Home » Funny how “civil” you can be…


Funny how “civil” you can be… — 13 Comments

  1. “I won” gave the legislation writing to Nancy Pelosi.

    Will “I won” give it to the Speaker of the House in the next session? 🙂

  2. The new views of the better, more civil Obama:

    Not increasing taxes on the rich will increase the debt by 700 billion.

    Foisting Timothy Geithner on the Republicans to ensure the rich do get taxed.

    Tax breaks for those who hire the unemployed. (what?)

    Reducing our nuclear arsenal will strengthen our relationship with Russia and is absolutely essential for our national security.

    Extend unemployment benefits for those who are unemployed from NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN.

  3. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

    On the other hand, the Cocktail Party (which sees itself as the only legitimate head of the GOP) is always eager to make kissy-face with their fellow “liberals” on the othere side of the aisle.

  4. That’s what worries me, just how low will the RINO circuit bend to appease their Dem buddies at the cocktail parties?

  5. In a related story, Joe Smith, scheduled to be hanged today at noon, invited the hangman for bunch.

  6. As it gets closer to 2012, watch O “creep” closer to the center; fool me once, fool me twice….

  7. I was kind of hoping that some Republican congressman would have stood up and meekly said, “WE WON!!!!”

  8. About the FED aid, and where it went…..It was a cinch, when they wouldn’t tell the public where the money was going, that it was going overseas; that we were bailing out other countires, banks, companies. Anyone with half a brain knew that.

    Once again, the USA saved the world’s ass – is one way to look at it. And once again, we are getting crapped on for it.

    What ticks me off, is from the word go – the House knew it; the Senate knew it; the current administration knew it. “It” being what was going down, what the problem was – and the incredible chance they were taking was. Perhaps they saw no alternative. But the people of this country were not trusted to be able understand the problems. Once again, we were treated as mushrooms. Left in the dark and fed horse shit.

    The rest of the world needs to shut up now. The FED and the Beltway inhabitants have some ‘splaining to do, and some more heads need to roll, and some common sense had better return to the way this country operates, or it’s all over soon.

    That’s my 2 cents.

  9. Please Neo — do me a favor and just summarize what he says. Not only can I not watch a video of him, I can’t even bear looking at his face in the frame you pasted.

    And to Marine’s Mom: there’s no chance of me ever getting over my Ovamit -phobia.

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