Home » Post-racial America: show, don’t tell


Post-racial America: show, don’t tell — 88 Comments

  1. I remember after the election results of 2000 were finalized, I saw an interview with some Jewish kids at a yeshiva. “Gore and Lieberman lost,” they were saying dejectedly. “That proves how anti-semitic this country is. We’ll never be able to make something better of our lives. If only we lived in Europe…”

  2. There’s still lots of racism in America. It’s just that since most of it resides in black churches and preachers (Wright, Jackson, Sharpton et al) it gets overlooked.

  3. Image is everything! The Obama movement has been all about image, with no substance. Obama believes that telling you IS showing you. His disciples seem to think so, too.

    Tennis legend Andre Agassi made a lot of money off the Canon camera “Image is Eveything” advertisements. But only when Andre gave up on image and focused on developing his tennis skills, did he become a great champion.

    Is Obama capable of getting beyond his image skills, is there anything behind the facade? I doubt it. But he’s got an incredible array of resources behind him now, if he ever wants to get real.

  4. I too appreciate the symbolism of having elected a black president. Obama will be a sign of hope for minorities here, and ultimately the world. No one can take that away from Obama or America.

    However, as wonderful as that is, I don’t think that outweighs the deficits of this particular black candidate.

  5. David Allan Grier summed it up very well Wednesday night:

    “President Obama, on behalf of the African-American community… please don’t **** this up!”

  6. I have seen the inspirational effect Senator, now President-elect Obama has had on people of colour in my own city and country. Indeed, my congratulations for transcending the past. In a major way, the cheque that Martin Luther King came to Washington to cash has now cleared.

  7. I have seen the inspirational effect Senator, now President-elect Obama has had on people of colour in my own city and country.

    Well, that inspirational effect will make it all better when I lose my job, face higher taxes and fees and my kid is performing compulsory “community service” in middle school.

  8. I agree, Gray, that as I said:

    Wonderful as these moments were, they won’t mean much to me if Obama governs in a way that undermines our economy or our liberty. But for now I will enjoy them…

    We’ll find out soon what Obama is actually made of.

  9. From his “economic speech”:
    “I would like to see the Administration do everything they can to accelerate the retooling assistance that Congress has already enacted,” Obama said. “In addition, I have made it a high priority for my transition team to work on additional policy options to help the auto industry adjust, weather the financial crisis, and succeed in producing fuel-efficient cars here in the United States. I have asked my team to explore what we can do under current law and whether additional legislation will be needed for this purpose.”

    retooling assistance = you’ll build cars we tell you

    succeed in producing fuel-efficient cars here in the United States = you’ll build the smaller cars we tell you

    I have asked my team to explore what we can do under current law and whether additional legislation will be needed for this purpose. = we’ll ban trucks and SUV’s

  10. We’ll find out soon what Obama is actually made of.

    I think we already know:

    Declaration of Independence:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    Declaration of Dependence:

    “When you choose to serve — whether it’s your nation, your community or simply your neighborhood — you are connected to that fundamental American ideal that we want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness not just for ourselves, but for all Americans. That’s why it’s called the American dream.”

    “Unalienable Rights” vs “fundamental ideal that we want”

    “endowed by their creator” vs “ not just for ourselves, but for all Americans”

    How can an individual, creator endowed right become a collective right “for all Americans?”

    “required community service for middle schoolers.”

    I feel like vomiting.

  11. I’m talking about actions rather than rhetoric.

    People elected him for his rhetoric.

    It’s all rhetoric until congress passes it, he signs it and then it’s law and it is too late.

    I’m not a liberal–words mean things.

  12. Before I worked overseas, I considered the US to be the Great Sinner with regard to racism and bigotry. After four years overseas, I had done a 360 on that. Being invited into homes that featured prominent portraits of Hitler will do that, among other things.

    People in the US who get along with each other in the US come from ethnic and national groups that would be at each other’s throats outside the US.

    From my experience overseas, the US looks pretty enlightened.

  13. OMG! During his speech, his podium said “Office of the President Elect”!

    “Office of the President Elect”! AHAHAHAHAHA!

    He is the president-elect–it’s not an office! What branch is that office part of? Where are the powers of that office specified in the Constitution?

    He’s not POTUS, he’s PEOTUS! hahahaha!
    What a f’n misstep….

    (OK, I’m stopping the thread hogging and liveblogging–sorry, thank you for your forbearance.)

  14. “…that inspirational effect will make it all better when I lose my job…”

    The number of jobs in this country has fallen under President Bush (though it grew under Clinton). Were you afraid that you would lose your job under Bush (when the odds of you losing your job actually increased) or just now that a progressive black Democrat is in office?

  15. Before I worked overseas, I considered the US to be the Great Sinner with regard to racism and bigotry.

    Same here. I lived in Europe for most of a decade, and, for a sincere effort to ameliorate race relations, the US blows the doors off of any country I’ve lived in or even been in, and that includes RSA.

    now that a progressive black Democrat is in office?

    You don’t remember Carter, do you? I do. All too well.

  16. “He’s not POTUS, he’s PEOTUS! hahahaha!
    What a f’n misstep….”

    Well, according to the Presidential Transition Act of 1963, Public Law 88-277:

    The Administrator of General Services, referred to hereafter in this Act as “the Administrator,” is authorized to provide, upon request, to each President-elect and each Vice President-elect, for use in connection with his preparations for the assumption of official duties as President or Vice President necessary services and facilities, including-

    (1) Suitable office space appropriately equipped…

    (2) Payment of the compensation of members of office staffs designated by the President-elect or vice-President-elect…

    (3) Payment of expenses for the procurement of services of experts or consultants or organizations thereof for the President-elect or Vice-President-elect…

    (4) Payment of travel expenses and subsistence allowances…

    Etc., etc., etc. This is the result of a casual Google search. If you had bothered to look at all, you would have found this easily. You might have also found that such mis-steppers as Ronald Reagan also formed Offices of the President-Elect.

    But, I’m guessing you didn’t bother checking because you’re overwhelmed by Obama Derangement Syndrome.

    Final grade: Failure

  17. Were you afraid that you would lose your job under Bush (when the odds of you losing your job actually increased) or just now that a progressive black Democrat is in office?

    I’m an engineer working in national defense.

    (I’ll at least know you are pleased when I get laid off….)

  18. Spragge of Canada:
    I have seen the inspirational effect Senator, now President-elect Obama has had on people of colour in my own city and country.

    Perhaps because they realize that the election of a minority to head Canada will be a long time coming in a country that is 20% non-European in ethnic background.

    Indeed, my congratulations for transcending the past. In a major way, the cheque that Martin Luther King came to Washington to cash has now cleared.

    And when will the CHECK that those in Canada who desire free speech, a right trampled upon by the various INHUMAN RIGHTS COMMISIONS in your country, be cashed? A long time coming, I fear.

    I am writing in this tone in response to all your snarks about MY country, which is not YOUR country

  19. If you had bothered to look at all, you would have found this easily. You might have also found that such mis-steppers as Ronald Reagan also formed Offices of the President-Elect.

    Yeah…. Doesn’t really sound like a thing you put on a podium and give a speech behind, does it?

    No one was ever dopey enough to put it on their podium.

    From the Office of the Office of Gray.

  20. some guy is wrong. Even including the job losses of the last 11 months (which total almost 1.2 million) and the job losses of Bush’s first two years in office (which came to about 2.7 million), the cumulative total of the monthly payroll figures since February of 2001 is a positive 4.4 million.

    Having said that, we would all be a lot better off if we stopped believing that government creates jobs (other than government jobs, that is). Presidents have much less influence on the economy than most people seem to believe.

  21. From “the presser”:

    Obama says he’s spoken to all the former presidents – Carter, Bush, Clinton, as well as the current Bush – and, looser than he’s been in months, dares a joke at the expense of the most recently deceased.

    “I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he says. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Regan thing about doing any séances,” he says.

    Whoa…. He’s a bad guy. Holy Cow… He’s actually a bad person.

  22. “(I’ll at least know you are pleased when I get laid off….)”

    False. I don’t want anyone to lose their jobs. In fact, I’d like to see the number of jobs in the U.S. increase! That’s why I voted for Barack Obama, who I think will pursue policies that are likely to increase the number of jobs, in contrast to the Republican party which, over the last 8 years, has demonstrated its dedication to policies that cause the number of jobs to fall.

    So, like I said – I honestly hope you don’t lose your job. Every job lost is terrible for the unemployed, their families, and America as a whole. I fervently hope that the U.S. government continues to redistribute my tax dollars to your defense contracting firm.

  23. So, like I said – I honestly hope you don’t lose your job. Every job lost is terrible for the unemployed, their families, and America as a whole. I fervently hope that the U.S. government continues to redistribute my tax dollars to your defense contracting firm.

    Thank you very much. As a Nat Guard soldier, and as a defense contractor, I will fervently continue to defend your ungrateful butt.

  24. “some guy is wrong. Even including the job losses of the last 11 months (which total almost 1.2 million) and the job losses of Bush’s first two years in office (which came to about 2.7 million), the cumulative total of the monthly payroll figures since February of 2001 is a positive 4.4 million.”

    I’m curious – what do you think the population growth rate has been over the last 8 years?

  25. “Thank you very much. As a Nat Guard soldier, and as a defense contractor, I will fervently continue to defend your ungrateful butt.”

    I love it when defense contractors talk dirty. Tell me more about my butt…

  26. “Whoa…. He’s a bad guy. Holy Cow… He’s actually a bad person.”

    Like the time Bush mocked Carla Fay Tucker, immitating her pleas not to be executed?

    “‘Please,'” Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, “‘don’t kill me.'”

    I’m guessing that the Obama Derangement Syndrome from which you suffer will lead you, throughout the next eight years, to conclude that pretty much every single thing Obama does proves that he is a bad person.

  27. gringo: Well, that certainly explains the mantra I hear about the chronic persistence of “anti-American” attitudes outside the United States. Praise for the US doesn’t count if it comes form anyone who has ever pointed out that the US has a problem with anything. In other words, if only sycophants count as pro-American, then no wonder you see with anti-American attitudes everywhere.

  28. “I’m not a liberal—words mean things.”

    My goodness! It was such a short time ago that one of conservatives’ favorite criticisms of liberals revolved around the liberals’ belief that words meant more than actions. Now even conservatives embrace postmodernism (and, audaciously, criticize liberals for supposedly rejecting it)! Foucault and Derrida would be proud.

  29. some guy — I wasn’t making any comment on whether the job creation over the last 8 years was particularly good or bad relative to the rate of population growth. I was simply correcting your statement that “The number of jobs in this country has fallen under President Bush.”

  30. “Yeah…. Doesn’t really sound like a thing you put on a podium and give a speech behind, does it?

    No one was ever dopey enough to put it on their podium.”

    But, your initial reaction was:

    ““Office of the President Elect”! AHAHAHAHAHA!

    He is the president-elect—it’s not an office! What branch is that office part of? Where are the powers of that office specified in the Constitution?

    He’s not POTUS, he’s PEOTUS! hahahaha!
    What a f’n misstep….”

    Talk about shifting the goal posts! Admit that you had no idea what you were talking about and move on! That is, if your Obama Derangement Syndrome allows you to acknowledge that you were unnecessarily harsh on Obama for something that Republicans like Ronald Reagan did for no reason other than to find something new to hate about him.

  31. “some guy – I wasn’t making any comment on whether the job creation over the last 8 years was particularly good or bad relative to the rate of population growth. I was simply correcting your statement that “The number of jobs in this country has fallen under President Bush.””

    Steven – you’re right. The absolute number of jobs has increased. But because the population has grown faster than the rate of job growth (which has been negative for parts of Bush’s term), unemployment has grown. Perhaps I should have been more specific, or started from the perspective of unemployment rather than the absolute number of jobs – it’s not that there are fewer jobs overall, but that there are fewer jobs relative to the number of workers. Though these are different, the effect is the same.

  32. Like the time Bush mocked Carla Fay Tucker, immitating her pleas not to be executed?

    You’re comparing a murderess to the widow of a former president while she’s in the hospital with a broken hip?


  33. Obama for something that Republicans like Ronald Reagan did for no reason other than to find something new to hate about him.

    Reagan gave a speech with a made-up seal and “Office of the President Elect” on his podium?

    No. He had too much respect for this nation and the office of the president.

  34. “You’re comparing a murderess to the widow of a former president while she’s in the hospital with a broken hip?”

    No, I’m comparing what seem to be two instances of very un-Christian compassion from two presidents, one of whom you hate irrationally due to your ODS.

  35. In the 96 months of Clinton’s two terms, the unemployment rate averaged 5.17%. In the 93 months of Bush’s two terms to date, the unemployment rate has averaged 5.24%.

    I deal with macroeconomic data for a living.

  36. “No. He had too much respect for this nation and the office of the president.”

    Do you know this, or do you just assume? I’m going to assume that you assume! The irony! Except that you’ve already demonstrated that you are willfully ignorant about this sort of thing, happy to believe the worst about Obama without bothering to do a check that takes mere moments, so I think I’m on solid ground in assuming that you’re doing that again, assuming the worst about Obama and the best about a Republican without checking at all. The wages of ODS are grim.

  37. Under Clinton, unemployment steadily declined from 7.4% to 3.9%. Under Bush, unemployment steadily rose from 3.9% to 6.1%.

  38. The sneering tone brings to this discussion is pretty typical of what I read from Obama supporters on center-right blogs since the election.

    Obama speaks well of unity and to a large extent practices it. That is not, however, what I hear from many of his supporters. I’m not optimistic that the country is going to come together under Obama.

  39. I’m not going to make Neo’s blog a flame war.

    Your comments speak for themselves, there is no need for me for me to refute them for any reader, nor neo, nor for myself.

    Honestly, I don’t want an intemperate remark by me to get our comments rightfully deleted as part of an unprofitable flame war. Your comments should stand as they are for anyone to read. Yours are the last words on this.

  40. “I have spoken to all of them who are living,” he says. “I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Regan thing about doing any séances,” he says.

    This is incorrect. Nancy reputedly spoke to astrologers. The séances were, most likely falsely, said to be held by Hillary Clinton, amongst other things to speak to Eleanor Roosevelt.

    At any rate, I think Obama is a man unworthy of the Presidency for many reasons. One is his lack of class. He clearly flipped the bird to both Clinton and McCain during campaign speeches. As they say, once is an accident, twice… well.

    Also, kudos to Gray above for comparing Obama’s transition statement with the Declaration. It’s very revealing. Not to be pretentious, but he’s replacing Locke with Hegel. That is to say, for the Founders individual liberty is at the basis of the American way of life. For Obama the collective is at the basis of his vision, to the extent that he has one. He has an EU way of looking at things, and, yes, I hate to say it, but that makes him un-American.

    I guess the slaves have taken their revenge.

  41. European (read Socialists’) attitudes towards the US will in no way change with the election results. There is more than just electing a black man as President in this equation. The rest of the formula has to fall in place also, i.e. getting with the program, i.e. socialism. Any disagreement with that agenda, any action to thwart the implementation of that agenda will be seen as benighted at best and racist at worst.

  42. as i sit and know things… i have two boomer friends…. they didnt listen to me as far as moving their money out in august…

    now they are not listening as to what is happening…

    and the wife told me not to send political stuff.. which i wont. but what would you do if you got this one come across your desk?

    Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts

    Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs

    RALEIGH – Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts – including 401(k)s and IRAs – and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration.

    she said that her 401k will be fine… i gues sshe has already laost a huge portion of value… and if the dems do this, they will lock in all the loses.

    (of course i told my dad to retire since he can, take all his money out.. he said the 5% penalty was too much… now how much did the whole value go down? the 5% would have been a small fee comparitively)

    so i guess the leftist freinds i have dont want to know… meanwhile.. do you see a convertive change that i do?

    boy is this all going to hurt…

    [everyone called me a fool for not bothering with 401k, and using regular investments… but i guess if this goes and they exchange your stocks for treasury bills (givein the government ownerhsip of many companies nationalizein gthem thorugh the stock market grab), what then?]

  43. “The sneering tone brings to this discussion is pretty typical of what I read from Obama supporters on center-right blogs since the election…I’m not optimistic that the country is going to come together under Obama.”

    “For Obama the collective is at the basis of his vision, to the extent that he has one. He has an EU way of looking at things, and, yes, I hate to say it, but that makes him un-American.”

    You guys can tell me, I swear I won’t tell anyone else: modern conservatism is really a performance art piece, right?

  44. on another note.. it looks like medvedev may step down to let putin wack at obama in 2009… and today china started up…

    ya dont want to know whats coming sicne we have no freinds in the world…

  45. Sprogge of Canada:

    I am surprised that you didn’t reply, “Thank you Gringo, for your perceptive observations about my country.” After all, that is how you apparently expect us to respond to your comments about our country.

    Ike: you are correct. I should have said a 180, as a 360 brings you back where you started.

  46. Since the 1970s, the US has been destined to sink under unfunded entitlement mandates. That problem is beginning to sink into the minds of investors as it grows too big to ignore. Trouble is, everything Obama does will just make things worse and quickly.

    Watch unemployment get back into double digits like under Jimmy Carter. Watch interest rates get in the upper teens like under JC. Watch inflation go double digit like with JC.

    Obama has already taken the country to the verge of rioting–had he lost the election several inner cities would have burned. Throw Rahm into the mix and you’ve got a civil war on the back burner. This is raw and naked power waiting to get the revolution started. It won’t end well.

  47. The Office of the President Elect called Nancy Reagan and apologized to her for his stupid comment.

    Following his first press conference addressing the nation.

  48. This is raw and naked power waiting to get the revolution started.

    There’s no need to get loopy.

    I’m betting one of the old goat dyed in th’ wool, union-organizing, big government, collectivist dem pinkos in the senate pulls him aside and says: “Stop being a jerk, cool down and don’t stampede the sheople. We’ll tell you how much to can accomplish and you can stand there for the applause–stop f’ing it up.”

  49. Something occurred to me yesterday, on this subject.
    Obama has a difficult and important challenge in front of him. If it is true that there is a sentiment about a black man not being capable of holding the highest office (I’m not saying it’s true – this is what libs accuse conservatives of thinking) – than Obama has to prove them wrong. If he screws up this job, the hopes of him opening the road to White House for other members of the minorities will turn into their opposite – every other deserving minority candidate will have much more difficult time persuading electorate of their merit.

  50. I just viewed Obama’s press conference and I am somewhat relieved about what he said about Iran. He and his advisors have been briefed at the Whitehouse on classified intel and I think maybe they all came away from that briefing with a different perspective on foreign policy.

    Also, I like his choice of Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. If anyone can keep Pelosi and Reed from screwing things up too badly it would be Emanuel. I didn’t vote for Obama but I am willing to give the man a chance.

  51. If Pelosi and Reed can keep Emanuel and Obama from screwing it up, the first mulatto president might not be the worst ever. Just the second worst after what’s his name back in the late 1800s.

    Admit it. This man is a walking disaster.

  52. Obama’s election is a breath-taking milestone, no doubt about it — I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt, up till now it’s all been bravado, words, and speeches, I’ll praise him when credit is due, and criticize him when that’s due too.

  53. Obama’s election is a breath-taking milestone, no doubt about it

    That just doesn’t resonate with me. I’ve worked for lots of black guys in the army. Some of whom, (COL Sherwood, LTC Burke; COL Ortiz; MAJ “Creole”) are my role models, and were my mentors when I was a young officer.

    We’ve had Condi Rice, Colin Powell, GEN Honore….

    I *heart* Walter Williams and quote him. I met Clarence Thomas at a convenience store in N VA and told him he rocked and please keep up the good fight for liberty and Original Intent–he laughed and shook my hand and said thanks.

    I just don’t give a crap that the president’s dad was African and the president is cafe au lait. I profoundly don’t care.

    It’s not a milestone, it was bound to happen! This guy, Obama, just happened to be the nearest guy when white guilt reached critical mass. White guilt reached critical mass ‘cuz the boomers were getting old and their little indoctrinated minions are now old enough to vote.

    I think it’s another Boomer thing.

    Sheesh. It’s like the OJ thing in reverse….

    I couldn’t find OJ guilty on the evidence presented and Obama is a crappy president irrespective of skin color!

  54. Neo, I think you’ve put the cart before the horse. Europeans aren’t anti-American because they think we’re racists, they call us racists because they’re anti-American.

    European Anti-Americanism has roots that go back to at least the degeneracy thesis in the 18th century, and it’s taken one form or another ever since. If “racism” is removed from them, I’m sure they’ll find another arrow for their bow in, um, 3…2…1…

  55. The most casual and reflexive racists I’ve ever met were Irish, Scottish, Belgian, French, German, Swiss and Spanish. In short, “european”….

    I’ve heard Irish referred to as “those green n-words.” I’ve heard Italians referred to as “The Turks of Europe.” I’ve heard highland Scots referred to as “Papist bastards” and their opposite referred to as “Protty bastards”. I’ve heard everyone of every possible color one melanin cell darker than the speaker referred to as “n-words” in europe.

    But the funniest was when I heard the member of one Africa tribe (the most melanin enriched man I’ve ever met–with tribal scarification!) refer to members of a competing tribe as “n-words”.

    Europeans are profoundly nationalist, racist and “classist” that’s why they claim to hate such things so much: to cover their own stench with the perfume of approbrium.

  56. Bryan Lovely: You are misinterpreting what I wrote. Let me repeat:

    No doubt those most entrenched in hatred of America will find a way to do so without giving Americans credit. No doubt the anti-American policies of leaders who find it in their own best interests to continue to oppose and criticize us will go on just as before. Obama’s election will change nothing about the balance of power, nor will it make any lions lie down with any lambs.

    However, I believe that there is a certain percentage of Europeans (don’t know how big it is) who don’t have this sort of entrenched anti-Americanism and who will have the sort of positive reaction I described in the post. Even that might very well be temporary. But I believe that Obama’s election makes it harder for that subset of Europeans to reflexively assume America is racist.

  57. But I believe that Obama’s election makes it harder for that subset of Europeans to reflexively assume America is racist.

    Nah…. They call America “racist” because they themselves are profoundly racist.

    Next they will accuse us of doing exactly what they do:

    “America only elected a black president as a symbolic act to cover their greater acts of racism.”

    “This just shows how ingrained racism is in the American culture–that they can be so intolerant of other cultures and peoples while having a black president.”

  58. Neo, It truly is one of the great positives. I agree that Obama’s negatives outweighed the one great positive in my mind so it is why I voted McCain.

    But I was listening to Dennis Miller and he relayed a story of how he was riding in a cab and the african-american taxi driver was so OVERJOYED and was relaying to Dennis how happy he was.

    Dennis found joy in that moment.

    Dennis, and myself and I think you Neo can all have heartfelt joy for the fact that there is GENUINE joy that an African American is now president of the U.S.

  59. Well, after his first press conference, it looks like he’s back to talking a lot without really offering any concrete suggestions, nor is he really answering any questions.

    I’ve come to realize that there are a lot of folks in this world who talk a good game – and about all they do is talk.

    And talk.

    And talk.

    And then you have a much smaller percentage of folks who actually do something.

    The Chosen One strikes me as being very much a talker and not really a doer.

    Given his policy inclinations, I can only hope this is a correct assessment of the man.

    The question remaining is, will he be able to hold back those around him who WILL attempt to implement their favorite pet policy?

  60. I really am very tired of the topic of identity politics and race. Most people I know don’t give a damn about race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, where you’re from, etc. What matters is your character, your ideas, your drive, and your beliefs. To people like our constant pest from Canada, Mr. Spragge, I ask: Why is it more important to clear a check from Dr King than it is to vote for the person one thinks is most qualified for the job? If one voted for Obama because he’s black and you wanted to give the black man a chance, you’ve just outed yourself as a racist. On top of that, I’ve noticed a tendency for the Obamabots to want to avoid discussion of qualifications and policy preferences. And if you bring those things up, well, you’re… you know what!

    I don’t owe a black man anything. All my life, from high school on, I have been fair, amicable, and respectful of black people. In the Army too. In fact, so much so that in my company a number of black soldiers stood up for me when a couple of their fellow black soldiers treated me badly. One of them wanted to assault me, and the other soldiers stopped him cold in his tracks. I don’t owe reparations to black people, because my ancestors were from Quebec and had nothing to do with slavery. In fact, my ancestors had to endure humiliation and maltreatment as many black people endured. Do you know what some called the French Canadian immigrants? They called my ancestors “niggers of the North.” My great, great grandfather had to anglicize his French name from Chasse to Hunt in order to compete for work in a Yankee environment. He was a carpenter and did not work in the mills, where those people had at least the protection and cocoon of the French language and networks.

    I didn’t vote for Obama because I did not think him qualified for the job. I did not like his policy preferences, advisers, associations and alliances, voting record… the whole shebang. If John McCain were a black man I would have voted for him because I agree with a fair amount of who he is and what he thinks is right for the country.

    But Obama is POTUS. A scary thought, but I sigh with resignation that this is the reality. For the sake of the country I hope he does a good job, but I am prepared to criticize and oppose him where I think it warranted.

  61. Why should Americans be proud that they’ve elected an inexperienced black man to be our President? I feel shame. I had hoped that at some point some black governor of centrist orientation and proven competence would become our President on the basis of merit. Instead we’ve elected a black man purely on the basis of image.

    This has been a deeply racial election, it will be a deeply racial administration; and since I expect it will be powerfully leftist I deeply hope it will fail.

    It is interesting, that if I get my wish, that a leftist administration is defeated, it won’t be because the right successfully parried the left, it will be because “racist” whites destroyed a black man. The black man who in the street today can say: “Now we have no excuse not to make something of our lives,” instead, after the crumbling of the Obama administration, will say: “See, we don’t stand a chance. Even if you’re President the white racists will destroy you.” I presume a century of racial hatred following a failed Obama presidency.

    Of course, if the man proves himself wise, he could succeed. I don’t expect it. If he proves himself clever, he might change the nature of our liberties. I don’t want that.

    I fear our first black President is the worst black President possible. I fear the consequences will be enduring.

  62. Oh, remember the required community service that The President Elect had on his website?

    It’s already changed.

    Previously, as of 2:01 Today (which I rudely posted on the Necco thread):

    The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.


    The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by setting a goal that all middle school and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year and by developing a plan so that all college students who conduct 100 hours of community service receive a universal and fully refundable tax credit ensuring that the first $4,000 of their college education is completely free. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.

    Honestly? This supports Neo’s contention of rhetoric vs waiting and watching what he actually does. It also supports my idea that some long-toothed old pinko dem is gonna get ahold of him and tell him to cool it and don’t stampede the Sheople.

    Or maybe his website folks misunderstood and are just zealous and dopey.

    Change is coming; and it did (to his website). Overreach followed by retraction; snark followed by apology….

    This is not a well-disciplined, grown-up political organization. They are gaffemeisters and neophytes. I fear a waffling, uneven foreign policy.

    Jimmy Carter.

  63. scottie: The question remaining is, will he be able to hold back those around him who WILL attempt to implement their favorite pet policy?

    Yeah, the good news is “maybe he will”. See directly above.

    Now I’ve Hope ‘cuz of the Change (of his website).

    That’s pretty big–wanna break it, Neo?
    It does support your opinion that his rhetoric is occasionally overblown, but we should watch and wait and not stampede.

  64. I fear Mouse is correct. It may turn out that Obama is the worst thing that could ever happen to race relations at this time. We’ll see.

    As for feeling pride in the event of the election of the first black President-

    Listening to the radio yesterday, and hearing a mention of how, regardless of who we supported, we should be proud that we’ve elected our first black President, I got to wondering why I wasn’t particularly moved by the thought.

    I realized that it was because I didn’t see why Obama deserved any credit for the feat. His candidacy bears no resemblance to the entrance of Jackie Robinson into baseball, for instance. Remember how difficult it was for Robinson, and what him being there meant to the country, and to the black people, who at that time were truly oppressed? In the case of Barack Obama, it is completely different. SO much so that in his case, being black was an advantage. An advantage! Doesn’t that more indicate that the perceived sense of victimhood of the black community was an illusion? Hasn’t that been the case for at least a decade, maybe two? Isn’t it that the problem of race has been an internal problem to the black community, and external to the white community for years now? I’d argue that JFK getting elected as a Catholic was far more notable than Barack Obama being elected as the first black President.

    So forgive me if I don’t have any particular pride in his being the first black President. I’m more worried about issues that actually pertain to today.

  65. I have no problem with a black President. I would have enthusiastically voted for someone like Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams.

    I have a very serious problem with a communist President. This must not stand. Not now, not ever.

  66. Didn’t we really reach a milestone of showing just how far we’ll go for the good feelings of a milestone?

    One of these days we’ll see the real deal in a black candidate. And he will have been cheated in a lot of ways by our obsession with symbolism and instant gratification back in 2008.

  67. Someone who has had a lot of dealings with Europeans, help me out with this: I have had a moderate exposure to Europeans. It seems to me that Europeans may be more racist, and virulently so, than Americans. I have had good, close friends from a variety of ethnic (and religious) backgrounds. The issues of race never came up between us, we were just good friends. So, I think neo is right in that America is much different than when I was growing up. But, albeit a small sample, the Europeans I have met have been both unthinkingly anti-American (in speech, at least) and much, much more racist than the average American. They are certainly very anti-Semitic. Anyone else seen this?

  68. Papamas,
    I always found it odd when an American exhibits knee jerk bigotry toward foreigners, its proof to a liberal hes a bigoted redneck. Yet when foreigners do it towards Americans, its somehow a valid view from a nuanced person that points to a flawed America.

  69. I can not say about europeans, I never been there. But in Russia USA is simultaneously the most adored and the most despised country in the world, sometimes among the same category of people. Where from this schizophrenic reaction stems? Mostly, from inferiority complex, envy and projection. It would not be unresonable to expect the same from other nations. In this case, no USA policy can change or mitigate this type of anti-americanism. Not a bit.

  70. It appears most of the preceding comments can be summed up as…

    “Damned if you do; damned if you don’t”.

  71. No one realizes that this was a race to a rotten apple… that the situation, for either elected person was a tar baby… (and the CIA report probably made obama look so tired, as he now finds out the games of his side were the lies – if he cares).

    as tatyana mentioned, it may have been designed to remove for the next century any chance of a second chance at things by minorities, including women. it would suck for either, but the one who is the least experienced, and more ideologically based and empiricism ignorant, would do even worse.

    the mandates of state service are actually in violation of a lot, because now some kid or person who could be working a second job has to quit that to fulfill their service… like businesses losing productivity for jury duty (which i am not arguing is bad as jury duty IS a key facet of our system and a key protection. raking leaves at the local courthouse is not).

    obama is alreay coming full tilt. its why the stock market is tanking MORE… got to get every investment moved and changed… his “change” promise is leading to a depressive restructuring and rebuilding of investments to adapt to the new future as best they can. any one want to bet that record accounts have shifted to other states and safe havens like swiss banks, and so forth?

    dems are now arguing to nationalize your 401k, and through doing so nationalize all business by becoming the major share holder over night of all these firms stocks… all this accomplished by a treasury bill paper swap that will guarantee 3% (if they do well enough to actually give it to us).

    if you hear of wealthy people moving out to their other homes, then its going to hurt like being fingered by captain hook blindfolded and drunk.

    looks like putin will be coming up to bat after medvedev on day after election morn about putting tactical nuks next to borders… china may decide to take taiwan (might not be as good a chance again for half a century)…

    i will say the bullies endorsed him knowing that he will waffle, and want to use touchy feely talk while they roll through their goals almost unhindered.

    reduce military by 25%… your reduce a major motor in our economy at the same time as not have any force to counter the bullies bull crap.

    he has been raised from childhood by very manipulative people with pragmatism as their only morals, and have created something akin to the cambodians making children into killing machines. that was pragmatic too. since the person embodies the choices and is put in place the person has no idea of why they are there. they believe the front reason, but do not know that they are the insturment of a back reason. his socilaist policies are going to be so distracting, that we are not going to pay attention to the larger more dangerous big moves outside of our intenal sphere an interests.

    its called a diversion.

    he is going to be hit with everything at once. just as i said everything was going to heat up all over like a crazy thing just before the spanish bombing as there was still time to plug the hole in weapons dealing and subversion that is iran. now its not… they have succeeded in keeping their conduit open, and in the interest of that have actually ended up with some other gems in their pockets that make the whole thing sweeter rather than just an alternative to the loss.

    strategically speaking we have no real freinds in the world since we are the fastest gun, the king of the hill, the rutting buck, the alpha male, etc…

    all of them change from climbing to defending position upon success… we were great at climbing, we are subverted while we hold still defending.

    meanwhile, i have already heard tons of comments from obama suporters on tv… littel under your breath things like… if change was to happen, then why did he select those people? (becuase change was what you wanted to hear to release your vote to one side. he is representative of win by any means. this means lying too. if your still believing in merit when the system is by any means, your going to be surprised that the rhetoric wasnt limited to the attainable)

    i hope that this isnt so bad that my wife and i cant retire to her old country… well see…

  72. by the way… hasnt anyone realized that sometimes things are offered for consumption that are intended to make one sick?

    that the race thing is intended to get us to waste hours of productive capacity trying to make sense of a no sense injection for the purpose of using up time, capacity, and focus?


    trying to make sense of it is a endless circle since the things you try to reason to dont work. you assume its cogent, so you waste a long tiem trying to find the cogent arangement to fulfill the assertion. however, its not cogent, its dissonant. its false. if your assumptions do not accept that you can be lied to, and that the only way to make it cogent is to conclude its a lie rather than delving back into it for days and hours and weeks. if concluding its a lie is not in the game, well then your in a endless loop. (at some point you might be like someone on the left. just pick one orientation and defend it against all other meaningless orientation).

    we can talk about saul alinsky and what is basically psychological games to win over meritocratic means, and in the next breath fall into the traps that such systems create.

    either there are saul alinsky type games, and psychology games that are being played or not. if not, then there will be cogent reasons and fewer mutually exclusive accepted facts… if such games are on the table, learn not to get sucked into them and learn to quickly conclude that the issue is designed to be unresolvable to keep the smart people busy.

    the stupid people dont get into this. they vote their feelings… the game is aware smart against naive smart… the naive smarts always ignore that there could be a kind of sociopathic puppet master game going on where smart people are fed parameters and accept that FALSE information is not part of the input to the degree that the foundation can be false.

    one must realize the implications of win by any means and abandon ones false structural rules that one may think still apply or else one will not be able to analyse whats going on to any fruitful end.

    the race issue was not a cogent issue. its not logically resolvable, its emotionally offsetting, which is the intent. its always been the intent of divide, and set the groups against each other, then they do the work of conquer for you.

    this is why they blew up houses to create the false race issue. and why their people inflate incidents that are rare to be evidence of systemic somethings. or use fake math to push that there must be this, or else the numbers will be different.

    the whole idea in end justifies the means is to get the reaction that causes the movement of the material your dependent on.

    as i explained a long time ago… do you care what the taxi cab driver thinks when he takes you someplace? no… do they care what we actually think if what they need is to get us to move our hand a certain way on a certain day of the year at a key time?

    not if merit is off the table.

    you can admit watching a young girl set to guys in a bar at each other by playing games. and yet not realize that that game is being played on you in a different level.

    its not a consipracy, its a technique.

  73. Someone who has had a lot of dealings with Europeans, help me out with this: I have had a moderate exposure to Europeans. It seems to me that Europeans may be more racist, and virulently so, than Americans. […]

    But, albeit a small sample, the Europeans I have met have been both unthinkingly anti-American (in speech, at least) and much, much more racist than the average American. They are certainly very anti-Semitic. Anyone else seen this?

    Absolutely. No two ways about it. I lived in Europe for many years, and was shocked at the tribalism and racism I saw there, even among the highly educated. There’s a reason Europe has been wracked by wars since…uh…well, the Romans left.

  74. Well, they are Europeans, and therefore our cultural superiors. That’s why we should be more like France.

    (sarcasm off)

  75. Ugh! That was a poor try at replying. Let me try this again.

    Papamas, I always found it odd when an American exhibits knee jerk bigotry toward foreigners, its proof to a liberal hes a bigoted redneck. Yet when foreigners do it towards Americans, its somehow a valid view from a nuanced person that points to a flawed America.

    Well, they are Europeans, and therefore our cultural superiors. That’s why we should be more like France.

    (sarcasm off)

  76. FredHjr: A very large number of Americans clearly indicated they believe President-elect Obama had the qualifications most needed by your country at this time. I do not know of anybody who voted for Mr. Obama simply because of his skin colour.

    I and many others believe that a big part of Dr. King’s cheque has cleared precisely because Black skin did not prevent an otherwise effective candidate from getting the consideration a majority of your fellow citizens obviously believe he deserved.

    You, obviously, disagree deeply with a majority of American voters. The proof that race no longer puts an insurmountable obstacle in anyone’s path to any office, even the Presidency, still has the power to inspire people around the world with hope and a new appreciation for your country.

    Of course you as an individual have no obligation to welcome our good will.

  77. PapaMas,
    Over the last 15 years my wife and I have traveled to Europe on several occasions. Rather than go in tour groups or to the big tourist destinations we have gone to small villages and rented an apartment or pension for a month or longer. Then we have settled into the area seeking out experiences and encounters with the locals that will give us a true flavor of the place. Shopping for food each day, hiking along the myriad trails, dining in small cafes, and asking questions about local customs allow us to experience the flavor of the locale much more fully.

    We have encountered great kindness and hospitality for the most part. But what has surprised us is the attitude that most of our European friends had that we couldn’t really be Americans. Their picture of Americans was of rich, pushy, aggressive, “ugly” Americans. It was a revelation to many of them who had little or no contact with Americans, that there were actually Americans who were not rich, overbearing, loud, or touting American culture as superior to theirs. For most Europeans their idea of America is what they see on the TV or in movies. Then, of course, there are the few Americans who are actually loud and boorish.

    In spite of modern communications, many places in Europe are quite insular. They don’t see many outsiders and those they do are usually regular visitors. We stayed in a pension in the Dolomites in Italy where the owner asked us earnestly, how we had decided to stay in her inn. She was interested because, as she said, “We never get Americans here. You are my first Americans.” All the other guests were regulars from Germany, France, and Italy.

    In my opinion, much of the anti-Americanism comes from their media, which probably feels they have to defend their culture from the overwhelming spread of American culture. That and a certain degree of envy of what they see as our overwhelming wealth.

    One incident that I can relate happened when we got on the wrong bus in Switzerland. We were trying to go to a small village where a trail we wished to hike began. I won’t explain how we managed to get on the wrong bus, but we soon realized it was the wrong bus because it was winding down the hillside into the valley of the Rhone River. No one on the bus spoke English but we spoke just enough German along with our map to communicate to a kind woman where we were trying to go. She told all the passengers on the bus about our mistake. A man in the back came forward and we were able to understand that we would get off with him and he would see to our problem. We were a bit worried about such an arrangement. What if this gent had plans to take advantage of us? Nonentheless we got off the bus with him and he indicated for us to wait for him as he set off on foot. More mystery, but we were now 30 k from our home base, and lost. We really were now dependent on this man to help us find our way. In about fifteen minutes he returned, driving an old, but well cared for Mercedes. We drove on a steep and winding road, up, up, up the steep wall of the Rhone Valley. Twenty-five minutes of steep driving suddenly levelled out into a small alpine village set high above the Rhone. He deposited us at our trailhead. We thanked him profusely and I tried to give him some money for his kind assistance. He refused to take the money indicating that it was a gift from him to us. What an example of cooperative international relations! And certainly no anti-Americanism there.

    Yes, their culture is different than ours. Competitiveness is not as important as cooperation. They are still much more tribal than we are. We met a Swiss farmer who is running the same dairy operation that his family has been running for 200 years. The same families have been in that high valley for hundreds of years. If we hadn’t experienced it, it woulld be hard for us to understand.

  78. I think that the black President of the TV series 24 was a good way to prepare Americans for easily imagining a black President.

    I haven’t seen this ‘TV leading reality’ too much with respect to Obama and 24 — maybe I missed it.

    But in breaking down stereotypes, TV can indeed be powerful.

    I hope Pres. Obama doesn’t raise taxes too much.

  79. As an African-American liberal, and a PROUD one at that, this blog thread confirms everything I ever believed or imagined about white conservatives and their mindset about me, and other minorities.


    Minorities should be seen and not heard, but if they are heard, they should all speak from the same, eurocentric, pro-white, conservative script or they cannot be accepted, no matter what level of education or career position they’ve acheived.

    It’s just that simple, I suppose.

    If you aren’t White, you’d better be “Right” or stay out of Sight.

    God Bless America.


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