Home » Friends don’t let friends vote Republican


Friends don’t let friends vote Republican — 19 Comments

  1. I haven’t donated money to a campaign in quite a while, but I donated to Scott Brown last night (and I live in Louisiana). Also, I hate Mass. (I’m not in the mood to look up how to spell it) because two (yes TWO) ex-girlfriends left me for that God-forsaken tundra and I hope they get frost-bite. However, the time has come for all good men to come to the aid of their party… even though I’m a registered independent.

    The POINT is is that Scott Brown is my last best hope to avoid communist aggression, so people of Mass., I beg thee, pretend that you are not evil woman stealing fops for just one day and vote for the good looking Republican man. I haven’t begged in a long time either. Don’t like it, but these are desperate times.

    End of appeal. I now need to continue my research for where I will move in case Brown loses. I’ve narrowed it down to New Zealand and Australia, but I’m leaning towards New Zealand because Australia is haunted by the Sydney funnel-web spider.

  2. Meanwhile Obama has weighed in with a campaign ad supporting Coakley and it’s astonishingly lackluster.

    For once, Obama’s analysis is right — all his monster bills and transformational agenda get set back big time if Brown is elected. He’s got a teleprompter (only one, instead of two, so it doesn’t look as though he’s watching a tennis game), but there is no voltage whatsoever. His eyes and corners of his mouth are just dead.

    I don’t have high hopes for Obama, but I do expect him to do the sleazy things he does well. However, these days he can’t seem to muster even that.

    I think Obama has begun his season of doubt. Perhaps he is well into it. The magic is utterly gone. Nothing is working for the guy. Even the Nobel Prize turned into a bizarre curse. And where did this Brown dude come from to take Ted Kennedy’s seat? Unbelievable.

    Obama sees things falling apart. He sees that all his cherished leftist plans, with which he assumed he would turn around the nation and the planet, are failing. He has no idea what to do.

    From where he can either humbly let go of his beliefs, and open himself to new truths, or he can keep hanging on and play out the Greek tragedy of hubris in which he is enmeshed. Nemesis will finish her bloody work.

  3. Huxley,

    It can’t come soon enough. I hope it is very public. The man deserves no less–as do the Watchers. Bloody costly comeuppance. The health care debacle alone is beginning to resemble a pack of mad dogs tearing at a carcass.

  4. I don’t know where Brown came from, but hopefully there are others there, too. We are waiting for them.

  5. WOW….Now i see why this guy has democrats shaking in their boots. The man has it and we DAMN sure need him.

  6. betsybounds: I hope there are more such leaders too.

    Gary Trudeau, of Doonesbury fame, once said something through the presidential candidate in his political TV drama “Tanner ’88” that stuck with me so much that I transcribed it from the video:

    we’ve always been willing to reinvent ourselves for the common good
    and in our darkest hour leaders — real leaders — have always stepped forward
    to hold the American people to the responsibility of citizenship

    well it’s time for that kind of leadership now
    and I’m not sure that it’s me
    but I’d like the chance to find out

    Of course, in Tanner ’88 Trudeau and Robert Altman imagined an eighties version of RFK and McGovern as the kind of leader in question… I see it rather differently in 2010.

  7. Huxley,

    The thing that makes such thoughts great is that they are actually rather more general than particular, going perhaps beyond what their authors perhaps meant.

    So–we wait and hope, and we work to be ready.

  8. This is soooo dang funny. Thanks for posting this, Neo.

    True story, just this evening as I was driving home from work, they ran the first few seconds of the Coakley ad on NPR that began, “Scott Brown, Republican.”

    I laughed out loud. When they say Republican in that ad you can almost see the venom drip from their lips.

    This was very good.

  9. Just read the new Noonan column in the WSJ.

    She claims that the operative word describing Obama now is “Disconnect” though she chides those who complain that Obama is not emotional or paternal enough in his speeches.

    “Disconnect” is a good word for Obama these days and describes his behavior and his speechmaking.

    However, Noonan mysteriously forgets that in his prime only a year ago, Obama could electrify audiences such that hard-bitten pundits would have tears in their eyes and tingles down their legs. Obama won’t or can’t do that now and that’s darned interesting.

  10. Coakley is writing on the book on bad campaigning in the 2010 landscape.

    I’m just gonna say it. Brown wins next week!

  11. No one expects it. No one will claim to have expected it. Nevertheless, it may well happen. If it does, it will mark hope for the future. I’m a bit hesitant to join Huxley in his prediction, yet I’m nearly ready to do so.

    If it turns out that he’s right, I will be ready to bet much on the good future of this country.

    We shall watch, and then we shall see.

  12. I love this campaign and what it shows for next November. I’ve been saying that getting invollved by writing to your Representatives, staying informed, and working for good candidates is the way to stop the Obama, Reid, Pelosi bandwagon. Now it’s happening. Citizens are even willing to help a candidate in another state. That shows how things are stirring at the grass roots.

    Scott Brown is such a Jimmy Stewart, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington type it is amazing. If we could just clone him to run against Rick Larsen here in my district in Washington State, we could finally get some decent representation.

    Go Scott, go!

  13. “he can keep hanging on and play out the Greek tragedy of hubris in which he is enmeshed. Nemesis will finish her bloody work.”

    If I may borrow a phrase from my youth, “Right On, Huxley!”

    I fell in love with Greek Tragedies/Comedies in high school (if only I could get my daughters to read them), and all along BHO seems to fit the mold of hubris that the wise Greeks saw in human nature so long ago. The fall will not be pretty as I don’t believe he will change. The characters never did in those plays.

  14. physicsguy,

    No, he won’t change. We’ve spent a lot of time on this blog trying to figure out just who this guy is. We may finally find out–when he falls. It will be clear for all to see then.

    OK, fingers crossed. Hopes high. Still a bit of that paranoia and fear, but it’s looking hopeful for the Good Guys.

  15. we’ve always been willing to reinvent ourselves for the common good and in our darkest hour leaders – real leaders – have always stepped forward to hold the American people to the responsibility of citizenship

    Figures that Trudeau looked at the US as a top-down society 20 years ago. When the hour is late, and the night is at its darkest, the leaders step forward from the citizenry. This is why they do not understand the tea parties. This is why the unknown citzen becomes “that guy”. You’re there, and something needs to be done, and it seems no one else will do it, so you do something.

  16. Excellent radio ad parody at Iowahawk

    Write a 30 Second Radio Spot to Stop Scott Brown

    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, Republicans elected in Massachusetts… mass hysteria!

    That’s right: if the latest polls are to believed, ultra-evil GOP candidate Scott Brown has drawn within striking distance of Democrat Martha Coakley in the race for the Massachusetts US Senate seat. If — God forbid — Brown wins, he will be the first Republican elected in the state since Cotton Mather, and America will soon descend into a post-apocalyptic fundamentalist hellscape of witch trials and cross-burnings, interrupted only by the ritual mass bulldozing of corpses killed by lack of access to affordable health care. Not to mention relaxed federal fuel efficiency standards!

    There’s more. And the comments section is just as good.

  17. <swoon> He looks like Richard Gere on a very good day!

    Love & kisses,
    A no-longer-secret Pretty Woman fan, to my shame

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