Home » Wilson: to be censured for “breach of decorum?”


Wilson: to be censured for “breach of decorum?” — 33 Comments

  1. When the dems go after Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, John Murtha and Charlie Rangel, they can “censure” Joe Wilson. What a pile of steaming **** this Congress has become.

  2. My message to Joe Wilson would be to stand proudly on the house floor and take Nancy Pelosi’s best shot; then laugh.

    My other message would be to fix your web-site so it will process my credit card.

    When Michale Kinsley is cited as a voice of reason, that tells you all you need to know about the mind-set of the left.

  3. Censor him, or not. He clearly doesn’t care, and I don’t either. There was a day when Congressman beat one another with their canes, not that I’m arguing for that mind you.

    But I will speak out against our pussified elite culture–note elite. We out here in the boonies still beat one another’s asses as required.

    Back to the elite pussies, could anything be more pathetic or boring?

  4. If nemesis were a football team, I’d buy a jersey for every day of the week.

    Gooooooooooooo Nemesis!

  5. Sorry, wrong thread.

    I’ve been amazed by the Dems pushing Wilson to center stage. Biggest boost he could have gotten. Anyone with common sense would have realized that, and ignored the whole thing as much as possible.

  6. It does seem like the dems are fast becoming the crowd that couldn’t shoot straight. They are about to make this guy a real hero and are too dumb to realize it.

  7. If they strike him down, he will only become stronger….muahahahahahahah….

    Sorry – back to seriousness now.

    Joe Wilson ought to specifically ask that the censure be provided in writing, then use it in every advertisement, billboard and newspaper/magazine ad he buys for his next campaign.

    He also ought to frame it and display it prominently in his office!

    It’s the best advertising the man could hope for. Who outside of SC had ever heard of this guy before this?

    And when the pendulum swings back – and it will – and the dems find themselves on the outs again (probably as soon as the 2010 elections) the reps could then beat them over the head with their own hyperbole next time they want to offend the sainted decorum of the chamber…..

  8. Joe Wilson ought to announce a “major News conferance.” Build it up big. Then come out and say “I will apologize again when congress persons x,y, and z apologize for booing Former President Bush during his speech on date x before congress.” Then turn and walk away- answering no questions. The only clip they would have to play is the short sentence.

  9. Joe Wilson has already apologized. President Obama has accepted the apology and told everyone to move on. Democrats are being vindictive and overbearing. This is childish. Good grief. These people run our Congress?

  10. Good, disrupting free speech is NOT free speech — latch on to a brain cell and discern the difference; a murmuring booing by many as opposed to a blurted out YOU LIE. Again to be fair — there was some true to it and it wasn’t that much of a disrupting — but for a Senator, he should know better. Tough one to call actually…

  11. It was a breach of decorum, and therefore to be regretted. I’d hate to see that sort of thing become the norm.

    Having said that, there is the dictum that the truth is a total defense.

  12. Censored by Congress? He must be doing something right.

    On another subject, I just caught Kanye West on the new Jay Leno show, offering a deeply heartfelt and utterly abject apology for his behavior to Taylor Swift at the Video Music Awards. No excuses, just “it was wrong.” He’s apologized, and I believe the world is going to let him move on.

    The Congress should offer Joe Wilson the same courtesy.

  13. Heckling is part of free speech if it doesn’t prevent the speaker from being heard and if it doesn’t continue to the degree that the speaker can’t continue. Saying “You lie” is unparliamentary language, and certainly a breach of decorum. As if that matters.

  14. Truest thing said today: NOTE: The possibility that this action will backfire on House Democrats probably will do nothing to stop them.

    They really are turning into the party of… Don’t open that door! Aarrrgh!!!! Slash! Impale! Squirt! Gush!

  15. Not racists. But he did call Joe a “bozo.”

    Joe was just telling the truth, which is why Pelousy glared at him like a vampire sighting a garlic bag.

  16. And as for everyone who got their panties in a bunch about the “breach of decorum,” I sure wish people would keep their priorities straight.

    When does a minor breach of etiquette trump the necessity of telling the truth in a matter of grave importance to the nation? Telling it in a way (the only way) that will get past the Dem gatekeepers of the information industry?

    Good for Joe; and if they try to force him to grovel (with their jackboots firmly pressed on his neck, holding him to the floor), he should tell them “Sure, I’ll apologize — after you lot apologize for booing President Bush during his State of the Union speech. And NOT before.”

  17. Meanwhile, Chris Dodd, the old sot and crook who was Kennedy’s partner on his drunken, teenager-mauling rampages, wants to name the Senate Caucus chamber after the old murderer.

    Isn’t that special.

  18. Meanwhile, Chris Dodd, the old sot and crook who was Kennedy’s partner on his drunken, girl-mauling rampages, wants to name the Senate Caucus chamber after the old murderer.

    Isn’t that special.

  19. Sorry for the double post. Was changing teenager to girl; tho he did Try to get some teen action on more than one occasion.

  20. Good, disrupting free speech is NOT free speech – latch on to a brain cell and discern the difference; a murmuring booing by many as opposed to a blurted out YOU LIE.

    OK, lemme get this right:

    a group of people booing and shouting down the speaker is free speech, but a fed up congressman blurting out the truth is not free speech.

    Got it.

  21. After re-reading “Old Dad”, I have a suggestion for the republican congress critters.

    All of them should show up for the next session carrying walking sticks!

  22. I’m not sure Madame Speaker et al know how to behave like grown-ups any more. They are so insulated from 95% of the world that they seem to have lost touch with the reality that the rest of us are living in. Out here, someone gets out of hand and apologizes, the offended party accepts the apology, and life goes on. Maybe this is partly to spook the Blue-dogs and anyone else considering jumping ship.

  23. Obama also called Sarah Palin a liar in that speech although he at least did not call her out by name. Nonetheless, he demeaned himself in doing so (not that he or the teleprompter cared) and gave those of us who are following the debate over passage of health care legislation (or health insurance legislation, or whatever it has morphed to this week) additional pause to question his good faith. What his personal attacks reveal is a little man in a job way over his head. And, given his writing that he has the ability to say what he thinks others want him to say without regard to his true feelings or opinions, his anger is begin to slip out.

  24. Wilson has already raised more money in the past week for his re-election than he had raised in his previous campaign.

  25. This is rather beside the point, but funny. Last night Jay Leno showed a clip of Joe and Nancy smiling at each other during Obama’s speech. He said they look like a couple from the Cialis commercials preparing to have sex.

  26. SAB, it was the chairs Biden and Pelosi sat in, side by side, that reminded Jay of the Cialis couple in their side by side bathtubs. It’s true, they looked just like the ad!

    I’ve never understood that imagery – what’s sexy about sitting in separate bathtubs outdoors in a public space? It doesn’t matter what kind of drug the man’s taken, nothing fun is gonna happen in that kind of configuration.

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