Home » Shepard Smith is outraged—and he’s not going to take it anymore


Shepard Smith is outraged—and he’s not going to take it anymore — 26 Comments

  1. Refreshing, indeed. It gave me hope that the general public (folks who don’t take advantage of the internet for news) might actually start seeing this for what it is- a diversion. Well done, Shep.

  2. If you watch CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC you aren’t likely to hear this sort of information. They still have that tingle up their legs.

  3. We need to ask our resident liberals if this qualifies as “speaking truth to power.”

    Seriously, though, this is the function of the press in a democracy: to raise the uncomfortable points, and force the government – of whichever party, and, of course either party – to answer the tough questions, and account to the electorate.

    It’s a responsibility that journalists collectively have abdicated with respect to Democrats, and that needs to change.

  4. Now we know why the left despises Fox News. I wonder how long before they go after Shepard Smith’s job.

  5. Wow! I think hes taking notes on how Glenn Beck is kicking his *ss in ratings. WE WANT MORE!

  6. its not going to change things, its just going to polarize us more to the point of us giving them the excuse to suspend things “just for a while”.

  7. I guess we know who will be the next target of the White House’s smear and attack machine. I hope Mr. Smith is prepared. I’m sure he’ll be a target of the Daily Show and various other outlets in the Obama-mania media.

  8. Pingback:Video-Shep Smith puts his foot sqarely in Congress’s ARSE! « The Daley Gator

  9. Pingback:Congressional Misdirection « ricketyclick

  10. I agree with Stephen above, and I have to say I LOVE this. Go Shep!!! Ride this wave. Lay it on the line. These things have to be outed.

  11. “”Artfldgr Says:

    March 18th, 2009 at 9:45 pm
    its not going to change things, its just going to polarize us more to the point of us giving them the excuse to suspend things “just for a while”.””

    Maybe thats the point we need to get to. This notion of facts being viewed as obstacles to a higher truth has to come to a head at some point if we all plan on surviving as a country.

  12. Compare and contrast what Smith said with the news reports in the Boston media that covered the bloviating liberal Massachusetts Democratic Representatives Capuano, Lynch and Frank in the role of legislative saviors, lifting us up from the AIG morass that they themselves helped to create and failed to stop when they had the chance.

    I am not in favor, per se, of the bonuses that were passed out, but I did listen to Mr. Liddy’s testimony. He came off as a credible and sincere man who answered the call of his country when we needed someone to step in a few months back when all seemed ready to implode. I am sure that he regrets with every fiber of his being that he agreed to come out of retirement for the princely sum of $1 to lead AIG through this difficult time.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

    And he’s another thing. Perhaps I am naive, but if someone did to me what was done to Liddy yesterday I would not have been deferential to any of those congressmen that attacked my honor. I was mad just listening to the questioning. When is someone going to fight back against these poseurs in Congress as Joseph Welch did during the McCarthy hearings:

    “You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

    I would love to hear someone such as Frank accuse me or threaten me with contempt of Congress. Guilty as charged, sir! But my contempt is born of observing how you conduct yourself as an elected official, and is only eclipsed in word and deed by your own.

  13. http://www.physorg.com/print156618582.html

    Information warfare in the 21st century: Ideas are sometimes stronger than bombs

    want to know why they side with terrorists so much (or rather want to know ANOTHER reason)..

    According to Dr. Levyatan, in the modern field of struggle between a sovereign country and a terrorist organization it is also necessary to relate to the information warfare that is taking place in the new and traditional media as well as other technological platforms, from the Internet to computer games. “The terrorist organizations invest efforts in information warfare tools, which enables them to bridge the physical gap between them and their conventional fighting forces. Today, these organizations frequently hold an advantageous stance in this field,” he points out.

    The study also shows that terrorist organizations have created built-in advantages in the information warfare. For example, one of the conclusions of the Second Lebanon War is that one of Hezbollah’s targets was to drag Israel into a disproportionate response so that it would be able to exhibit Israel in the Western and Arab media as a brutal country. Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s use of citizen populations as human shields is also intended to display Israel in the media as an inhumane country.

    of course whatever they say for external terrorism, also works for groups like the democratic party…and lying is an advantage over those limited by truth, when the people listening do not fulfill their responsiblity (by deciding on empirical facts, not feelings).

    a lot of what you may learn in thee arenas do not work as well in an empirical absolutist society…

    but work real well when peoples knowlege of how reality works is subsumbed by lies, and their lifestyle insulates them from the harsh realities of the REAL and Brutal world.

    the last paragraph of the article:
    “Information is a weapon, and just like an army invests in tanks and planes, the army must also invest in information weapons. The army must develop abilities and skills that are not always considered as an intrinsic part of its activities – such as computer games, culture products, video clips, and television programs. When the army succeeds in presenting a product of information that incriminates the guerilla organization, it might be able to meet its required target more efficiently than if it had acted with physical force,” Dr. Levyatan concludes.

  14. the video is a classic example of holding fire till its too late, then firing so that you dont get screwed for holding fire!!!

  15. and this also from physorg.. but not really related other than as an example of the kinds of things we dont go back and mentally correct.

    which is why we battle so hard to change the first asserter…

    socialists asserted we were all blank slates waiting for the proper program to be installed… but mroe nad more they are wrong… yet, 100 years on, that wrong way is the dominant thought pattern!

    Cold War-era mystery killings become online riddle

    A brilliant, married Australian scientist about to depart for a job with Bell Laboratories in the United States is found dead by a river with the wife of a Communist colleague.

    It appears they were poisoned.

    Thus begins a mystery set in Australia during the Cold War and which continues to haunt people to this day. Aspiring detectives can now investigate the 1963 case and its many perspectives in an interactive format on the Internet.

    “They never found out what killed them,” Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology professor Rebecca Young said of Margaret Chandler and Gib Bogle.

    “I wanted to find a creative way to tell the story; a way to show what might be possible.”

    so not only is this an interesting update, its also an interesting way to dig into things and get perspectives and such on a subject that everyone knows but doesnt actually.


  16. Dodger I think you are being unfair. I’m not sure that anyone in the media was privy to a lot of this stuff (the why’s and the wherefore’s and the whos of amendments inserted in the committee) in fact I think the media that actually cares still has people going through and ferreting out details – and they will be for a while. I’m sure there’s more interesting things to come.

    Oddly enough I have never been a big fan of Shep Smith (he always seemed a little self-righteous) but I think he is right on with this one.

    But hey it’s okay – Obama just spent over 850K in Air Force One operating costs alone (not to mention accommodations for him, the secret service, and the rest of the entourage) to go out to California for a couple of town halls and an appearance on the Tonight Show. That will make everything better – he is out there to kiss the collective “ow-ies” and pat our heads. Yes everything will be alright kiddies – daddy’s here.

    Not surprising when he is getting hammered he runs to California to lick his wounds and pump up his self esteem. Hell they probably proclaimed it a state holiday.

  17. forgot to add..

    its rashoman casted into web form over a cold war unsolved crime…

    not great realization of the concept, but an interesting first stab that others would later do better at… it would be interesting to see the same format be used to display the informatino lanscape of the AIG thing, or ENRON, etc.

    which i should have stated as part of my reason for posting.


  18. they are going to run health care just as well.

    Stop that. You’re frightening me. But then again, you don’t know how much health care costs until it is free.

  19. Obviously Shep is not part of the JournoList website and isn’t in on the talking points he’s supposed to be repeating.

    Too bad, he seems like a good guy trying to do his job and I hate to see what the lamestream media and the Obonga administration are going to do to him now….

  20. “Theories included that the killings were political, because Bogle’s new US employer worked on anti-missile and anti-satellite systems and Bogle was helping create a futuristic “death ray.”

    No wonder Art wears a tin foil hat. He also stopped taking his meds because the same people are actually trying to poison him, too.

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