Home » Is this what Cloward-Piven looks like?


Is this what Cloward-Piven looks like? — 49 Comments

  1. Lets take a list of words and create a crisis indice, and a calming indice, etc… this way, one can run a speech through this indice thing and get a fear score, and a calming score, etc..

    so a high fear score, and a low calming score is alarmist. high fear and high calm is tension builder in which people will vote any way you want in order to stop the unbearable tension (its how you get them to vote extreemly against their own position. a person would rather stop the tension than patiently wait for a better outcome, you can read it in studies). low fear and high calm is putting us to sleep, and low fear, and low calm is neutral things we dont pay much attention to (kind of like the teacher in ferris beullers day off).

    if everyone can make the indice and score the words, i will volunteer to write the code (cold fusion or java) that one can paste text in and get a score.


    take a look at THIS reason WHY they are doing this..

    cant have wwiv and the conflagration that will sweep away the middle class and bring in world communism/fascism for they sure arent going to sweep in individual freedom and autonomy from the state, are they?

    at this point, the best players are tipping over the kings and are moving on with how to survive rather than keep on with the meaningless discussion till we print the 10,000 dollar bill to cover costs for bubble gum.

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  3. Re: Cloward-Piven and Obama. We know that Obama thinks one of the deficiencies of the federal constitution is the lack of “positive” rights (such as an income guaranteed by government redistribution) and that he thinks one of the inadequacies of the civil rights movement of the 1960s was its failure to correct that constitutional deficiency through judicial activism. So, you might be right, neo. On the other hand, Obama might have the long-haul in view and intends to appoint federal judges who think the way he does about these matters, priming a future SCOTUS to invent more “rights”.

  4. I’ve had an epiphany.


    I’ve spent $14,000 of my own damn money obtaining knowledge and certifications in my field in JUST THE LAST two years of my 20 year computer career.

    If you look at all of my hard work – it’s all for nothing!

    I could just be lazy.

    I hate the fact that I have a business and have enormous checks I write EVERY MONTH to the state and federal government ……

    for you folks without a business you just do not know how lucky you are to only pay once a year

    This is ridiculous.

    Corporate tax rates need to be reduced.

    Capital gains tax rates need to be reduced.

    Income tax rates need to be reduced.

    And you shall see a private sector expand as it always does when you lower the burden on the private sector.

    People like Obama and Mitsu who do not understand economics 101 are making me think I need to take a long 20 year vacation living off the dole of the government.

    Thanks for the epiphany you lazy bastards…. Keep being negligent and not learning economics!!!!

  5. As most businesses and business owners are simply trying to survive …. and continue to make money….

    …. they will try to continue providing goods and services….

    …. but will lower costs if they need to.

    Labor is a cost.

    If the federal and state governments continue to siphon and extract MORE money away from producers….

    … the producers of the economy will shrink. As the dependent class expands…

    THIS IS NOT THE DIRECTION this country needs. As a liberal pre-1991 I implore you liberals to wake up and see what is BEST for this country and for the people of this country.

    It is better to teach a man to fish than give him fish. Period.

  6. Barack is either:

    A) Stunningly unprepared and out of touch about how to lead and about how to attack a tough economic situation, and now instinctively acting on long held liberal hunches about best actions to take (while not acting on highly regarded professional advice)


    B) a Saul Alinski “Rules for Radicals” genius who is playing us as if we are children.

    I’m guessing “A”, b/c I think Barack is more an incompetent and less a genius, but it’s just a guess.

  7. When the books are written about Barack’s Administration, we will see insiders saying:

    “I knew, during Week 1, we were headed for a ditch, but his approval numbers were so high I couldn’t get anyone to listen to me. The people close to the President thought the approval numbers were the antidote for everything.”

  8. Something about this reminds me for the rape of the south during Reconstruction, just after the Civil War, except just on a larger scale … and even with that said I’m still giving Obama the benefit of the doubt .. so maybe you’re right gcotharn.. who’s to say. Dunno dunno dunno.

  9. His whole day was a study in disguised dishonesty.

    He went to Elkhart, In. to wail about their unemployment rate. He forgot to mention during his visit that Elkhart is the RV Capital of the world. In other words their whole economy is based on a high cost item that is pure luxury; and one which makes absolutely no sense when gasoline/diesel prices are at $4/gal and projected to go higher.

    To compound his dishonesty, he railed against our dependence on foreign oil, after shutting down domestic exploration.

    Last night he tried to blame Elkhart’s problems on the credit market. Now that is pure hypocrisy, and transparently untrue. Runaway credit buying created the huge bubble that recently burst; but he says the problem is that people cannot get credit to buy a very high end luxury item, that if actually used for its intended purpose drinks huge amounts of high-cost petroleum products.

    The press sat on their hands while this travesty played out.

    I would have a two part question if I had the “privilege”. A. How long will it take for your alternative energy sources to have an appreciable effect? B. Why don’t we drill and use our domestic carbon sources, oil, gas, in the mean time? Wouldn’t that be a tremendous economic stimulus?

  10. Oldflyer wrote, “To compound his dishonesty, he railed against our dependence on foreign oil, after shutting down domestic exploration.

    Wasn’t that the most amazing yet very low key story last week???

  11. Normally, I would congratulate the President (any President, really) upon the successful implementation of an economic policy. I’m afraid that this time around, the passing of the stimulus package will not be something to celebrate. The package is wasteful, incompetently written, partisan-based, radically left-wing economic insanity that makes no effort to address the issue of corruption in government and on Wall Street. The Democratic Left is attempting to blind the American people to the dangers of wasteful spending by redefining a stimulus package /as/ wasteful spending – but thankfully, the majority of Republicans in Congress have not been fooled by President Obama’s fiery predictions of doom and destruction.

    It’s becoming more and more clear that while President Obama cannot be granted an economic disaster along the lines of the one that President Roosevelt faced, he will do his best to enact policies that will bring him closer to his idol – regardless if such policies are necessary or economically wise.

    – G

  12. Call me paranoid… but this whole thing smells of a setup to usher in a socialist/communist takeover.

    Ruin the financial system, parallel, disarm the citizens (the new House bill). Once the sh*t hits the fan declare martial law, there’s no armed citizens to resist, and take it all over.

    Maybe I’m just getting a slight case of ODS.

  13. physicsguy,

    I believe that the proper term is “Ronpaulvoteritis.” Don’t worry, it’s not fatal – just read the Fountainhead to cool yourself down.

    Seriously, I don’t think that Obama’s administration is foolish enough to try changing America into the United Soviet Republic of America in just four/eight years. He wants to be Roosevelt and get the credit for saving America’s economic system and maybe institute a couple of pseudo-socialist policies in the process. I think that Obama honestly believes that he is doing good – regardless of whether or not his policies will aid America.

    – G

  14. Well ill be… McAmnesty did not cross the isle on this one. Three other “Republican” Senators did.

    physics guy: “parallel, disarm the citizens (the new House bill). Once the sh*t hits the fan declare martial law, there’s no armed citizens to resist, and take it all over. ”

    That would be a “trigger point”. If the left is smart they will avoid that and just continue the current course of death by a thousand cuts till the new US citzens from Mexico and another generation of public schooling gives them an overwhelming majority a generation or so from now.

  15. physicsguy, people have been buying ammo by the truck load since the elction. One of the workers at Walmart told me people were coming in and buying $400 worth of ammo at a time.

  16. I was amused at Obama’s first answer to the question, which went something like this – “Do you believe we may never recover if we don’t pass this stimulus bill immediately?” Obama then spent ten minutes rambling on about the issue, but never answered the question directly because, even though he intimated that we were about to go over a cliff of no recovery, he suddenly realized that was overblown rhetoric of fear. He then tried to nuance his statements to draw away from that dead end conclusion. By the time he was through dancing around the issue, no one remembered what the question was.

    Oldflyer is correct about energy exploration. Opening up ANWR, the California coast (two areas where we know the oil is there) and the eastern Gulf would create jobs, increase business activity, lower our balance of payments imbalance, and increase revenue flows to the Feds.(Lease payments, oil royalty payments, corporate taxes, and income taxes – An economic home run!)

  17. Guys, let’s take a chill pill on this. Much as I don’t like Obama and didn’t vote for him, this “stimulus” bill was not his baby. It was Pelosi’s and it was deliberately designed to deceive the voters.

    There isn’t an original bone in Obama’s body. He’s a Red Diaper Baby.

  18. No one has mentioned it yet, but the final big boost in the federal minimum wage kicks in in July in the face of already high unemployment. That will be edifying to watch.

  19. no group is this successful being this incompetent by accident.

    physics guy is right, and anyone who wants to can read about Gramsci, Lucaks, the men of the frankfurt school like marcuse, katz, normans, and adorno, the teachers college.

    the various people who now we know were compromised, and yet we dont undo what they did. the teachers union meeting where they voted to indoctrinate.

    there is a lot of writing on the process. where do you think Saul Alinsky learned the process? do you think all this stuff was from a few modern americans when you can read about it in OLD books?

    the editor of psychology today just called for the extermination of 4.4 BILLION people.

    we just said ok to beauracratic euthanasia and ideological psychology, to go along with our genocide program through infanticide as a social good. (50 MILLION a year, the population of Italy, gone… and we worry about nuclear bombs)

    every one thinks strikes as a means, but all ya need is a weather balloon and a nuke way way way up where the explosion wouldnt even damage anything physically…

    anyone ever tried to feed a city of 7 million who have no food stores, separate water supplies, and every computer, vehicle and electronic device no longer works (because of all the pollution control equipment put in. otherwise it would work!!!). how about feeding 150 million concentrated on one seaboard in many cities?

    of course, obama has said he will reduce our nuclear weapons (which will end up being unilateral, since the OTHER disarmaments have never been completed, and its thougt that places like yamentau mountain are storing).

    go way back to my early posts on the iraq situation, and the war… i said that in a short while every burner on the stove will get turned on, and its going to heat up.

    ronald regan won the battle, COMMUNISM won the cold war!!! anyone look at the cover of newsweek?

    guys… there is no long a country in existence that can protest what states do to their people!!!! the KEYSTONE has been replaced…

    obamas uncle did the same thing with the school!!! or does anyone know how that state was overthrown?

    the WHOLE idea was how do you change owners of the golden goose without destroying the golden goose…

    telling us to read ayn rand to get over all the soviet ideology floating around us, isnt going to work…

    anyone care to mape out the changes?

    lets take short cut… can anyone pick ten steps backwards from communism towards our old system since the 60s? one would think that a true random walk would be slower and wouldnt be so productive and focused at undoing in two generations more than a century of organic growth and generational information being passed through families.

    ready… we are entering times where the thoughts we refused to think piecemeal, are going to be thought in whole.

    we refused to think negatively and with a dash of paranoia as to those who we ENTRUST (not trust) with ourselves!! we didnt CONSERVE the DISTRUST of the FOUNDING FATHERS!!!

    its like having a wife you love who is cheating. you keep giving them excuses, and you refuse to accept that the one you entrusted with everything BETRAYED that trust.

    eventually, you are the last to know… while EVERYONE else on the planet knows because they dont have the blinders on. they know the changes that happened. the stock market plunged again…

    the money markets problem is no longer just about finances, its ideological. and just as everyone pulled out of russias stock market recently, they are pulling out of the US market.

    they are all trying to grab the largest piece of pie they can grab and move to a quieter place and hole up (if they are not connected to political things). and each new ding makes them willing to cash out what they werent willing to do yet.

    ALL the signs are there… he is even telling you that he will manipulate us into a HUGE war, like his most communist hero FDR.

    how about forgetting the soft talk on morals and personal will to not do something negative, and look at the reality of it.

    watch this video, and think of how things have been presented and what is being said. its only two and a half minutes or so.

    Milton Friedman – Greed

    we are way beyond discussing the morals of the situation, many of us, should be discussing how to adapt to the new form of state thats coming.

    imagine life tap dancing in a mine feild with a blind fold on.

    you wont know what will get you in trouble, you will not work to fix things, you will be too confused and bumping your head trying to live like it always was before…

    most will get real depressed because most do not have any real skills to live or survive on without the level of society that we had created up to now.

    i am not talking about armageddon.. though its a possibility given games.

    i am talking about just surviving a major depression. these are people who cant cook, cant sew to repair clothes, cant mend a broken lightswitch. they cant fight, defend, or function in the REAL WORLD sans artificial support. few have any skills outside the completely abstract ones in a higher functioning society… which is FRAGILE

    and before someone says it will hurt them… there is an advantage in keeping the majority of your people at subsistence, your not fragile… it really wont mean much to collapse things to get everything, will it.

    we like to pretend that we think tactically, and many do. but this is strategic, with big goals, goals big enough that its hard to wrap your mind around them. goals so serious in their end, we cant take it seriously!!!!

    so this is only the first 30 days… 70 more for the first hundred… anyone want to take bets at the newly ratified constitution which allows obama to serve more than two terms?

    anyone want to bet that youth orgs will be NECESSARY since the youth are going to get real disaffected soon (their families will fall apart, but they will have a warm place with food waiting for them at the halls).

    we have no idea how fast things will change once a certain point is reached (actually just before it).

    buckle up dorothy, its not kansas anymore…

  20. by the way… if we gave everyone one acre to live on, everyone would fit in texas!!! thats how empty the world is.

    Psychology Today Blog: Ban Having Children for 5 Years

    “STOP HAVING CHILDREN.” Steven Kotler has declared that responsible adults should stop having children in order to save the planet. Those who are having kids, are being selfish and stealing from the future, the rest of humanity, and “every living thing on the earth,” he wrote. Have too many kids and you should go to jail.

    This isn’t a joke. Kotler writes a blog called “The Playing Field” on the Psychology Today Web site. He is a best selling author and an advocate of controlling population growth. His latest solution: a five-year moratorium on having kids.

    and just so you dont think he is an abberation…

    “The most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.” — Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race, (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)

    “More children from the fit, less from the unfit–that is the chief aim of birth control.” — Margaret Sanger, Birth Control Review, May 1919 (vol. III, no. 5); p.12.

    “Birth control: to create a race of thoroughbreds.” — Margaret Sanger, Birth Control Review, November 1921, (vol. V, no. 11); p.2.

    “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” — Margaret Sanger, letter to Clarence Gamble, Dec. 10,1939. – Sanger manuscripts, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College. (Dec. 10 is the correct date of the letter. There is a different date circulated, e.g. Oct. 19, 1939; but Dec. 10 is the correct date of Ms Sanger’s letter to Mr. Gamble.)

    Margaret Sanger appointed Lothrop Stoddard as a board member of the Birth Control League (the forerunner of Planned Parenthood). Author Stefan Kuhl writes // When the Nazis came to power, argued Stoddard, they started to increase “both the size and the quality of the population.” They coupled initiatives designed to encourage “sound” citizens to reproduce with a “drastic curb of the defective elements.” (7) Stoddard personally witnessed how the Nazis were “weeding out the worst strains in the Germanic stock in a scientific and truly humanitarian way.”

    anyone now want to compare ACTON 4 with Daschles rationing?

    and just so everyone is clear that its also connected to the religion thing…

    Lothrop Stoddard and the “Jews Problem”

    It is no secret that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis favored Jews be more subject to induced abortion and sterilization than other groups. Stefan Kuhl writes (pp. 61-62):

    He [Lothrop Stoddard] even met personally with Adolf Hitler. William L. Shirer, an American colleague who had been in Germany since 1934, complained that the Reich minister for propaganda [Joseph Goebbels] gave special preference to Stoddard because his writings on racial subject were “featured in Nazi school textbooks.”(8)
    Kuhl continues:

    Stoddard claimed in 1940 that the “Jew problem” is “already settled in principle and soon to be settled in fact by the physical elimination of the Jews themselves from the Third Reich.”
    Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, made Lothrop Stoddard a board member of the forerunner to PP (the Birth Control League). Why was the Birth Control League reconstituted as Planned Parenthood?

    anyone ever hear terms like event horizon… or dead man walking… checkmate in X moves…

    they all are about conditions in which the state has changed but the players dont know it. beyond that point, there is no going back…

    you cant change a pickle back into a cucumber… you cant be a little bit pregnant, trying it was the same as becoming it.

  21. Judge Robert Bork is saying much the same thing as our Artful Dodger.

    That there’s a ratcheting effect in our government and culture, and it always goes to the left. Never comes back rightward. Because the Left has fought with fang and claw, “by any means necessary,” to get what they want. And the patriots have dug in, but have stuck to the Marquis of Queensbury rules by comparison.

    The Vicious Party, so named by its adherents, takes every inch of the rope it can. And they’re willing to kill masses of humans who get in their way: witness the victims of the USSR, the Third Reich, Red China, and all the other Leftist goon governments. Over 100 million dead in one century, not even counting the “national” Socialists.

    This lot in power now are counting on being able to manipulate the citizenry now that most no longer think of themselves as “citizens,” much less as “free Americans.” The Left have indoctrinated the “masses” with the slave mentality — giving up their freedom doesn’t bother them, so long as they get their “three hots and a cot.”

    Anyone else notice the great shift in terminology over the last thirty years? on every single front? Even the Repubs go along with it, mindlessly.
    –Reds call their states “Blue” (the traditional US/Good Guy color, and don’t the bastards know it.
    –Our country is now the “homeland,” not our nation. Echoes of the “blood and soil” ideologies of Europe.
    –Our citizens are now “the folks” or “the people.” All to dilute the specialness of being a citizen of a great Republic (another phrase you never hear any more.)
    –A spending plan, the grossest ever attempted, is named a “stimulus package.” Stimulating, a package like a Christmas present; a one-off? none of the above. They’re brilliant, really.
    –Hitler = “right-winger.” (This was their best and biggest lie.)
    –Keeping your own money = “greed”; taking someone ELSE’s money = “compassion.”

    ET CETERA, ad nauseum.

    Anyone else thinking of going off the grid?

  22. Lest anyone think I’m being overheated about the current gang of thugs in the government, remember Bill Ayers, Obama’s political mentor, casually talking about rounding up 25 million Americans and putting us in concentration camps, and if necessary, killing us all. Jeremiah Wright, former Nation of Islam member, current Christian heretic, racist, and hater, is the “pastor” of the POTUS.

    I can’t fucking believe we’re in this stewpot. Time to jump out, froggies. Trouble is, there’s nowhere to go.

  23. I have been joking for a while there is always Antartica…. Off limits by Treaty. That Pennisular part that juts toward South America might be habitable to skilled people. Often wondered if that pennisular part could support Carribou if they were introduced, along with perhaps some plants or lichens from the Northern Hemisphere…….

  24. I suspect anyone planning on living off the land in the Pennisualr part of Anartica would be living on fish and penguin- probably too cold and not enough potential grwoing season even for carribou.

  25. All kidding aside about Anartica, I have been trying to encourage those around me to plant fruit trees and grow a garden.
    I even bought a couple of pear trees for my sister for Christmas this year. I have taken over the care of the small peach orchard on my dads farm this year after I get off work. ( about 100 peach trees) Still pruning trees, but running out of time as you have to stop once they start blooming. I have played a roll in getting one of the guys at work to invest some of the time he was spending on growing flowers and green grass to instead grow some food. I keep wondering how many people on food stamps have a yard full of grass and weeds and never even try to grow their own food?

  26. What most worries me about Obama? If you read up about the history of Hugo Chavez’ rise in Venezuela, he was a populist who hid his true ideological bearings (Marxism) until he got into power after being elected. Once in office he began a steady drumbeat of policy changes that put Venezuela on a course for Gramscian Marxism.

    Obama has hidden his ideological pedigree well and the media has been complicit in this scam. But now it’s coming out. He, Pelosi, and Emanuel plan to ram through all of the sweeping changes well before 2010. They are gambling in two directions.

    The first gamble: they fear that they will lose substantially in 2010, so they best make hay now.

    The second gamble: that the American people will love socialism and pretty much put conservatism out of business for good by 2010 and 2012. This one could backfire on them, but one must admit that the demographics of Obama voters this past November gives them some reason to gamble this way.

  27. One might also consider investing in the old methods of food preservation before refrigeration and freezers……like canning- though you have to know what you are doing….

  28. I predicted just after the inauguration that the Obama voters would suffer an “Oh, shit.” moment.

    I stand by that prediction. It’s not here yet. It’s coming….

  29. Gray, the Pod People just want their “three hots and a cot,” and they don’t mind being slaves. That is, after all, the slave’s bargain: give up your freedom for perpetual dependency.

    At least most slaves didn’t sell themselves into servitude, though.

    The Pod People will never have an “oh, shit” moment. Hitler’s laser-brain voters never did. Millions of idiot Russkis cried when Joe Stalin died. The stupid Chinese still venerate that old bugger Mao. Anything that went wrong was and is blamed on official scapegoats, forever.

    Humans are amazingly impervious to reason. Amazingly.

  30. Come to think of it, seems a lot of the lefties entering any right – of – left blogs and spewing have been a little scarce lately. I am hopeful it is because they are having their moments of doubt as they see what is in the wind – and are in deep thought about it.

    Hey, it could happen.

    City dwellers will suffer heavily if the ca-ca hits the fan.
    As one sits in his condo or high rise apartment overlooking a cityscape, he realizes there aren’t enough candles, isn’t enough food, isn’t enough bottled water on store shelves; the police can’t be everywhere, and most likely won’t be your friend anyway in real tough times. If the flow of goods and services stop, or become at least severely hindered, those dependent on the government will suffer first and perhaps foremost. Then, and only then, will they see. The ranks of the takers (moochers) are growing daily. The producers are becoming the slaves. And yes, guns and ammo have been flying off the shelves since Obama has been elected. It actually started when it looked as if he may win after all.

    It can’t happen here? I’ve heard that all my life. But judging from gun sales, there are millions who somehow just don’t believe that anymore. And it needs to be understood that those who are now buying guns – who have never owned them before – are purchasing these weapons for fear they may need them in defense of hearth, home, family.

    In America.

  31. I still believe it is really inexperience and lack of basic talent.

    Obama has been pumped up by the media so much that even his opponents credit him with high capabiltities. So when he does not display them, the conclusion is it is part of a master scheme.

    Step back and look at his resume, his lack of disclosed transcripts, his faltering performance when not teleprompted, the increasingly obvious interpersonal relationship problems (where are his college buddies?) and you see a guy who is in way way over his head.

  32. I think he’s the front man of a hellish marriage of one-world ideologues and trans-national plutocrats. To the one, the nation-states belong in the dark ages; to the other, the nations’ distinct laws and practices and currencies are an impediment to the frictionless movement of money. The continued existence of the USA as we know it, is a particularly irksome nail that needs to be hammered down for once and for all.

    Provided they can provide enough bread and circuses, there’s no reason to hope Americans will wake up and take their country back.

  33. I think he’s the front man of a hellish marriage of one-world ideologues and trans-national plutocrats. To the one, the nation-states belong in the dark ages; to the other, the nations’ distinct laws and practices and currencies are an impediment to the frictionless movement of money. The continued existence of the USA as we know it, is a particularly irksome nail that needs to be hammered down for once and for all.

    Provided they can provide enough bread and circuses, there’s no reason to hope Americans will wake up and take their country back.

    Word, Armchair Pessimist.

  34. dont have time to read the posts.. but wanted to point out that the general of the air force of ajerbaijan, you know the country needed for land bridge to move weapons, was assasinated.

    anyone want to tally up the assasinations NOT REPORTED in the news in the past 2 or 3 months?

    go to go… there is a lot more… and i havent read a lot of it. sigh

  35. [b]Obama may not be especially consistent. But this is one topic on which he’s been exactly that, sounding a single depressing note from the very beginning of the financial crisis till the present time.[/b]

    If you read Edward Angly’s book “Oh Yeah” from 1931, you’ll find numerous quotes from Hoover to captains of industry and finance with optimism and rosy forecasts from 1930 about how the worst of the Great Depression was just around the corner or already there.

    The upbeat tone didn’t change or convey one iota of new reality, as you should know already as to how long the depression lasted.

  36. The democrats cannot continue to hold simultaneously opposing positions for much longer.

    They cannot be for the little guy economically, while trying to destroy the big guy economically. They are all the same tree with the trunk supporting all other branches.

    When democrats finally figure out their entire argument for society rest on the stirring up of childlike envy, it’ll be too late to stop the tide that will resent them for it. And it won’t be pretty.

  37. Logern: you insult my intelligence if you think I’m saying that upbeat tones can forestall a recession or depression that’s already in the works for economic reasons. But it can keep things from getting worse than they need otherwise be. Scare tactics, on the other hand, have the effect of increasing the panic. The latter is what Obama is doing—escalating the fear through gloomy prognostications from the very start of the whole thing.

  38. Why, yes, it is. Rahmbo E said so. This is straight out of the playbook of the CPUSA. If “The Won” and Rahmbo don’t know that, then they are feckless. If they do, well, you know where that takes us = “…I WILL SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC…”

    It is truly a sad state of affairs that we find ourselves in but I keep hearing the statement that ‘you get the kind of government you deserve’ floating about in my subconscious.

  39. You know what I think? I think we’re all fauked.

    In the military sense that one might be should your own artillery train have mistakenly targeted your own location in the field and started maximum fire rates. And when you call them up to tell them to stop firing, they say you are not in their chain of command and you are not authorized to give them such an order. You would have to go through the loophole of talking to 5 other radio operators before authorization could get sent, maybe.

    All the while, you are getting pounded, Shocked and Awed, blitzed, psychologically tortured, shellshocked, etc.

    That is the tactical situation we are in. But the strategic and logistical realm? That has yet to become crystal clear.

  40. Logern: you insult my intelligence if you think I’m saying that upbeat tones can forestall a recession or depression that’s already in the works for economic reasons.

    Can’t get insulted by a log. Maybe by a (Loyal) Achates, perhaps.

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