Home » The sky of 9/11


The sky of 9/11 — 19 Comments

  1. The only aviation term that I can think of to refer to such a sky would be “ceiling unlimited”…meaning that no cloud cover obscured any portion of the sky; that there was no “ceiling” to visibility.

  2. The sky was the same here in southeastern PA where I live. It was really striking, and I still think of 9/11 when I see a sky like that.

    This year it was overcast, though.

    Tom Myers:

    No, it was that clear and blue on the morning of 9/11, before the planes were grounded.

  3. The pilot term is CAVU. (pronounced caa’voo)
    It means “Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited”

    The ceiling is the height of the cloud layer and the visibility is how clear the air is – clarity being a function of how much moisture or particulate is floating around in the air. Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited essentially means no clouds and crystal clear air all the way into space. This is what makes that deep blue sky.

    Understand that CAVU conditions happen all the time. Usually during the Indian Summer days of early autumn and on those cold crisp days of mid-winter. (Very cold air is almost always very dry.)

    The thing that made the morning of 9/11 so different, if I recall correctly, is that those CAVU conditions existed over the entire eastern half of the US that day.

    That deep blue sky was so memorable because so many people experienced it.

  4. Roy:
    Understand that CAVU conditions happen all the time.

    True, but the northeastern US is not noted for it, as any amateur astronomer could tell you. 🙂

  5. I knew you would come through for me! “Severe clear” was the term I was thinking of. That CAVU information was interesting, as well.

    And I agree that CAVU conditions are rare in the northeast US. As I said, I can never recall seeing a sky that blue before, and I’ve lived in the Northeast most of my life.

  6. Very intensive blue sky usually is a result of an arctic anticyclone. Such aerial masses almost lack dust and humidity, and turbulence is almost totally absent. New England at summer is usually influenced by Atlantic cyclons, but at Indian summer arctic anticyclones can sometimes block them from reaching eastern coast. Such condition is rare, but not exeptional.

  7. I can’t tell you dates, but I grew up in the ‘backwoods’ of southeastern New Hampshire (when there still was such a thing) and can remember days like that. I think it is the emotional reaction to the day that makes it seem so striking. I remember walking along the waterfront to get to the bus (I didn’t want to take the subway) and looking up into the sky and feeling that there was no place to hide.

  8. I think it’s called Bush Blue, on the day he ordered the attack on 3,000 of his own civilians and cunts like you keep protecting him – hope you feel proud. I’m looking forward to sheparding you into the ovens when the next holocaust kicks in – can’t wait.

  9. Here’s a bomb for you, Maxx. If Bush doesn’t get you first; you never know.
    There’s more where it came from, including the big one.

  10. Yes, the sky was clear and beautiful in Indiana on that day too. I remember being in a pretty good mood because of it, going in to a job I enjoy, thinking that life’s pretty good.

    Things can change in an instant. Still, you take happiness where you find it, and I have no regrets about thinking at quarter till 8 that day “This’ll be a day to enjoy”. I of course had no idea of the horror that was in store for later, but that doesn’t change the fact that the day still started out beautiful. And that subsequent beautiful days should still be appreciated, in spite of the ugliness in this world, because the beauty is stll there.

  11. I’m keeping Maxx’s comment up as an all-too-perfect demonstration of the mindset of the enemy.

    Maxx, by the way, is a new troll, although his origins are similar to many of the old trolls; in this case, Britain once again.

  12. Maxx, by the way, is a new troll, although his origins are similar to many of the old trolls; in this case, Britain once again.

    It’s not surprising that so many of thse trolls come from Britain. More blowback from the “covenant of security”, under which Britain gave extremists and known terrorists refuge under the condition that they would only attack other nations, not Britain.

    Of course, they didn’t read the fine print in that agreement.

    So, Maxx, which breed of fascist are you? Are you a Red Ken Livingstone follower, an old-style right wing BNP fascist, a fan of George-the-Cat Galloway, a random stopper, a RESPECT member, one of the many London School of Economics graduates who launder terrorist cash or just a leftist who hates in the name of peace and justice?

    Once Blair leaves office, I’d guess that these groups are to come under more scrutiny. It’s not Churchill’s England anymore.

  13. You are wise to leave Maxx’s comment in place, Neo. What a perfect, succinct illustration of delusional conspiracy theorizing, sexism, anti-semitism, and sheer vicious dopiness, all in a couple of sentences. It will do more harm to his side to leave it right where it is than Maxx ever could have thought he might do to your side by posting it.

  14. “Maxx” must be very proud of himself by now, railing against an irrational hate-filled neo-neoconn. Certainly, we could all be persuaded to his point of view thru the power of his reasoned discourse.

  15. Actually CAVU conditions are regular in the early fall (or late summer) in NYC at least. The sun is at a different angle and the humidity is lower. Thy sky is a brillian blue. I remember many of those days when I lived/worked in NYC. One was especially memorable sitting in Yankee Stadium.

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