Home » Clinging to their guns and…


Clinging to their guns and… — 26 Comments

  1. God help me: since Barack appeared on the scene, there have been half a dozen+ moments when I said: this is it, his campaign/political influence is ended – it cannot survive: Rev Wright, William Ayers, first time I’ve been proud, clinging to guns and religion, megaKeynesianism, Obamacare, clinging to climate change/cap and trade. I’ve been wrong every time. Presently, I have a voice in my head saying how stupid I am, but: I do not see how Barack can survive something like this.

    When you take away fishing – even on oceans and Great Lakes – you are taking away freedom in a way which everyone understands. Everyone … understands. This makes Barack a parent who restricts a child’s activities. This makes Barack King George III.

    The cognitive dissonance is screaming throughout my head. Still, after this, Barack cannot remain influential. Even if/when Barack backtracks, the people will know what he originally intended to do.

  2. gcotharn: I have similar thoughts, except for one thing—how many people have even heard of this effort? We’ll see how well it gets publicized.

  3. But the Feds, especially earnest Democrats, could regulate waters so much better than mere states. How can all you stupids NOT KNOW THAT? Why do you keep falling for the propaganda from Big Oil, Big Boat, and Big Rod and resisting what is obviously good for us? Why, there’s going to be no water at all if we’re not in charge of it. There might be disputes about it, and who knows what will happen then?

  4. There appears to be no area of American life that the Obama crew does not want to control. The guy thinks he is king.

  5. I read about this just this morning and assumed it was a put-on. I mean, really, can anyone be that stupid to try and regulate a kid and his/her dad sitting at lake shore with a couple of bubbles and worms in the water??

    On second thought, let them go ahead and do it. I can’t think of a better way to get almost everyone in the country to realize what a communist/socialist/possible tyrant this president is.

  6. I can hear Obama’s speech already…”Some people say….Our waterways aren’t important enough for this urgent legislation…..”

    ARRRGGHHHH!!!! I’m gonna start busting blood vessels if this SOB and his cronies aren’t somehow thrown out of DC this year.

  7. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it…? I heard about this on talk radio and this blog. The only MSM source I could find in a Google search is ESPN. The media continue to cover for this guy. I can almost see how some nut case flies a plane into a government building. (I am NOT condoning that.)

  8. Fishing is the largest participatory sport. Over 30 million Americans fish. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry with hundreds of thousands of people employed in it and ancillary industries.

    gcothcarn and physicsguy are right, no amount of spin will be able to make this into anything but an albatross around the democrats neck, they are dooming themselves into complete irrelevance by 2012.

    Just when you think they can’t self-destruct any harder they prove otherwise.

  9. You just don’t understand. All of those unemployed people are spending waaaayyyy too much time fishing and SOMETHING must be done to resolve that.

    Am I confusing priorities here???????

  10. Oh dear. Talk about running headlong into a buzz saw, poking a hornet’s nest, tugging on Superman’s cape, spitting into the wind, etc. , if the Obamites are stupid enough to pass this one, the fallout will surely bleed over onto health care and anything else the Obamites try to do as the folks who care about this as a primary issue are also very like those who care about health care and opposing the rest of Obama’s agenda.

    I know they’re deranged socialists, but can any human being truly be this stupid?

  11. On the plus side, my future business giving fishing tours off the coast of the Dominican is looking promising!

  12. This is a bit off-subject, but not really:


    WTF??? What is going on here, people? How long are we going to keep sighing and grumbling and shaking our heads, and then going grudgingly along with this endless, pervasive BS? If we had stopped them back in early days, when the first infringements of freedom were being put in place (does anyone even remember what they were? I doubt it–we’re far too used to it by now), we wouldn’t be dealing with these multi-front moves now. I hope it hasn’t gone to far for us to stop it. But I don’t know. There’s one or more of these danged things every day, it seems, and once the things are enacted and the enforcers put in place, the fight against them grows exponentially more difficult.

    So–no salt on the fish you’re no longer allowed to catch. Pfeh.

  13. Physics guy may be right, the Dems may be dooming themselves to total irrelevance, but in the meantime the enforcement bureaucracy will have been put in place. Again, we should recall Mark Steyn’s thesis that, once these things are done, there’s no undoing them, and the fight moves to the question of who can better administer the monster. True conservative governance will be gone. And all the blogging in the world won’t change that, and soon the blogging will be shut down anyway so it won’t matter.

  14. Whats it gonna be like when we DO destroy progressivism and get our freedoms back?

    I think i’ll go fishing for so called endangered species without a license till i fill up a boat that would never pass inspection.

  15. Yep. You may not want to hear this. When I was a teenager I won a fishing tournament.

    But today?

    I work too many hours. I work. I work. I work. I’m thankful for my job too. Because? I own two houses and two cars.

    I need to go on a vacation sometime in the next 10 years and go fishing… that is IF I can afford to take the time off.. 😉

  16. SteveH Says:

    “I can hear Obama’s speech already…”Some people say….Our waterways aren’t important enough for this urgent legislation…..””

    And then add “the previous administration did nothing about this problem”


    First they came for my fishing rod and I did nothing because I did not fish, then they came for my boat and I did nothing because I do not sail, then they came for my (fill in the blank).

  17. In preparation for the rollback, I suspect that it will be come out that the intent is to regulate (okay, regulate more) commercial fishing. Everyone will calm down about their vacation fishing, and the feds will capture a bit more territory with less fuss. We’re being played like fish, actually.

    And of course, once the authority is in place they can regulate sport fishing incrementally.

  18. Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he’ll… Hey! Where are you going with that? I need my rod! Excuse me..!


  19. Why don’t democrats just sell us on the good points of being in prison? Free healthcare, no bills to pay, regulated diet, non participation in evil consumer driven society…..

  20. SteveH –

    …and soon, your favorite congresscritter will be just a cell block away!

  21. Hey don’t you remember Obama won.

    My grandson (13 years old) heard this on the news last night and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He asked if this passed what would happen and I told him we would go fishing and talk about it.

  22. One outrage after another.

    Imagine a politician threw out a proposal that stated: “We’ve decided that we are doing away with Basketball courts across the country. They take up valuable space, provide no shade and add heat in summer and are worthless in winter. They provide a place for dope dealers and thugs to hang around in, and are a general nusiance to society.”

    Completely and utterly unacceptable.

    I can hear the Congressional Black Caucus phalanx headed for the press conference on the steps as I type, Cynthia McKinney body checking an unwitting passerby in the hall, “Don’t touch me, don’t you touch me!”…(oh wait, she’s gone…uh)

    And then the stern faced rebuke at the microphone, the indignant air, “How could this individual attack our children in this manner?, these courts are an intergral part of our culture, this is just another….

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