Home » You call this “pared?”


You call this “pared?” — 16 Comments

  1. There are so many insidious things (including a grab for control of health care) buried in this bill it’s no wonder they want to rush it through. Arlen Spector said it was the best they could do and something needed to be done but when asked specific questions about exactly what was in it he couldn’t answer intelligently.

    In Tom Daschle’s book “Critical” published just over a year ago he actually said that legislation to take control of the health system should be buried in a spending / budget bill so as to avoid debate and insure passage. He said to do this was okay because the legislation was too important to be debated.

    More intellectual arrogance.

  2. The bill would almost be worth it if it contained $100 bil for twenty or so nuclear power plants.

    I can dream.

  3. I have really fought against the pessimism verging on despair that many on the right are posting about Obama.

    But with this bill and the census takeover, I really get the impression that Obama is dead set on turning the whole country into a Chicago-style political machine.

  4. Let’s see: the Congressional Budget Office has said that the spending bill will leave the country WORSE OFF in ten years than we would be if they did NOTHING at all. And we’ll be on the hook for over 9 trillion dollars.

    Any questions? Any answers? Any rags, any bones, any bottles today? –Groucho Marx

  5. This cannot be overemphasized:

    You rush a bill through when you don’t want people to look too closely at what’s in it.

    Yesterday, Barack said we won’t see “significant benefit” from the bill until 2010. This reveals the absolute lie behind the need to rush.

    Barack missed a real opportunity. Had he taken control of the bill in the beginning, he could’ve easily horse traded with various Repubs and brought them on board. He could’ve easily found a dozen or more Repubs who would’ve loved to have said to their home state voters: “These are the provisions in the bill which I negotiated with President Obama. Aren’t my provisions wonderful?! Like I said to President Obama….” Instead of capitalizing, this is opportunity squandered.

    Also: what Dane said.

  6. If the items that were “pared” out of the original bill were so *easily* deleted – why in hell were those items in the bill to begin with?

  7. The concept of waste has been a non-starter for Congress for a very long time. They wouldn’t recognize waste if you dumped them neck deep in the stuff.

    and Beverly, you’ve been hitting on all cylinders since yesterday’s Cloward-Piven post. Keep it going.

  8. This is what I sent Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins:
    Please do what is right for America.

    Please STATE publicly the reason why you are against the non-stimulous package.

    That reason is that the private sector needs to grow. In order for the private sector to grow the government needs to stop growing.

    This non-stimulous package will make things worse in this economy for two reasons:
    1) It does not have broad tax rate reductions. America needs corporate, capital gains and income tax rate reductions. This would be good for America
    2) Business is in a wait and see mode to see who is chosen as winners and losers in this bill.

    Socialism by definition is the government choosing who gets what resources (item 2). Capitalism is the PEOPLE choosing who gets what resources. Capitalism is the most efficient way to allocate resources. More people prosper. When the economy expands more people are hired to provide goods and services.

    Please learn economics 101 and then teach America about economics 101 loudly and clearly. Your interviews in the media lately were quite lacking.

    Thank you,

    My name

  9. I’ve been saying for a few years now that if the Left ever gets back in power, they will never relinquish it. They will make certain that no conservative can ever again win an election at the national level.

    With the money for ACORN in the Porkulus bill and the White House takeover of the census, we are seeing the first steps in that direction.

    Some additional steps might include giving voting rights to felons, legalizing illegal aliens and giving them voting rights, and passage of a national same-day voter registration law.

    If any of these things come to pass, then we will know that the fix is in and the Democrats have no intention of relinquishing power. If it comes to that, then our options for recourse become very few and very unpleasant.

  10. One of the many things that bother me about this stimulus bill and the earlier bailout bill is the sense of enormous rush.

    i dont think you guys have figured it out.. its OBVIOUS… i will let you in on it (then you can let me know if it was obvious after the fact).

    they are rushing it in, before some economic indicator comes up and something shows a difference not in their favor (look at hansen for nasa, waited long enough that the up trend died, or rather, didnt finish before god erased the sun spots for a record time… too funny).

    so they rush to get the thing through, HOWEVER, they make sure that none of it will be spent till later.. years later actually…

    so what will happen next? easy… between now and the spending actually going into effect, they will have or be aboe to rush through one or two more bills!!!!!!!

    the first one didnt work, they are doing this second one, it wont work even if it would work given delays, so they get a third and maybe a fourth.

    you dont stop dipping your bucket in the well till the well is actually dry.

    i will bet that before the end of next year we get another stimulus through. more nationalized companies and industries.

    guns and ammo have been flying off the shelves since just befor the election… its not going to be pretty… http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_10910395

    At Aurora’s Firing Line gun shop, Steve Wickham was also purchasing. “Anything I can get my hands on,” he said as he cradled a $699 9mm handgun.

    Same thing in Lakewood: “I was selling guns before I even opened the door,” said George Horne, owner of The Gun Room. “It’s gone completely mad. Everyone is buying everything I’ve got on the shelves. Sales have been crazy.”

    “Insta- Check” background check – required for the sale of a firearm and typically about 8 minutes long – was jammed with waits lasting more than two hours.

    and from current news here

    remember those nice show laws, the unconstitutional ones for hate speech and lots of other things? they go into legal effect if there is rioting and the constitution is suspended even for 20 seconds…(or a war attack and such).

    in other words, like in a chess game, the pieces are arrayed in place. you only have to look at the board and see it

    and not listen to the analysts trying to guess whats goin on but have no history knowlege, tactical knowlege, strategic knowlege, but only their ideology based humanities courses at college where they never really learned anything meaningful as to what war and these things really are about

  11. Barack missed a real opportunity. Had he taken control of the bill in the beginning, he could’ve easily horse traded with various Repubs and brought them on board.

    during the american civil war, a major problem was that the technology changed, but the analysts tactics didnt. so when rifling and cartriges were purchased, they were used at first on the field as if they were a different kind of gun.

    at what point i wonder, does a person realize that he isnt playing that game?

    its like i am watching the card players play wist, and everyone keeps thinking that its a rummy game going on!!

    what part of the state is not what you think it is, and they are not playing for the goals they ahve told you, so your not going to make sense out of why he didnt do this, or why he did that, because he is not trying to win at rummy, he is winning a wist.

    he wants POWER… you are arguing as if this was still the meritocracy it was in 1958… its not… they are not there by merit, their choices are not done for merit, they are not trying to play the game your talking about. which is why you cant make sense of what he is doing.

    its called trying to jam a square peg into a round hole and refusing everything else (while you forget the orientations that iddnt work before). so you keep trying, keep trying, keep trying. but you never can predict them, because your not even on the same page with their ACTIONS and all your remembering is their ASSERTIONS….

    did they really do what they said they were going to do in the last argument? you dont remember, so you remember the wrong thing which confirms the lie, not the action that reveals the truth.

    they are now way past the stage of good governance and they are raiding the cuppbord..

    change, is whats happening, yet its the same old arm chair football while watching tennis and not undersrtanding why no one is being tackled.

  12. GeoPal “and Beverly, you’ve been hitting on all cylinders since yesterday’s Cloward-Piven post. Keep it going.”

    i agree… great stuff beverly…

    snarky to geo ON
    (and thanks for mentioning that i said it (i didnt know that bork was saying the same thing though, thanks for that and the great comments too). They dont read me here, i am too long, so they dont know what i said – they seem to like it more when people they havent judged and written off say it)
    snarky to geo OFF

  13. Even the timing of the outlays of this “stimulus” bill strains credulity, since the overwhelming amount of funds don’t even get put “out there” until after 2010.

    No matter how you slice and dice it, the bill itself cannot cover up the fact that it is stink on shit, to use vulgar parlance.

    I’m glad that in both Houses only three “Republicans” voted for it. None of those three are exactly the shining lights or brightest bulbs in that august body.

  14. …the overwhelming amount of funds don’t even get put “out there” until after 2010.

    It’s possible that the stimulus is all show business, a grand gesture to Obama’s patrons and red meat for his base, but when the time comes to spend the money, the cupboard will be as bare as California’s.

  15. You know i guess i’ve resigned myself to the fact that govt will waste money till the day i die. What i can’t accept about this “stimulus” is how profoundly politicians favor govt power over the lives of regular people.

    Not only that. But they use the pain people are experiencing as leverage to do it. So what we really have are elitist snobs playing games with our very lives right in front of our faces.

    The democrat party has just jumped the shark by surpassing muslims in the race for jihad against free peoples around the world.

  16. SteveH,

    Perfect example of what you are saying – This past weekend (on Fox News Sunday I think) Chuck Schumer was talking about the package and said there were a few “porky” little things in there but it was ridiculous to quibble over $200,000,000 – the American people want something done.


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