole, which reveals your grade.

  37. I’m getting the gut feeling that people are tired of the primary race and that there is further a bonus effect for Romney: People are thinking less that they had to settle. This, of course, isn’t universal, but Romney has a chance to generate some excitement, some expectation that he can be a champion of the United States of America and expose the lies and deceit of the Obama administration. Now is a good time for him to do something bold and show he is willing to attack Obama, to demand the media vet Obama, and also demand our military cuts be overturned. Iran would also be a great place to start. It would also be great to see Romney attack Obama/Michelle for their abuse of the White House perks and expose their 1% status.

  38. One other perfect opportunity: to weigh in, statesman like, about the Rush Limbaugh remarks and show the double standard, which, since Limbaugh apologized, is a two for one. “Yes, Limbaugh overstepped his bounds but I think his apology is enough and to attempt to use the event as an occasion to restrain free speech is wrong. On the other hand, I call for Obama to give back the 1 million from that dedicated misogynst, Maher, to show his dedication to women’s rights.”

  39. Ahhh Romney. This isn’t gonna do it. Notice how he is strong on the “not gonna attack Obama” and then falters in switching from together mode to attack mode. It’s positively . . . schizophrenic.

    “I want to bring us together and finally get the job done of having a stronger economy with a–with a government that’s been kept in the–in the–into the box it ought to be kept into.”

    What the hell is that? Is he articulating bigger government? No. But because he has limited his observations (ala McCain? ) his attack is limited as well.


  40. When communists took control of Russia, those suspected of believing in freedom were worked to death in Siberian slave labor camps.

    Will it be any different under communists in the USSA? Of course not.

    “All ALEC CEOs will do manual labor rebuilding any and all ecosystems the corporations have destroyed.
    They will serve one month for every dollar spent on lobbying during their tenure.”

    For more information on America’s future as communism takes root in the aftermath of a communist being elected president, readers are referred to the Black Book of Communism, which documents how communist regimes went about killing over 100 million of their own subjects during the 20th century, and undercover agent Larry Grathwohl’s testimony regarding the plans of Obama’s Weather Underground friends to “eliminate” (i.e., exterminate) 25 million Americans.

    video of an Occupy Strategy Session at New York University that was billed as a discussion of “The Abolition of Capitalism.”

    [and if anyone is wondering what this has to do with jewish people, the left socialists believe that all capitalism comes from them, so if you remove them, like removing guns, you end capitalism… and if you remove the others that protect them, you can remove them. all you have to do is read the papers from such sessions as above – and i have been saying that now for almost a decade here…

    if you want to know, then read what tey talk about…

    there is no way to get clued in from watching and making up your own reason to fill in the gap from what you see while ignoring the critical things tha have influence.

    for instance…

    your all talking about the election in isolation
    but the video above, and others and papers show that the election is being helped to be gamed from OUTSIDE the US.. from donations, to expertise, to coordinating networks under their control, to feeding ideas, and so on…

    we are, as i keep saying, past the point of no return… everything needed is in place and even if we elect the angel of politics to help out, there is no way it will in that the pieces arranged no longer care who is wearing the suit.

    its a case of having a million dollars and a lottery ticket that can get you another half million… whether you win the lottery or not does not change what your going to do with the work that is so much larger than the election… it might augment it, or cause slight changes, but it wont change it.

    that event horizon we passed a while back
    while everyone was and still is, trying to work out whats going on from the gobblygook false images and house of mirrors RATHER than reading what they say, what they plan openly, what their goals and dreams are, and so on..

    reading it will wake you up at your own pace
    waiting for the outcome, will wake you up at their pace.

    given that the idea is to confuse you so you act irrationally from your first impulse, analyzing the way your analyzing will result in the latter.

    want to know the difference between national socialism and international socialism?



    ok.. national socialism sought to control their state,then control the world, making the world one nation… right?

    ok.. international socialism wants to control the whole world and abolish all borders.. when that happens will whats left be international, or notional?

    so ergo ipso facto… both are the same thing with the same end, traveling different paths to the same end..

    as if a fetus aborted, or an after birth abortion would be different than throwing them and the mother into the ovens (in terms of family and lineage – not production capacity).

    for some reason, we cant even accept dead is dead.

    [for those who like to see heavy propaganda inserts, turn on military channel and watch the propaganda posing as a documentary of Ronald Reagan, and almost nuclear war in 1983… they claim in that doc that Russia had not entered the war until the evil Germans launched operation Barbarossa… ie. the Molotov Ribbentrop pact was erased… along with other things!!!!]

    NOTHING can stop whats coming in the next year, year and a half. its already started but we don’t perceive it if we are not aware of it.

    ignorance is bliss…
    it cant see the piano falling from the top floor

    Dems are blaming republicans for the gas prices

    Republicans are not telling everyone why, but instead are offering non solutions

    the reason? hyperinflation is starting to set in finally after they have exhausted all ways to hold it at bay…

    or do you think they would tell the truth and let people make plans and adjustments which would include removing them?

    not ONE assessment (by others) on this page looks beyond the stage of the election…

    or even considered outside games…

    whats a matter, the russian-latvian spy caught stealing sniper scope technology wasn’t enough? Anna Chapman and nine others are not enough? The visitors from the unions who have been under control of outside agencies since Bella Dodd is not enough?

    the rule of law is destroyed and not working… and the only reason you may think i am wrong is that you assume if they broke it they would stop appearing to follow it. but if doing that will spook the cows into action, why do that? just keep working till all the fences are in place and the wild pigs eating the corn are ready in their pens…

  41. To sort of condense what Art says, basically to win over the Left, you must destroy the Left, either locally or internationally.

    That’s hard to do when you can’t kill them, only “terrorists”.

  42. “A lie cannot stand on its own. It must, by its very nature, be propped up by another lie. They, in turn, must be supported by additional lies. Such a practice very quickly develops into a jumbled mass of deceit and chicanery, which ultimately cannot stand against the truth.”

    It’s not their lies that are the primary weapon. The lies are only a smokescreen to get them in power. Then they don’t have to lie, and can just kidnap your entire family and kill you, if you get in the way. Look at the Cuban Revolution, the Iranian Revolution. It’s nothing new.

    By the time the lies are exposed, the kid will have spent 10 or 20 years voting in Democrats, and then it won’t matter what he thinks. Because he will no longer be useful and the Totalitarian Regime will purge counter-revolutionaries from the face of existence. There will be no new “neo cons” like neo neo here. You either must join the Left and support their cause, or be rendered a heretic. And we all know what happens to heretics in tribal societies like the Middle East. The Left is just as tribalistic in their own fashion.

    Lies are a smokescreen. It isn’t designed to stand up forever. By the time the truth gets around the corner, it won’t matter, because the Good will be dead and Evil will reign supreme.

  43. The Obama administration disclosed on Tuesday that it is considering sharing some classified U.S. data as part of an effort to allay Russian concerns about a controversial antimissile shield.

  44. “6) If Obama is re-elected, the terrible Depression his dated and malevolent policies initiated will arrive that much sooner, especially in those areas of the country where the Dems don’t get any votes. Wall Street will shut down or be severly curtailed. It will no longer be fashionable for anyone to make any money. ”

    Agreed, unless you are a Democrat (aka Muslim in 1200). Then you can make boat loads of money like Soros, Mahers, that dead comedia, Kennedy (Ted), and the owner of Carbonite. Lots and lots and lots of money. You don’t even have to advertise, because the government will force people to buy your stuff, and so you can mark the prices up to 5000%.

    “BHO is in for a real fight and he’s never been in a real political fight before.”

    I agree with Parker that there will be a real fight. Assuming any Republicans want a real fight and don’t just give up before trying. McCain, for example, refused to challenge the illegal election tampering the Dems engaged in, much like Nixon did against Kennedy the first time. Courtesy of Stratfor “email rumors” from Anonymous hackers. Sounds like something McCain would do. His staffers, after all, sabotaged Sarah Palin’s debut when they didn’t like seeing real conservatives out in the field.

    I might believe Geoffrey about political Congress chances, except for the fact that Republicans being voted in will serve Leftist causes, whether they want to or not. The backer of SOPA are both Democrats and Republicans. But it was a Republican that introduced the bill. He probably thinks it’s a good idea. On the other hand, the Democrats know that it will help them destroy the Republican party one way or another. So there’s a distcontinuity in strategy here and goals. The Republicans have no idea what they are facing. Thus even if they gain a majority, it’s not going to be hard for the Dems to use Republicans as a proxy for eroding the Constitution.

    Geoffrey’s line was something plausible and balanced, back in 2008. This is 2012 people. There is little tolerance for Geoffrey’s way of looking at things. Plan for the worst, and hope for the best. Hoping for the best is not enough.

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