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The liberal explanation for what went wrong this election — 40 Comments

  1. My takeaway from all this? If a President has big majorities in Congress and commits to a bold and controversial agenda, he should stick with it to the bitter end, pushing the system as far as it will go during the two-year interval he has between congressional elections.

    Hmm. Would the same logic apply to a Republican President who wants to commit America’s armed forces to a major war on two fronts? And who thinks that the threat of terrorism is so serious as to justify, under rare circumstances, eavesdropping on Americans with connections to overseas terror, or monitoring their overseas financial transfers?

    Just wondering…

    Daniel in Brookline

  2. Lizza is dreaming. Does he really believe that all those Dems who got thrown out would have voted for the health care bill if they knew it would cost them their job let alone even more over reaching?

  3. I fail to see a difference between what Mr Lizza proposes and a tyranical dictatorship. Hitler was after all simply trying to set Germany and the world straight while having his turn at power.

  4. Soviets had no care for anything but one thing, power…
    not even power to accomplish anything that is great other than their own hold on power.

    NOTHING else matters…
    an end with no purpose beyond the end
    they believe in nothing but power
    no morals just power
    no ethics just power
    no consistency if it gains power
    no care for consequences, if it achieves power

    at some point, you realize that what got you snowed was that YOU have beliefs you care about, and influence you, and they don’t… everything is for the convenience, and achievement of power.

    take time to read George Kennans long telegram
    (as i endlessly suggest)

    I also pointed out that i have read extensively through all this kind of crap for over 30 years, and one thing is missing…

    any reference, deference or acknowledgment of the outside other.

    Cloward Piven talks about collapse and acheievement
    but it says NOTHING as to how to keep away war socialists who are paranoid that your going to make a fascist dictatorship with the most powerful military in human history. (ergo the missle warning yesterday and coverup… you can no longer see the complete video, and the explanaitons fall short given that the vid was shot over 500 feet in the air with a news camera system with a HUGE telephoto capablity. we got a warning across our bow we are not allowed to know (just as we were not allowed to know how much closer to war we were with kennedy))

    i will bet that right now, Obama is going to sell the store at the G20… his keepers plans and games and all these policy papers, have ignored things like Russian military, Chinese military and the games outside will play if you weaken yourself enough to do this. Obamas opportunity, is their opportunity even MORE so.

    at some point does it register that these are supposed to be REPRESENTATIVES and not rulers? and that doing what you want when you have the chance, is NOT what a representative of others does. its what an opportunist with an ulterior motive does to take advantage of a situation while lying in wait.

    Lizza and many others advocate doing just that, without apology and without shame.

    of course…
    thats how communists behaved…
    your just not used to seeing them in their full selves

    like a sociopath at a tea party, you don’t get to see whats behind the mask before your a victim.

    your looking at the same idea and clinical attitude and contempt for others that made Holodomar a reasonable response to uncooperative people in fly over country

    [Holodomar was the starvation of the equivalent numbers of people living in NY 8-10 million, in one winter]

    they accept the damage they are going to do as a necessary, and so they cant tell necessary damage, from unnecessary damage and think that there is no other way but with damage.

    we are waking up to the KIND of people that are attracted to the ulterior abilities within this system that they are oppressed from in a free society.

    they have freed aristocracy from the oppression on them imposed by the masses who reduced them to the role of clerks

    they would destroy the world if they thought they could remold it…

    after all thats exactly what the Fabians said they will and are doing.

    it will become eventually clear that if you supported feminism, you supported a communist state (As the leaders of that movement declared over and over)

    if you supported black liberation, you ended up supporting communist state, and the eventually slavery of all men under a few.

    if you supported gslen, you then ended up falling in to the same thing that caused homosexuals to be hated through time. they betray their own!!!

    each popular front has its place…

    and if you also see who was funding and doing a lot of this from when i was born to today… you will find it very odd that people who supposedly hate Nazis, would follow the ideas, publications, and missives of a Hitler Youth whose job it was, was to take the property of Jews who were to be murdered. he did this when he was 14, and is completely inured to any sympathy for the victims.

    he collapsed the currency of malasia, thailand, indonesia, helped soviets collaps, and facilitated englands currency collapse to bring them into the european soviet.

    now he is working on us.. (and care to guess who give him key information? well, just before the financial crisis, there were a huge number of hacker break ins to the world bank… and some odd commentaries in the news from russia)

    if he didnt care what he and his left liberal neo socialists did to the people of malaysia, indonesia, thailand, england, russia, and some african states.

    he certainly, like his useful idiot friends, dont care if thousands and thousands die… any more than he cares about the jews he helped send to the camps.

    we are repeating Wiemar, because the people who are playing us, learned their chops in Wiemar…

    those who learned from that, are not going to copy liu baio… they are going to do what works, discard what doesn’t. so what didn’t work was going after Jews, what is working this time is going after whites… by being less specific, what was not allowed in specificity, becomes allowed

    each difference matches a failure or shortcoming, and each thing that was the same is what worked, or what preceded it that they don’t know was key or not. [like the liberal morality of weimar]

  5. @Neo

    This is exactly the sort of liberal “logic” that is so toxic and disturbing.

    You have nailed it. The only problem I have with that statement is that it implies that some of the liberal logic might not be “toxic and disturbing”. That is, there is the sort that is; so there might be some sort that isn’t.

    The Logic of Liberalism as such is the matter. Its logic will always lead to tyranny. There is no other place for it to go. It is only a matter of how soon it gets there and how massively destructive of body, mind and soul of individuals and whole cultures it will be.

    When the principle is an even distribution of material goods by force, tyranny and poverty must ensue. Tyranny and poverty will ensue.

    It means the government must have power and money. To get money, it takes money. By taking money it reduces prosperity. By reducing prosperity it reduces its net take. Therefore it must take more. In so doing it reduces prosperity more…and so on.

    Eventually, people are forced to work to provide goods for the government to take (Soviet style tyranny); and everyone save the ruling few is much, much poorer, and much less free; and far more hopeless.

    Body, mind, soul – person and culture – that is what liberals destroy.

    Today, this is nearly 100% equivalent to Democrats.

    That includes all of the ones you know; and Ms. Marcus, and the whole lot of them.

    She is the most infuriating type for me. She is obviously aware of the damage and that most of her fellow citizens don’t want what she is giving, read ‘forcing’ on them. Yet she supports it anyway. Un-freaking-real.

  6. Obama took his foot off the pedal this year after the first sign of the conservative backlash appeared in the form of Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts.

    Obamacare was passed AFTER Brown’s victory in Massachusetts. I’m wondering how that fact justifies the author’s ‘foot off pedal’ metaphor. But what the hell, it’s the New Yorker and the New Yorker can always be expected to be sloppy about the facts, skewed in their interpretation and trite with metaphor.

    Also, I don’t believe the hard core Left are at all puzzled by the election results. I believe they ‘get it’ very well. But to publicly admit it would be problematic. Like a spouse suspected of adultery they believe their best course of action is to deny, deny, deny.

  7. It means the government must have power and money. To get money, it takes money. By taking money it reduces prosperity. By reducing prosperity it reduces its net take. Therefore it must take more. In so doing it reduces prosperity more…and so on.

    Mike, you live in California too?

  8. So basically, the author is proposing that the will of the people be ignored when it’s inconvenient for the higher purposes of the political left.

    That would end well….

  9. @Occam,

    We are all Californians now!

    Big test of this Congress will be whether they refuse to bail Cali out. Let them sink. Cut them off. I think we should vote to reduce all US Govt payments for everything and anything to Cali until they get their house in order.

  10. Mike, I couldn’t agree more.

    Even though I’m a Californian (of many years standing), I detest what California has become, and am more than willing to call down an air strike on my own position if it’ll help rid the survivors of this pestilence.

  11. If Alan Grayson is your hero (and according to Lizza he is the liberal hero) you’re not likely “to see those who disagree as reasonable and well-meaning, and motivated neither by hatred nor by ignorance–and even worthy of respect and legislative restraint.”

    The simple problem of equating liberals with conservatives is that liberals aren’t liberal. Conservatives are. Don’t expect a snake to do what a dog does when you pet it.

  12. California’s trump card could be food. Its agriculture sector is huge. I’m assuming the irrigation water has been returned to the central valley.

  13. I’m sick at what has happened to California. I grew up here, was educated here, moved away to see the world, and since have lived pretty much everywhere from Hawaii to the Midwest to New England to Europe with even a brief spell in Japan.

    I moved the earth to come back to California, expecting to live out the rest of my days here, but that’s becoming increasingly unlikely, as my wife and I are investigating fleeing to another state before the deluge hits.

    I’m sick at heart to have to consider leaving my beloved California, but reality bats last, and things are going to get worse – much worse – before they get better (if they ever do; Detroit has been in the dumper for several generations now). I feel very much in the crosshairs of the state government as it looks for sheep to shear. Barbra Streisand & Co. (who’ve got the means to dodge taxes) will be fine, as will the underclass; middle class types such as myself, not so much.

    People who can bankrupt California, once a world-beater economically, can bankrupt anything. But as this election proved, we still haven’t hit bottom. We don’t have a taxing and spending problem; we can quit whenever we want. Sure we can.

  14. California’s trump card could be food. Its agriculture sector is huge.

    Unless the delta smelt object, of course. Or agriculture intrudes upon the mating grounds of the hissing cockroach or some such. Then the deranged leftists in SF and LA will demand – demand, no less – that agriculture cease to “save the planet.” After all, it’s “for the children.TM” Besides, every hipster knows food comes from supermarkets, not from the Central Valley.

  15. By the way, ANOTHER tv host is calling for a revolution…

    ie. a civil war, with dead people, damaged property, mass events, starvation etc..

    they are taking the mask off and those who thought socialism was something different are finding out that socialism and communism are differences with no distinction. lenin and those wrote as to socialism, not communism…

    the socialists are now showing the side they always hid from you. like the sociopath not letting you know that he will keep you in the basement and skin you alive for fun until your dead.

    informing you before the party starts is no fun as you might foul it up… waiting until your helpless and they can revel in duping delight and all that stuff, thats so much more fun.

    but i said, when they get near what they think is the event, they will not be able to hold up the fake masks… two years ago, i said you would suddenly see and have your eyes vibrate at the dissonance…

    “Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for revolution? “The answer is obviously ‘yes.’ The only question is, ‘how to do it? Dylan Radigan MSNBC host yesterday…

    As in Russia in 1991, criminals and right-wing extremists are best prepared to fill the power vacuum from a collapsing United States. The best way to stop them, Rall argues, is not collapse–but revolution. Not by other people, but by us. Not in the future, but now. While it’s still possible. Ted Rall

    he knows that is exactly what they need to finish
    i said we are going to be forced to hand them the reason to change the future, and rather than say, how, what, lets prevent it… we said, no, cant happen, not real, and now are wondering what to do.

    which i said, when you know, and you no longer have to calculate or figure it out, its too late.

    …in the pantheon of American history, conservative old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.

    Fine, keep it up. It doesn’t matter.

    Because you’re on the endangered list.

    And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.

    In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone {EXPLETIVE DELETED} that you hold so near and dear to your heart.

    There won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them…
    Do you hear it?

    The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?

    Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful. Tim Wise…

    Mr Frank… food prices are going to sky rocket in a few weeks…

    remember, we connected food and fuel and we restricted fuel, and rejiggered famers monies…

    i said, the threat of starvation and high food prices will get the welfare people to riot….

    we are still discussing the 2012 election, and there may not be one… making all that discussion a waste of time and moot.

  16. A long time ago, i wrote a post which explained soviet humor and certain phrases.

    and one was…

    “when will it be like it was before the revolution”

    it will be understandable all too soon

  17. “Are things in our country so bad that it might actually be time for revolution? “The answer is obviously ‘yes.’ The only question is, ‘how to do it? Dylan Radigan MSNBC host yesterday…

    So we’ve found our Karl Liebknecht. Whom should we cast as our Rosa Luxemburg?

  18. I was listening to NPR today and the sound of the scurrying rationalization hamster almost drowned out what they were saying. The election results were just the angry voters lashing out and it doesn’t reflect on Obama’s performance or the Democrat policies and anyway everything that’s gone wrong is (all together now) ALL BUSH’S FAULT.

    They still just don’t get it.

  19. Occam:

    Know what you mean about California…unfortunately one of my granddaughters lives there.

    BTW, you wrote: “So we’ve found our Karl Liebknecht. Whom should we cast as our Rosa Luxemburg?”. I know whom I would cast in those roles…if only they met the same fate.

    I can dream, can’t I?

  20. Buck Up People…Progressives WON!

    “The veil of a happy Democratic governing majority is finally lifted.”

    Our work is now finally beginning. The veil of a happy Democratic governing majority is finally lifted. We didn’t have it then; We don’t have it now. But what we do have now is a more solidly progressive bunch of Dems in Congress and a president presumably less encumbered by the false illusion that playing nice will get him a date with the other team.

    Let’s throw our support unabashedly behind the Congressional Progressive Caucus and let’s push Obama to finally do the right thing through as many Executive Orders as we can present to him.

    i would say thats a different explanation. no?

  21. From your article Neo: “Pelosi’s phrase was profoundly aggressive, although perhaps she used it without complete consciousness of what she might be conveying.”

    I think the “they have to get in the back” comment from Obama amounts to the same thing: a Freudian slip which reveals his true thought that it’s our turn to get in the back of the bus.

    Also, I did especially like the phrase “particle of attention.”

  22. Artfldgr Says:
    November 10th, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    The commenters on that thread don’t seem to be under any illusions. They know who the enemy is.

  23. Regarding last night’s missile/airplane contrail:

    I’m still firmly in the contrail camp, and if anything I’m even more certain than I was last night. A commenter at the Ticker Forum said that this is reminiscent of Orson Welles’ 1938 War of the Worlds radio broadcast. He may have just been making a joke, but I think that comment was pretty insightful. War clouds were clearly gathering in 1938, and a lot of people were jumpy. A lot of us are jumpy today, including me, and with good reason.

  24. The Left is correct in its strategic recommendations to ram its agenda down American throats. Their damage is never reversed by the Right. Tweaked, modified, reduced, amended, but never undone. never reversed. Never. And in time, the Left will rise again, resuming where they left off.

    The Left has no scruples. The Right must learn to be equally merciless. I know this sounds like Generalissimo Franco, but we can get it right this time (sound familiar, Lefties?)

  25. Tom, funny you should mention Franco. While he was (and is) demonized by the Left, on reading a history of the Spanish Civil War I was struck by his perspicacity.

    Drawn into the vortex of a proxy war between national and international socialism, he managed to elicit support from Mussolini and Hitler against Stalin & Co. while retaining his independence of action, and sitting out WWII as a neutral, to the considerable irritation of his erstwhile benefactors.

    On balance, given the hand he was dealt, it seems Franco did a pretty good job for Spain in a lousy situation.

    (I know lefties rail against Nationalist atrocities, but their own were 1) even worse, 2) a proximate trigger for the Civil War (the systematic murder of clergy), and 3) augmented in no small measure by their own internecine bloodshed (e.g., Stalin’s orders to liquidate anarchists and members of POUM).

    As a consequence, I’m reconsidering my take on Franco.

    Artfldgr, what say you?

  26. What is the liberal explanation for what went wrong in Europe?


    Nothing, because (bless their hearts) our little darlings are rioting. For awhile, we thought the youth didn’t care.

    Just hit the TV with the hammer, honey, that’ll fix it.

  27. I’m still firmly in the contrail camp, and if anything I’m even more certain than I was last night.

    Perhaps the commentor is correct and it was just a contrail from an aircraft but I’ve seen a lot of contrails in my lifetime(as have most folks) under all kinds of conditions and it looked like no contrail I’ve ever seen.

    It’s a bit early for an EMP strike at this point because I believe the Jihadists would rather wait until after the Iranian nuking up and the inevitable ensuing nuking up by other Jihadist nations like Syria and Libya before attempting an EMP strike in order to give cover to the perpetrator of such a strike. If an EMP strike happened now it would be certain to all that Iran was behind it and US could easily wipe Iran off the map. But the Iranians may be thinking that Obama would never retaliate and I’m not sure they would be wrong in that assumption.

    And since the Jihadists calculate things with a different method than the rest of humanity and are absolutely ruthless I think that we cannot be certain that it was not an EMP strike attempt gone bad.

    Glen Beck has been talking about an “event” which Obama could use in the same way Clinton used the Oklahoma City bombing to regain lost political capital …

  28. grackle:
    I do expect a foreign/terrorist attack at some point, as Artfldgr has been saying. I don’t think this was it. I think this was just an airplane contrail seen under unusual atmospheric and lighting conditions (and through a telephoto lens, which compresses distance).

    If you spend much time looking at the sky, you can see a lot of freaky-looking sh*t, and 99.999% of the time it has a perfectly ordinary explanation.

    As for Beck’s prediction, I expect the “event” will be domestic in nature. It will be committed by the Left and blamed on the Right, aided by the useful idiots in the media.

  29. Spain got off VERY easy compared to pretty much everyone else…

    my knowledge of Franco sucks though… 🙁

    on 1, yes the atrocities of the international socialists are worse in numbers, and the left considers them less worse becuase they seemed to be more equally applied (if that makes any sense)

    on two are you referring to the clergy in the french revolution, the spanish revolution, or the Bolshevik one? 🙂

    in all three the clergy didn’t fare all that well, with some of the descriptions being quite atrocious…

    and three is just the paranoia that such a system rightly produces in itself, but does not know where to direct it. that is, they know that such actions make enemies, but which ones are the enemies is not so clear. often it boiled down to the most tenuous of connections within a vertical part of a hierarchy.

    A lot of the stuff was more about fear of the living than punishment in death. and a kind of simplistic logic that removing the man was easier than dealing with the man, organization, etc.

    the biggest reason to order them liquidated was that they acted. where others may only talk, POUM actually fought.

    ultimately, Stalin was poisoned by Beria
    [and some think Lenin was poisoned by Stalin]

    Sorry I dont know much about Spain

  30. I posted in another thread on the contrail thing and there was 10 minutes of video from a helicopter… and no other planes in the same area at that time left contrails.

    and i think it was china…
    i posted a quote from wiki about Wiemar and hyperinflation where they printed a trillion note

    and if you think about it, a huge round of hyper inflation would allow me to pay off the debt to china in a few bills.

    as i said, their writing in america completely ignores external other actors. for instance, cloward and piven dont mention how to keep other countries at bay while your country has economically collapsed.

    but its simpler than that. the Chinese have over 2 trillion of US debt. this round of QE with the gold run, has pretty much stolen away almost a quarter of what they would get back

    if obama and co, steal money from us by inflation and hyperinflation practices, they are also pissing on the Chinese as investors.

    such a firing would be a way of saying:
    “if you think you can hyperinflate and pay this back with script we are not going to take it”

    a practice that works when your finances are your own, is not something that works in the global arena where the backers of your debt are other countries and they want to be paid in value, not numbers.

    china made serious investments and took those bonds as payment it doesn’t want dollars that are 1/5 what they were…

    unlike American people and their government, the force between to international entities is completely untempered.

  31. Getting back to the original topic, I think Neo is missing one little thing.

    Liberals believe that what they are doing may not be popular at the moment, but once it has been enacted and we notice its affects, then we will like it.

    It makes sense that they believe this. It was true for Social Security, Medicare and Universal public education. Slowly, those things will fall away, as they have no permanent purpose, but they are popular, and democrats were/are rewarded for providing those things.

    The health care law is a break for them, as it is the first law they passed which doesn’t seem to be getting more popular as we get used to it. Opinions are staying the same, or may even get worse. Liberals have never faced this before. They aren’t sure how to analyze it. If public opinion never swings behind the health care law even as its rolled out and understood better – or its hated even more, liberalism has no where to go. This is their “big deal”, the transformation to society which makes their work complete.

    If society rejects their vision as society experiences its affects, liberals won’t know what to do. Having us like it eventually was always their plan.

  32. The mask drops.

    Glad to meet an Indian Communist, said Obama

    The Left may have staged protests during his visit but US President Barack Obama was “glad” to meet an Indian communist leader last evening.

    “I am glad to meet an Indian communist. I am told that communists have been part of the (Indian) political mainstream,” Obama told CPM Politburo member Sitaram Yechury at the Rashtrapati Bhawan banquet as they were introduced and both shook hands.

  33. James: no. When Social Security and Medicare were enacted they were very popular, and passed with wide support, much of which was bipartisan.

    Granted, there were people who were against them. And perhaps when they were first proposed they were less popular. But by the time they were passed they were popular; they were not passed over the objections of the American people and by narrow margins, as was HCR.

  34. I think we can say liberals are grossly incompetent at mathematics. Or perhaps they simply reject the unforgiving harsh realities of it. Which lies at the core of why all their govt programs ultimately prove to be unsustainable boondoggles and ponzi schemes.

  35. @James

    Getting back to the original topic…

    Thank you.

    Liberals believe that what they are doing may not be popular at the moment, but once it has been enacted and we notice its affects, then we will like it….

    If society rejects their vision as society experiences its affects, liberals won’t know what to do. Having us like it eventually was always their plan.

    You are being dangerously naive in my opinion. Liberals could care less what we like or want. Their aim is control, domination, power, conformity, permanency, etc., etc.

    Obamacare – as with everything they do – had zero to do with health care or us liking it or it even being good for us and for society. Zero.

    It had everything to do with destroying your soul and the soul of America. If we do not destroy it, that is what it will do.

  36. If it walks like a duck, craps like a duck, has wings and a bill like a duck, and feathers like a duck…

    at some point its going to quack…

  37. Of course, the Democrat failure was due to a failure to communicate. If it wasn’t the talking, what else they got to offer? When all you have is a hammer, all the world looks like a nail.

    As for not knowing that they’d get voted out if they voted for the HCR, well, less talk and a whole lot more listening at the town halls would have nipped that in the bud.


    That SOB. Hands folded in front like a good little I-can-be-whatever-you-need-me-to-be-only-worship-me SOB.

    In the midst of the war
    He offered us peace
    He came like a lover
    From out of the East

    With the face of an angel
    and the heart of a beast
    His intentions were six, sixty, six.

    Lyrics to Six, Sixty, Six

  39. Oh, and the point i forgot on the contrail issue was that in the earlier videos, the difference between a contrail and plume is EASY to see. which in the farther away, and cut shots you cant see

    and thats the simple fact that a contrail does NOT eminate directly from the engine… it has to cool and then condense, so contrails appear behind the engine, not emanating like a big cloud.

    if you saw the earlier footage before they cut it to the distance shots, a grainy DIGITAL closeup replacing the original camera lens close up, you would EASILY see billows of smoke leaving the back and coming from the engine directly, not behind the engine when the air stream cools.

    its tiny details like this that would explain why after literally millions of flights over decades, only THIS contrail is thought to be a missle.

    meanwhile, after obamas pleasure to meet a communist, he now has a wonderful unknown reason to give the farm away at G20.

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