Home » A neo-neocon exclusive: how the White House saved or created the “saved or created” meme


A neo-neocon exclusive: how the White House saved or created the “saved or created” meme — 9 Comments

  1. Neo, On this line the link is broken:

    Aide 1: There’s a crack in everything

  2. To demand accountability, the government would have to tell businesses to register on the new website called: wwwwww.saveorcreate.govt and let the government know which job and how many were saved because of the stimulous plan.

    Of course what would happen is this:
    1) Business owners who are democrat oriented would go on and register their whole set of employees to inflate Obama’s numbers.
    2) The press would accuse business owners with leaning conservative/Republican if they weren’t participating by registering employees on the website.


    Because journalism is dead. Facts and figures mean nothing to journalist any more. They are lazy and negligent !!!!

  3. The “save or create” concept has been around quite a while. I worked for an economic development organization back in the late 90’s, and nearly all of our funding sources used that as an objective measuring stick of our efforts. Of course, we were on the ground, and had a good idea of how many workers the local wood mill was going to lay off if they didn’t expand their markets.

    Still, it wasn’t a truly objective measurement. There were often a number of factors that affected job creation and salvation. We couldn’t take responsibility for all of them.

    Our area of influence was fairly small, and we dealt with minor funding amounts. To take this concept nationally, with trillions of dollars, is ludicrous. There is no way to demand accountability for every job created or preserved when the scope is this large. The inputs are orders of magnitude more complex. Moreover, the likelihood of corruption and misuse is so much greater.

    The administration didn’t decide to use “saved or created” as some way of objectively measuring results. They knew full well that the unemployment figures would likely rise, even after throwing obscene amounts of money around. Instead, they adopted this fuzzy pretense of measurement as a way of obfuscating their false numbers.

  4. When the Marx we quote is not Karl but Groucho, we know we have entered the politics of the absurd.

    Why is it that 1930 comedies remind us of Obama? Obamam reminded me of President Wintergreen of Gershwin’s musical Of Thee I Sing. Wintergreen won on a platform of LOVE.

    “who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes?”

    Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?


  5. Yes, saved or created has been around a *long* time.

    Sadly the “saved” part *can* be true, indeed it can be highly important. Lets say we note an asteroid hurtling towards us at 30 miles per second and we send a group out to destroy it – we saved the planet. No matter the death rate or anything else *we saved the planet*.

    There are economical realities are there too – in hindsight had we avoided the Great Depression then yes, we would have saved millions of jobs and trillions of dollars even back in those times money scales (over its length).

    However the problem there is how do we dertimine what might have been? With the case of a physical end of the world thing hurtling towards us it is obvious – but something political avoided? Lets face it, did Reagan deciding to win the Cold War avoid WWIII or put us closer to it then we would have otherwise? Who can say for sure?

    In this case I think it laughable that Obama has saved us – all but his most die hard supporters shrink up and move away when his True Supporters start up with that. I know a number who said at least they tried – and I guess I can somewhat see that but it’s like saying “at least he tried” if someone tried to use a shotgun to blow the cancer out of their body and lived through it – well sorta but shouldn’t you have *realized* that was a bad idea to begin with?

    I have stated it here before but many depend on what I call a “Throw a Dog a Bone Syndrome” – that is throw them a bone, no matter how bare, and they will wag their tails and thank you with all their might. All you have to give them is that bone and after that all else is irrelevant. That you “saved” jobs and we would be worse is *always* a bone. Democrats (and note I use this term specifically over liberal) are VERY big on that – I chose the “dog” analogy because of the term Yellow Dog Democrat.

    Obama rides the TDBS more than any politician I know of, but at some point most realize that the bone is bare and are not happy – us not being Dogs and all. I do not know when it will happen, some are slowly realizing it, but it *will* happen. Too many in the past have tried the whole “Tell us the Bone is Bare” and that isn’t popular even if true – animals (and make no mistake – we are in the animal kingdom) *really* like those bones and like to think they are meaty.

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