Home » Poll says Barney Frank way ahead…


Poll says Barney Frank way ahead… — 20 Comments

  1. Much as I hate my Congressman, Barney’s going to win, 49% is too hard to overcome. My only glimmer of hope is that the few yard signs I see around Newton are about 50/50 Bielat/Barney. But it’s only a glimmer. Sigh.

    The good news is that he’s going to be irrelevant come January 2.

  2. Did you see Bielet’s Dancing Around the Facts ad? I believe it’s linked at the Corner.

  3. Yes, cute but so what. Do you really understand the depth of the liberal lunacy around here? The mother of one of my son’s friends is a lawyer for the Gitmo terrorists. She’s Jewish to boot. Talk about denying reality. Bleh.

  4. It’s closer than this. Look at the independent percentages in the cross tabs. Independents, actually “unaffiliated” in Mass, make up close to 2/3rds of the Mass electorate. Be very suspicious of the likely voter screen.

    As for how people could be “undecided” about Frank, in Mass polite people don’t admit they are going to vote for a Republican for national office.

  5. The money that Frank spent of his own tells the true story. Fat Frankfurter is worried. PLus, not anticipating any sort of challenge, there is no machinary in place to fraud the election. You can bet they are scrambling to do so.

  6. I feel your pain, Paul, but keep the faith.

    And if it where as far apart as this poll claims, then why did Barney just loan himself $200K? and why is Bill Clinton stumping for him?

    Methinks the Dems internal polls show a…how shall I say? different picture.

  7. If there’s going to be any voter fraud, it won’t be in Newton or Brookline. People may have stupid politics but they’re honest. The corruption would have to occur somewhere in the district.

    Out of curiosity I looked up the history of the district. The first Congressman was Theodore Sedgwick from March 4, 1789 – March 4, 1793. He served as a major in the Continental Army during the Revolution. He later rose to be Speaker of the House and a US Senator. What a come down to have Barney as the rep.

  8. “How could anyone be “undecided” at this point about Frank?”

    Congenital Democrats. They know Barney Frank’s a corrupt [fill-in-the-blank], but they cannot, simply canNOT bring themselves to vote for a non-Democrat (unless, for some, maybe some Green or Socialist).

  9. 1. How could anyone be “undecided” at this point about Frank?

    I’m gobsmacked that after his defense of Fannie and Freddie, his polls weren’t so negative that Frank, like Christopher Dodd, would have been forced to not run.

    2. In fact I’m more than gobsmacked: wrt the country’s future, it feels outright ominous that Frank has a good shot at reelection. And CT is poised to replace its disgraceful leftist hack Senator with another disgraceful leftist hack (and reject a successful woman entrepreneur).

    3. MA is expected to lose a Congressional district because of the census. Frank may wind up out of a job even if he wins this year. If a Republican Representative is elected this year, no doubt the Democrats will try to eliminate him instead of Frank, but a) I don’t know how much discretion they have and b) I read somewhere that MA is already heavily gerrymandered to deny the centrist/conservative voters in the middle part of the state a Congressional district.

  10. If Barney didn’t like the overt optimism in this report we could possibly see the misspelled headline “Barney down on poles”.

  11. uncleFred, yep that is true. The other thing they say (especially women), is “I’m neutral.” It means “my husband is conservative but I don’t want to make any waves either way (secretly liberal).”

    Or “I just don’t pay much attention” means “I have people in my life who would not like it if I picked a position either way (secretly liberal)”.

    On and on etc.

  12. I can only hope that those respondents who said they’ll vote for Frank are not nearly as motivated to vote as those planning to vote for Bielat. How could anyone feel good about voting for Frank this time around, given all he’s contributed to the current economy and housing market? I imagine a lot of these can’t-not-vote-Democrat types will just sit this one out.

  13. Who knows? On the one hand, Scott Brown did get elected. On the other hand, Ted Kennedy and John F Kerryman never had a problem getting re-elected. My sister and her husband are in another MA district, so will not be able to put their two votes in to depose Barney Frank.

  14. I never realistically hoped to see Barney Frank retired.

    All I want for Christmas is House of Representatives that is capable and willing to subpoena the White House, DOJ etc.

  15. I agree with M J R. Unfortunately, regardless of anything else, the area can’t help but vote democrat in the majority.

    WWJWD? (JW being Juan Williams)

  16. Why would anyone who is planning on voting in this election be “undecided” at this point?

    One word. Fear.

    Fear of a Democratic Party led by Obama whose chief of staff said “We’re keeping count” a couple years ago. We know the Democrats kept track of businesses voting records when it came time to hand out bailout money. We know tea party organizers keep popping up on domestic terrorist watch lists. With liberals everywhere declaring the Tea Party the new Nazism, would it be too far a stretch that a telephone survey performed by a liberal organization that has your name and address isn’t putting anyone who expresses support for a Republican candidate on a list?

    I’ve lived in Boston for 8 years, and though my political beliefs haven’t changed much (turns out I’m a centrist), I have evolved from a blind Democratic zombie who never voted, to a person who will vote for the first time in a couple weeks, and for Republican candidates. However, in public or at work downtown, I would never dream of admitting this in fear for my safety and/or job.

    I hope Bielat can pull this off, as he’s an excellent candidate in all respects. However, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Frank fat giggling face in a couple weeks smearing Bielat and the Republican Party in his victory speech. Any Democrat who survives a tight race this year is going to be spewing all that pent-up venom after they win or lose–there aren’t going to be many respectful victory or concession speeches to be had by the Left.

  17. It sickens me, and reminds me of the ominous saying that “we get the government we deserve.”

    The Leftist propaganda juggernaut IS effective. After all, they rammed the Marxist Kenyan through — so ANYthing’s possible.

  18. I like to call independents the morons in the middle. I remember some show where they were observing a centrist family watching political commercials and how they were swayed by platitudes like I care about the environment. Everybody cares about the environment, just that one side will take your land rights near the water and bankrupt every business near it.

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