Home » Do you think of me as a diva?


Do you think of me as a diva? — 18 Comments

  1. your not a Diva, but your worth the title!!!

    however, notice the definition.. its a PERSONAL one..

    I have long defined a diva as strong, talented and confident woman who commands the respect of men. This year, we will once again determine which blogress commands the most respect of gay conservative men.

    thats the feminist definition, you know, the kind of peopel who have made b*tch, Ho, and skank popular things to be…

    look it up, and Diva = prima donna.

    which is used to describe a person who deludes themselves they are like a goddess.

    does any of that jive with the orwellian definition above (courtesy of the View)

    and when you look up, prima dona.. and compare it to the persons definitino above..

    a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience. A temperamental, conceited person.
    1782, “principal female singer in an opera,” from It. prima donna “first lady,” from L. prima, fem. of primus “first” + domina “lady.” Meaning “temperamental person” first recorded 1834. a vain and temperamental person / A vain and overly sensitive person who is temperamental and difficult to work with

    you now undersand how femnisits can accept taht being a tempermental entitled etc… is the same as

    as strong, talented and confident woman who commands the respect of men.

    i will let those not in the know… men dont respect divas… delusional divas think that complying wiht them is the same as respect. its not, its just less trouble than having to deal with a deluded nut job who is nasty, pushy, entitled, and wiling to escalate things in public to a crisis to get her petulant way, all the while thinking she is great, smart, strong, witty, and respected.

    usually its easier to throw a mean dog a bone than have to put it to sleep…

    yeah… the mean dog might think they are respected… may even get the run of the yard..

    but when push comes to shove, the happy trusty nice family dog will move with them, while the diva can find someone else to respect them.

    this is how come western women ca be so toxic and not realize it (of course not all -but enough to make finding the exceptions that prove the rule not worth the effort)

    so no… i am HAPPY so say that your not a diva

    but if the award is for the wrong defintiioin, then yeah… you deserve that award… but not the diva title.

    [its sad, but people with this belief actually think they may good mates. is it any wonder why we are dying out?]

  2. Neo,

    I think you deserve a treat for being nominated. I just saw something at American Spectator’s Books for Christmas article that sounds pretty good. Emmet Tyrell recommends “Churchill by Himself,” a book about his favorite quotations. I’m tempted to buy it for myself even though I haven’t been nominated for anything since high school.

  3. neo,

    There are lacunae in my brain – some things I just don’t know! What’s a “diva?”

  4. fredhjr

    my whole post was to explain that people dont know what it is, and define it for them.

    so glad that those moments detailing that out of my life are gone for no reason and will never come back… 🙂

  5. Do I think of you as a Diva?

    What ? ? ? Of course not! Why would you want to be so?

    To paraphrase an old aphorism, “you can take a New Yorker out of New York, but you can’t take New York out of the New Yorker.”

    None-the-less, and not-withstanding, you are an amazingly interesting writer.

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