Home » The Cato Institute on the Gang of Six’s budget proposal


The Cato Institute on the Gang of Six’s budget proposal — 12 Comments

  1. Our federal govt has become a make work program for statist who can’t even fathom a livelyhood that actually accomplishes something worthwhile.

    I’m beginning to wonder what we do with such incompetent people if govt were to be a reasonable size.

  2. Go6 plan: typical DC BS. But until the Republicans control the senate and the WH, I wonder if anything will ever truly change. Given the number of RINOS, probably not even then. As Beverly said a few days ago, “we are so screwed”.

  3. One thing, and to tea partiers it’s the most important thing, which has mostly gone unnoticed during the debt ceiling charade, is the growth of discretionary spending, ie., the growth of the federal government. Obama and the 2008 through 2010 Congress has increased spending on various government agencies by 35%. Obama is now willing to address Social Security reform and Medicare/Medicaid reform while trying to somehow maintain and even increase the federal government. If that isn’t a shell game . . . ! And all the while blame the increase in federal government on Bush.

    Further, the whole mess challenges one’s ability to have the time to understand and make an informed decision. I trust only tea party people and from what I can determine, the whole damn debt ceiling debate was an attempt to redo the 1995 “shut down government” debacle and blame the “radical” tea partiers.

    Look at what the politicians do and where they spend rather than what they say. Every politician but the tea party people wants to cut defense, raise taxes, and increase the size of the federal government. What is this a plan for: Growing America small? Remember Obama’s lecture that we might not be able to keep the thermostat at 72? While he and his ever expanding federal buddies enjoy Air Force One, vacations, $100 a bound beef, job security, and worship as our saviors?

    The debt ceiling is a distraction at best, a con at worst.

    Pay the debt, reduce the federal government, reduce taxes and most importantly, regulations, maintain defense, and when we vote Obama out, we can implement entitlement reform.

  4. The GO6 plan shows the belief that some kind of deal or compromise can be reached. IMO, their can be no deal as long as O is the President. His compromise position consists of more revenues (taxes) and more spending (bigger government).

    Nearly everything in this plan is smoke and mirrors except the “revenue enhancements.” At this point the dems have a solid front and mantra -“More revenue and no real spending cuts.” The GOP is heading off in three or four different directions negotiating with themselves. It makes them look weak, confused, and inept.

    That’s the problem with conservatism. We are individuals and have many differing ideas, while the dems are an army with a central organizing theme. They have a central propaganda machine that issues talking points and mantras so they stay on message. Watch the cable talk shows. Every dem uses the same poll tested talking points. Repeating the same lies, innuendoes, and messages makes them sound and look coherent and, to the ears of the uninformed, correct. This was the technique they used during the Clinton impeachment and it is in use big time right now.

    Whatever happens in this debt ceiling debacle, the GOP is going to come out looking bad.

  5. “.. from what I can determine, the whole damn debt ceiling debate was an attempt to redo the 1995 “shut down government” debacle and blame the “radical” tea partiers.”

    That is exactly what it was all about. In reality this plan will result in increased taxes and non-existent or marginal budget cuts at best. Just a few short months ago the ‘bargain’ between BHO and Boehner was touted as a 39 billion cut in the current budget and it ended up as a few million in cuts. This is the same raw deal on steroids.

  6. “Whatever happens in this debt ceiling debacle, the GOP is going to come out looking bad.”

    Republicans are experts at painting themselves into a corner.

  7. “”Whatever happens in this debt ceiling debacle, the GOP is going to come out looking bad.””

    Seems to me we only two choices with liberal media being in charge of passing judgement to the public. We can either look bad or actually be bad. We can’t have both.

  8. “If Barack Obama supports it, it must” be smoke and mirrors…

  9. The debt crisis is far more of a threat to our nation (and all other nations) than jihadists or any other issue of the day. Yet, our society can not discuss this crisis in rational terms. MSM pundits and most politicians talk about it as if its a Hollywood scandal de jour. Its all sound bites, hyperbole, hubris, and nebulous master plans. There is no rational discussion except for the rare Paul Ryan or (swallow) Ron Paul.

    How we handle this issue today will determine what our society looks like for the rest of the century. Too few grown ups and hordes of preening, spoiled children do not bolster my confidence we will do what must be done.

  10. Are any of y’all ready to get on board with my strategy of letting the leftoids tax-and-spend all they want? That’s the fastest way to a more compact and responsible government: Hasten the collapse.

    The faster it breaks the less aggregate pain. The TEA people, if they have any influence at all, will only push the reckoning a smidge further into the future. There cannot be enough of them elected fast enough to change our national destination.

    If you care about our Founding Principles, vote Progressive. Of course, stock up on short-term survival items first.

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