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Just for fun — 9 Comments

  1. Damn…I knew and worked with Angie Lansbury for the first 3-Seasons of her TV series and didn’t know that she’d been in the Danny Kaye movie !

  2. I always thought it was funny how angela lansbury’s hair looks exactly the same in this movie as it does on murder she wrote… 20+ years later…

  3. Glad I read comments before I invested time in the google search to confirm that was Angela Landsbury. In a way, this shows how powerful television is because without Murder She Wrote, I probably wouldn’t have been struck with the recognition poke. I was also struck by the innocent celebration of the word “gay” as in happy and joyful. Does anyone know how that word was laid claim to by the homosexual community to self describe?

  4. It’s hit-or-miss showing my kids oldies (especially musicals, although they LOVED Gene Kelly on roller skates).

    The Court Jester was an out-of-the-ballpark hit. They actually quoted bits of it to each other for months afterwards.

  5. All this and Basil Rathbone, too!

    Probably Nigel Bruce could have been worked into the cast somehow…but I see through IMDB that Nigel passed away in 1953, and this movie was released in 1955!

  6. Like Tarzan, the Court Jester swings on vines from room to room around the castle and, while he seems to be going down the castle walls each time, he ends up in the same room where he started. It’s like printing money. Just print more to cover the bribes (to Nelson, Landrieu, Burris?, etc.). Since it does not cost anything to print more money, you create the illusion of buying some legislative whores.

    The Chinese complained yesterday that the world is running out of dollars to buy US Treasury debt. I suggest that the Obami get back to work printing more money. This is a travesty.

  7. And now to spoil the laughs: like the Court Jester, Obama seems to be going down the castle wall all the time too. Mirabile dictu! He is. So is the Dollar. I wrote Reid today to tell him shame for calling a vote on a 2,000 page bill in less than 72 hours. I wish I had also tried to shame him on bringing the bill to a vote in the dark of Sunday night. Alas, Reid, Obama, Pelosi — there isn’t enough shame among the three to compare with a six year old’s first purloined candy bar from the corner store. Will someone in Washington please snap their fingers? F

  8. And remember: The pellet with the poison’s in the chalice from the palace, not the vessel with the pestle. The flagon with the dragon has the brew that is true.

    I sometimes quote from the movie when I’m telling clients how we want to approach certain kinds of unemployment hearings: ‘Get in, get on with it, get it over with, and get out. Get it?” “Got it.” “Good.”

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