Home » Assange objects to leaks to press–when they’re about him


Assange objects to leaks to press–when they’re about <i>him</i> — 14 Comments

  1. From reading about his behavior with women it seems this guy has an ego/control problem, ie, he is severely mentally ill.

  2. I don’t care much about him being convicted on the sex charges because those incidents seem very borderline. I do like the poetic justice, especially that he was lousy at sex. Maybe some of his groupies will now have second thoughts. With a conviction, he could always play the martyr, but as tabloid fodder, his narcissistic ego will take a real hit.

  3. Isn’t it a shame that poor Julian can’t have any of his secrets kept. Isn’t there some right to keeping sensitive information secret? Well, no, not according to wikileaks. Hoist on his own petard.

  4. Information wants to be free, right, Julian?

    So the proponent of “openness” and “transparency” now wants privacy? Seriously? In a just world, his every move would be on webcam, 24/7.

  5. rickl, I can’t read that line without hearing Darth Vader in my head. Plus it has German in it. Great combo.

  6. Ah, but of the course the difference is he is leaking *govt* people, not private. At least that is what I have been told.

    Apparently being elected means you give up all privacy but appointing yourself the Arbiter of Secrecy means you get to keep all of yours. Well, unless you are a Democrat and then we can’t go there (well, maybe if it hurts the Republicans more – can always get a new Democrat in there and most will run cover for that side anyway).

  7. Expat says “I do like the poetic justice, especially that he was lousy at sex.”

    Most persons who have a totally self-centered egotistical focus ARE lousy lays.

  8. Pingback:Nolanimrod

  9. > But there are many kinds of justice. And on a certain level–that of poetic justice–this can hardly be improved upon.

    “Helllooooo!! Hello, ALANIS? You remember that song you wrote…? The one filled with incorrect examples…? Well, we have a correct example of it for you…!”

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