Home » Spambot of the day


Spambot of the day — 17 Comments

  1. I noted…all of that! Glad you alluded to it, ’cause I was wondering whilst reading it if my mind was wandering to places it shouldn’t be!

  2. neo, where do you get all these spambots? I used to routinely get a message from Africa offering me tens of millions of dollars to launder some greater sum, but those days are over.

  3. Definitely an alien, apparently friendly, but sounds hungry; must have something to do with climate change, Bush, Palin…. Neo, have you noticed any men in black shadowing you? This should be good for a book contract.

  4. I am starting to understand it…

    some of them are being written by heuristics, and the successful ones are those that pass the filters. what you get is the combination of the two, and its odd pseudo meaning is what ends up being allowed through (as a minimal acceptable paragraph).

    note that this is generally how much modern lyrics are in modern music. As so incredibly well explained and demonstrated by Blues Traveler in “The hook (brings you back)”

    It doesnt matter what i say
    So long as i sing with inflection
    That makes you feel that i’ll convey
    some inner truth of vast reflection
    but if said nothing so far
    and i can keep it up for as long as it takes
    and it dont matter who you are
    if im doing my job then its your resolve that breaks

    there is something amiss
    i am being insincere
    in fact i dont mean any of this
    still my confession draws you near
    to confuse the issue i refer
    to familiar heroes from long ago
    no matter how much Peter loved her
    what made the Pan refuse to grow

    the last paragraph is the final illustration and its much like our meaningful sounding insincere bot.
    [too large to post all but here is a taste]

    suck it in suck it in
    if your rin tin tin or anne boleyn
    make a desperate move or else youll win
    and then begin
    to see
    what your doing to me this MTV is not for free
    its so PC its killing me
    So desperately
    i sing to thee
    of love
    sure but also rage and hate and pain and fear of self….

    Though I fear that Pink Floyd was much much more sincere in their honesty in Dark Side of the Moon. Especially the piece Time.

    Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
    Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
    Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
    The time is gone, the song is over,
    Thought I’d something more to say.

    Nice reference to Thoreau…

    The song is over,

  5. I’m not certain about the “abreast” stuff as you insist on putting that green apple in front of you.

    I received an email two days ago informing me that “numerous womens” wanted to correspond with me.

    As soon as I get back from Romania, I will be donating numerous dollars to your website.

  6. Well at least spambot harmonises with your conclusions. He’s obviously practicing the “civil” approach to spam.

  7. Our family blog gets quite a few spam comments, but ours tend to be considerably less subtle and eloquent than yours. Here’s a recent example:

    Hco g vtc k evansporn, sex clips. Ttb q, sco vxrcvx|lty hsjdato r dm bw.

    Perhaps you could introduce my bots to yours?

  8. That is exactly like texts written by schizophrenics: lots of pompous seriousness and pretence but no meaning.

  9. That is exactly like texts written by schizophrenics: lots of pompous seriousness and pretence but no meaning.

    So rather like the Congressional Record, then?

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