Home » What do gay men and heterosexual women have in common?


What do gay men and heterosexual women have in common? — 30 Comments

  1. “And throughout evolution, men have used violence, shows of physical prowess and other forms of risk-taking to not only acquire status and stuff, but to advertise it.”

    How the hell do they know that? Acquire status and stuff? Like what, another cave to impress the cavewoman.

    What a load of crap. Are we so impressed with science that we just accept whatever study comes down?

  2. “And throughout evolution, men have used violence, shows of physical prowess and other forms of risk-taking to not only acquire status and stuff, but to advertise it.”

    How the hell do they know that? Acquire status and stuff? Like what, another cave to impress the cavewoman. More rocks? Throughout evolution? Can you be a little more specific. No.

    What a load of crap. Are we so impressed with science that we just accept whatever study comes down?

  3. Curtis.
    Until the invention of agriculture, there wouldn’t be any other way.
    Since then, only sometimes.

  4. to paraphrase: Women prefer men who will treat them like dirt, likely to leave them and run unnecessary risks of being killed and injured.

  5. “”What do gay men and heterosexual women have in common?””

    I’m guessing they both like scented candles and 14 pillows on a bed.

  6. Ohh, and they both like those fluffy toilet seat covers that keep the lid from staying up on its own.

  7. Women seem to prefer arrogant guys who engage in risky behavior.

    Who else knows this?

    I’m guessing they both like scented candles and 14 pillows on a bed.

    Good one, SteveH. I’d have guess a fondness for chai lattes and wine coolers.

  8. Women seem to prefer arrogant guys who engage in risky behavior.


    and when those guys meet the crowd…
    the rest tend to play tall poppy syndrome…
    they try to turn their pluses into negs

    meanwhile, they may not even be competing
    [just as if you watch, not so pretty women will fall in line behind pretty women… it blocks views]

    [even better is the norweigan show that just came out… called brainwashed (i think). it invites social sciences people in, and then shows how other science shows their marxism culture based biased view, doesnt work]

    one of the more interesting places to learn how we work, and how women behave (that they dont like) is to read the players stuff… (or even read a chapter in surely your joking mr feynman)…

    if we were blank slates, the players stuff wouldn’t work, and games like wing man wouldn’t be needed.

    but if you know that women are more violent than me.. and know that they would rather poach than risk an unknown, and lots of other things…

    well… sure does make a farce of Marxist social sciences… [and deeply explains why their stuff dont work]

  9. Women seem to prefer arrogant guys who engage in risky behavior.

    And we laugh at bull moose butting heads competing for females. We can talk. If we had antlers, we’d be doing the same thing.

  10. OB – It would be very cool to have antlers, wouldn’t it?

    General question: How about somewhat arrogant men who usually pretend to be humble? My data set of one suggests it’s a terrible pick-up strategy, though it may be good for pair-bonding.

  11. What? Blame the little geek with the silver coke spoon and the funny hat at the beginning of Easy Rider???

    It wouldn’t have been a movie w/o him!

  12. “Women seem to prefer arrogant guys who engage in risky behavior.”

    In related news, water is wet. Details at 11.

  13. > But it’s not all rosy for heterosexual men, either. Women seem to prefer arrogant guys who engage in risky behavior.

    … and show every sign of a tendency to screw around on them, and treat them like dirt.

    Then, when this has happened over and over again, they get bitter and POed and decide that “all men are shitheels”.

    Can’t possibly be that their triage process weeds out all the ones that aren’t shitheels…Naaaaawwwwwww….

    That would require women to take responsibility for their own choices. If you can’t avoid responsibility, what the hell is liberalism good for?

  14. > Ohh, and they both like those fluffy toilet seat covers that keep the lid from staying up on its own.

    That’s a trick. I won’t allow ’em in my bathrooms.

    The whole notion of the toilet seat privilege women have is yet another avoidance of responsibility.

    If I ever forgot to lift the seat up when peeing, you’d never hear the end of it. Any femme would bring it up in an argument five years after it happened… but no, they can’t possibly be responsible for checking that it’s down… noooo, ma’am!

  15. Then, when this has happened over and over again, they get bitter and POed and decide that “all men are shitheels”.

    Can’t possibly be that their triage process weeds out all the ones that aren’t shitheels…Naaaaawwwwwww….

    Women cannot possibly not know this. My conclusion: they like it, and/or they like to squawk.

    Forget what people say. Draw your inferences from what people do.

  16. Then, when this has happened over and over again, they get bitter and POed and decide that “all men are shitheels”.

    Can’t possibly be that their triage process weeds out all the ones that aren’t shitheels…Naaaaawwwwwww….

    Which is why, when you read personal ads from women in their 40s, you see the constant refrain of “I wanna meet a nice guy this time”

    Yup. They married the exciting shitheel the first time or two and it finally comes to them to try and meet a civilized person for a change.

  17. I don’t care if they marry shitheels. I just wish they’d stop voting for them.

  18. There are plenty of risk-taking/arrogant guys who make great husbands and fathers. Masculine does not automatically equal jerk, though admittedly it can be a fine line…

  19. A look at our tax dollars at work:


    The important piece of “evidence” we obtained for our funding:

    “When the bisexual women were asked to describe their experiences with women and men, the differences were dramatic: they often reported that they got more pressure to be thin when they were with men. . . Women don’t typically do that. They say they are looking for someone with good sense of humor, intelligence, and creativity, or someone who is not an alcoholic.”

    And the important lesson we all learned: Women should be lesbian because men, we must conclude, lack humor, intelligence, creativity, and, it seems, may all be alcoholic.

    Esther Rothblum’s ludic method and conclusions shift the blame. If you’re not one of the beautiful people is it someone’s fault? Esther isn’t a lesbian because she was born a lesbian. She’s a lesbian because she’s bitter and reacting from shame. That’s 90% of all homosexuals. But if we, as a society, actually “value” what Freud had no problems calling a perversion, then after some generations the practice will become ingrained and genetic.

  20. From “Had Enough Therapy” by the excellent Stuart Schneiderman:

    “Whatever happened to the notion that we should strive for excellence? Apparently the cultural revolutionaries among us have morphed it into a striving for deviance, a veritable race to the bottom.”

  21. In politics: Social issues v. economic issues.

    Apparently, its the conventional wisdom that the Republican Party has the majority vote to pursue the latter but not the former. Since society is a holistic entity, the economic cannot be so easily separated from the social. Institutions which have been sneered at, mainly, the family and religion, build the citizen.

    As an aside, health care: why are so many women sick with a disease like fibromyalgia which no one seems able to explain. How about that women were never designed to carry the twin tasks of motherhood and industry. Its the stress, stupid!

    We seem to be in a Catch-22. We need those institutions back but all that we can obtain for now is fixing the surface problems like government debt and unemployment.

  22. I have an alternate theory for why Seinfeld was assumed gay: mental protection. The notion of him reproducing sure causes me mental anguish….

    On the preferring thing, doing risky stuff consistently and suffering no ill effect can just mean you’re that skilled. For example, picking up horribly venomous snakes is risky, but Mr. Erwin did it all the time. Took a freak accident to kill him.

  23. The Crystals’ follow-up to “He’s a Rebel” was also purely Blossoms: “He’s Sure the Boy I Love.” Spector was inclined to keep going in this direction, but eventually let the actual Crystals back into the studio for “Da Doo Ron Ron,” though Darlene Love says that she cut the first vocal track, not that you can hear it anymore after five zillion overdubs.

  24. they can’t possibly be responsible for checking that it’s down… noooo, ma’am!


    just show them that if you do sit down, your you know what dangles in the water (or strikes the edge of the bowl in front), and after that we can have sex, and what was in the water will be in her… [nothing like a surprise case and dual liver transplants for a happy liberal home] and even better, once in the habit, you will do it away from home, the same will happen in McDs and gas stations and all that will come home with you.

    so we can learn to put on hazards suits for intimacy, or they can let me pee and keep my you know what several feet away from the bad germs and so not bring and track that stuff all over them..


    heh heh…

  25. Gay mean lure straight women in to cause them drame in their hetero relationship because they are jealous they are not hetero. Face it gays cause drama, everywhere especially their work.

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