Home » Bragging on HCR


Bragging on HCR — 5 Comments

  1. I can’t cite the specifics, but I know that aside from the ad you cite, I think that some of the Harry Reid ads don’t specifically mention the matter, but hint obscurely that it was somehow necessary or worthwhile. For instance, I think that some of Harry Reid’s attacks on Sharron Angle suggest that her opposition to liberal versions of “health care reform” somehow are supposed to be a bad thing.

  2. To not run for reelection on highly unpopular legislation, that was crammed down the country’s throats is telling. They knew people hated the HCR reformed bill, and yet the passed it, and then stood around smugly gloating about it.

    I’ve bee a fairly good predictor of politics the past 15 years or so. The HCR bill will be problematic for Dems for years to come. Especially when the financing kicks in, and problems with existing group policies occur.

  3. That they won’t run for re-election on HCR demonstrates they knew how hated it was when it was passed, but they had so much contempt for the people they represent that they passed it.

    We need to send our elected officials a message that they are sent to Washington to represent us, not to rule over us as tyrants. The just outcome would be for the people to now show our contempt for them and vote out of office every Democrat who voted for HCR.

  4. And President Obama?

    Every Democrat elected or re-elected will climb back into his coat pocket so fast your head will spin.

  5. I have a liberal democrat friend who is running for congress who utterly detests Obama. He and his fellow Democratic Party members and workers predicted his fall and the eventual abandonment by the black voting block. The first has already happened. I suspect he is not the only Dem who feels thus.

    I cannot predict whether returning Democrats will climb back into Obama’s pocket, But if I were them I would not.

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