Home » Update on Clive Wearing: amnesia, a love story


Update on Clive Wearing: amnesia, a love story — 11 Comments

  1. Neo, I have so many things for which to thank you! Leonard Cohen. A sane perspective on politics. And the story of Clive Wearing. I ran into his story on here, has it really been five years that I’ve been reading you or did I read an old post? I don’t remember. Or maybe it’s how I found you in the first place? Anyway, I am a music therapist, and during my internship I was working with a woman who was in similar straits as Clive. She too, had contracted encephalitis and lost almost all short-term memory. She was also very musical and I was able to connect with her using music. I used her case and that of Clive for my presentation at the end of my internship and it continues to fascinate me. There are some teaching videos here http://www.learner.org/resources/series150.html that tell his story in some detail. anyway, your writing about Musicophilia reminds me of the time a couple of years ago when my husband and I went to a lecture by Oliver Sacks. I later wrote him a letter detailing another client of mine, an elderly woman with very little short-term memory, with whom I had had great success in actually teaching her some new musical skills, as well as connecting with her quite deeply on a musical and personal level. He was kind enough to write me back and even asked if he could use the story some time. Cool. He is one of my heroes. So thank you for all these things. I haven’t read Musicolphilia yet so I was happy to hear of Clive’s improvements, small as they may be. The brain has amazing powers of recuperation.

  2. Marine’s Mom: You’re welcome.

    The story you tell is quite fascinating. I don’t remember (!!) hearing it before. My guess is that if you read Musicophilia you will find the case you sent Sacks somewhere in his book, as well as your name listed in the acknowledgments.

  3. Neo, the lecture was after Musicophilia was published, so maybe next time! I bought a used copy of it a few months ago, this was a good reminder to start reading it.

  4. Thank you for that and for linking to your earlier post. I’m a new(er) reader of yours and enjoy the shout-outs to earlier significant posts. I wish I discovered you years ago but your style “throws back” very well.

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  7. awwww… this is great!!! I heard about Clive Wearing in my psychology class, about how he basically lives in the present and forgets the past. I didn’t know he improved a little, but that is just amazing!!!!

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