Home » Three million visitors to neo-neocon


Three million visitors to neo-neocon — 59 Comments

  1. How about a video of one of your favorite ballerinas (or premiers danseurs) doing a happy dance?


  2. Congratulations.

    I’m glad I found you through a commenter (rickl) who linked to you on another blog we both frequent.

  3. Well and classily done Neo-Neo! I’m glad to have found your site several weeks ago through Austen Bay’s site and have checked in regularly ever since. Besides, us Evil Neocons gotta bunch together.


  4. Dear Neo,

    Been a lurker here for months and months. You and I have much in common, in particular, maturing in an overwhelmingly liberal-“progressive” environment, and having fought my way to political sanity the Smith-Barney way (earned it).

    I so very much appreciate your contributions, and I appreciate the contributions of many of the commenters on this site.

    Congraulations, Neo, on your three-millionth. You have a fan out there you did not know about! I feel like I kinda sorta know you (although I’m sure I do not), and I like imagining you being a friend — a comrade-in-arms, anyway. Stay cool . . .


  5. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t love having readers; what’s a writer without them?”

    Samuel Beckett

  6. I’ve lurked here for a couple of years. I am a New Yorker (‘burbs, Brooklyn, NYC) who is now in the midwest. I have told many people about your site and sent them here. I love your very intelligent articles and I love the reading the comments. I love how there is excellent, intelligent discussion, unlike many other sites.

    I do not have the grasp of history and smarts many of your commenters have, so I just read, every day. Thank you for a great site!

  7. Congratulations, neo!

    This is my favorite site, and we all have you to thank for the insightful articles and high level of discourse here.

  8. Visit the site probably three to four times a day…only posted twice I think (counting this one).

  9. Delurking to congratulate you. I enjoy reading your posts and the comments section immensely. Thank you.

  10. I’m glad to see all lurkers come forward for a moment.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with lurking :-).

  11. Neo:

    May we all be around to help you celebrate your three billionth visitor.

    And I’m looking forward to reading all those thoughtful essays between then and now.


  12. Yours is the first blog I check every day, looking for some sanity and erudition. You absolutely deserve the heartfelt congratulations of everyone. Please don’t go away.

    I would also like to congratulate myself (thank you!) for having the good Common Sense to contribute to and vote for Scott Brown (go Massachusetts!). I am now once again hopeful for the future of this great country (like Michelle once said — sarcasm intended) and hope the Democrats and Obama are astute enough to listen to THE PEOPLE — for a change.

  13. Congratulations, Neo, and thank you! This is the center of the blogosphere, as far as I’m concerned, and my visits here help keep me sane.

  14. Congrats and Thank You for such an insightful blog. It’s a daily must read…(No Pressure) 🙂

  15. Neo,

    Your my afternoon cup of tea… I know by about 3pm I can look for a new post and sit back and enjoy. Congrats!

  16. Neo, I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I certainly remember my delight. My journey from the utopian left to conservatism paralleled yours, and I was overjoyed to find kinship online. Keep on keeping on!

  17. Mostly a lurker here as well. I’m not nearly as articulate as your regular commenters so I stay quiet, but do enjoy the discussion very much.

    Have to say I have been glued to your site this last week, really appreciating all the election coverage and comment. Had it not been for your awareness raising of what was going on in Massachusetts I would never have contributed to Brown’s campaign.

    Many thanks.

  18. Never miss a day looking in.
    Don’t always have something useful to say.

  19. There is a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson that goes something like this:

    I know of no safe repository for the ultimate power of society but with the people themselves. And should we determine that they are not exercising it with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion.

    That is how I see you and people like you. Even when it seems like you are not making a difference, you are. You never know when someone is going to be listening and go “Hey. That really makes sense to me.” Then they tell someone else who tells someone else and pretty soon you have a movement on your hands. Sometimes a tectonic one.

    Scott Brown wins in MA? How.

  20. Many of us bloggers do it to hear ourselves talk. You do it in a great fashion and actually have something to say.


  21. What can I add: A blog that goes from political philosophy to Kundera to dance and sometimes lands in the Jello. It takes a wise person to know that we all need a dose of silliness from time to time. Thanks, Neo. You been invaluable in keeping me in touch with the homeland.

  22. Congratulations, Neo! You are a terrific writer and thinker, and lots of fun to read. I appreciate all the hard work you put into your blog.

  23. You managed to make this place hospitable, always content-rich, respectful of the visitor’s opinion – a rare creature in blogosphere.
    I like coming here every day.

    Thank you for the lively, informed and tolerant blog, Neo!

  24. Congratulations Neo! An impressive an well-deserved benchmark. Both you and Richard Fernandez share the gift of eloquently expressing those things that I feel at a gut level but can’t express. I also greatly enjoy the quality of the comments I find here and am amazed at the relative lack of trolls.

    I was a very early reader. I think it was when you had the second installment of your “Change” series when I first read this blog.

    And finally: we are very near the same age I think. I recall that you had opposed the Vietnam war but had a boyfriend who had served there. I, on the other hand, served in Vietnam, (2/1969-9/1970 Americal Division), but had a girlfriend who strongly opposed the war.

  25. Now that you have hit 3 Mil the next 3 should be easy for you. Best site on internet. Keep the comments coming.

  26. Congratulations, Neo. I don’t remember exactly how or when I found your blog, but I’ve been hanging around here for a few years. I was initially attracted to your blog because I’m a “changer” too. Beyond that, I enjoy your writing and your eclectic selection of topics. There’s a great bunch of commenters here, and you even manage to attract a fairly high grade of troll, for the most part.

  27. Congratulations. This has become one of my favorite daily reads. I’ve also been enjoyying reading through your old essays.

    You also have some of the smartest and interesting regular commentors: Huxley, Occam’s Beard, Assistant Village Idiot, Nolanimrod, Baklava, Vanderlun and yes, even Artfldgr. I have one word, though, for Artfldgr: Outline.

  28. I think I’m a semi-lurker: I keep my comments to a few words as I feel you and your commenters say it all for me (and more succinctly and with more grace.) I love to read here every day and the comments are fabulous. On another note, I had wanted to write in response many weeks ago about living in a mixed political relationship but felt too intimidated. Needless to say, I am married to a red diaper baby and I am Libertarian.
    Thank you 1000x for what you write – and to your commenters.

  29. I think I came here via The Anchoress (another sharp and insightful blog) and I never left.

    Here’s to your next three million, neo!

  30. Neo – you have created a very rich virtual community! Congratulatons and many thanks for your effort and work.

  31. To tell you the truth, it was all me. I visited the site 3 million times, and wrote all the comments myself via sockpuppets.

    But I really, really like your blog.

    In all seriousness,

    Congratulations! Thank you for all your work, you are fantastic.

  32. Neo, you rock! Because of you, Leonard Cohen and Michael Yon are now part of my everyday life, and I LOVE you for it. I am awed by the numbers of your readership. It sure livened up my humble blog, the day I posted the link to my apple photo. Keep on keeping on. You make a difference.

  33. Congratulations, you deserve it. I pared down my blog list to almost nothing (The Corner and Instapundit) after Obama was elected–I had to check out for awhile. But you’ve made it back onto my reconstituted list. Your site is a calming oasis of cool rationality, and that’s very welcome indeed.

  34. West Says:
    January 23rd, 2010 at 12:42 am

    To tell you the truth, it was all me. I visited the site 3 million times, and wrote all the comments myself via sockpuppets.

    Thank you, West, for your dedication to a worthy cause.

    Of course, since I’m really West, I appear to be thanking myself.

    Ok, then. Somebody’s gotta do it. 🙂

  35. In fact, how do we know that neo even exists; that she too isn’t I (as West)?

    Or, even if ANY of you exist outside of my consciousness?

    Solipsism rules!!!


  36. marine’s mom
    Neo, you rock! Because of you, Leonard Cohen and Michael Yon are now part of my everyday life, and I LOVE you for it.

    I was never a big Leonard Cohen fan, and Neo has not converted me. I was already a Michael Yon fan before I read Neo.

    Nonetheless, I do agree with marine’s mom that “you rock.”

    Perhaps the theme song of Neo’s could be a takeoff on Donovan’s hit song, with lyrics changed: “Mellow Jello.”

    This appears to be a blog that attracts a lot of Post Liberals, a label that describes Neo- and myself.

  37. Congratulations on your success! I love your blog, although I comment infrequently. I think it’s one of the most insightful and certainly the kindest political blog that I read on a regular basis.

  38. I really enjoy your blog, Neo–it is so thoughtful and well-written! I’ve been lurking for about two years now. Please keep on writing!

  39. This is a great blog. As many have said, thank you for deciding to start it.
    I would like to think this blog actually helped Brown get elected.

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