Home » Hillary declines to be Ophelia?


Hillary declines to be Ophelia? — 23 Comments

  1. Que es mas macho? Obama o Hillary? Digo Hillary es mas macho. Hillary tiene muy grande cojones.

  2. Neo, a while back you posted about Hilliary and 2012, and I suggested that she was very likely to evaluate Obama’s re-electability at about the mid-point of his first term, and if the news was bad (for him), I suggested she was going to pull out of his cabinet to set up a run.

    She looks like a loyal soldier until the polls demonstrate that the public is losing faith. Then she’s the White Knight–competence and appeal.

    I’m more convinced now than ever at the possibility. This is from the Hill today: http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/03/17/031711-news-hillary-2-2/

    I’m ready to put a beer on it. (Green or whatever color you choose.)

  3. LAG,

    We’re on the same page. I think Obama may be vulnerable to a challenge and Hillary is the one who could pull it off. Perhaps we should all put Hillary 2012 signs in our front yards just to poke a stick into the hornets’ nest.

  4. I dunno. Hill’s not getting any younger, and the Clinton’s net worth is climbing. From the little we know, I surmise she and Bubba have a net worth likely >$250M by now. The next Prez is going to have a hell of a job unless he/she has Baraq’s “I don’t give a flip; feed ’em more BS” style. And the magnitude of the financial and social disasters awaiting the USA, absolutely unavoidably, will make a seat on the sidelines very attractive.

  5. It’s about time! Not that I am a Hillary afficionado. I am most definitely not ideologically, and her stridency (missing in action since employed by Obama) can be absolutely grating. And when she ended up US Senator for NY, carpetbag and all, I was disgusted.

    That being said, I have to admit to a certain begrudging admiration that I’ve reluctantly discovered I have for her. In the 2008, election, when I suddenly realized I was actually rooting for her to get the Dems nomination (I was going to vote Republican no matter what barring some other-worldly intervention!). Obama, to me, was always an empty suit, a phony, a pied piper, a manipulator, and it was killing me to see so many people just peling off to follow the rat poison beckoning them off the cliff. But have to acknowledge that the woman is smart. And agree with her principals or not, she is passionate, and seems to have an unending capacity for and a devotion to her work. (Perhaps that’s a result of having too much unfulfilled time in other parts of her life — but hey, that’s her business). I also thought it weird that so many women would vote for her JUST BECAUSE she is a woman — in fact that depresses me in much the same way blacks blindly voted for Obama because he held himself out to be one of them (I still wonder how many who voted for him even now know he is as much white as he is black!)

    I, too have wondered why she has hung in there as Sec. of State so long — perhaps too long to not be identified as an Obamaphile. I would have been out of there during that very first foreign policy fray involving Honduras where the White House supported strong man (and Chavez accolyte) President Manuel Zelaya who was about to change the country’s constitution to allow him to remain President for life when their Supreme Court tossed hi out on his bottom. Hillary (I assume was ordered) to then cancel American visas of all members of the Honduran Supreme Court and led the Administration’s clear support for Zelaya. Me, I was aghast. And I was aghast that more Americans were not aghast! Supporting the would-be dictator against the wishes of a huge majority of the Honduran citizens…. What the _ _ _ _ ???!!!

    But now she’s tired? She sure does look it. Saw her couple night’s ago and she looked like every face lift stitch she may have ever had came undone, every ml of Botox, collagen, whatever fillers and magic wrinkle erasers she had ever indulged in had long since disappeared —basically she looked haggard and exhausted and …dispirited.

    I, too was one who despite her denials was sure she was thinking about running in 2012, especially when the abundance of cracks in the Obama machine facade started to appear.

    But one thing: basically all politicians are whores dealing in quid pro quos and what will advance themselves. No one knows this better than the Clintons. But they also watched as slowly but surely, all those Dems who were devoted members of the Clinton political machine peeled off and gave their support to Obama.

    Is there anyone left that Hillary can trust? (We all know how Bill, the man in whom she placed the most trust, so easily tossed that in pursuit of his egotistical and carnal needs). I can’t but help think that any support from him would be more in pursuit of power for himself.

  6. I looked for this from the day she took the job; it was the only scenario that made the slightest sense for her. By joining the Administration she was in a position to break publicly with it, she could first gain a high-profile job, get some foreign policy creds (I know, I know), and then distancing herself from the unfolding disaster, present herself as the Dems’ savior.

    Given the Clintons’ political acumen, and their extensive organization, any attempt by them to primary Obama has to be the work of Big Popcorn.

  7. Csimon says,

    “I would have been out of there during that very first foreign policy fray involving Honduras.. ”

    YES. That is where Mr. O showed his true colors on foreign policy. I’m guessing HRC followed along and acted accordingly, but she must have wondered what the f*&k?


    If anyone can pull it off the Clintons are the ones who can do it. I concur it is the only rational explanation for why she lobbied for the secretary of state appointment.

  8. “I would have been out of there during that very first foreign policy fray involving Honduras.. ”

    Yes, if you care about the issues and principles. But that’s not the Clintons, obviously, and if your sole interest is in your personal aggrandizement, that was too soon.

    You’d want to wait until even the faithful were starting to mutter amongst themselves, an election was in the offing, for which the campaign season would begin after a few months you could spend establishing your organization. A time like … uh … now, for instance.

  9. If she runs against Obama for the nomination, she can fund her campaign by putting their debates on pay-per-view. Scorpions in a bottle will have nothing on those two.

  10. “Scorpions in a bottle will have nothing on those two.”

    I was thinking more along the lines of 2 rabid junk yard dogs, but your analogy has more of a multi-cultural flair that will woo the hispanic and asiatic voters.

  11. Occam I couldn’t agree more. In real estate, location is all. In politics, timing is the thing. That and the visuals, at which Obama is currently failing spectacularly.

  12. I was thinking more along the lines of 2 rabid junk yard dogs, but your analogy has more of a multi-cultural flair that will woo the hispanic and asiatic voters.

    Just part of my diversity/multicultural sensitivity, Parker. I’m all about that. /g

  13. gs: no, not Lady Macbeth, who was not only an equal co-collaborator but really the power behind the throne. Hillary is much more Obama’s willing victim (unless at some point she actively turns against him and primaries him in 2012)–plus, the soliloquy fit so perfectly.

  14. 1. Perhaps we’re talking past each other, Neo.

    Hillary excelled as the power behind Bill Clinton’s throne. Hence, Lady Macbeth.

    (Her performances as The Man are less impressive: She failed as the head of the Clinton healthcare plan, and failed as the head of her extremely well positioned 2008 campaign. Her record as Senator was undistinguished, and her Secretarial record is shaping up as undistinguished at best. And she did not make the bold decision to challenge George Bush in 2004. In fact, iirc the betting odds had clearly shifted to Giuliani’s favor when illness forced him to withdraw from the 2000 Senate race.)

    2. My hesitation to compare her to Lady Macbeth arose because it’s hard to picture Hillary feeling guilt, even subconsciously.

  15. I’m starting to wonder (quite likely delusionally), if she realized her political aspirations were capped below the Presidency and took State Sec out of a sense of duty, or at least pragmatic calculation, rather then as most surmised, a launching pad for 2012. At this point, I don’t think she has an honest shot, no matter her competency. Obama has wrecked the Democratic brand for awhile, quite likely past her shelf life.

    The whole haggard appearance and ‘only sane’ vibe I’ve been getting are thin evidence. But still.

  16. More from Hillary:

    Clinton said Friday that it’s time for the United States to join South American countries in electing female presidents… “I must say, I’m far enough away from my own career in electoral politics that I will not take too much heat for suggesting that these women and societies can teach American voters a thing or two.”

    I have a tendency to assume that Hillary would have done a less bad job in the Oval Office than Obama. That tendency may be unwarranted.

  17. Mein Gott…A world where the huevos of Hillary–tiny, co-dependent & vastly ambitious–are bigger than those of His Infantile Majesty.

    A female who has ho-hummed a husband during his decades of compulsive, countless infidelities(and a rape)has BIGGER ones than The Bamster..!

    AAlllliiiiiiicccceeeeeeee…! Bunny Hole ALERT..!

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