Home » Obama: resetting those relations with Russia


Obama: resetting those relations with Russia — 18 Comments

  1. The worst President in American history, going away. Jimmy Carter can die knowing he’s off the hook.

    Thanks, liberals.

  2. If a citizen were to do something like this he would possibly face the death penalty. But the president unilaterally (I’m assuming without the broad consent of congress) decides to lend aid to our enemies and weaken the defense of the United States, England and our allies and not a peep about betrayal. Legal or otherwise? Am I just that stupid?

  3. The Brits wanted Obama so they probably support the undermining of their defenses. I think it works like this, love trumps logic; the love object can do no wrong ergo the act of betrayal must have some deep beneficial purpose which it keeps to itself but we can accept on trust.

    Steve,, the public is not up in arms over Obama’s insistence that the Moslem Brotherhood, a terrorist organization that recently declared war on the US, be included in the new government of Egypt, so why should anyone concern themselves over betraying an ally when the President just betrayed the whole free world? Obama betraying friends is no longer front page news. Don’t tell me you are not used to it as well. Obama betraying people is boring.

    BTW here is a list the Messiah’s middle eastern accomplishments complied by Prof. Rubin:

    –The Iranians have continued full speed ahead toward getting nuclear weapons. Though the administration deserves credit for getting higher sanctions through the UN, these have not actually affected the problem.

    –The Israel-Palestinian peace process, partly through Obama’s mismanagement, has fallen completely apart.

    –Lebanon has been taken over by a Hizballah-dominated government with Syrian and Iranian tutelage.

    –Hamas’s control over the Gaza Strip has been stabilized and entrenched due to U.S. policy mistakes.

    –Turkey has continued to drift toward the Iran-Syria bloc and disregarded U.S. interests without costs.

    –The policy to moderate Syria has failed completely while Damascus is both confident and more aggressive. (also allowing the Syrians to move against their Democratic reformers, my note)

    –Pakistan seems more and more unstable while not being particularly helpful toward U.S. counterterrorist efforts.

    –Obama’s charm offensive toward Islamism has yielded no material benefit for U.S. interests.

    –The Obama Administration’s rush to push out Mubarak’s regime has created a very dangerous situation that might spread to other countries.

    –Generally, U.S. friends in the region are distressed, doubting they can trust in America’s protection; U.S. enemies are encouraged, believing America is weak and in retreat.

    But hey he still enjoys 50% support.

  4. Got mixed feelings on this one. The Brits did play hanky panky with Libya to get the Lochoberie(sp?) bomber released. On other hand, we are talking about the misdeeds of our sh!t-puddle-in-chief.

  5. Hard to accept you have mixed feelings, armchair. There’s a huge, an enormous magnitude of difference in letting a single scuzzie with cancer get back to Libya in exchange for a big BP oil deal, vs unilaterally giving the Russkies details on British nuclear missiles. At least BP gets to drill some oil, but what desiderata did we get from the treaty? I dunno, do you?

  6. The Lockerbie clown is the poster boy for swift and sure capital punishment. If he’d been hanged immediately (i.e., within months of conviction, as used to happen in Victorian times) – as he most assuredly should have been – footsie with Libya would have been a moot issue.

  7. From the very beginning of his ascendancy to the oval office Obama has been busy as a bee insulting the UK. This latest revelation of the duplicity of the Obama administration goes well beyond the level of insult; it is extremely disturbing and is a sign that Obama is playing a very dangerous game. The only problem is international, strategic relations are not a friendly game of cards. I wish Obama was still back in Chicago hanging our with Oprah, Bill Ayers, and the rabid Reverend Wright.

  8. So the way to punish the Brits for Lockerbie is to tie our hands behind our back, don a blindfold, and bow to Putin?

    B in VA, The problem with Rubin’s list is that it starts with Obama in office. My problem with Obama is that he and his cohorts on the left did everything they could to undermine Bush’s efforts to deal with the Islamic world. Not that Bush got everything right, but what he did get right was criticized. They fed the BDS of European intellectuals, and made it very hard for the political leaders there to follow him even when he was right. They all left the loyal out of loyal opposition.

  9. expat,

    I don’t disagree with what you write, I just wish to note European intellectuals didn’t need BDS to both dislike and resent the USA. They’re very capable at that all by themselves.

  10. As a regular reader of “Guardian”, I can notice that the most vile anti-americanism among commentariat and journalists of this leftist rag is encountered among Obama worshipers.

  11. Parker,

    No disagreement on that. It’s just that the lefty Hollywood celebrity types courted by Obama to help finance his election took the animosity toward Bush down to the teenybopper level. That made it impossible for European politicians to side with Bush on anything and still keep their jobs. I can remember seeing former Innenminister Otto Schily (responsible for security) talk about the good job John Ashcroft had done. Schily could not have said this while in office because of backlash from the intellectuals and “Kultur” types. Michael Moore was setting the tone in those days, and Democrat congressmen waited in line for his film premiers. For that, I can’t forgive them. Obama fed into the whole mess.

  12. I thought the release of the Lockerbie terrorist was payback for Obama’s snubs (returning the bust of Churchill, giving the Queen an iPod full of Obama’s speeches, etc.)

    But yeah, the Brits and the Euros really wanted Obama. Well, they got him.

  13. Let us not for one moment forget the Senate ratified; in haste, lest the Russkies got irritated.

  14. We “Brits” didn’t all want Obama. A friend of mine saved his “historic” newspaper from the day Obama was elected. Mine went straight into the recycling bin.

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