Home » It wouldn’t hurt…


It wouldn’t hurt… — 20 Comments

  1. Its so boring some one call for self-promotion is it enough Sally, or you like your Hero GWB keep call for things again and again without shame.

  2. Hey, T: if I’ve untangled your syntax correctly, you seem to be under a misapprehension — I’m Sally, neo’s neo, and she’s the one inviting her readers to vote for her. Which, by the way, I’ve been happy to do (though the competition is fierce). As for my “Hero GWB”, well, I don’t think he has that much to be ashamed of. I mean, at least he’s not calling for retreat again and again without shame, like some other politicians I can think of, now is he?

  3. Truth: what’s more boring is when folks like you type with your faux righteous indignation about something so utterly trivial and insignificant

  4. Sally,
    First forgive me for this treble mistake, but I still don’t agree that you or you hero still not ashamed of what he done in Iraq and the mess the misery for 25 millions Iraq that your hero promised them for better life and he was going after the bad regime who they hated much but the loving their land, day after day Iraqis thinks that your hero he is not to his promises and the facts on the ground telling the truth.

    May I pick your attention to you Congressmen: Iraq lawless like the Wild West when he said:

    Iraq face lawlessness reminiscent of America’s Wild West of the 1800s,

    Did he know who bring this lawlessness to this country? or he still live in his bubble like others even they made 11 trips to Iraq and came back that he toured the open market in Baghdad on his feet’s without Backwaters guys!!.

    Vince P,
    Don’t bother to read my comment doode go to sleep.

  5. Truth, people like you don’t care about the Iraqis.. if it was up to you, they’d all be gettign slaughtered right by Al Qaida and Iran.

    You get more desperate as the situation improves, because you have the evil craving that the US is defeated and that more of the world descends into more death and discord.

    That pleases you and the one you serve.

  6. Another sick in addition to Gray.

    Keep your labels to yourself and remember your country history (presumably you from US) from Iraq (Manmade Hell on the Earth), Vietnam, Hiroshima and back in 1800″s the slaughtering of Indians?

    So is this pleases one with terrorists grand grand fathers?

  7. and Iran.

    Ooooooh yah BY IRAN!!

    It’s very laughable that you trying fooling us or you fooling yourself here?

    Can you tell us who let Iranians, or Iranian crated Mullah in Iraq?

    Can you tell us Bader Militia (drilling Militia) working under which supervisor in Iraq?

    Can you tell us what his AL-Hakim doing in US and what his Son doing in Iraq (inside Iraq they tell stories like old regime’s son Udday).

    Can you tell us who opposed Bremer’s law (Noah Drafted law) in regards of women’s rights, Isn’t Al-Hakim you shaking his hands in Baghdad and abroad?

    Now the women’s in Basra killed because they are not covered their heads which never ever been such crimes and acts in Iraq along the history, but you should know Iranian’s dominated puppets are controlling Basra and most southern Iraq.

    Did you read this bit of news from Iraq after four years Iraqis got frustrating from US ignorance’s and carelessness of Iranian mangling inside Iraq under US eyes.

    Finally go to sleep and live in your bubble

  8. >Another sick in addition to Gray.


    >Keep your labels to yourself

    That’s funny.. I haven’t used any.

    > and remember your country history (presumably you from US) from Iraq (Manmade Hell on the Earth), Vietnam, Hiroshima and back in 1800″s the slaughtering of Indians?

    Now you’re changing the subject… we’re talking about Iraq… we’re talking about if the US had left in early 2007 when everyone said it was lost, then Iraq would have descended into a bloodbath.

    Since the bloodbath was PREVENTED by continued US prescense, when idiots and immoral people like you continue to complain about the US being there, you prove that you dont care about the death that would come as a result.. thus you dont care about the death that is going on now.

    Away from me, liar! You can’t hide your deathwish from me in your filthy misrespresentations.

  9. Truth: Since I dont see othe people reacting to you, I’ll take it as a sign that that your nonsense is part of a history of behavior..

    So i wont be reacting either.

  10. you can’t hide your deathwish from me in your filthy misrespresentations.

    Who are you to I hide from doode?

    Obviously you speak about yourself, just look what your filthy blog and lies you post, its enough for any reasonable mind to understands and read your filthy head.

    Iraq have nothing to do with al Qaeda neither before 9/11 nor after, this is not my words this is from your very high level US officials discovery so don’t put blame on me for this, go do your homework to read from where these jihadests terrorists came from ask the exporters al-Saud who exporting them to Iraq to get rid of them making chaos and havoc to Iraqis which in the end causing them War fatigue, or your recent friend libyans leader Muammar Qaddafi approved leader for international terrorists !

  11. I don’t have a blog much less a “filthy” one.

    Your whole last paragraph was an exercise in misdirection. I haven’t made any statement that your comments can be seen as being the correction of. You are neither countering false info I have said nor are you telling me anything I don’t know.

    I am not impressed by your narcissist sanctimoniousness.

  12. EssEm Says:
    December 20th, 2007 at 11:13 am
    Camojack…is that why the subtitle of your blog reads “keeping the ‘anal’ in analytical”?

    In a word: no. That would be something known as self-deprecating play on words…I wouldn’t anticipate your comprehension.

  13. I may incorrectly stated blog but hitting your name above “Vince P” takes you to a site “an exercise in misdirection”. Dose this need Rocket Sciences or again keep fooling yourself here?

    If you really care about discussion, do not change subject, try to stick to the points, show your views giving answers to support your claims with the links I suggested being the correction of what You are claiming and countering yours false info.

    Neo, should have take an actions against you with all insulting words and throwing words in the mouth of others will fool info, just their views conflicts with yours, sadly you proven fare racist and unbalanced towards other views and flee to discuses the main core of points you stated and raised.

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