Home » The most perfect series ending ever…


The most perfect series ending ever… — 19 Comments

  1. Like you I came late to the series. When we were stationed in Germany we only had one AFN channel and that’s when I got hooked on Northern Exposure. I wonder if it’s shown in reruns anywhere?

  2. Sorry–it was the last episode of Newhart in 1990 (his second sit-com) that had the best finish, or at least the best finishing scene.

  3. Lou M: that was also good, and very very clever. But it was a one-trick pony. Sort of like an O Henry ending. This was much deeper, IMHO.

  4. I haven’t seen this show in 15 years, (that toddler is an adult now!) yet there are certain scenes and characters that still come to mind now and then. That’s a sign of a quality show, no?

  5. Lou’s right. I fell out of my chair that night I laughed so hard. In my opinion, television has been on a steady decline ever since.

  6. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Northern Exposure!!! I was a fan in the early 90s when it originally aired (although it was on late at night for a young working woman and I didn’t always stay up to watch), but I am an even bigger fan as the years go by. You need to check out this website that I frequent to get the latest on all things “NX”: http://www.moosechick.com/. (There’s even an annual Moosefest: http://www.moosefest.org/)

    I ripped this final episode, along with several others of my favorites, from my complete series DVDs. If anyone would like a copy, let me know at gmustico at mac dot com.

  7. Lived 50 miles north of Roslyn (The village where they filmed the outdoor scenes.) from 1993 to 2000. We were fans and made a point to stop by Roslyn whenever we were in that neck of the woods. Been in the Brick and the general store. It felt just like being in the places that were depicted on TV.

    It’s amazing they are still having the Moosefest there every year. Had no idea there were so many died-in-the-wool fans. Never was much of a TV viewer, but that was one show that caught my interest.

    When I was watching Sarah Palin’s show on Alaska, I kept thinking about the way Northern Exposure had first publicized Alaska and the independent minded, unconventional folks who live there.

    Thanks for the memories.

  8. JJ: almost immediately after Palin was first nominated by McCain, I made the “Northern Exposure” connection, here.

  9. While I watch certain shows (“The Glades” and “Burn Notice” are my two current favourites), I rarely get to see all the episodes.

    I liked Northern Exposure, but never saw the end.

    Thank you for showing it. I don’t cry, but it did give me a smile.

  10. Dang! I thought the episode where Joel went out to the boonies to live and ended with a mescaline-vision of Joel seeing Manhattan from the Alaskan hinterlands (a pre-cursor of Sarah Palin?) was the last episode. I never saw this one. So Maurice ended up with his dominatrix after all!

  11. I never saw Northern Exposure, but that scene reminds me of the feeling I get whenever I go home and find a business closed or a building missing. Sometimes I’ll go into a new shop and chat with the owner, relating the history of the building and what used to be there. The drugstore right out of It’s a Wonderful Life where my best friend and I had nickel cokes after school–gone. But I run into people whose grandparents I remember. Yeah, scenes like this make me cry too. But then I get hit by the changes in big hunks every few years. I don’t have the option of slowly accomodating them.

    Maybe I’ll get the Norther Exposure DVDs to watch on my next long trip home.

  12. I loved Northern Exposure, too – although I was overseas and watching it on AFRTS for most seasons, which made it really disjointed.
    I loved the look of the exterior shots in the opening – because that twilight-blue look to everything is the way that the Arctic looks in the summertime at night.

  13. Loved that show at first but then it seemed to “jump the shark” as the men just got dumber and dumber.

  14. Thanks neo! I loved the show but I don’t believe I ever saw the last episode.

    I notice that David Chase (the Sopranos) was the executive producer. That explains a lot.

    That song (Our Town by Iris DeMent) is lovely. Went and Googled the lyrics and will probably buy it in iTunes today.

    Since this thread is getting a bit mushy (and Valentines Day is within shouting distance), this clip also reminded me of my high school English class in which we read (aloud) the classic play “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder. The teacher asked me and a classmate to read the roles of the young sweethearts in the play: Emily and George.

    That classmate and I will celebrate our 24th anniversary this year 🙂

  15. I still watch this show sometimes, I love it so much. Perfect escapism. I have a very romantic notion of Alaska because of it. I hope all the stuff I read about the meth head contingent there is exaggerated.

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