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Honoring veterans — 12 Comments

  1. I usually go to Applebees on this day for a free meal.

    But not today.

    It was never the free meal. I know that now. It was their faces and bodies and uniforms and wheelchairs and freedom upon finding each other.

    I think of that expression “My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken Me.”

    It was also the lack of politics, the lack of hatred, the lack of bitterness, the lack of forward thinking or demands. These men aren’t occupiers. There’s a hardened laissez faire requiring and demanding an immense amount of tolerance earned through blood and body parts. Anybody giving those has surpassed ordinary restrictions.

    It is the smoking. I smoke a cigar, occasionally, but I enjoy their smoke cloud. By God, I enjoy the smoke cloud. And please! Don’t deny the past military man that habit. Sometimes, that is all he has. Maybe today the military man doesn’t smoke, but he used to, and given that practice, he still does.

    I’m not going to Applebees today. I’m going there everyday.

  2. It is a gloomy, drizzly day here in the People’s Republic. My mood is one of quiet reflection and lingering sadness mixed with a sense of awe.

    Veteran’s Day always reminds me of those I knew who gave their all. They live on in my memory, always young, courageous, and luaghing. I also think of all the millions of men and women who stepped forward, did their duty, and helped preserve our freedom. It gives me comfort to know that I’m a part of that long line stretching all the way to the Revolution. I think about those who are serving today and I am in awe of their spirit, their skill, and their sacrifices. Yes, it’s a day for remembering.

  3. An anonymous Toronto historian and astute conservative political commentator, Publius, remembers:
    I remember having to memorize John McRae’s poem; I remember uncles called up for military training. Two were exempted from combat as needed-production workers; a third, Gordon, was assigned as tail-gunner in Lancaster bombers; he survived what few survived. One young neighbor survived; one was killed. My father complained that he was too young for WW1 and too old for WW3. Around age 10-12 I tried to sign up with army recruiters! For both of us it seemed like escape from farm life, and like adventure. Then I was a bit too young for the adventure in Korea, and anyway I had figured that the problem with shooting enemies in war was that they shot back. It was a very different world from today’s endemic socialist crapola.

  4. Some gave all, as they say, and, for our sins, the rest of us will get older and slower and sadder.
    What do you do when every day is Memorial Day and every day is Veterans’ Day?

  5. Seems a bunch of left liberals decided to celebrate the day by doing some antisemitic torching of vehicles in Brooklyn. The newspaper reporters are following the script RATHER than actually looking to see who is doing it. And the script says supremacists do this and only them. Not agitators, communists, leftists, and such, as when THEY turn the Star of David into a swas tika in their marches, or they put it on their posters, and such it’s not the same. Well, the script is false, and this can be the work of supremacists, agitators, or good old we hate the Jewish bankers left liberals running around finding out that living like in the middle ages is nothing like going to the Renaissance festival

    Under Marxism Judaism (Christianity) is synonymous with capitalism. So we tolerate the idea of others to believe to destroy capitalism, but since we don’t want to read the strain of thought, we don’t know that that is equivalent to its synonym, and the same as saying lets remove the oppressors under social justice so we can have that workers paradise their ideas and inequality and merit keep us from having.

    Would it matter if you’re squashing a Blattella or a cockroach? It sure seems like it does when it’s not put that way. That somehow the term or words change the thing, when through all the labels and ideas the thing remains the thing unchanged…

    So again. You can’t say you’re going to remove the Jewish people or subdue them, but you CAN say you’re going to stop capitalism. In this way, you get an army slowly building up what is needed to do what the ideology requires solve the critical problems that prevent utopia. The question of the power of males was answered through the manipulation of females. The question to the power of the west, was to remove the power of the men, and so remove prevention of all manner of cultural degradation when the children were away from the mother after she removes the father being bribed by the goodies she can have for herself if she works… cool, eh? Of course no one can say that because its protected by the idea that its what they say it is, not what it is regardless of what they say.

    And how can it be unopposed? Easy. Ever play chess and want to remove a piece which generates a condition? But you can’t because someplace else there is another piece preventing the motion? Well, if you set it up that any male control or influence is demonstration of being a chauvinist, an oppressor, and on and on… (and they don’t read that no matter what they do, they are forever oppressors and there is only ONE end result acceptable whether overt, covert, or self inflicted), then in order for the situation to stop, they would have to act that way and so prove the case. ie. They are in a double bind which is why women would have to act to remove the bind. ie, the piece that is blocking the solution has to move of it own accord. Remove the pressure, allow the action.

    But that won’t happen…

    They picked women for a reason that women don’t believe or like about themselves and so pretend doesn’t exist. Which is what binds them to the post. If its not PC to say any of those things, then there is no way out of the forest, and no way to move the bind. Ie, if a something I standing in the way, and its completely not pc to say so, and even if you did they would call you names, then that something wont move. If something else depends on that something moving, then that dependency is locked and the whole chain is locked.

    The pieces will now call in reinforcements and the story of the supremacists and such AS IN GERMANY will start ramping up (as the war between the reactionary implore socialist fascists and the communists go at it to see who can grab the prize from the passive who think that they live between two totalitarianisms, while living in an oppressive middle).

    The attack in brooklyn hasn’t even made drudge yet, but I get my paper in the early morning…

    Vandals torch three vehicles in Midwood, Brooklyn, scrawl anti-Semitic graffiti


    Bigots fueled by hatred and beer terrorized a heavily-Jewish Brooklyn neighborhood Friday, torching three cars, vandalizing a van and defacing other property with anti-Semitic messages.

    the story online does NOT match what they put in print… so whats in print says its supremacists and such and is the front page in print HATE… is way down the online front page and says “their kids”..

  6. In reply to Richard A above:–
    Notice that over time everybody disappears from our lives; some die, some are just gone in other directions. I don’t seem to miss them now, but I sometimes think of them, and wonder what their fates have been. I do object to the ever-diminishing spiral of our aging lives; the horizons shrink to, ultimately, a small room and its view from the window. And by then we’re very tired of all of it, and want to join those who went before we aged survivors. If I may borrow from the gravestone of a justifiably famous warrior chief:

    Resting here until day breaks

    And shadows fall

    And darkness disappears

    Is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    We will all go beyond.

  7. Rather than honoring us, how about making it so the V.A. can’t secretly (without our knowledge) claim veterans who have sought psychological help for our actions in the service as mentally deficient, filing that claim with the FBI, and giving us no sure course to appeal either through the V.A. or through the FBI?

    Do that and I am good.

  8. Michael F.
    Everybod disappears from our lives, unless we go first.
    My point is that I have had friends and loved ones killed in service, which is different from getting cancer, hit by a drunk driver, suffering a catastrophic result of combining BC with an unlooked-for clotting factor….
    I miss the latter, but the former hit me harder for some reason.

  9. Michael F.
    Everybod disappears from our lives, unless we go first.
    My point is that I have had friends and loved ones killed in service, which is different from getting cancer, hit by a drunk driver, suffering a catastrophic result of combining BC with an unlooked-for clotting factor….
    I miss the latter, but the former hit me harder for some reason. I think about them every day.

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