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Impeachment: in the Technorati top ten — 9 Comments

  1. I find the “Bush is not my president” thing to be very revealing. I don’t mean to pidgeonhole people, but aren’t some of these people the ones who decry the division of our nation and speak of “uniting rather than dividing”?

    An amusing sticker is the one that says “Bush/Orwell 2004” which these people believe to convey the message that Bush is big brother. What is amusing is that Orwell was the one to shatter (in my mind) the illusion of socialism as savior to all. I am often told that Bush is “Orwellian” by many “liberals”. I suppose the irony is that these people display as much paranoia and arrogance as what they claim that the republicans hold (think “Democratic Underground” or “True Majority”). It almost becomes satire .That is my bit anyway.

  2. It’s a Big Lie Propaganda Technique. Not very effective, although effective enough to convince some black people that they were “flooded intentionally”. And I guess that counts for “progress” for the far left.

    The Big Lie can be summarized as “When you lie, lie big and bold, on the basis that little lies are hard to believe but big lies are so audacious people cannot help but trust in it. And when you lie like that, you KEEP lieing, until people believe it.”

    Like I said, not exactly the most skillful use of propaganda. Quite unimaginative.

  3. Impeachment is the final check. What are “high crimes and misdemeanors”?
    As (I believe) Gerald Ford said, “Anything we (the Congress) want it to be.”

    But of course, the liberal cries for impeachment have all the rationality of a 4 year old pitching a fit in Walmart.

  4. I don’t think the impeachment thing is the most serious trend at this time. At KOS and DU there have been numerous posts and comments about Katrina and what they believe was an attempt at “genocide.” The comments don’t just pose a strange question, they posit that it was IN FACT genocide and that it needs to reach the international courts. In short, they want George to be seated next to Slobadan. And this is only the tip of the wierdness.

  5. “Bush is not my President.” reminds me of the Passover story of the four sons.

    Each of the four sons symbolize a different type of Jewish person. One son is wise, another is simple (this son is regarded as simple because of his indifference and unconcern), still another is wicked, and the final one is very young in age, too young to inquire about Passover, and therefore silent.

    The wise son inquires about why the Jews practise the customs of Passover. Those assembled at the Passover seder table respond in unison, describing this son as wise, since he wants to know more about the Passover traditions of his people.

    The simple and indifferent son asks in more general terms what is all this he sees at the Passover seder table. Those at the Passover seder table respond by educating and reminding the simple and indifferent son about G-d’s favors toward the Hebrews during the time of slavery in Egypt, and the importance of remembering and observing them, and remembering them with gratitude.

    The wicked son wants no part of the Passover traditions and asks why the Jewish people – other than him – practise the customs of Passover. Those at the Passover seder table respond by describing this son as wicked, since he thinks Passover customs are meant to be practised by other Jews, but not him.

    Finally, the young and silent son who does not know enough to inquire is simply told about the Passover story in accordance with the biblical command: “And thou shalt tell thy son in that day, saying: it is because of that which the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt”.

    The BDS’s among us remind me of the Wicked Son.

  6. I was against Clinton since the moment he gamed the system here in NH in the ’92 primary, moving from a campaign of meeting and speaking to one of controlled contact — and it worked, dammit. But the idea of impeaching him never crossed my mind until the 900 FBI files including his political opponents ended up at the White House. That was the moment I suspected we were up against a sociopath, rather than a particularly good opportunist. Even then, it was not until there was a felony accusation of perjury that I pushed for impeachment. It just isn’t done.

  7. It looks a bit disturbing on the surface of it, but realize there’s a concerted effort by the Bush Derangement Syndrome victims on the blogging left to put it there and keep it there. See NZ Bear’s post titled “Gaming Technorati” for a lesson on how it’s done (with reference to another search term).

  8. I lived in San Jose, CA in 1973 and remember, just after the Saturday Night Massacre, seeing a bumper sticker which read, “DON’T IMPEACH; CASTRATE”

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