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Have you noticed… — 10 Comments

  1. It’s even better when it’s written by disenchanted fans in the press. Here’s Colbert King in today’s column in the Washington Post (http://tinyurl.com/3tdc36b):

    “Is there anyone in the White House with nerve enough to tell Barack Obama that Martha’s Vineyard is the last place on earth that the president of the United States should find himself next week?

    This is not the way a president should be spending his time. Not when, for the first time in U.S. history, the country’s credit rating has been downgraded; when so many families are barely scraping by, many not knowing where the next mortgage or rent payment is coming from.

    Not when nearly three-quarters of Americans polled say that they have little or no confidence in Washington’s ability to repair the economy…”

  2. Yep.


    Very much.


    The rules are different for those guys . . .

    as you and I surely recognize at this late date.

  3. In the long run all BHO is doing is making the racist epithet sound accurate…takes one to know one (Old Chinese Proverb, freely translated).

  4. 20 + years in the the Church of the poisoned mind, preaching nothing but race based hate, yeah, yer right, cap, anyone criticisizing duh Wun is a racist..

    Dolts .

  5. With regard to popularity I am not seeing Obama’s drop in the polls as significant, mainly because they are minuscule and probably fleeting. Both Rasmussen and Gallup had Obama in the ditch before and he climbed out, indeed there was not much climbing needed. What I see at Rasmussen is that his poll numbers have been consistent for the last two years with only an insignificant percent shift here and there. Likewise Gallup generally has Obama approvals higher than dis-approvals. I also see Virginia, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Colorado as purple when they used to be red.

    For a person who has been the utter disaster that Obama has been his poll numbers are wonderful. Worse, a lot of people still will vote not for the man but for the party, or for the image of being suave versus a hick. No one is suggesting his defeat is far from a forgone conclusion as it should be. If the Rasmussen approval sinks below 40% then I think the game is up for Obama, but so far he appears to be immune to the effects of his own incompetence and knavery.

    Tragically an electorate dumb enough to elect this guy once may be crazy enough to elect him twice.

  6. I’m thinking it’s the timing more than anything else: if liberals, by and large, think he has a real chance at being re-elected, by next year it’ll become racist again to criticize him: that will (they hope) shut up the critics on the left as the election nears.

  7. http://www.thegrio.com/opinion/milennials-attiudes-prove-america-isnt-post-racial.php

    Theresa, a 24-year-old biracial college graduate, expressed concerns about America’s political environment in the age of Obama: “Ever since Obama came into office, I’ve noticed that the political climate has become really racist and racial too. First, it was kind of towards blacks, and now we are having issues with the borders and ‘Let’s hate the Mexicans.’ And 9/11 — ‘Oh, we still hate the Muslims.’ And white people…there are groups of white people that are, like, ‘yeah, let’s embrace this racist attitude we have,’ and now it’s becoming okay to say some of these things in a political nature in media. And, wow, this is insane.”

  8. I see little evidence that criticizing BHO is no longer racist. Its not racist when it comes from the left who pout & whine that he’s not the Mao they expected. It remains racist when it come from the right.

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