Home » Jew-killing: for some, a top priority


Jew-killing: for some, a top priority — 42 Comments

  1. globalresearch.caI am part Jewish. I understand that some Jews are siding with the neocons. I must tell you that I believe neocons are unamerican, and true neocons supported America going into Iraq to steal oil. This undermining of international law, unilateralism as it is called, undermines the very foundation of Israel and undermines the very foundation of prosecution of the Nazi’s.

    The war in Iraq is a criminal war, a war crime, that undermines Israel and is immoral in its reach. One only has to look at the contracts being negotiated with the Iraq leaders to realize that foreign oil companies will get 70 percent of the profits, tax free, and this will all be in American dollars. It has been said that we went into Iraq out of economic WEAKNESS being led by neocons all the way.

    See: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ENG20061014&articleId=3482

  2. Gary- If we wanted oil, all we had to do was get sanctions lifted in the UN, and we would have saved ourselves a whole lot of grief and had all the oil we needed- and Saddam could have kept on being Saddam, and the left would have been happy.

  3. Sheesh, Gary – another “blood for oil” speech by a lefty!

    The topic of Neo’s post was “Jew-killing”… explain to me how Bush’s war in Iraq ‘undermines Israel’, cause I just don’t get the connection. The world just loved Israel prior to the war… is that what you mean? Cause if it is, I want some of what you’re smoking

  4. Don’t forget Bush’s war “undermines the very foundation of prosecution of the Nazis”, too. I’m smoking, but I’m not THAT high.
    It DOES give us at least a clue as to what “this”(gary) has to do with “Jew killing”, though. There’s an anti-semitic website called “Ziopedia” whose editor claims he’s “Jewish”, too(name is “Winkler”). Must be a trend. Like saying “I have a lot of black friends”, before your racist rant.

  5. “One of the hallmarks of rabid Jew-hatred is it’s irrationality.”(to coin a phrase)

  6. Okay, Gary, how much oil have the neocons “stolen” thus far? Are they carrying it home in jerrycans and hiding it in the garage? Or are they drinking it?

    Big news, Gary: THE U.S. DOESN’T GET MUCH OIL FROM IRAQ. Our main suppliers are Mexico, Canada, Venezuela, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia.

    Your argument about the war is factually untrue, not to mention COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO WHAT NEO WAS TALKING ABOUT.

    Get a job, hippie.

  7. Listen Gary, we dont really need the oil that much anyway. Not while we have new modern efficient nuclear energy technology. Efficient energy for the masses of tomorrow.

    You see Gary, nuclear fueled reactors heat water and converts it into steam, which in turn is fed thru a turbine…..

  8. Actually, there are no “Semites” — the term is really derived from “Semitic,” describing a language group which includes Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, among others. The term antisemitism was coined as a term to mean “against the Jews” as you note, at the time of the late Habsburg empire, when there were antisemitic political parties. See the website of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at Hebrew University: http://sicsa.huji.ac.il
    Lots of articles and conference lectures available online, and an annotated bibliography of articles and books on antisemitism. A great research for Jewish history, interfaith relations, and world history, not just antisemitism per se.

  9. Another comment: it seems to me that today many people of good will are commenting on the current wave of antisemitism/anti-Zionism. But the question that always remains is: what can be done about it? Legislation is, in my opinion, a good sign of governmental concern, but ultimately not much use. Education can be undermined (as with “teaching the Holocaust” in the UK and elsewhere now). Some say that having “real Jews” in a society makes normal relations possible, as opposed to having few or no Jews and therefore inventing a kind of mythical “Jew” that is a more or less traditionally antisemitic image.
    Simon Epstein suggests that antisemitism simply comes in waves, not correlated with economic or other factors.
    So, must we just “wait it out”? Or can anyone suggest positive approaches to lessening it?

  10. Just remember that:

    1. If the price of oil goes down, this proves that the war in Iraq is a plot by Bush to let his cronies in the oil industry get cheap oil and make obscene profits.

    2. If the price of oil goes up, this proves that the war in Iraq is a plot by Bush to let his cronies in the oil industry jack up their gross revenue and make obscene profits.

    Pay no attention to the unfalsifiable proposition behind the curtain. Critical thinking is so dead white male.

  11. It won’t change Neo, until a superior power is brought to the fold in the form of killing boat loads of enemies. The national character of Jews seem very restrained, it lacks a killing edge, and a source of deep hatred for their enemies. Very constructive and positive in peace and economic matters, but not so very good in war.

    Israel’s history seems to be either always the victim which is powerless, or having power and never utilizing it.

    For all the power of Jews and their success in the banking, lending, and what not industries, they either did not have the power to prevent their own expulsion and extermination, or they weren’t willing to use it. Incidents like the Warsaw Ghetto is perhaps the exception to the rule, however it doesn’t apply to every Jew or even most Jews. Their religion and beliefs do not make them a very good people at war. Not certainly, on the level of an American. After all, the US never had a 50 years war, as Israel has from 1950s to 2007s.

    Total War as a philosophy was both advocated and utilized by Americans, while the Jews seemed to try to avoid it, perhaps it brought up bad memories of WWII.

  12. So, must we just “wait it out”? Or can anyone suggest positive approaches to lessening it [anti-semitism]?

    Anti-semitism is an old affliction that, as we see, can infect politics on both the left and the right. To know how to treat it, it would help to know what causes it in the first place. So let me suggest two possible sources:

    1) Scape-goating, where Jews are used by a majority culture to deflect blame for its failings from itself. E.g., Germany then, Palestine and the Arabs now; the political right then, the political left now. Both then and now, the problems in the anti-semitic cultures are quite real, but the singling out of a small minority, perceived as the Other, to take the blame for them rather than looking inward is a viciously irrational move that, in any case, only compounds those problems in the long term.

    2) Envy, or the tall-poppy syndrome, which is an ancient vice that hates anyone or any group that appears to excell in any way, including trade or business. Again, as a minority that has been both unusually successful and yet culturally distinct, Jews have long been an obvious target in cultures where this vice is deeply rooted — e.g., peasant-based cultures anywhere, but especially eastern Europe and Russia,

    In both cases, the only clear treatment is exposure of the irrationality of the bigotry, and, in the longer-term, of its underlying origins. Today, of course, such exposure requires ripping off the mask of “anti-zionism” behind which the bigots have learned to hide.

  13. If I may, let me suggest a much more simplistic, but ultimately logical reason.

    Picking on those smaller or weaker is what bullies do. Period.

    I do not mean to suggest Jews are physically weaker, nor culturally, but in terms of demographics, they have typically been outnumbered.

    While they often formed a dynamic, and sometimes vital, minority in nations, it was a minority, and usually a small one.

    What better target, then, to vent your rage, or blame for your woes?

    They are prominent enough in a society to be visible to the masses, but small enough in numbers to be unable to fight back effectively when the persecution begins. Its thus both easy to point them out as the “other”, and its cost-free to go after them because they don’t have the simple mass to resist, so ‘fighting them’ is easy.

    Its bullyism at its core, and it applies on the global stage.

    Israel is a nation of, what, 6 million people?? It has a land mass of 20,000 square km? Its economy is 46 or so in the top 100?

    Yet, it generates hostility and outright hatred for its existence, and withering criticism which far outstrips dozens and dozens of nations which have far more suspect histories and egregious records of aggression and civil rights abuses.


    Because its a cost-free nation to pick on. It does not generate any sizable oil production to affect world markets, it does not send suicide bombers into the malls and pizza places of those with whom they disagree politically or religiously, it certainly is not going to attack or overrun most nations even if it wanted to, and its sole true ally exerts an extraordinary amount of control over its actions.

    Does anyone really think that if Israel was the size of Texas, and had even 60 million Jews in it, and had sizable oil reserves, there would be the same amount of hatred and disrespect of them on the world stage? Even if they were not loved, alot of the vicious rhetoric and overt aggression against them would get toned down out of sheer fear or practical necessity.

    Jewry in general and Israel in particular are targeted because sheer demographics suit the cowardice and laziness of thugs and demagogues. It simple human nature, at least the uglier part of it.

  14. (Sorry, forgot to add this last part that addresses the post…)

    In this sense, anti-semitism IS rational, in the sense if you want an easy victim, history has usually proven Jews to be a good choice. All the hatred and violence you could want to visit on a people, with very little cost, or at least it seemed.

    The damage done to societies that drove out or killed their Jewish populations could fill volumes I suspect.

    I think Israel drives people so batty because, faults or not, it is a physical entity of Jewish strength and resolve against persecution, and well, the bullies don’t want an actual fight on their hands, do they?

  15. Good thoughts, Kalanit.

    On a slightly related topic: I, like you, have gotten in the habit of referring to antisemitism — not anti-semitism or anti-Semitism or whatever. This was because I was tired of arguing with people about what it meant, and tired of Arafat’s grinning argument “but I’m a Semite too, how could I ever be anti-Semitic?”

    Antisemitism, as Neo points out, was coined to refer to Jew hatred, pure and simple. Perhaps it’s a misnomer; that’s irrelevant. The important point is that it’s a real phenomenon, and a frightening one, that deserves its own name so that we can point to it and try to deal with it.

    There are no doubt many reasons for antisemitism; many reasons have been cited over the centuries, and when the old reasons fade away, new reasons arise to take their place. Once it was the Jew as Christ-killer; later it was the annoying Jewish use of the phrase “chosen people”. Eventually Jews would be hated for economic reasons, when they became Europe’s bankers and moneylenders (those being among the few professions Christians would permit Jews to have). Somewhere along the way it became fashionable to accuse Jews of being eternally about to take over. When half-reasons wouldn’t do, reasons to hate Jews were invented out of whole cloth — the “poisoning of the wells” excuse for the Black Death, for example, or the Blood Libel that survives to this day, or the best-selling Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    (Frankly, if Jews were as opportunistic and controlling as we’re presumed to be, we would not be protesting the Protocols; we would have written them, and we’d be earning money hand over fist from the royalties.)

    We Jews seem to be a very convenient target for all sorts of hatred. Perhaps it is, as Weary G suggests, because we are always a tiny minority, and generally a safe one to attack. Or perhaps it has something to do with the fact that, in spite of all odds, we have survived. Our oppressors — the Pharoahs, Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon and Xerxes’ Haman, the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the Crusaders, all the way forward to the Nazis — are all gone. We wandered the world for nearly 1900 years, a people without a country, and we survived, amid unparalleled and relentless hostility.

    Perhaps some people see something sinister in that. Me, I’m extremely proud of it — proud that we’ve survived in spite of it all, proud that we’ve succeeded in our God-given goal to be “a light unto the nations”.

    We Jews can be proud, too, of knowing who our enemies are. If you want to know who the scum of the Earth are, try using antisemitism as your touchstone. You’ll be amazed at how well it fits — for the small-minded haters, worldwide, often have little else in common but their antisemitism.

    As I tell my stepdaughters, being Jewish isn’t for sissies. We’re blamed for a long list of crimes we never committed, and we hardly ever get credited for the valuable contributions we’ve made. Rarely are we safe from antisemitism. But it’s a proud heritage to bear — one with few rewards, except for the ones that count.

    I am proud as can be that I can call myself a Zionist, an Israeli, and a Jew.

    Daniel in Brookline

    “The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice, and the desire for personal independence, these are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my lucky stars I belong to it.”
    — Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

  16. Ymasker wrote: “The national character of Jews seem very restrained, it lacks a killing edge, and a source of deep hatred for their enemies. Very constructive and positive in peace and economic matters, but not so very good in war.

    Israel’s history seems to be either always the victim which is powerless, or having power and never utilizing it.”

    That’s just sublime.

    I would add another bit of insight: Those who are most adamant about Holocaust denial are more often than not the same people who think it was a good idea.

    Go figure.

  17. In Southeast Asia, the ethnic Chinese, with a different attitude toward work, thrift, and education, are sometimes persecuted by their more numerous and less successful neighbors.
    I don’t know that anybody’s written any kind of protocols about them, though.

  18. There are two important biblical verses on this topic:

    “In every generation mighty enemy will arise against you”.

    “Those who bless you will be blessed, and those who curse you will be cursed”.

    Both prophecies have been vastly proved true by history.
    Beware divine revenge, Ahmedinejad!

  19. People who say that it is anti semite to criticise America’s unilateral imperialism are way off base. Just because you guys didn’t talk to a government official like I did makes you all experts on Bush’s behavior. I make a distinction about what is in Israel’s national interest, and what is in America’s national interest. Where America is concerned, we did not attack North Korea even though they gained real nukes during Bush’s presidency. They don’t have oil.

    The dishonest thing, Jewish folks, is that we of Jewish blood would mistakenly support America in this oil heist simply because they support our view that Iran and Iraq are military threats. I have no problem in believing that Saddam was a military threat to Israel, and I have no problem in believing that Iran is a threat to Israel.

    But it cheapens Israel and Jews to support Bush when he violates Geneva conventions, international law, the UN charter, etc. Those laws are the basis of Israel’s existence and the prosecution of the Nazi’s.

    Wake up Jewish folks. You don’t want to be on the wrong side when America learns to hate the necons. It is not wrong to work with the neocons for the good of Israel. It is wrong to be one of them and espouse their morality. Even Israel does not arrest diplomats.

    These are the facts, Bush had a plan to divy up the oil in Iraq way before 9/11. I don’t believe the admin assisted in 9/11 but there is some proof that they looked the other way hoping for an event, a reason to invade Iraq. Fact is we invaded Iraq when the hijackers were Saudi folks from Afghanistan. That is fact. You cannot deny it.

    Paul Oneill saw the plans for the invasion of Iraq before it happened. Cheney’s energy conference that he wanted kept secret was about Iraq. Western oil reserves are low, and this is a long term solution to keep America in control of oil wealth and currency that it is traded in.

    We are a debtor nation, and have to have that military might to control oil in order to overcome the debtor part. We got ourselves in this mess, and we attacked Iraq out of economic weakness.

    If you right wing Jewish folks don’t want to or can’t see this, I cannot help you. You will be a pawn of Bush/Cheney/Rice- the former Chevron director.

    BTW I was born with one Jewish parent and adopted at three months.

  20. Daniel in Brookline, if you are interested in real justice, you will realize that the contracts being written give 70 percent of the profits to foreign oil companies, and this is being pushed by Condi Rice, who once recently said that Hamas are not a terrorist organization. To trust Condi and to ignore justice against greedy oil companies is turning justice on its head.

  21. Lee if you are not willing to reason, you won’t get it. Maybe you WILL understand that Condi Rice says Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Is that language that you can understand? If you can’t understand that these people care nothing about the UN charter, maybe you will understand that the admin doesn’t think Hamas are terrorists. Got it Lee???

    Point is, Condi Rice is a neocon and she knows why we went into Iraq, and she knows why she took her name off the tanker ship named after her. And she could care less about Israel, but only cares about oil. She wants stability in the middle east only so they can have at it with the oil and they thought it would be a quick work.

  22. I’m willing to listen to reason, but you(Gary) haven’t demonstrated any so far. Also conspicuously absent from your diatribe are any sources to back up any “fact” you’ve presented(you would think Condi would rate at least a guided missile cruiser for all her loyal service). Since Condi didn’t say Hamas was not a terrorist organization to me, you will have to prove it with a source(and please, don’t link me to American Free Press, or infowars, or sparticus, or ziopedia; I mean a “credible” source).
    And I speak to a government official, too. Every time I get my driver’s license renewed. Your “assertions” don’t equate to “facts”.
    And if you have an international case against Bush, present your “facts” to the World Court(oh, I forgot, you only have assertions).
    Rise up, Jewish people! The Nazis are trying to save you from the humiliating guilt by association with the evil Bush. Gee, most of the time you “real Jews” are telling us it’s the “Zionist Lobby” that’s duped us into unwittingly implementing their imperialist policies.

  23. Rise up, Jewish people! I’m sure your friend Gary Anderson even has showers for you to freshen up in before your March on Washington.

  24. ipetitions.comalternet.orgglobalpolicy.orgLee, here is one link: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ricehamas/signatures-3.html It shows the many Jewish people and others that are up in arms over Condi Rice’s comments. Here is another link: http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/search?q=condi+rice

    Wake up Jewish neocons. You are being conned by a Rand corp, Heritage Foundation based amoral administration.

    This was the same think tank (Rand) that supported the Vietnam War in a way that gave no input from people who opposed the war on moral grounds or on grounds that we were being lied to by Westmoreland as to the strength of the Viet Cong. Sound familiar? Rand defines the term “national interest” very selfishly and narrowly and should not have the influence that it has on national politics. I had a professor in 1968 who was from Rand, teaching at UCSB and he refused to consider anything but a very narrow selfish view of national security. That is the root of unilateralism and imperialism today.

    Lee look on the net and you will find more links and BTW here are a few links concerning going into Iraq for oil: http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/43045/ and

  25. Ok, I’ve got time, Gary, so I’ll go over these at my leisure, if you don’t mind.
    Your BBC-newsnight link gives nothing more than you do: assertions. One guy who says he attended some “secret meeting” where “things were said”; a couple of others who say they “heard things” from people; and a claim they have “documents” that corroborate what they “say”. Not surprising is the “documents” aren’t availabe to read(there’s a link to a “partial transcript” of the documents, which leads nowhere). Nothing but “assertions”. However, the question that came to my mind(assuming the article is “factual”) is: If the U.S. wanted to “destroy” OPEC, why Iraq, when the Saudis and Gulf Emirates at the core of OPEC weren’t attacked, considering that it would have been easier militarily, and the “case” against their cooperation with terrorists is “stronger”? Sure, you can say “Mecca and Medina”, but they’re not in Bahrain, Omar, or UAE, are they?
    Strike one. More debunking later. Others feel free to do so if my “pace” is a little slow.

  26. Condi’s “quote”: taken out of context. Thanks for the link to “that” transcript that “does” exist for all to see the truth there. Anyone else agree? I’ll let the “room” decide?

  27. Decide. Meant to be a “statement”, not a “question”. See above about “typing errors”.

  28. Always cheap shots aftere a reasoned argument Lee? Is that fair? Even a Jewish blog from Israel condems Condi Rice. And Chevron named that tanker after her, not the government. But she didn’t want to look too pro oil so she had it changed.

    BTW let Cheney reveal what went on with his little secret energy meeting, and you will see that what I am saying is true. He is hiding because he has something to hide. If he has nothing to hide let him reveal what went on. He won’t because it was about dividing Iraq oil wealth. Why do you think Britain was so interested? BP, thats why. People are dead in Texas because of BP and their negligence in the refinery there. They will stop at nothing to make money. When will the middle class quit taking it in the shorts for Bush and his rich cronies.

    BTW did you know that the Taliban were wined and dined in Texas in 1997? Did you know that the head of Afghanistan was once affiliated with Unocal?? Did you, Lee?

  29. “Cheap shots”, moi? So far, I’ve debunked two of your “assertions”, and all you’ve done is respond with MORE. How is pointing out your obvious lies “cheap”? Let me give you a “real” example of “cheap”(after all, if I’m going to be “convicted”, I might as well be “guilty” to make it worth MY while): “Typical neo-nazi crap!” “Part ‘Jewish’ my ass!” I named my dog “Vader”. Does that mean I’m in a conspiracy with the “dark side”?
    I’ve also noticed that since your original posting(at least the first one I noticed), you no longer provide a link to your “homepage”, which shows your shared ideology with, if not actually, christian identity, a white supramacist organization(pointed out by me at the time). That’s what I call “cheap”, nazi boy(you sure you’re not TC? I also notice the two of you are never in the same place at the same time. Coincidence?).
    More debunking to come.

  30. AlterNet a “credible” source? Just look them up on wiki: “Category: Alternative Media(U.S. political left)”. This is WIKIPEDIA’S definition. They are an “opinionated” website. Arrianna Huffington? Molly Ivins?
    Strike THREE! Yooooooo’rrrrrrreeeeee OUT!

  31. newcovenanttheology.comLee I have no affiliation with any white supremist organization. You are a sick puppy. Arrianna Huffington used to be a conservative before she found out what they really were about. You have debunked none of my arguments. You would rather attack me personally, which is to say you have no argument. That is ok, God knows.

    I put various webpages as my page, and they all are mine. The main page is http://www.newcovenanttheology.com which deals with the fact that the Gentiles are turning away from Christ and those with Jewish blood may hear the revealed truth about Christ, while the Gentiles will be hardened according to Romans Ch 11. That has nothing to do with white supremacy. It has to do with God showing mercy on Jews and maybe even now starting to turn his back on the Gentiles.

    God only chooses, or predestines a few you know, Lee.

    Other personal links of mine that are not theological in nature are http://bushliar.newcovenanttheology.com and http://housebubble.newcovenanttheology.com

  32. So, Gary, your beliefs just happen to “coincide” with christian identity, huh?
    If all men and women are predestined to heaven or hell, faith is FOLLY! Good works are no more valuable than bad ones. Rituals are ridiculous. Martyrdom(even in the Christian sense) is madness. Eat, drink, and be merry, for “god” sealed our fate. You are saying “god” created most of us knowing he would send us to hell. Wow…that is one f&*%$# up god.
    It does give another indication of your “inner nazi”, though. Hitler called his guiding spirit “Fate”, too.(Mein Kampf, pg 1: “Today I consider it my good fortune that Fate designated the small town of Braunau as the place of my birth.”)
    This is the inverse of Judeo-Christianity, where we are given the choice to love God(Yahweh) or reject Him.

  33. Oh, and by the way, I have both debunked your arguments and “attacked” you personally. Nazis are my pettest of peeves. Nothing personal, Nazi boy.

  34. Lee I am not talking with you again. Just because I have unravelled your simple, and neatly boxed world is no reason to call me a Nazi. I have presented the facts, and others can ponder them and decide. You will do nothing to hide these facts, and they will come out more and more.

    Your mad rantings will not change the facts. I am done with you.

  35. What Gary means is that he has come to the conclusion that I can’t be “brainwashed” by his propaganda, so he will focus his attention on the rest of you “gullable readers”. Good luck with that, Gary. I’m sure you will be more successful at Aryan Nations, The Order, and fark.com.

  36. I am sure you will realize that I am right someday. In the meantime, I hope others will read what I think about the commander and thief. You are a slanderer for no good reason. I back up my comments. You just try to get under people’s skin sort of like the three year old that you are, Lee. Grow up little man!!! http://bushliar.newcovenanttheology.com

  37. You to are two big bithes that like to argue dumb son of a bitch and Gary what the hell are you thinking…

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