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Obama gets mad — 34 Comments

  1. #2.

    He is losing. He is more and more isolated. He has no answers. He has no experience. He does not know what to do when what he has always done – take full advantage of his affirmative action status and connive or bully through whatever he wants or hears about in his circles – doesn’t work.

    Cantor is a hero. Let the rest of them take note.

    No backing down. No compromise. Nothing but the words “Sign This”; or else “No”. Period.

    If the Rs hang in there they will win. Guaranteed. If they blink, even a little, they lose.

    This is the OK Corral. You want to win you have to stand there as the bullets fly past you. I don’t envy our guys; but I do pray for them.

  2. “But I ALWAYS get my way” screams the bratty toddler. And shouting over his shoulder, as he rebelliously slams his bedroom door, “I hope you eat worms and DIE!” Yup-that’s our man-child President. Sigh

  3. What I want to know is how someone can get away with being so unbelievably thin skinned, hypocritical and rude.

    Now, as I’ve mentioned before, my expectations of Obama are so low that I’m impressed at the time he *didn’t* spend having a tantrum.

    But I have no idea how people, even those in the media, can let a President, any President, (who is meant to represent both them and their country as an entity) be so patronising and rude. If nothing else, it makes the US look really, really bad.

    He has “joked” about siccing the IRS on people. He has accused the Supreme Court of bad faith decisions that they never made. He has consistently misrepresented his opponents’ positions and rationale, and backed out of any promises he has deigned to make. That’s just from the top of my head and I’m not onto the really serious political decisions yet.

    And now he’s throwing a tantrum because (1) someone tried to get him to stop rambling and (2) being horrible and humiliating people, then leaking it to the press, is FUN and USEFUL.

    I can guarantee you, the rest of the world is paying attention. I disagreed with a lot of what Bush did (I’m a paleo-libertarian, not a neocon), and so did many others, but I never once doubted that he acted from honorable intent. I never doubted that he was an honorable, decent individual who saw his country as it is, faults and all, and loved it *because* of that.

    All the rest of us see when we look at Obama is a petty, narcissistic sociopath. Even his overtures to the rest of the world run flat, because if he’ll sell out his traditional allies, and air dirty laundry in public, how can his new “allies” trust or respect him?

  4. You know and most of us neo-followers know, the man[-child] is in ‘waaay over his head, and is only now starting to discover and internalize that inconvenient truth.

    But what counts at this point is how it plays in the mainstream media and among independents, who get much/most of their alleged information from the mainstream media.

  5. Liz,

    Obama always wa and always will be the man who sat in Rev. Wright’s Church for 20 years. He is Wright. He is the first and I hope only “God Damn America” President.

    That is one of two or three main essential points about him – he hates the very country and people he is President of. Hates us. Hates out past, Hates our freedom. Hates our prosperity. Hates our power. Hates us.

    Poor guy. He was given everything and this is as far as his imagination and gratitude extends.

    Right now, he is a very dangerous man. When he sees he is going to lose he will either go into a true rage (and act it out in policy) or a deep depression, or both.

    Let’s hope there are some grown up Dems in his circle. I doubt it, but there may be one or two left.

  6. @Mike Mc:

    “Cantor is a hero.”

    I wouldn’t go that far, although I think that he did the right thing. I suspect that Obama started on one of his notorious rambles, and Cantor tried to get him to say something that was, if not intelligent, at least pertinent to the topic at hand. And that will never do.


    Veeeerrrrry conveniently, there are always stories that Cantor and Boehner can’t work together around the time of important negotiations and power plays:


    It’s an attempt to split the GOP and its allies. Boehner becomes the guy who the WH likes, and is willing to work with them, and is more “pragmatic” and “moderate”. If things don’t work out, it’s because he’s such a compromizer.

    Cantor is the firebrand who wants to stick to Tea Party principles. He’s not willing to work with the WH. If things don’t work out, it’s because he’s such a purist.

    And nair the twain will meet – allegedly.

    I doubt the two are busom buddies, but this is a plain way of playing them and their sides off against each other. It’s a more subtle example of the “socons vs. libertarians” stories we periodically see. Except this time, they’re trying to split people and factions with far more in common.

  7. He’s a brat. I have a feeling he was always a brat, even as a child. His whole being screams he is entitled and therefore doesn’t need to explain or work for anything to get along and compromise. He is used to getting his own way. (But probably not with Michelle! She’s scary!). He’s never really had a “real” job where these skills are honed. Look who were his mentors for gosh sake. I agree with MJR; he’s always been “waaay over his head”.

  8. @Mike MC:

    I get what the Obamas are. (I generally take politicians and their spouses as a twofer.)Bitter affirmative action recipients, promoted way beyond their capabilities so that white leftists can signal to each other that they are Good People and Actively Anti Racist.

    I’m talking about why the rest of the country puts up with it. Talking to my European friends, they are shocked at how peevish and petty Obama is – and indeed always has been. “Eat your peas” has to be one of the most snide, consdescending political statements I’ve ever heard.

    Even if you agree with Obama, I don’t see how anyone could ever condone his tone or his tactics. I’m not swooning because someone has – gasp! – dared to play a rough game of Politics.

    I’m shocked that no one has taken him aside and said something like: “You sound like a prat. You had all the power for 2 years, and even now, after the “shellacking” of the midterms, you have almost all of it.

    “Some people don’t like you and a lot of people disagree with you. Grow up, get over it and stop sulking and lashing out. It’s unbecoming at best. You’re the most poweful man in the world and you’re attacking those with far less power. If nothing else, it’s a terrible representation of our country.”

  9. Mike Mc. Says:
    July 14th, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    That is one of two or three main essential points about him — he hates the very country and people he is President of. Hates us. Hates out past, Hates our freedom. Hates our prosperity. Hates our power. Hates us.

    If not “hate”, then at least the most absolute contempt for the people he’s supposed to be representing that I’ve ever seen.

    Not sure if that’s really a difference.

    If he “hates” anything, it’s probably this notion of him representing us, implying that he serves us.

    I truly believe, to the bottom of my soul, that he really thinks that he should be considered as “King” and that we are merely his “subjects”.

    Hence the tantrums that we would rarely tolerate in two-year olds.

  10. Neo:

    Does history repeat itself? Consider the following…

    In the period 1943 to May 1945, Hitler was obviously loosing the war. He became more and more irrational, dependent on miracles (Wunderwaffem), and less in control of himself. He might have been in the early stages of Parkinson’s Syndrome, but let’s put that aside.

    As a result, the decline accelerated. and The Bunker mentality took over. At the end, people were looking to get out and “Schlaffengehen” – Go To Sleep. “Wake Me When It’s Over”.

    Interestingly, Adolf blamed the German People for all this. He considered that they were not worthy of his particular genius. And so deserved their destruction…

    Sound familiar, folks?

  11. Further:

    “Eat your peas” by BHO = “Let them eat cake…” by Marie Antoinette.

    And both lost (MA) and are in the process of loosing their heads. Bring on the Tumbrels on Bastille Day, Anyone…

  12. Does it strike anyone else funny that the President, in the midst of heated negotiations, would say: “Eric, don’t call my bluff”?

    Granted, it’s a figure of speech. What he no doubt meant was, “If you play chicken with me, kid, you’re going to lose.” But what he actually said was, “I’m bluffing, and you’d better not call me on it”.

    Call it yet another example of the Great Communicator tripping over his own tongue.

    Daniel in Brookline

  13. If it was orchestrated, unfortunately it worked. I was in a restaurant last night and the people in the booth behind me were talking about it. “Obama lost it on Cantor today.” “It’s about time! I don’t know how he sits in the same room with those &^%$%”

  14. “‘Eat your peas’” by BHO = ‘Let them eat cake…’ by Marie Antoinette.”

    Except that Marie Antoinette said no such thing. It was an unnamed royal overheard a decade earlier, and epitomized a certain European mindset. FYI Ann Coulter contrasted the French and American revolutions in her latest book “Demonic” (my first time reading one of her books, and I have to say it was interesting, if not always well-edited).

    We’ll have no such trouble cataloging Pres. Obama’s many remarks for future generations. I believe “above my paygrade” characterizes his presidency. I don’t see him so much as a hater as a cautionary tale about what happens when a young person is “facilitated” and not expected to work harder than he must.

  15. Some of you above are being tooo soft, too nice about BHO. Try to understand that he is rotten to the core. If the Repubs cave now, all is lost. We need Travises to draw lines in the sands. Think of DC as an Alamo.

  16. Some friendly advice to Liz and others who may want to post long URLs. Next time you need to post a long URL go to this site:


    It will allow you to convert any URL, some of which are hundreds of characters long, to 26 characters or less. I’ve found it extremely helpful ever since I stumbled across it a few years ago. Happy Commenting!

  17. That is one of two or three main essential points about him — he hates the very country and people he is President of. Hates us. Hates out past, Hates our freedom. Hates our prosperity. Hates our power. Hates us.

    Yes. A thousand times, yes. I believe it is a type of self-loathing. Also accounts for the lefty fringe. It’s psychological projection on a grand scale. Furthermore I believe it is also at the bottom of the morbid, fascinated with pathology, negativity in much of today’s art and literature. Decadence — ain’t it wunnerful?

  18. I continue to be amazed at his condescension to and derision of such a large part of the American public. Every time we have one of his “eat your peas” or “75% of the Americans don’t understand the debt limit” moments I wonder if/when he’ll realize he’s president of the entire US, not just the ones who voted for him. Have we every had a president so contemptuous of his own countrymen?

    He’s just not a nice person, and as Liz commented above, it’s clear that he really doesn’t act in America’s best interest or negotiate in good faith.

  19. Thanks, grackle. Here’s my first use:


    Re. Obama’s forged birth certificate.

    I used to discount Birthers. I thought the issue unnecessarily gave the Left an excuse to ridicule and marginalize the Right. But the problem with attempting to keep an open mind is that you may discover that you are wrong. As it stands the issue is still a negative for the Right and may stay that way. The MSM learned it’s lesson with Rathergate and works tirelessly to keep anything like that from happening with the Birther issue.

    But I personally am beginning to have my doubts about the birth certificate. Not specifically because of the above link(which is indeed thought-provoking) but because of the slow accumulation of many credible pro-Birther articles.

    In the spirit of shared doubt I offer my own link to a very interesting article I recently discovered. The author has much to say about Obama but for Birther fans begin reading at the paragraph headed by “To the Manner Born.”


  20. … I wonder if/when he’ll realize he’s president of the entire US, not just the ones who voted for him …

    Liz, he’s not concerned for anyone who voted for him. They are simply his “useful idiots.” He doesn’t give a hoot in hell for ANY American. His intention is to render America powerless, to humble America, to subjugate America to the outside forces arrayed against us. God help us all if he is re-elected.

  21. Moments like this i would like to know what ol hux would be saying as things have gone beyond reasonable, and reasonableness is all he had…

  22. There’s another way to post links. Use the following code:

    {a href=”http://mywebsite.com”}My Title{/a href}

    (HOWEVER, substitute angle brackets for the curly ones.)

    Then you can copy and paste the URL between the quotation marks, and the article’s title in place of My Title. Like this:

    The Chosen One

    Or instead of the title, you can link to any other word you choose.

    I like this method better than tinyurl because I like to see what I’m about to click on before I click on it. If I mouse over a link, the URL appears at the bottom of my browser window. With tinyurl, I don’t know what site that link will take me to.

    I borrowed that line of code from Gates of Vienna, and saved it in a text file. So making a link just takes a little back-and-forth copying and pasting between browser windows or tabs.

  23. Hey, you can’t blame Obama for storming out of the debt ceiling talks. He probably needed a cigarette.

  24. All of y’all need to read the important link by Grackle to the Claremont Institute’s article:


    And if you’re not subscribing to Claremont Review of Books, start! It and City Journal are the two key reads for the likes of us, since we can walk while chewing gum.

  25. Yes, Codevilla’s article is a must-read. I think it breaks new ground in trying to understand what makes Obama tick.

    See also the commentary at Belmont Club: The Opacity Of Hope

  26. glass jaw…

    None the less; the media are really pushing the dem narrative. We might see what is going on but not everyone else who counts (actual moderates) is…

  27. Do you believe that Obama ever invited the Republican legislators to call him “Barack?” I don’t. Yet he uses “Eric” and during the ObamaCare discussions “John” for Senator McCain.

    Is this inequality a negotiating ploy to weaken his opponents psychologically? Or is it simply how a narcissist sees the world: Mr. President versus Eric?

  28. “”None the less; the media are really pushing the dem narrative. We might see what is going on but not everyone else who counts (actual moderates) is…””

    Do we even want the folks who can’t discern a simple obnoxious asshole when they see one? I mean really. If you can be conditioned to respect this small minded man because fashionable thought dictates it, you can easily become a hideous and dangerous human being for any cause you choose to support. See Germany 1940’s.

  29. Do we even want the folks who can’t discern a simple obnoxious asshole when they see one?

    I think we need those “folks,” infuriating as they might be. If Obama is to be defeated they are essential.

    They only know what their social circle knows and it is difficult for most people to break from that. These folks are propagandized 24/7 by the MSM. They are confused by arguments that cite real but irrelevant examples.

    There’s always some truth in the best propaganda, just enough to give it credibility to those who are eager to justify their complacency. For example: Perhaps Michele Bachmann says something that is not expressed in the best way. That statement provides a hook to hang a label of “dumb” on her by the MSM. This is subsequently echoed throughout the land through Lefty blogs, NPR, NYT, LAT, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, etc.

    Does the average person bother to search out the context of the remark? Do they stop to think that verbal gaffes are inevitable to anyone who speaks off the cuff and is constantly required and chooses to actually converse with the public and that the news hacks that follow her every word are hoping to discredit her? Can they bring themselves to contrast her natural style to the carefully orchestrated teleprompter-propped Obama? Do they bother to research and contemplate the facts of Bachmann’s life, her considerable personal achievements, including a law degree?

    Actually, I believe someone who does manage to break through that intimidating and almost all-pervasive wall of propaganda are the heroes of our time. Let’s welcome them. Such a change must akin to a rebirth.

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