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How low can Obama go? — 69 Comments

  1. As you wrote, not low enough. The lowest any President can realistically go is 35%, so we have 8% points to go. Considering Rasmussen has been stuck on 43-44% strongly disapprove for months the final 8% may be a long time coming.

  2. I wonder if part of the last 8% is due to people who *thought* they were snookered by Bush, and now don’t want to admit that they were a) actually snookered about being snookered about Bush; and b) for real snookered about Obama. So they don’t want to admit to a double snookering.

  3. How they feel doesn’t matter. What they say doesn’t matter. How they will vote: that’s all that matters.

  4. If one subtracts off the approximately 10% which represents the 90% African-American support, then BHO is right close to the 33% mark. Maybe lower, as Gallup usually shows him higher than Rasmussen.

    I’ll be convinced the end is near for him, and that there’s much hope for the US when his African American support starts to erode substantially.

  5. How sad, how stupid to say. “We didn’t like Bush, but always knew he liked us.”
    Actually quite grotesque. It is a social pathology of huge dimension to hate someone who was seen, even if only in retrospect, to always like the haters.
    The judgement of people like the ex-hater is never to be trusted, never.

  6. So much for Obama’s professorial nuance and “cool”, huh?
    I would add that America benefited from our allies and enemies alike knowing Bush said what he meant.

  7. If 43% still approve of Baraq after all the sh*t that’s kown about him, the country may be doomed. The prognosis is in any event extremely guarded. Indeed, it may not be worth saving.

  8. physics guy. I don’t think the blacks will ever leave Barry. 50 years ago blacks lived in families, worked and were literate, none of which is true today. I figure Barry will bottom out at about 35%. That would be govt/union workers,academia, trust funders and blacks.

  9. Well, Tom, it does make you wonder what has to happen in order for Obama’s approval to go lower. A significant terror attack within the US? Israel being nuked by Iran? A huge act-of-god disaster, like an earthquake or hurricane in the US? An even higher unemployment rate? A really sordid political scandal?
    I have a sinking feeling that he’ll be out of office and on to the public-speaking circuit, or comfortably set in a cushy UN/World Bank-type position before the remaining 43% realize how screwed we are because of his ineffective leadership and disastrous policies.

  10. During the 2000 campaign I didn’t like Bush. I thought he was a spoiled kid – I wasn’t overly upset when I went to bed on election night believing that Florida had gone to Gore.

    Only months later did I fully realized how fateful that night was.

    It was my wife who was first smitten by his impish Frat-boy charm.

    It wasn’t until after 9/11 that I was smitten – by his leadership.

    You see it’s not that I miss Bush, President Bush, I just miss having a real President.

  11. Tom,

    I think it’s a “social pathology” for someone to truly hate anyone who has never personally done them harm.

    I don’t think that “hate”, as used in the article, was directed at Bush, but at the personification of Bush’s policies.

    I saw no indication that the “husband’s friend” mentioned in the article wished any personal harm to Bush or his family as we’ve heard from so many on the left.

    No, those would be the real haters that still “hate” Bush.

  12. Anna that link cost me my dinner, now I have to clear off my keyboard.

    Good point Tom, 43% after all that has gone down, is a pretty high number. I have to question how many of those 43% are, how shall I put this, completely or even partially, self-aware? The good news is that I doubt most of the 43% could figure out how to get to a voting booth or recognize one if they did find one by accident. As for actually reading a ballot, maybe in the Twilight zone.

  13. Obama’s support among blacks has ebbed slowly over the last year, 94% to 88%.

    Remember that African Americans did not accept Obama at first, and he was at about 60% approval and climbed slowly. A pivot point was reached when he hit 70%, and he went up quickly after. Whether there is a similar phenomenon on the way down I don’t know. It would be nice to think that if he crept down to 80% he might quickly lose 20 points thereafter, but there isn’t any evidence either way.

  14. When you can buy mulligans,at the tax payers expense, you can lower your golf score dramatically. Oh your talking about his poll numbers. I thought you were talking about his greatest achievement since taking office. Never Mind.

  15. The devil that entices you has a different face in hell, by the time you realize this, its too late -masks are not needed…

  16. Vieux: You are overly nuanced. You “see no evidence that….” Can’t prove a negative.
    The point is the man quoted used the word, hate. And you are making excuses for him. Welcome to the slippery slope.

  17. Anna, one has to wonder if when all is said and done that the good folk in Maryland will see fit to rename their new school “First Commandment Elementary”

    Also reminds me of the snarky folk in San Francisco that wanted to name their sewage treatment plant after GWB.

  18. In a way, I think having a sewage treatment plant named after one would be a compliment. It’s hard to thing of anything better for a politician than to be able to take crap and turn it into something, um… much less crappy.

  19. Donna B.

    In a way, I think having a sewage treatment plant named after one would be a compliment. It’s hard to thing of anything better for a politician than to be able to take crap and turn it into something, um… much less crappy.

    You win my vote for best comment on this thread.

  20. Keep in mind that Gallup polls adults, not registered voters, not likely voters. If you are past the age of 18, they count you.

    One point that needs to be remembered about polling is that a President really can’t go below 40%. 40% of the population will always approve. The only way it can get worse is if a President makes his base mad.

    In W’s case, it was W making his base mad with comprehensive immigration reform – amnesty.

    I doubt Obama will ever do anything to make his base mad. He lives and breathes their ideology. He can’t cross them any more than he can cut off his own left hand.

    Lastly, 40% approval among adults is really bad. If a candidate wins 40% of the vote in an election, its considered a blow-out by the opposition.

  21. Tom,

    You have nailed it. The judgment of anyone who hated or still hates Bush is never to be trusted. Their allegiance or ‘changing’ os uintrustworthy as well.

    They suffer from some sort of pathology. That’s the nice way to put it. Hate someone who clearly loved others and his country and tried his best every day?

    That is in the area of the diabolical, the demonic. And I mean that sincerely. “Hate” is not the proper emotion to be expected there.

  22. There is some evidence that black support for Obama is less than it appears to be.

    From the Gallup Poll in early April Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics , we find out that non-Hispanic blacks constitute 6% of Tea Party supporters.

    By contrast, blacks constituted about 1% of the vote for McCain. From the below article, black support for Obama vs. McCain was 95% – to 4%. Blacks made up 13% of the vote. McCain captured 46% of the vote. (100*.01= [.04*.13]/.46= 1.1%)

    When blacks constitute 6% of the support for the Tea Party, but blacks constituted only 1% of the support for McCain, that indicates that black support for Obama is neither as wide nor deep as is believed

    This may also indicate why there has been a concerted effort to portray Tea Party people as racist: to make sure that blacks don’t stray off the Democratic Party reservation.


  23. btw,

    Pamela Geller is on fire lately. Lordy!!!

    She’s everywhere and her words are flying !!

  24. Mike Mc.: Part of the problem is misuse of certain words. For example, it is not uncommon in NE to hear a sports fan say that he loves the Pats and hates the Jets. Come now, is THAT really hatred?

    OTOH, if Osama Bin Laden were to say he hates Crusaders/Americans/Jews, that is of a different quality from “hating” the New York Jets.

  25. Gringo,

    Puhleease. Don’t insult me.

    You know damn well that is not the sense that word was ever used about Bush by his detractors. People could barely utter his name. Making excuses for people does no good for anyone or anything.

  26. Commenters to this site (and even Neo herself) have repeatedly asked “are Obama’s actions the result of incompetence or malign intent?” Methinks we are seeing the answer now: he has passed his landmark legislation, ruined the economy, set Americans against each other, and encouraged the ruling class to become unbelievably self-serving. And now he retires from the field and plays. Sounds to me like malign intent and he thinks he’s worked his evil. I am reminded of Mobutu Sese Seko jetting off to France and Switzerland to play after plundering a once wealthy Zaire. F

  27. I’m not so sure Obama can’t go lower than 33-40%. He can and most likely will for the same reason congress has. When people of all stripes figure out he’s a fundamentally incompetent leader no matter his professed ideals and goals.

  28. During the 2000 campaign I didn’t like Bush. I thought he was a spoiled kid – I wasn’t overly upset when I went to bed on election night believing that Florida had gone to Gore.

    Only months later did I fully realized how fateful that night was.

    It wasn’t until after 9/11 that I was smitten – by his leadership.

    Same here. I actually voted for Gore — my fingers cramp at typing that — on the basis of greater experience; other than that, it was a tossup. His dreadful, extended, self-aggrandizing attempt to steal the election (recounting some FL precincts, trying to exclude military absentee ballots) put me off him for life. On 9/11, I (albeit an atheist!) thanked God that Bush and not that worthless turd Gore was President.

    You see it’s not that I miss Bush, President Bush, I just miss having a real President.

    Yes. A real President, and an American. Neither of which criteria is met by the present incumbent. He’s an imposter, on both counts – and knows it.

  29. Tom: “The point is the man quoted used the word, hate.”

    You confuse “nuance” with attention to detail.

    The man never used the word “hate”. Elizabeth Scalia, the author and wife of his friend did.

    No, he specifically used the phrase “didn’t like him”.

    If you think that not “liking” someone is indicative of a “social pathology” you live in an impossibly restrictive world.

  30. Occam’s Beard, I am humbled that you’d take the time to read my comment.

    My feelings for Gore went from none to disgust about the same time as yours.

    Specifically, it was the moment (after weeks of demands to respect the “intent” of every voter, counting every hanging and dimpled chad – in the counties of his choosing) that he insisted the absentee ballots (read military votes) should be discarded for even the slightest non-compliance.

    At that moment, I decided that that hypocritical self-serving s.o.b. l must go.

  31. Vieux Charles, I was honored to read your comment, and enlightened by it. Please don’t disparage your contributions, which I value.

    Gore’s post-election actions transformed me from a tepid Gore supporter to a rabid commited-for-life Gore critic. America dodged a bullet in 2000. Would that we’d dodged another in 2008.

  32. Occam’s Beard,

    We dodged a bullet in 2004 also. Can you imagine 7 million dollar yacht/tax dodger Kerry as Prez? And sleaze ball John Edwards just a heartbeat away from taking his place?

    And the libs make fun of Sarah Palin? They don’t understand that a good president (or V.P.) needs common sense and good judgment…not just “book larnin'”.

    I own two homes…rural Texas and a summer home in the N.M. mountains…also in a rural area. I have to laugh when Northeasterners and West Coast liberals say I live in “fly over country”. Every so often I have to have a “big city fix”. I have chosen Paris, a beautiful, fascinating, and pleasant city for that…rent an apartment for several weeks. Sooooooo…New York City (especially the Upper West Side), Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. are in *MY* fly over country. 🙂

  33. We dodged a bullet in 2004 also. Can you imagine 7 million dollar yacht/tax dodger Kerry as Prez? And sleaze ball John Edwards just a heartbeat away from taking his place?

    Texexec, you’re absolutely right. It’s one of the things that scares me: we’ve dodged a lot of bullets in recent years, through sheer luck.

    Unfortunately, luck comes in two flavors.

  34. “There is some evidence that black support for Obama is less than it appears to be. ”

    Black folks are paying a heavy price on the unemployment rolls for having suckered for Obama. When I encounter them anywhere, I always discretely look at them like I’m non-verbally saying, Obama isn’t fit to shine Allen West’s shoes; Lt. Col. West, in addition to being 100% African-American, is of course one of the finest candidates out there; if the Republicans are smart they will fast-forward him to the front of the pack asap, look at his history:


  35. Vieux Charles and Occam’s Beard:

    Al Gore’s post election conduct also turned me off. I had stopped voting for Democratic Presidential candidates years ago, but nearly always voted for third party candidates. I didn’t vote for Bush in 2000 because I didn’t like the way he made the bulk of his fortune: selling his interest in the Texas Rangers’ stock at a great profit. The great increase in the value of the Texas Rangers came about from public funding of a private enterprise- their stadium. “I made my money the old-fashioned way, off the government.”

    Before the election, I was neutral/indifferent about Gore. His post-election conduct disgusted me. Have more than one recount? Anyone who has counted more than a hundred objects knows that the probability of subsequent recounts being more accurate is small. One recount, OK. But a second recount is absurd.

    His wanting to change the counting procedures in Democratic-controlled counties was very self-serving. You guys set the rules. Now you want to change them?

    And of course absentee ballots for the military.

    Every vote counts, as long as it’s for me.

    Some years later, Al Gore was in Saudi Arabia, speaking truth to power. Of course, some may view it as sucking up to the Saudis.

    2/13/06 JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia. Al Gore told a Saudi audience that Bush Administration committed “terrible abuses” against Arabs after 9/11 and said most Americans opposed such treatment. Gore accused the Bush administration of playing into al Qaeda’s hands by “thoughtlessly” blocking visas for Saudis.

    15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis who got visas under a visa “express” program. It was ended after 9/11, and Saudis are now subject to tougher scrutiny.

    Other quotes from Al, “The U.S. government committed “terrible abuses” against Arabs after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” “Arabs had been “indiscriminately rounded up” and held in “unforgivable” conditions.”
    “I want you to know that it does not represent the desires or wishes or feelings of the majority of the citizens of my country.”

    That toadying to the Saudis to attack a domestic opponent, namely Dubya, disgusted me and the time. Nor does my disgust decrease with time.

    Moreover, by this remark Gore showed himself to be rather two-faced because several years before in a New Yorker interview, he had equated “fundamentalists” in Christianity with “fundamentalists” in Islam and in Hinduism. Those “fundamentalists” of whatever religion were unable to adapt to the modern world, said Gore. He certainly didn’t make such a statement in Saudi Arabia. Way to speak truth to power, Al.

    We definitely dodged a bullet when Gore- and Kerry- were not elected.

    As an agnostic, I also thank God that Gore and Kerry were not elected.

  36. Then theres the idea that had Gore won in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, we’d have flushed a lot of usefull idiots out of the system by now from such large doses of inescapable incompetence on display.

  37. I am not really impressed: liberals do their worst damage by age 35-40 and the damage cannot be undone; the progressive cadre knows this and realizes it has millions more coming out of “schools” to make up for the few thousand who become apostates in their middle age.

    It’s like a serial killer apologizing for his crimes at the sentencing: we are supposed to be swayed by his remorse and be more lenient.

  38. People who vote for progressive politicians and are suddenly shocked – shocked I tell you – at the considerable damage liberal policies cause, as though it was not foreseeable, cannot really be respected when they finally stop voting Democrat: they do not understand it was the policies that caused the disaster, not the politician who implemented them.

  39. I thought it was standard fare in America that by the age of eight everyone had heard and knew what “early bird gets the worm” and “save your dessert till last” meant. Obviously democrats never heard it or resented the hell out of the common sense of it upon hearing it.

  40. It strikes me that there is a huge difference between the kind of dislike people felt towards Bush and the kind of dislike people are feeling towards Obama.

    With Bush, you had the (supposedly) educated class and leftist talking heads going on incessantly about Bush’s lack of *gravitas*, his unilateral cowboy mentality approach to problem solving, his stealing the election in 2000, and his gravest foible – pronouncing “nuclear” in a way that grated their delicate nerves.

    Basically, there were 8 years of bashing in the mainstream media until anyone who attempted to defend the intelligence of Bush and the effectiveness of his policies was automatically portrayed as an idiot.

    In the public mind, perception was reality.

    This was a perception that became deeply ingrained in the public mind, and so in 2008 Obamber could run against Bush (even though he was not actually running for office!) and the useful tools in the population responded accordingly, electing him to the oval office.

    Their dislike (dare I say “hatred”?) of Bush was based upon what they had been told should be their perception of him and what they had been told their perception of his policies should be.

    Sources of both perceptions, of course, being the mainstream media and leftist information outlets.

    This was, interestingly enough, during a time of relative prosperity for everyone.

    Even those who claimed to detest Bush could do well if they exerted even a token effort.

    So end result, even though the majority of the population was doing well, was that they were still guided into the belief that they should dislike Bush.

    Now, however, we are watching a public perception that is turning on Obambi.

    This negative reaction to him and his policies are not based upon what some leftwing leadership is telling them to believe – it is based upon what the individual citizen within the population is experiencing on a first hand basis as well as deep disagreement with his policies.

    It is turning against Orambler even as the mainstream media inflict hernias on themselves in their efforts to lift his poll numbers above abysmal.

    So end result this time, the population is unhappy and is financially doing very poorly even as the media outlets try to say everything is just swell, nationalized health care is wonderful, grandma just needs to take an aspirin, this is the Recovery Summer, trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see are fine, taxes are going up, etc..

    The level of dislike (dare I say hatred?) towards Oboober is going to be such that any ill will towards Bush will seem like a mild annoyance in comparison.

    Like a betrayed lover who has been cheated on, those who will most likely have the greatest ill will towards Obummer are going to be those who actually voted for him the first time around.

  41. Then theres the idea that had Gore won in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, we’d have flushed a lot of usefull idiots out of the system by now from such large doses of inescapable incompetence on display.

    True, but unfortunately, there probably would’ve been a few cities no longer on display. On the other hand, those cities would’ve gone heavily for Gore and/or Kerry, so the problem might have been self-correcting to some extent.

  42. Vociferous …
    For Obama.
    Against Bush.

    Poor judgement.

    With a horrid existential threat from the Mooslimes we can’t afford to have these people around.
    Better alone than badly accompanied.

    Anybody I know who voted for Obama will have to spend the rest of their lives skulking in a corner with a paper bag on their head.

  43. Scottie, i think you sum it up well. But ultimately the blame is not with the media. You need a citizenry made up of lots of dumbass conformist for such a technique to work so well in the first place.

    No ideology or politician scares me as much this dysfunctional change i’ve seen in the general public in my lifetime. And the only difference between the level of dysfunction you see at a Walmart or a new museum opening is that one puts forth a more fashionable facade.

  44. The way our American system works: You get what you deserve. Currently: Kakistocracy …

    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

    The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

    The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

  45. No ideology or politician scares me as much this dysfunctional change i’ve seen in the general public in my lifetime.

    how about ideology and politicos that cause that change? do they scare you?

    or do you believe in such dysfunction comes naturally out of such a stable functional state as the US was?

  46. With the economy imploding and the certainty now of the GDP contracting, Obama’s numbers should go lower.
    Especially considering that other countries are faring better than the U.S.

    Obama can hide on vacation only for so long.

    That “recovery summer” tour that Obama and Biden had planned ended pretty quickly.

  47. Art, i believe it to be a function of post Christian America. We can assign that in some degree to leftist ideology i suppose.

  48. SteveH,

    You can certainly blame the citizenry for this fiasco in that they voted for him in the first place, even in the face of all of the questions that had been raised about him and his proposed policies before the election.

    However, keep in mind that the citizenry has made very good choices in the past, so the question is more a matter of why they were so easily led astray in 2008.

    This gets back to the media and the narrative they stuck to – but it also I think shows just how programmed and brainwashed the younger generation is by not only the media but also the educational system.

    Obonkers got the best votes the education system could create, and you have to keep in mind that this applies not to just the late teens and 20-somethings running around.

    There are plenty that came through the educational system years ago that are now the 30-somethings.

    I’m not wishing ill on them, but I am hoping that the pain they are undergoing now will disabuse them of the notion of repeating this same mistake in the future.

    Being in debt for 10’s of thousands of dollars for a college education that is useless in the current economy while approaching the parents to move the gym out of their old bedroom so they can move back in has to be a humbling experience.

    I think the greatest challenge as well as opportunity right now is to use the current economic crisis as a teaching moment, and begin the process of undoing the damage these generations were miss-educated into believing.

    Hmmmm, didn’t someone once mention something about never letting a good crisis go to waste?

  49. Obama is just a puppet. You should pay more attention to real power behind him, that is, his puppet-masters. George Soros scares me much more than Obama. These professional Left, with their wast financial resourses, well connected and having oiled political machine for their purposes, always could find another clown instead Obama.

  50. Wretchard has a revealing post “Inner Circle” today, describing the working of Professional Left. To uproot this monster, propaganda and educational efforts are not enough: more drastic measures are needed, like new Commission on investigation of anti-american activity. See
    These people are leading US to a new Civil War, if not stopped in time.

  51. SteveH,
    so the head of the communist party USA being the head of the NEA (teachers union), don’t mean a thing? how about the fact that Dewey, the father of American education was a communist spy? that we copied kindergarten from whom? and i have still to hear if any one read about lukacks and Hungary…

    want to know the easiest way to get the finances back in order, and remove the people we cant afford to support any more (and fulfil progressive ends)?


    Maybe thats why south korea now will fire on north korea as of today…

    Germany used war to avoid what?
    and we are copying germany so much

    but no one believed that until now…

    which is like not believing in an event horizon
    then wondering why your being torn apart and cant leave

    the fact that all the groups that would do this have teamed up and we dont take them seriously, might be a hint as to why.

    but then again, that could be why they are siding with islam like the fascists that sided before that they are copying exactly…

    HS test ‘slams’ Christianity, lauds Islam

    i guess forgetting masacers of jews and christians is progressive… while remembering 300 killed as 100k to a million is also ok.

    though i wonder.

    why is it that when a priest uses his station to homosexually abuse children, its the church

    but when a priest and a bunch of men decide to murder innocents, its not the religion…

    when you are in power, i ask for my rights as that is your way, when i am in power, i take away all your rights, because that is my way

    we are only fighting over a dead carcass…
    its not even trying to defend itself, its just trying to decide who gets what piece

  52. Obama is just a puppet. You should pay more attention to real power behind him, that is, his puppet-masters. George Soros scares me much more than Obama. These professional Left, with their wast financial resourses, well connected and having oiled political machine for their purposes, always could find another clown instead Obama.


    They’ve probably got a whole stable of Obama clones coming up through the Red farm system just as Obama did. Look for those advancing much faster than their achievement warrants, and those garnering awards, honors, and assorted kudos pretty much for turning food into sewage. Those are the future Dem candidates, getting their resumes buffed to a high gloss by the Party.

    Besides financial resources, they’ve got incredible discipline and patience. They plant their intellectual kudzu knowing it won’t strangle native plants for a generation, maybe more – but then it will be tough to eradicate.

  53. G6loq – echo the thanks for the reminder. The “Mooslimes” bothered me, however. You have already shown that you can be vivid in your writing without that.

    Gringo, good pickup. “Fundamentalist” was a word used only in reference to Christians until WTC-1 or a little after. Attaching that term to violent Muslims, many of whom were strict about preserving Islamic power but not adhering to strict doctrine, was a leftie PR move to discredit Christians.

    Tangential – it is usually progressives exercised about corporate greed who complain about the sheeple being deceptively advertised into buying things. Yet they swallow the camel of “fundamentalist” whole. So much of liberalism depends on projection – in the full sense; not only attributing their own bad feelings to others, but going the next step and fighting them over it. It is one thing to say “My wife is angry,” when it is you who are angry. It is another to begin insisting that she seek counseling in order to “deal with her anger.”

  54. I take some small pleasure in the knowledge that it is young people and minorities, Obama’s voters, who are really catching it in the neck from Obama’s policies. That hopey-changey thing must be hard to take for them. I hope they enjoy that European style unemployment rate.

  55. Well said G6loq about surviving the smucks who elected Obama which brings me to my death and destruction maturity index.

    Roughly put the greater the degrees of separation from death and/or destruction the less necessary for a mature decision. In America we have had prosperity since 1942 and never fought a war on our own ground where we were faced with physical annihilation. Result a spoiled silly population where 16 year olds expect cars, electronics, college and well paying careers without the prospect of hunger or death, as a birthright. Such an electorate feels safe voting on the basis of looks rather than character because they never encountered a situation where character significantly mattered more than looks.

    Fortunately Obama is solving that problem. He will leave a wiser if somewhat depopulated and thinner America.

  56. Bob from Virginia Well said G6loq about surviving the smucks who elected Obama which brings me to my death and destruction maturity index.

    That would be schmucks.

  57. Assistant Village Idiot Says: at 4:34 pm:
    … The “Mooslimes” bothered me, however. You have already shown that you can be vivid in your writing without that.

    Mooslimes won’t extend you any of the universal nuanced courtesy you appear to sport …

    I’m not the only one to have noticed:
    I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself. Alexis de Tocqueville — Wikiquote
    Letter to Arthur de Gobineau, 22 October 1843, Tocqueville Reader, p. 229

    “3. That a moderate Government is most agreeable to the Christian Religion, and a despotic Government to the Mahometan.

    4. Consequences from the Character of the Christian Religion, and that of the Mahometan. From the characters of the Christian and Mahometan religions, we ought, without any further examination, to embrace the one and reject the other: for it is much easier to prove that religion ought to humanise the manners of men than that any particular religion is true.

    It is a misfortune to human nature when religion is given by a conqueror. The Mahometan religion, which speaks only by the sword, acts still upon men with that destructive spirit with which it was founded.”

    “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” -Manuel II Paleologus

    Try to really understand all the above Assistant Village Idiot, otherwise prepare to either convert or die.

    Ps: If you convert you’ll have to undergo adult circumcision which post procedure is very painful due to pesky random spontaneous erections.
    Women converts go straight to the clitoridectomy tables. They have it a bit easier post procedure, unless infibulated. Later they get bagged in black gowns.

  58. CK, I’m black. I have a family. I’ve worked all my life and the 300 + books in my book cases are not just for show.

  59. You wanna see how low Obama can go in the polls, and how bad it is going to be for Democrats come this November?

    Today the EPA opened comments on a proposal submitted by the anti-hunting group, the “Center for Biological Diversity,” to ban all traditional ammunition containing lead under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 (http://www.nssfblog.com/epa-considering-ban-on-traditional-ammunition-take-action-now/) , which, if adopted, would have the practical effect of virtually shutting down all of the shooting sports–thus doing an end run around the Supreme Court’s recent Heller decision, which affirmed the right of citizens to posses weapons for their self defense (and not, incidentally, for their defense against a tyrannical government), and making gun ownership and hunting, skeet and target shooting, but especially the purchase, practice with and use of a gun and necessary ammunition for self defense much more expensive and very hard, indeed.

    According to the linked article, the petition for the ban must be accepted or rejected by the EPA by November 1, 2010, one day before the November mid-term elections, so get your comments in early.

  60. P.S.–This is of course, the activist, out of control Obama EPA, that in 2009 ruled that–despite the ongoing collapse of the fraudulent theory that Carbon Dioxide was causing the factitious, cataclysmic, world-wide doom of “Global Warming”–Carbon Dioxide and five other “greenhouse gases “pose a threat to public health,” and that, therefore, the EPA must comprehensively regulate it, to the immense detriment of our individual freedom of action and our economy.

    As Nancy Pelosi said of getting the legislation that Obama & Co. wanted passed, “You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in…”

    I would expect that the mere consideration of this petition will cause a run on ammunition which is already in short supply for civilian markets (as I can attest to), and which has also been steadily ratcheting up in price, so that this proposal, even if rejected, will have the effect of making it harder for citizens to get the ammunition they need for self-protection, and once prices go up, they rarely come down again.

  61. Wolla, I was aware of that effort to ban lead by the EPA. I know the EPA is often an easy target for conservatives, but it bears a second look because some of the stuff it does is truly unconstitutional and insidious. Because of my line of work, I receive weekly email updates on “what the EPA has been up to this week”. I delete them right away because I absolutely can’t stomach to read them. The EPA truly sees itself as everyone’s salvation against the Evil Private Sector and is clueless about its own shortcomings.

    And then there are the state-level environmental agencies. These are as insidious if not worse. The one in my state has been pushing for significant anti-development laws for a long time, and lately from 2009-2010 there definitely was this aroma of “let’s get this pushed through now before we lose our chance”.

    So although everyone already knows that the EPA is evil, they are still worth keeping an eye on. Or several eyes.

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