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Extra credit question — 31 Comments

  1. It’s in perpetual war with Israel.

    Hence, no administration touches it.

    It, like Israel, is a rising oil power. Indeed, the Damascus crew is making every attempt to co-opt the Lebanese rights to the northern half of the sub-sea oil and gas field discovered by Israelis.

    Bibi is playing for time, pure and simple.

    The Resident’s antipathy to all things Jewish has never left his soul.

  2. Syria is the anti-Iraq. Pelosi and the Democrats saw it as a balance to Bush in Iraq, hence as an ally needing support.

  3. That’s easy. Hillary told us Syria is different from Libya in that it is a reform oriented govenrment, implying it would not turn on it’s own people the way Qaddafi did.

    Maybe she wants a do-over on that comment?

  4. It was thought Libya would be easy, simple. As Krauthammer has pointed out, it was more important to Obama that Libya be seen as the good example of multi-lateral interventionism with the US taking a backseat.

    Other than that, there really seems to be no rhyme or reason to any of it, save for the usual US policy of being harsher on bad countries that lean slightly to supporting us.

  5. Syria and Iran are heavy hitters in the hate America department and therefore worthy of Obama’s support.

    Assad and Obama both secretly have a crush on each other.

  6. What makes Syria different from Libya?

    John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and David Duke all made pilgrimages to Damascus – albeit at separate times- to protest Dastardly Dubya’s horrible Iraq policy. Assad Jr. agreed with them that getting rid of a murderous tyrant was bad policy.

    What Americans went to Libya to kowtow with Gadaffi? Reverend Wright. I assume that Louis Farrakhan also went there, since Gadaffi fronted him a lot of money.

    Assad attracts a “higher” class of American acolytes than does Gadaffi, at least when you consider Kerry and Pelosi.

  7. Syria happened further on down the list so that even Obama knows the whole thing is a Gordian knot. Best just say something strong but bland. No wait. That’s pretty much the same ole MO.

    With my words I will craft a new world!

  8. I think Holmes is right. Obama wanted to pick a Middle Eastern country, any country, to push his Right To Project agenda, a.k.a. blatant internationalism, possibly to be flung in the Samantha Power direction in the future. Of all countries he decided to pick, Libya had been seen as the easiest choice, while Syria would have been a quagmire, especially with Iran getting involved.

    However, as we can see, Libya looks like turning into a quagmire as well.

  9. Read this post back in March and thought it was an interesting analysis of ME events (http://skellmeyer.blogspot.com/2011/03/rent-ranger.html):

    Iran supports Hamas and Hezbollah, feeding arms and training into their networks. When the Iranian people rose up against the mullahs of Iran, Barack did nothing.

    Mubarak, whatever his other failings, was not a fan of either Hamas or Hezbollah. He expressed deep concern over the growing strength of Hamas and worked hard to keep them from winning elections. Barack pushed hard to get Mubarak out of office.

    While Gaddafi supported Barack for US President, Gaddafi was no particular friend of Hamas or Hezbollah. In recent weeks, both organizations condemned Gaddafi, voicing concern that he would begin a slaughter of their Libyan-based operatives.

    Syria, on the other hand, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, feeding arms and training into their networks. Barack has vowed to leave Syria alone.

    Yemen backs Hamas and Hezbollah; it serves as a key transit hub for Hamas armaments. Barack has said there should be no demonstrations against the Yemeni government.

    In Bahrain, Hamas approves of Obama’s policies of non-intervention. Saudi Arabia, which provides the financial support for nearly all the Wahhabi Muslim mosques throughout the world, can roll in with tanks and Obama merely bows obsequiously and stands silent.

    Palestinians gave enormous amounts of cash to Obama’s election campaign.
    Barack gave Hamas $1.3 billion of US Taxpayer money and he wasn’t just paying jizya.
    Barack listened to his pastor. He’s actively courting Hezbollah.

    So, who stands and who falls when Barack is calling the shots?

    Re-phrase the question: who does Hamas and Hezbollah want dead?

  10. I have come to the conclusion that we should not be trying to do the impossible, i.e. “planting democracy” in the Muslim world, that we should support our true Ally Israel against any and all Muslims, but otherwise we should not intervene but let the Muslims fend for themselves. Above all, we should quit pretending that any of these Muslim countries are really our Allies, for they are not and cannot be, so long as we remain unbelievers.

    Muslims and the countries of the Umma are our implacable enemies, thus, we should oppose them on every level, quarantine them, play one off against the other if we can, but never believe that we can ever implant democracy within the Umma so long as Islam is dominant.

    And I rate the chances of Islam–with its deep roots and tendrils piercing and winding round and round and clutching tight each and every square inch of the Umma–losing its dominance in that Umma as virtually impossible.

  11. Overthrowing Syria would require actual planning, and work. That, and Syria has no oil.

  12. Two things stand out. The ruling class is both better organized and more ruthless. And the opposition is more capable of governing.

  13. Okay, ill make a stab at it…Some people may be annoyed at what Im posting here, but I posted this as a note on my facebook page back in July of 2010:

    “*There were 4 Roman Legions involved in the Destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in the First Century AD:
    (1) The Roman Tenth Legion- Soldiers from Turkey and Syria
    (2) The Roman Fifteenth Legion- Soldiers from Syria
    (3) The Roman Twelth Legion-Soldiers from Eastern Turkey and Syria
    (4) The Roman Fifth Legion- Soldiers from Serbia and Bulgaria.

    The soldiers from the Tenth Legion- Turkey and Syria-breached the walls and burned the Temple.

    Daniel 9:26 “…The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary….” (NIV)

    It is generally understood that the “ruler who will come” is speaking of the “Anti-Christ” of the New Testament Prophecies.

    Using this, it is possible that the Bible is saying that the “Anti-Christ” will have his lineage from Turkey or Syria.

    * The information and ideas of this “note” comes from the May/June 2010 issue of “Zion’s Fire” Magazine, Article titled ” The Destruction of Babylon” by Marvin J. Rosenthal, published by Zion’s Hope, Inc. ”

    I would make a further comment at this point that some of us suspect that the “Anti-Christ” of Christianity and “al-Mahdi” of Islam are one and the same man…..


  14. Certain southern European countries don’t have significant petroleum interests in Syria. Plus, an overthrow of the Syrian government might expose certain WMD like products that slipped over the border in the early days of the Iraq war.

  15. I’m not “annoyed”, jon. The strict secularists might be. “The people of the ruler who will come” is a phrase for all time.

  16. In the most simple terms; action against the Syrian regime could be interpreted as action in support of Israel.

    Won’t happen; can’t happen.

    Subhead: It would acknowledge that “the Smartest Woman in the World (SWITW)” says some really stupid things. Forrest Gump told us about people who do/say stupid things. If the SWITW were unmasked, what would it say about the One who appointed her to such a formerly significant position in the government of the formerly most powerful nation in the world?

  17. Syria is a building block of the new caliphate under Iran’s control. Libya, on the other hand is a roadblock to the new caliphate.

  18. Slightly off-topic, but it took about 5 days for MSM to proclaim “QUAGMIRE!” and/or “VIETNAM II” in Iraq. Should I hold my breath for such proclamations re: Libya?

    P.S. @ ck April 24th, 2011 at 12:03 pm. Whoa. That makes more sense than anything else.

  19. Curtis wrote “Syria and Iran are heavy hitters in the hate America department and therefore worthy of Obama’s support.”

    It certainly appears to be that way. Obama has an established M.O. when it comes to dealing with America’s friends, and enemies. He’ll issue some nice empty statements but anything beyond would involve a dedication to furthering America’s interests, something he is clearly antagonistic to.

    Here is a question, did the invasion and conversion to democracy of Iraq initialize the Arab democrat movement, or take advantage of an incubating idea?
    Or was it all a result of Obama’s Cairo speech?

  20. JKB
    Ref WMD slipped out of Iraq during Bush’s get-out-of-jail-free period:
    Can’t absolutely prove it happened and indications that it did are, for obvious reasons, not going to see much daylight.
    However. Google up the attempted bombing in Amman in 2002. “truck” “Amman” “bombing” ought to do it. Lots of reports. It was a big deal. Trucks–emphasis on plural–modified to breach fortified gates, huge amounts of explosive, and poison gas. Had the potential to be far worse than 9-11.
    What I did not find was any speculation or report of investigation of the origin of the stuff, or the origin of the plot and the handlers and trainers. AFAIK, the Jordanian police got the goobers who were supposed to drive. If it went any further….nada.
    Like to know more, but, among other things, poison gas is illegal and in an atmosphere where the Israeli use of smoke munitions (WP, and not a crime) is considered a war crime of astonishing proportions, nobody seemed to connect the poison gas to either its origin or the illegality of it.
    If anybody can find anything about the backstory, I’d appreciate knowing it.

  21. 1. Assad is a reformer
    2. The “peace process” is relevant
    3. The iranian government can be talked to
    4. It’s Israels’ fault ( the original BDS)
    5. Responsibility to Protect
    6. Kinetic action
    Fortunately there is nothing absurd about the place or our positions on it. Anyone able to add to the list?

  22. Wolla says, “I have come to the conclusion that we should not be trying to do the impossible, i.e. “planting democracy” in the Muslim world, that we should support our true Ally Israel against any and all Muslims, but otherwise we should not intervene but let the Muslims fend for themselves. Above all, we should quit pretending that any of these Muslim countries are really our Allies, for they are not and cannot be, so long as we remain unbelievers.”

    Nation building is such a drag. 😉 Let allah sort ’em out. Instead of “let the Muslims fend for themselves” I support anything that promotes let muslims feed on each other. It may be callus, but I want Assad to continue slaughtering other Syrians. I want Libyans slaughtering other Libyans. I want to encourage shiites to slaughter sunnis and sunnis to slaughter shiites. Let’s encourage Pakistan to invade Afghanistan. This is foreign aid I can get behind; and it will cause Remington, Colt, S&W, Winchester, etc. to hire more people and run shifts around the clock. Lets focus like a laser beam on jobs.

  23. Uh, the relevant difference between Libya and Syria is that Europeans do not get their oil from Syria. Thus, they don’t give a hoot about the slaughter in Syria — nor should they. Why should we care abut barbarians killing one another?

  24. “Why should we care abut barbarians killing one another?”

    Precisely. Give them all the bullets and sharp blades required. If muslims killed 50% of their fellow muslims what a wonderful world it would be. I know that sounds harsh (and it is) and its definitely not PC, but it is the truth. There is no liberty under sharia.

  25. What makes Syria different from Libya?

    The U.N. Security Council has not (yet?) officially condemned violence in Syria. Obama and Samantha Power believe in subordinating U.S. power and sovereignty to the U.N.

  26. Exactly right, Amy.

    The plan all along is to remove the hegemony of the United States. Political correctness and multiculturalism attack the “why” of the “Why should the United States be No 1.” Our legal system has largely abandoned our Constitution through the “living constitution” theory and now seeks to incorporate international (even sharia) law. Our educational system has programmed, not taught, our children who have become, in effect, our enemies. And finally, we have elected politicians who believe it is best that the United States voluntarily give up its leadership and interests in the world because we are the number one cause of its sufferings and injustice. Our economy has been destroyed with welfare and transfer payments, unions, and now crony capitalism.

    The plan is well underway and I note with grim underlying seething hatred that our currency is being replaced as the world’s currency (which ironically is only fair because we have debased it) and that China is supposed to surpass our economy in five years. Our resources lie idle, both natural and human.

    This is what the tea party abhors. It sees a future of tyranny from one world government which will surpass in scale and intensity any thing before experienced.

  27. Curtis, my children haven’t become my enemies because I exploited the fact that they mostly hated school, by the end of it all, mostly for the right reasons, and I had a chance – a little each day – to explain the principles and reasons behind their passionate reactivity to the oppression of banal, mindless liberalism. So, I assume others have done the same and there is this quiet, seething, self-educating underground resistance. That’s my hopeful theory!

  28. Me too! I hope many have done as you have, but I think the many are more on the side of having left the left to raise their children.

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