Home » Happy Mother’s Day: mothers and babies


Happy Mother’s Day: mothers and babies — 14 Comments

  1. If your Great Grandfather is say about 60 years old in that picture, that would put him being born somewhere around 1820 something. The history he saw.
    I have had conversations with my 90 year old Grandfather who tells second hand tales from the American Civil war. He spoke with Civil War veterans in his youth. There is one he refers to as “Uncle” so and so- don’t recall the name right now…probably his great uncle rather than first uncle. Those links like that to the “distant” past amaze me.

  2. One of them really is a tale- told by a returning veteran. My grandfather still laughs about it. One of the old veterans tried to claim he got caught between two Union army units and had to run a gauntlet of fire just to escape. Claimed everything but his cuff links got shot off.

  3. Then my grandmother speaks of a time when all the males were off to war. (this was passed to her- she is 90 also) Some suspicious men came looking around the “community” so some of the women dressed as men and walked around to give the impression the women and children were not alone. There were bands of raiders that preyed on the women folk in those days when the men were gone.

  4. Wow ! Dominant genes.
    Male off spring have a tendency to display a predominance of mother features, in their face and hair, your son must be quite handsome. Lucky him, HMD.

  5. Hey i know you. You were the nice lady in the tire store the other day. Lol…Happy Mothers Day Neo!

  6. Uh Oh! I see myself slowly allowing me to become another emasculated respondent amonst the many you already have.
    Suddenly the butter has been left out with the wrapper on and it is now warm and gushy.
    Your needs may be satisfied by this but not mine. I’m outta here!

  7. Not following you Gary. Maybe you could elaborate.
    We’re all full of ourselves to one degree or another. That’s part of things.

  8. Altogether now: “Aww….” No seriously, cute pics. And isn’t it funny how kids were forced to dress like professional adults in the olden days?

  9. BPT, I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time in my life scrutinizing European portraits and I was completely captivated by Neo’s grandmother’s attire. Clothing aside, the resemblance is remarkable. Happy Mother’s Day to those so blessed as to to be moms!

  10. I just love looking at old photographs. I like your great grandfather’s expression, certainly not a scowl like in most older photos we see.

    Happy belated Mother’s day.

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