Home » Madame Roseanne Robespierre…


Madame Roseanne Robespierre… — 25 Comments

  1. I have noticed, of late, that those on the far Left apparently feel that is it now safe to spew this kind of stuff out in the open–I am reminded of this week’s proposal by North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Beverly Purdue, that we postpone the upcoming 2012 Congressional elections ’cause they are just a distraction from “doing the people’s business.”

  2. When she was successful with her TV show, I don’t remember her being known for having these hateful, spiteful, judgemental hard-left views. Now whenever we hear about her, it’s always because she’s said something politically (or personally) nasty, rather than because she’s done anything successful in the entertainment industry. And how did she arrive at the $100m figure? Surely the amount you need to be independently wealthy and live in some sort of luxury is in the lower seven figures, if that.

    And what’s with the pretentious pseudo-French “guiYotine” pronunciation?

  3. Ms. Barr assumes that if the terror descends she and those who think as she does will be exempt, or perhaps in charge. If such a disaster should occur this is one American who will be working to assure that such is not the case.

    The attempted destruction of our society is an egregious crime. “Let the guilty be punished” is a double edged sword Rosanne.

  4. On the topic of Governor Perdue and her attempt at “humor” I need a little coaching on her “logic”. Please let me know if I’ve gotten this wrong. She feels that the legislative process is gridlocked, ie. Not moving fast enough in enacting the lefts utopian agenda. And her solution is to cast the current status quo in stone for 2 years, 20 years, 100 years, whatever… How does she think that will help her cause, unless she fears, as I suspect that the next election cycle is going to repudiate her leftist, totalitarian dreams for a couple of generations?

  5. We assume too much. We assume the ‘next election cycle’ will occur as scheduled, with no more than the usual amount of Democratic fraud.

    Barr, Perdue, the Wall St/Brooklyn bridge ‘demonstrators’ may be opening salvos of a coming battle. Hope not, but they may.

    Ask yourselves: without the 2012 election, what will the anti-Obamas do? What can they/we do? How do we force elections to be held? What do we do in the event of our own Reichstag fire and the declaration of a state of emergency by BHO? You think it can’t happen here? Why? The American people may not ‘stand for it’, but so what?

  6. The “rich” are whoever makes more money than you. Or you think makes more than you. I grew up in an area where griping about other people’s relative wealth was practically a local pastime. (Especially entertaining when one subsidized group complained about another’s subsidies, like farmers paid not to plant crops griping about folks on welfare or seniors living in highrises.)

    Personally, I think that Barr and other entertainers who came from modest means sometimes see themselves as champions of the downtrodden against big business. They seem to forget that they feed at the trough of the big entertainment business.

    An aside to Anne: That’s how I pronounce “guillotine”, too. How do you say it in your region?

  7. Ann:
    And what’s with the pretentious pseudo-French “guiYotine” pronunciation?

    An aside to Anne: That’s how I pronounce “guillotine”, too. How do you say it in your region?

    That’s also the way I pronounce it, courtesy of reading Tale of Two Cities in 9th grade- and from growing up in an area with a fair amount of people of French Canadian descent, people who were very down to earth and in no way pretentious.

  8. Why are entertainers and not plumbers sought out for their opinions on politics? Maybe it’s because plumbers know s*** runs downhill and most entertainers are certain that’d be subject to opinion.

  9. Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to be pronounced. There’s nothing pretentious about it. If you pronounce the L’s as in English, you’re doing it wrong.

    Tell me, do you also pronounce “pinata” without the Y sound?

  10. Yackums, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Pronouncing the “ll” of “guillotine” as a normal English “l” is fine. I’ve checked the dictionary and BOTH pronunciations are possible, but the English “l” is more common. I’ve never heard the French-style pronunciation before in English and to my ears it sounds pretentious, but I’m willing to concede it’s perfectly normal for some people.

    And Yackums, you wouldn’t pronounce “grilled” like “greed”, would you, or “arrive” like “areev”? Going by your rules, you should. It’s perfectly normal for words borrowed from French or any other language to be adapted to the pronunciation of the language they’ve been borrowed into.

    Anyway, regardless of disagreements on pronunciation, it seems like the commenters here are in agreement that Roseanne is a ghastly hypocrite. I can’t argue with that!

  11. Added to mix are the various groups of mostly young and clueless (best protest sign “Shit is Fucked up and Bullshit”) Leftist radicals i.e. a few organizers and the rest “cannon fodder,” who have just popped up here and there around the country involved in the various occupations, Van Jone’s planned, upcoming, “days of rage” set for the Fall, and long time revolutionary Francis Fox Piven–co-author of the Cloward-Piven Strategy–last night calling for an “uprising” in the streets, and it is beginning to look like a deliberate attempt by the far Left to foment just such chaos and violence, and ultimately Revolution in the streets.

    They are, I am sure, hoping to generate really massive chaos, rioting, and violence. All this activity to give the Obama administration the excuse to take even more control of the U.S. and its citizens, declare some sort of “emergency,” and then move on to stronger measures–say “martial law” and postponement of the 2012 elections due to the “emergency.”

    This is all starting to look like very deliberate agitation straight out of the Marxist playbook for how to foment a revolution.

  12. Off topic but too absurd to pass up.. Check out this bizzare statement on a university which i’ll leave unamed employment website.


  13. SteveH, that is standard boilerplate these days. Bizarre or not, it is standard. The new standard: bizarro.

  14. Arent you glad that god made sure that people like roseanne bar and janeane garafolo are incapable of having children together?

    If that aint proof that there IS a god what else could be?


  15. I wonder did you mean Madame DeFrage from Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities?

    Chilling character. That would be a good read for anyone interested in the true heart of a democrat voter.

  16. Steve H–Where have you been?

    The government agency on Capitol Hill I retired from many years ago used to advertise in their listings of job openings that preference would be given to all sorts of “protected” and “victim groups,” at one point advertising that preference for a clerical position would be given to natives of the Aleutian Islands off the coast of Alaska.

  17. @ Wolla

    I hang with pretty typical brie leftish suburbanites on facebook. To judge by that sampling, many adults having much to lose are getting all giddy about the “R” word.

  18. Wm Lawrence

    That makes two of us.

    I expect to gain favor from my local imam by giving him Rosie’s address

  19. @Wolla

    I guess i’d just never seen affirmative action proudly displayed in such close proximity to the contradictory no preference given for race statement.

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